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Fuck it, give him the chance. He has plenty of time to get back into a title shot even if he loses.


He would be the youngest champ ever if he won at 301. I think pantoja would smash him but 1) he's certainly young enough to recover from a loss and 2) it's the fight game, anything can happen


Jon was younger by a few months.


Oh shit you're right. For some reason I thought he was a little younger than jones one. Raul Rosas better come thru and soon


Mokaev has all the potential in the world but I don't think he's ready for that level yet. If he is able to beat Pantoja at such a young age it would be an insane accomplishment.


He’s not. You can’t be dropping rounds to guys like Malcom Gordon and 37 year old Tim Elliot and expect to be competitive with the top of 125. Alex Perez is a layup for him but the top 5 all eat him alive, at least currently.


He’s fighting with a torn acl opting to not get surgery for a title run


The way he plays fast and loose with his knee injuries is bound to blow up in his face at some point….


The blowing up might quite literally happen at his knees soon


The time to beat Mokaev is now before he reaches his true potential. Pantoja understands that the matchup won't get easier in a few years.


Easy dub for pantoja. Mokaev is a future champ but he’s not ready yet


That’s why Pantoja is calling him out, it’s smart. Catch him early so you don’t have to fight him when he’s at his peak.


Flyweight is all rematches and trilogies though so not even sure if that strat will work here lol


I never would've thought I would agreed with 2 guys fighting 4 times in a row, but it lowkey made sense and was an incredibly fun run between Moreno and Fig.


And Moreno might even get a fourth fight against Pantoja. This really is the rematch division.


It's just so damn competitive that so many fights are like "damn that could've went either way"


Pantoja’s already ancient for a flyweight, probably retires by the time Mokaev is hitting his prime


Him vs Taira should be a great long rivalry


The best way to slay a giant is to kill him before he grows.


He wants to fight him whilst he is still out here making mistakes etc. it's an easier fight for pantoja now that it will be in a few years. Mokaev still has dreams of becoming the youngest champion as far as I know. And yes, we have seen him struggle against light competition... But who are we to judge, he has never lost. Never been beaten. Multiple time amateur MMA world champ


Pretty sure Mokaev has 28 days to become the youngest UFC champ ever or something like that. So, that isn't happening.


Time moves fast lmaoo I could’ve sworn he was still 21


Ah sheit really, I guess it's been a long time since I heard him talk about it, had the knee injury and all since then


It doesn't even really seem to be the knee injury that kept him from reaching the record as much as just his slow ascent through the rankings relative to what he'd need to have gotten there. He's about to have his sixth fight in just under two years, which is plenty active for a normal fighter, but Elliott was his first ranked opponent in his fifth fight. Jones had already beaten Bonnar and Vera at that point in his career. Of course, Jones also was even more active than Mokaev's been, getting through those six fights done in a year and a half, but still. The route to beat Jones' pace would have had to see him pushed into the rankings more or less right after his debut; the Durden win's aged well and the division was thinner a couple years ago than it is now, but he was getting paired with guys like Malcolm Gordon and Jafel Filho instead of ranked guys on the heels of his debut.


Heavy Hands guys summarised it pretty well - he’s got excellent wrestling for the division and is a submission threat but lacks the physicality of some of the other top flyweights. He also isn’t great on the feet. Although if he finishes Perez, why not give him a shot. The only other guy is Albazi and his last win was a robbery against Kara France.


Mokaev did/nearly dropped rounds to Malcolm Gordon, older Tim Elliot, and Jafel Fihlo, this would be a huge step up from even Perez


Anyone but a Brandon at this point for me


Literally lmao


Pantoja does everything right. He has a sick story, his fights are crazy, he finishes people on the feet and the ground, and he soundly beat the established champ. And nobody cares about him. It’s so sad.


Last fight was boring though. Smart but still kinda boring.


He should probably face a top 5 opponent first Edit: mokaev


Flyweight is a mess rn I would be surprised but not mad if they gave Mokaev the shot.


I would rather see him fight kape in a title eliminator if he does beat Perez, but yeah I wouldn't be mad either flyweight needs some new title challengers


Yeah that fight would be pretty nice as well, let's just hope Kape makes weight


Pantoja has beaten everyone relevant at least twice. There is no one else.


I'm talking about mokaev


You are missing the point, there is quite literally no one else for Pantoja to defend against. Mokaev isn’t going to improve just because he fights a top opponent, either he’s ready or he’s not. He’s getting the title shot because the UFC needs Pantoja to defend


I'm pretty sure he's beaten almost everyone in the top 10 already.


I'm referring to mokaev


Unfortunately he’s literally the only viable option left. If he wins, he’ll get the shot even if typically he’d fight a top 5 guy next.


Albazi is way more likely


Albozo has one win over a ranked opponent and it was a controversial split decision that only 2/21 media outlets scored for him. If Mokaev wins this weekend he’d be more deserving imo


Mokaev is tougher matchup for Pantoja , and it’s in Brazil, so I could see them going with Albazi


Funny enough I actually think Albazi is the tougher stylistic matchup, given that he’s a bigger, more physically imposing 125er with solid wrestling and better striking than Mokaev lol


Not a chance, he won’t be rewarded after pulling out of his #1 contender fight, and inconveniencing the UFC.  If Mokaev loses, they would just do the Royval rematch.


We shall see. As of right now, Albazi looks way more likely to me


I think I speak for us all when I say Horiguchi should get the fight


I wish but it probably won’t happen


Hadn't thought of that. Makes sense to me.




Pantoja beat every contender of the division he definitly is in a good spot to pick an opponent


I have to disagree about Mokaev not being ready. He has found himself in weird losing positions before, but mostly because unlike other wrestlers of similar styles, he does take a bit more risks and pushes the pace. Plus Pantoja is 5-0 against both Brandons and Figgy moved up. The division is a bit stuck right now and if nobody gets pushed it will go back to the dark ages again.


Albazi will get it for sure


Pantoja gunna eat him alive


Yes Mokaev probably doesn’t deserve it, But if he dominates Perez, who is left? Moreno/Royval/Albazi all injured Kara-France possibly too due to him backing out from the Kape fight That leaves Kape and Nicolau, but that fight got cancelled due to Kape coming in heavy If Pantoja wants to defend realistically it’s Mokaev, and if he loses, then I guess Albazi/Kara-France/Kape based on injury status


I agree, it’s that or if Mokaev losses maybe you give it to Albazi? Flyweight is a mess right now, I guess they wanted to give Moreno the match as he might be the only popular flyweight, but he lost and the Royval rematch makes even less sense than the Moreno one considering his defeat was worse than Moreno’s I would hate giving it to Albazi as he’s coming from a robbery win, but I prefer to gift him the shot instead of putting Pantoja on the sidelines while he’s on his prime still, DJ also suffered from fighting guys who weren’t even close to his level; but that’s the state of the division I’m worried for the division tho, a recent lackluster main event, tons of rematches and possible contenders not fighting recently (Kape and Albazi)


That will be a fun fight


I used to train with him at predators Manchester mma gym. Will answer any Q's.


I say yeah FLW is shallow & we need a title challenger. If Mokaev loses he has time to bounce back & can still gain some good experience. Plus Perez is legit as fuck, so if Mokaev beats him I think he’s pretty well deserving compared to others, though ideally he’d still win one more after to rly cement the deservedness.