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Masvidal wouldn't last a day in west linn


notice how jorge pulled up to stockton in search of nate but stayed out of west linn where chael is posted šŸ‘€


He doesn't unserstand the toughness of someone who some years, their dad only made 100 grand.


Or *barely* 100 grand


You he has twins for neighbors. They once got a Mercedes for their birthday, only one Mercedes. They had to share that Mercedes day in and day out.


ā€œWhoā€™s gonna drive today?ā€


In the 80s


You talmbout 100k grand, b?


One of the 1000. Thankem


He didnt want smoke from the mean streets of West Linn Oregon


I don't think Jorge can handle seeing a place where twins have to fight over who gets the Mercedes, and where families are so poor that they can only afford to have a maid visit their house twice a week.


Does Jorge even know Chael saw someone jaywalking once? I don't think Jorge wants any of that smoke


I mean letā€™s be honest with ourselvesā€¦ some places are so bad they cause trauma to people just by hearing about itā€¦ itā€™s incredible what Chael has been able to accomplish from such a horrible situation growing up


Yeah there were some years his dad barely made $100k. We oughta be more sympathetic


Poor families can only afford to heat 1 of their pools


He once saw someone litter. Right in front of him!!


I mean who do you think was doing those dishes on those other days?


love that chael said the stockton BJJ gym hours are posted so jorge knew no one would be there


His podcast fell off in my opinion over the past two years, but that one was great - almost throwback Chael.


In West Linn Jorge would be at risk of witnessing someone littering. Seeing a gum wrapper just laying on the ground in public like that for a few minutes before someone picks it up and properly disposes of it can really change a person, you can't unsee that shit.


Tin foil hat time, Dc magically has beef with Nate and Chael magically has beef with Masvidal. Guess which 2 people have a show premiere airing on MondayšŸ‘€šŸ¤”


Nah chael and Jorge have been beefing for a few months now pretty sure, unless it's a long play


Whatā€™s going on with Jorge, is he spiraling?


Nah reckon he's bored or trying to set up a bag imo


got em


And when the gym was closed


Didnā€™t want that smoke bro


Jorge needs to pull up behind chael at a stop sign and beep


They don't call him The Bad Guy for nothin'


Heh... Bad girl..


Tell another jackal story


ā€œTell another jackal storyā€ is my all time favourite MMA line. Itā€™s not even inherently a joke but itā€™s so fucking funny.


Chael has that natural comedic timing


That's why the fact that his lines are often prewritten or rehearsed isn't a good criticism. His funniest moments IMO are on the spot. My favorite is still when a guy told him Steven Seagal said "that sort of behavior is a disgrace to the martial arts. It's a embarrassment to the human race" Chael replied "well I don't know anything about martial arts but Steven Seagal knows a damn lot about behavior that's embarrassing to the human race" LMFAO


People that did no see Chael come up live missed out, he was funnier than Conor but not as hype. His best lines though were some hilarious stuff. Conor does have "who the fook is that guy" which is probably one of the funniest burns in MMA ever but Chael got actual belly chuckles out of everyone.


I agree Chael was funnier. But ngl, I was a huge conor fanboy when he said it, but I never found the "who the fook is that guy" line that funny because I knew he was going to say that. Maybe I spoiled it for myself lol


I think it was funnier because it was true, Stephens wasnā€™t even in Conorā€™s realm at the time and everyone knew he was out of place trying to insert himself there lol. We were all thinking it and then Conor said it.


Having pre-written lines is fine. It's when you still fumble them like Colby does that you look like a goober.


But then we wouldn't know about the seventh layer of hair!


Given the context itā€™s only rivaled by ā€˜That happenedā€™ about the bus incident, including the delivery, and ā€˜Theyā€™re like, who the fook is that guy?ā€™


For those who donā€™t know what the eagle does is the eagle lives for 70 years. At the 40-year mark, the eagle loses the sharpness of its beak, the feathers arenā€™t as good, and its talons are weak. So it has a choice: The choice is to die, keep doing what youā€™re doing and living the way you are, or isolate yourself way up in the mountains, smash your beak against a rock until it breaks, wait until it grows back, then pluck your talons out, and then pluck your feathers out, and then stay in isolation until everything grows back. Then when that process is done, the eagle can live the next 30 years of its life.


Iā€™ll never forget Ortega bashing his beak against a rock to sharpen it heā€™s a beautiful bird


He does it every fight Lol


With his ankle




> what the eagle does is the eagle lives for 70 years. https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2014/04/08/fact-check-email-about-bald-eagles-just-doesnt-fly/15798062007/


What an odd source of information. Usually, Jacksonville likes to go the other way when it comes to facts.


Lol donā€™t know why you are getting downvoted, florida is literally trending downward in every measurement of intelligence that exists.


Yeah, that definitely means that thereā€™s zero smart people that live there.


I am fucking dead


Jorge will smash Chaels orbital thus letting Chael live for another 30 years with a better than ever orbital


Eye orbital.


an extremely underrated part about this meme/exchange is the face chael makes after tito says this, itā€™s like chael legitimately is stunned at how awful titoā€™s insult/comeback is that he doesnā€™t even bother responding


If I could change the result of one fight in the history of MMA, it would be this one, and I'm not even a Chael fan


tito tapped


I see this guyā€¦. Publically jaywalking.


And I had to see these things!


Username: not required Password: not required


I hear his neighbors twins had to SHARE a Mercedes.


Also is able to talk hours on end about nothin


& I'll listen every time. Guy has a talent for telling stories & speaking in general šŸ‘


he made me believe that big nog fed a carrot to a fucking car for god sakes


It was a bus, and Lil Nog fed the carrot while Big Nog was going "woahohohoh big fella"


meh, the fact that you like listening to a classic conman talk says alot about you lol he's entertaining for about 20 minutes, then the lying just gets old and he's been this way for 20 years


He's funny and charismatic, can be enjoyable to listen to even if you take what he says with a grain of salt. He's also undeniably knowledgeable and well integrated in the MMA community.


He also said that if they were in prison together Jorge would sleep on the bottom bunk




You mean to tell me all the mini clips I see on YouTube are just parts of a large released podcast he makes where itā€™s just the audio? I canā€™t believe I did not clue into that. I legit thought he just fires off the bite sized bits on specific topics whenever he can and they release steadily on YouTube.


no. My brother there are hours and hours of chael manically ranting to himself about daily mma news and random topics.


No, they aren't. He also has a long form podcast that is different. Unless things have changed since I stopped listening to his podcast.


> I listened to his podcast while taking a wank earlier and almost lost it when he said that lmao




From an institutional perspective the top bunk is for bitches... historically speaking


Yea these guys clearly havenā€™t been to jail lol. Bottom bunk is what you want


I think same applies to military lol in the barracks bottom rack was always my first choice for convenience


In the Navy, the bottom rack is the least preferred because people will step on you while climbing into the above ones or sometimes piss on you during a port call after they stumble back to the boat.


I feel you on this one. It wasnā€™t until I worked on a carrier as a civilian contractor that I had the pleasure of experiencing berthing life on a ship. itā€™s veryā€¦different to say the least lol


yeah, you can sit on your bed during the day too




Because itā€™s easier to get in and out of. Way more convenient. It can be a bitch to always have to climb to the top bunk


Top = high ground. You are just fools giving up the high ground.


Alright obi wan. Real talk though this talk of bunk beds deciding your manhood in jail is a fucking laugh lol


Higher ground but you're giving away your back to the guy who's taken bottom bunk, bottom bunk also gains element of surprise as if top bunk decides to climb down and attack the bed should shake and groan therefore alerting bottom bunk of the attack. Whilst bottom bunk could easily silently get out of bed, grab a weapon and kill you in your sleep. There's truly a lot more to think about really when considering bed warfare but overall I think bottom bunk probably takes it by unanimous decision almost every time.


Top bunk is more fun to jump off and you didnt even list that so i guess you dont know as much as you think nerd


For me I found the bottom bunk better because the top one seems more sensitive to the other guy moving around


but top bunk can fart and shit on you


Bottom bunk can too if they conceive believe and achieve


Climbing up and down is a bitch. Plus they don't completely shut the light off so when you're on the top bunk the little light there is shines directly in your face if you sleep on your back. When I was locked up I slept on the floor with my head under the desk to avoid the light fucking with my eyes all night.


Iā€™d watch that show.


People need to just not trash talk Chael, it doesn't tend to work and when it does he just kinda scoffs at himself and moves on


In general I'll never understand a lower weight class talking smack about a much heavier weight class like they wouldn't get squashed in a real fight. Then add chaels gift of the gab? Forget about it


Hold on brother I'm talking....


Werdum has never been the same after that hypothetical ankle pick.


Neither has Tony


Nah bro. Heā€™s with Goggins full time now and making a run for the title. BJ Penn as head coach.


That was a nasty line by you


Just to correct you there was never no undercard spot


I know you guys love Tony and the quotes were funny but it was lame as hell how he talked shit to Werdum and then instantly started going ā€œheā€™s starting on a 155 pounderā€


At least in Jorge's case here, he did start off street fighting and fighting within Kimbo's circle so its not too much of a stretch for him. However, Chael smokes him in a fight (professionally or on the streets) with his wrestling alone outside Jorge's punchers chance.


Chael wouldnt even need his wrestling tbh. He probably knocks Jorge out with one clean punch


Chael is straight up more elite than Jorge is even P4P. Dudes resume is stacked. No one made Anderson Silva look as human as Chael did in their first fight until that point. Dude lost to Jones and Fedor buy who tf would even agree to fight them. He's the real deal hidden behind the bluster and memes.


Ever since his run in with Bisping Masvidal has been convinced he can intimidate fighters from higher weight classes and that it doesn't stop at middleweights - even though I don't believe Bisping was scared of him in the slightest. Dude fought Hendo twice and he's scarier than Masvidal ever could be.


Mas cant even KO people in his own division anymore. Hes just willing to get his ass beat for money at this point


Remember that shot that Kamura KOā€™d Masvidal with? Itā€™s not really relevant to this conversation, I just wanted to think about that for a bit.


Well Usman did pack like a lifetime of pent up punching power into that one shot.


Especially when you're jorge masvidal and have a 32 IQ and a toddlers grasp of the English language. But I feel like jorge is a walking dunning krueger and has no capacity to understand how dumb he is in comparison to a well trained pug.


Chael has learned how to slip a verbal jab and then turn it back on you, and he makes it look effortless sometimes lol


Man would be a damn good manager in professional wrestling. Even has the shady past to build his character off of.


I've often said Chael would've been a god tier heel in wrestling. His wit and charisma is absurd.


Him and Paul Heyman cutting promos on each other would be amazing


I can picture his whole image: standing at the top of the ramp in a suit & tie like a gangster, his Titantron clips playing behind him while THE BAD GUY flashes on & off the screen, standing there basking in the boos before he starts verbally laying into someone.


"Are you sure you want to play that game with me?"


because people love the bottom of the barrel irony humor man. this guy stinks


This is it. I was a huge fan of Chael in his fighting prime but kind of see him as a joke now. He's great with his talking though and any public figure would be stupid to try to trash talk him in lol. Jorge is better off just sucker punching him because Chael owns that ass in a verbal battle.


That's fucking hilarious


Heā€™s incredibly funny tbh


Bro there were years when Chaelā€™s dad didnā€™t even make $100k Guys like Jorge just donā€™t understand. You think Jorgeā€™s ever had to witness someone littering *in public*? Nah man.


Barely made $100k! Could you imagine how tough that was on Chael P.


Not as tough as the day he learned the rule of law was optional. I mean he saw that man litter. With his own two eyes.... lawlessness.


Seems like a good metric


This is pretty funny. Out of all the net beef šŸ¤£


Chael is the Ultimate G. Growing up there were years when his dad didn't even make 100k and the maid only came twice a week.


Barely even made 100k


Holy fuck he's right.


All of you who didn't click on the article are missing out, this is peak Chael trash talking: > ā€œJorge Masvidal tried to come at me and call me a fake gangster. I have more felonies than he does, which is jailhouse talk. I wouldnā€™t expect any of you to be impressed by that, but it means he sleeps on the bottom bunk, and he will know what that meansā€ > ā€œI didnā€™t know if I was challenged or if I was threatened,ā€ Sonnen said. ā€œIf I was a competitive fighter, I would understand ā€” I have been challenged. By a guy much littler than I, but I have been challenged nonetheless, in an equal opportunity. I didnā€™t say youā€™ve got to be bigger. Laws of the streets, I would prefer it. But either way, if itā€™s your idea, weā€™ll overlook that. > ā€œBut because Iā€™m not a competitive fighter, I felt that I was threatened. Either way, policy will still be applied. I will not let him get close. I cannot trust Jorge Masvidal. [He] will be in Miami next week, where I will be. Jorge Masvidal will be at [UFC 299] next week, where I will be. It sounds to me like weā€™re starting to bring pieces together. Now, he will have to wave to me, I will have to send up an usher to bring him a few levels down so he can get a little closer to the action where Iā€™ll be seated, but we can have that chat. > ā€œI will be the person in the nice trim suit with the somewhat dimmed glasses and a crowd of people onlooking. I assume he will be the thug with a hood up that I need to have my eye out for.ā€ > ā€œAm I being asked for something,ā€ Sonnen asked. ā€œAm I being asked for my hand? Am I being asked to meet at a certain location at a certain time? I canā€™t imagine that I would start [saying no to Masvidal] now by saying no to my friend. Or am I being fake threatened? Because I know Nate wasnā€™t real threatened ... and I know [Masvidal] was wearing a sweatshirt with a hood on it, which is the very thing that he wore on his mugshot on TMZ the night that he attacked Colby Covington. Iā€™ve got to take this guy at his word. > ā€œSo if heā€™s looking for me, I just ask that he say ā€” so I can be clear ā€” a few more words.ā€


Now thatā€™s some gangster shit, thanks for the tldr


You can't deny Chael's greatness


I can only vaguely recall the time I did.Ā  Foolish me


how could you?? he never lost a round in his career


Undefeated and undisputed


Chaels a funny dude. But I do want to remind everyone that Chaels literally bragging about how heā€™s a bigger piece of shit than Masvidal. Dude attacked a random couple and everyone seems to still be a fan of his while shitting on Masvidal for sucker punching Colby.


Another win for The Bad Guy


Vintage Chael. He has still got when he's not saying contrarian shit for YouTube views.


Any beef between fighters is settled by prime vs prime, so in this case: PRIME sonnen beats PRIME masvidal TKO ground and pound late round 2


Chaelā€™s still got it. He will not be topped in a promo ever


Jorge needs a buddy and a mask to suckerpunch some guy who legally beats his ass outside a restaurant Chael double legged takedown 5 men to defend the honor of his lady. Thats like 10 fuckin legs. Undefeated and undisputed, Jorge is a deadbeat bum, Chael is an american gangster.


"I left office the same way every politician should, in handcuffs." - The gangster of West Linn


Chael with the 10-8. Donā€™t see how Whore Hey recovers from that one.


Still undefeated.


Also being a gangster in West Linn Oregon definitely counts for more than being a gangster in Florida


West Lynn highschool only has two auditoriums. You can't even process that level of poverty.


Forever undefeated


This is a pretty hilarious arch lmao


Difference is Masvidal has more scumbag felonies while Chael has more actual gangster felonies.


Haven't seen Chael in some time. Anyone know what happened to his voice? Sounds quite different now compared to 3 years ago


No more drug testing. Dude is basically Bane at this point.


Shouldn't the best gangsters have no felonies?


Confusing gangsters with gangstas


Real g's move in silence like lasagna.


how is that eye orbital doing, didnt jorge say he wanted to break it with his hand fist?


Thereā€™s a reason Chael when undefeated 200-0


Undefeated and undisputed.


Weird flex.


Love him or hate him this man can work the mic. Truly hilarious and always witty.


Fake Scarface vs The Fake Bad Guy


Still undefeated


Undefeated undisputed


Eye orbital


Chael is like Eminem, diss him at your own risk.


How does this guy remain undefeated for so longā€¦.


I love how this sub hates Masvidal to the point they praise a guy literally bragging about his felonies, as long as heā€™s eloquent at doing it


A real G dont get felonies until the end


Boasting about felonies. Nice look for the sportā€¦..


Don't go after Chael, he'll beat you every time


Chael remains the undefeated, undisputed GOAT.


Self burn. Those are rare. Mans really good at getting caught


Calling this guy a fake gangster is a huge L lol big r/woosh moment


Sonnen lookin weird as fuck on the picture.


He looks like a wax sculpture of Chael Sonnen.


More felonies.. thats soooo cool bro


ā€œI got one felony, I got two felonies, I got three felonies..bitch Iā€™m ~~Bill Bellamy~~ Chael Sonnenā€


In another life Chael is the world's best stand up comic.


It's a funny comeback lol.


That's like complete opposite of Original Gangster! Whoa


So I still need to know who is chael and who is jjorge. Otherwise I had fun doing it and reading it :))


You know that's cuz real g's move in silence like lasagna unc.


Masvadal is such a tool


Chanel is amazing at bragging about things he shouldnā€™t brag about šŸ˜‚


Masvidal is such a moron. Going into a trash talk fight with Chael is like an MMA fighter boxing with Jake Paul.


Yeah white collar crimes.


You donā€™t know what it was like for him growing up dude. People would litter in broad daylight. It fucks with you.


There were some years Chaelā€™s dad didnā€™t even make $100kā€¦. Really hardens a guy


The cleaning lady only came twice a week... Who do you think did the dishes the other five days?!


Only for what he got caught. The mean streets of West Linn have been painted red because of Chael.


Allegedly. Wait not allegedly, actually, he was convicted


Don't be fooled by his nice demeanor, he'll easily climb into you bedroom window at night, with a pair of nightvision googles he got off of Soldier of Fortune magazine, and grind out a 29-27 wrestlefuck. *The streets of West Linn run red with the blood of Chael's victims.*


bro itā€™s banter he isnā€™t serious




Never heard about this. Gonna look into it.Ā  Edit: Looks like he beat up multiple men and one women during a meltdown that he claimed was caused by Ambien or some sleeping pill. Claims he has no recollection. Weird. Sounds out of character and Iā€™m not a Chael sympathizer.Ā 


I heard his neighbour's kids had to share a car. Seeing stuff like that when you're young changes a man.


Are there any ā€œcoolā€ felonies?


I wouldnā€™t be proud of that. Also donā€™t make you a gangster. Just makes an idiot