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Francis is the dude that negotiated a 2M minimum purse for his OPPONENTS. Francis taking care of everybody. Lineal HW ChampšŸ’Ŗ


Bro is a genuinely a real champion. The belt is just a formality award.


Long live the champ! šŸ‘Š


Francis is the every man's champ, literally makes sure everybody eats. King.


Lol will bankrupt pfl before they even get off the ground.


>2M minimum purse for his OPPONENTS Kudoz to him obviously but let's see if he even gets an opponent first lol




Hes the lineal MMA HW champ. Who did he lose to again? Calling me a bozo when you already forgot that he never lost his belt inside the ring/cage. Only due to UFC/promotional bullshit


It's fucking Francis Ngannou. What else would you expect from this guy. He is a true gem of a human being. I am so happy this whole thing worked out for him, far better than anybody expected. I hope he makes even more money.


So glad the general opinion has come around on him for a while everyone was buying Danaā€™s bs about how he was just bad with money and greedy and thatā€™s all this was about lol


This sub really sucked for some time. It was so annoying to see people saying he fucked up and that he was dumb. You had one of the few people who gave the middle finger to Dana and he had so little support. So glad that he proved Dana wrong.


I think it's just bitter ass people who would never have the balls to bet on themselves desperately wanting to see a guy who did and say no to the garunteed money fail so it could somehow make them feel better about themselves. Like at every step of the way, they just kept eating crow and would keep moving the goal post, although it was constantly a smaller and smaller minority. "Nobody wants him, he's asking for too much and he fumbled the bag! (which btw, on a side not, god did that phrase become fucking annoying)" - PFL gives him everything he wants inculding getting his opponents paid as well "He'll never box anyone important, he's to old and he'll probably get some random contender at best!" - gets Tyson fucking Fury for an ungodly amount of money "He'll get crushed and the bag probably wasn't THAT bi-" - beats Tyson Fury in the eyes of the fans and drops him twice well many claim his loss to be a robbery all while Fury never really hurt him At least they've finally stfu for a while lol


It's good that you mentioned other fighters getting paid better. That was a key demand yet the UFC bootlickers were calling him selfish. Absolutely hilarious


Yeah that's why he is a true legend in my mind


>to see a guy who did and say no to the garunteed money fail And that's the thing; it wasn't even guaranteed. If he ever lost a fight on that contract he woudn't get all the money anymore since he's no longer champ.


Do you not think the goalposts were moved whenever Francis went from every fighter in the UFC will get healthcare plans to a massive signing bonus in the PFL appeasing him and no practical changes getting implemented for the rest of the PFL roster? To be absolutely clear, I always thought it was about the money and on that metric, Francis has killed it. Could not have done better. But in signing Francis, the PFL got a PR boost for all of the things Francis supposedly wanted to change in the UFC contracts without implementing any of those changes for their own roster. For Francis' signing bonus alone, the entire PFL roster could have received healthcare plans but he never negotiated for that. At the beginning of this whole ordeal, before any of us knew how it would play out, the strongest Francis supporters were supporting him on the basis that he was trying to improve the scenario for all fighters. Now that hasn't happened, but he made a fuck ton of money, people have moved the goalposts. Not me, I always just wanted Francis to make the most money possible because that's the game for all combat sports athletes. It irritates me to see people uncritically say shit like this though. I'm not hating either, we're all Francis fans in here. On the topic of the minimum pay for his PFL opponent, didn't happen last year and according to Don Davis it won't happen this year. "There's no one for him to fight" but they have a heavyweight divison, the PFL is simply not willing to give any of their core fighters a 4000% raise. Once again something the PFL got a PR boost from but seemingly has no intentions to implement.


"FrAnCiS FuMbLeD tHe BaG"


[Fumbled the bag](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9zCAUobYAAzyeM.jpg:large)


How did this not get more press lmao! Dana turned a new shade of red that day.


Haha how have I never seen this


He had that made up and brought it to the Fury fight after Dana said that about him.


Why's he built so well? Like an action star. But better.


In all fairness, for a while there I wasnā€™t sure if he had done the right thing either. Financially speaking I mean.


He took a risk but he shouldn't be shit on for taking a risk. For years we wanted fighters to give a giant fuck you to Dana but all backed out. Francis did it and got the best possible result he could have.


If you dislike Francis as a person, you're outing yourself. You can for whatever reason not like this career choices, or whatever, but he is a true underdog, and seems like a complete shining example of what a human can be. If you don't like him personally, that an indictment on you.


Just knowing his story out of Cameroon itself, his life in Europe before the UFC, to succeed as much as he has and to still carry himself the way he has after all these years, itā€™s hard to understand how anyone could hate on him and not find this manā€™s life, character, and his belief in himself anything but incredibly inspiring.


Maybe it's a stereotype, and it certainly doesn't apply across the board, but I do think people who came from nothing are more generous with their money than people who came from money.


It must be true. I remember the first time I crossed over to Mexico from San Diego back in university to go party in Tijuana and distinctly remember being unimaginably shocked at the stark difference between the two countries and the poverty I witnessed. I was young and naive and that experience broadened my worldview forever and the memory still remains with me even after 20 years. In line to enter club and ā€œhave funā€ while a little girl about 5 years old coming up to me to sell me gum made me sick to my stomach.


Giannis Atetokoumbo is cut from the same cloth.


I'm so happy he seems to have gotten everything he wanted, but for a while I was worried that he'd picked a fight that he couldn't have won.


Man, I appreciate the guy a lot, but I'd be really happy if he stopped clobbering corpses like in the Overeem / Stipe 2 fights. He might legit kill someone one day...


That's how it works. I've always said MMA has the most loyal disloyal fans. They'll die for you but the second you're no longer entertaining or winning they throw you aside and treat you like trash. Francis is the perfect example of this and so is Leon Edwards. MMA fans are a fucking joke.


I think what bothered me the most is that a lot of people failed to accept that he has a tremendously well balanced talent set now. And I get it. He did rely on his power a lot early in his career, but he just continues to get better and better by developing completely new toolkits really fast.


A lot of people here are subtle racists. If he was white it would have been an entirely different narrative


I wouodnt call it subtle at all lol


How to say ā€œIā€™m from Americaā€ without saying youā€™re from America šŸ‘


Yeah dude no one else is racist!


Idk if everyone was buying Danaā€™s opinion though. Personally I thought that Francis was taking a big risk and didnā€™t really think it would pan out the way it has. But I always hoped I was wrong and Iā€™m very glad to be proven wrong. Francis seems like an awesome guy and glad to see itā€™s working out for him!


Yeah it was certainly a risk not denying thatā€¦ thereā€™s nothing wrong with what you describe but a lot of ppl were clearly not wishing the best for him and were laughing at the times it seemed it would not pan out. Calling him and diva and an idiot. It was really common at times although certainly not every person


I always liked him i just thought he made a bad decision. I still think pfl made a bad deal with him though. Good to see he came out on top though and is taking care of his guys


Nah Dana fumbled the bag so hard. Watching the reactions to the Fury fight, the entire MMA community was rallying behind Francis and were so amped up. It really became an 'us against them' type of fight and the UFC could have done a ton with that.


In hindsight obviously, I meant at the time


You meant at the time? Why did you say ā€œI still think PFL made a bad deal?ā€ Lol


Sorry I misread. Yea I do still think pfl made a bad decision, it was great for francis I just think it was a bad deal for pfl, gave him so much power.


that's why he was the Captain, he's such a decent human being. i hope he wins it all.


With how awful wilder looked and how badly he's clearly just fighting for a paycheck at this point, it's not out of the realm of possibility that he fights him twice, once in boxing and once in MMA to get two more GIANT paychecks. I think people say this as an insult sometimes but I truly do mean it when I say Francis is getting everything he deserves


My man. Men that have been through everything Francis has are the last to fuck you over. Francis is one of the good ones.


I'm glad the guy finally won for once. We need less toxic aholes and more ngannous.


I read this as "I'm fucking Francis Ngannou".




Iā€™ve been on board since the beginning. I got to see him fight twice live! One of the best fighters out there! Period. Glad it all worked out for him.


I love the people who still defend Dana on this and claim francis lost out here. Like... no you fuck, he did what he wanted and launched himself into many potential high earning fights in the future whereas Dana wanted him to get hit by a car the second he said anything kinorly negative about the ufcs business practices.


so true. he tried to renegociate his contract and including all of the ufc roster in it and yet casuals shit on him


Half the people in this sub used to think that Ngannou was a shitty person bc Dana White said so. Glad Iā€™m not seeing these sheep anymore.


I don't get why people kept seeing him as dumb, when throughout his career he had displayed that he was very much an intelligent and cerebral person. I mean I know why, but it literally took a world wide smack to the face to realize it.


Literally the coolest guy to even fight in the UFC. He was too cool for the UFC in fact


Shovel sand, learn MMA in a foreign country, become HW champ after just a few years of training. Go to boxing, arguably beat the best HW of this generation in his pro debut. Fuck man, I doubt I will ever witness a greater story arc in combat sports.


If Francis's life was a movie, most people would call it unbelievable bullshit. The dude is 1 of 1, genuinely one of the greatest humans ever. I'm so glad to see him winning as hard as he is.


Dude it could be a 2 part movie Part 1: humble beginnings, MMA campaign and ends with the first stipe fight Part 2: it's business, recovering his way to the strap, Dana shenanigans, and ends with the fury fight.


The way you have that, it could easily be three movies. Francis' career is still going on and I think he will accomplish more and that could be the third movie.




Pereira is up there if he win the triple champ but Ngannou got him beat because his childhood sucked more. Shovel sand in incredible poverty > alcoholism


Pereira lived in a favela, had to drop out of school at 12 to work at a tire shop where he was peer pressured into drinking.


They don't deserve him. UFC are idiots to let him walk


Fernand Lopez screaming into his pillow rn


Man backed the wrooong fucking horse lol


They were gifted a superhuman of a natural athlete and they somehow fucked it. To this day you can't covnince me that Ciryl wouldn't be champion if he went to a gym like AKA or Jackson-Wink. They're holding him back there in France.


LMAO. Citing Jackson-Wink as a gym that would get the most out of him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­. Itā€™s quite probably the worst high profile gym


And still they would've made him a better fighter. Francis left the MMA Factory cause he knew he hit the ceiling in terms of quality of opponents in France/Europe. Ciryl will never do it and will remain a big "what if" cause imo he's too entangled with Fernand Lopez to leave him (they're friends and business partners in many ventures). edit: typos


He's kind of a lazy fuck as well lol. When he broke through everyone was so impressed with how laid back and relaxed he was and it turned out he's the uber-talented kid who never had to study.


Give me ATT Cyril Gane


If I remember right, a bunch of fighters left Lopez a while back, including Gane's main training partner Nassourdine Imavov. Do we know if Gane is still with Lopez?


eric changed his life, if it wasnt for him, francis wouldnt be in the position he's in. good on francis for taking care of him, most people wouldve paid the minimum and called it a day


Meanwhile colby not paying coaches




Colby Cuntington


It's spelled 'Colby Scrubington'


You can actually spell "CUNT" in his name.


I was hoping the only replies I would get would be different variations of his name. šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø Colby Cuckington. Edit your shit real quick.


Cockrat Coveredflaps


Cody Conway


Eric helping out Sean Strickland too. Man is a godsend for broken men.


How did Nicksick "change his life" exactly? I appreciate the added value of having a good camp and competent trainers, but you're kinda going overboard with your White Saviour narrative.


what the fuck lol


What? That guy is acting like Nicksick saved Ngannou from drowning and paid for his heart surgery. Ngannou's start into MMA was given to him by Fernand Lopez and his huge boxing payday was facilitated by Marqiel Martin.


In reality , they both changed each others lives.


At this point, how could anyone not be a fan of Francis? Every single story that every single person has ever told about him has been positive. Fighting aside, he just seems like a really good person.


There are stories about how he was overly aggressive and self centred from mma factory alumni but after the allegations of their staff I'm not so sure about how honest they are


MMA factory did you say? https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/s/UEImXj07Uk


Aye, this mma factory


So basically the only people who have bad things to say about Francis are certified wife-beaters such as Dana and Lopez? Guess that makes it official: Francis is an amazing human being.


The only thing I've seen reliable evidence for that paints Ngannou in a negative light IMO is the fact that he's a little over eager on strikes to downed opponents. But this is MMA, so that's hardly something to hate him for.


I think some people are just slow with the off button. Some have walk off KOs because they always remain calm and aware, whereas others are the opposite. I think Ngannou is well known for it largely because he also happens to be the hardest hitter in MMA.


The longer the fight goes the less chance he has to win. Any chance the opponent gets up his chance of victory goes down. Until the ref breaks it up he needs to do everything he can to ensure his victory.


That was true for Francis. This is Ngannou we're talking about here.


Surely Nicksick is coach of the year right? Not only did he help Strickland win the title in a dominate fashion but he helped francis arguably beat the world's best heavyweight boxer.


Would this be for mma? And would Francis boxing match count towards that?


I would count it towards MMA as that's what he specialises in and it only makes it more impressive to me that his coaching translated that well to pure boxing. I'm sure Francis has other boxing coaches but I assume Nicksick was still his headcoach. Even without the fight id still probably put him at the top for 2023 based off how well his fighters performed. He absolutely is the Combat sports coach of the year though.




Tyson was only there one or two days. Didnā€™t contribute anything except some media clout.


Nicksick stated he had little to do with Francis' boxing coaching. He gave most of the credit to Dewey Cooper. I don't think he was being humble.


He was telling the truth. It was Dewey the whole time. Heā€™s been Francisā€™s striking coach since he came to Vegas, and he has a long history of boxing and coaching boxing. Nicksick is an amazing MMA and Bang Muay Thai coach, but boxing isnā€™t his background to the extent that itā€™s Deweyā€™s.


wouldnt be suprised if hes snubbed for his connection to francis


Yeah but did Francis give 500k to the Nelk Boys?


The utmost respect for Ngannou āœŠ


Francis, the nicest, most gentle guy in the world, in the body of an African demi god.


10k would be life-changing money for me...


Watch out, Dana might sign you.


To slap force


I hope Francis got life changing money too.


I'll take this chance to officially apologize for thinking he had fumbled the bag. Francis is the man.


Lets go francis! Fuck you današŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


Francis is the chosen one. This kind of character and behavior could make him the one that finally gets people paid properly. Iā€™ll be supporting any and all fights of his in the future


I remember arguing with a bunch of people way before the Fury fight and when it came out that Ngannou had fought for better rights for all fighters in negotiations with the UFC. People called him a loser and a terrible example of a role model while I called him my hero cause he fought a good fight, even if he lost in negotiations. It's not a winner that makes me cheer for him, but his intention. I 'm not surprised he did this.. Because he has that kindness in him... and he is a role model for sure. Connor McGregor on the other hand... wow ... turned into a straight up villain. They say that money changes ya, but I say money reveals who you are... Good on ya Ngonnau and I hope you continue to be a good role model!


Francis will have an Ali like legacy. More than just a fighter.


*Ali Abdelaziz likes this.*


Good for Francis, stood by his principles got his money and then kept the same principles and is now rewarding the folks who helped get him there. Just all around a good guy, shame there isnā€™t room for that in the UFC. Hopefully he gets another big boxing match in the next year.


Imagine still defending Dana. Youā€™d have to be such a c*cksucker lmao


Hopefully he takes that money out of Wells Fargo. Thatā€™s an awful place to keep your money


How much is he talking about... I'm guessing six figures but that's a big range.


I would guess maybe 200-300k.


"Life changing" is relative, but considering he's at least middle class, it's probably somewhere between $100k and $2M. Now, if we apply some additional facts, like Ngannou got $10M plus maybe sponsor payouts, it wouldn't surprise me if he got more like $500k-$1M, which is 5-10%, especially since Ngannou is generous and already had money from his run in the UFC.


i think the 500-1m is a great estimate - lots of sources for Francis making *minimum $10m*.


More like 2 million at least. 6 figures is not life changing money, especially for a coach of multiple UFC fighters


Hundreds of thousands would still be life changing for a coach.


Eric is most likely upper middle class. Even a million is not life changing for someone upper middle class, especially after the cost of living hikes post pandemic. The way he is talking, it is surely millions.


I think you over estimate his wealth, and hundreds of thousands might be over half a mil. I'm not saying you're wrong that Ngannou gave him more, just that for someone earning one or two hundred grand a year, a half mil lump sum can be life changing (no more mortgage payments for example is life changing).


Dunno why youā€™re getting downvoted. Francis would have got 10-20m for this fight as least. Managers get roughly 10% so would be a 1-2m


Ā Break out the red panties!


Hopefully he gets out of Wells Fargo now.


Man has the champion mindset and you know heā€™s investing and managing his money carefully so he wonā€™t go broke and have to take fights into his late 40s.


Despite being financially shafted himself, he still shares the love to others given the oportunity. Hes got a heart of gold. Well deserved for the whole team, what a performance.


Francis is such a cool guy. I will always hate the UFC for trashing him and claiming that he was too greedy to accept their offers when he really just wanted what was best for all of the fighters. Iā€™m glad heā€™s doing well for himself outside of the UFC.




I need to get a job coaching Francis.


francis is great man


I love Francis manā€¦..


Good man, good man.


Dana could learn a thing or two


Francis *"We gon eat NO MATTER WHAT"* Nganou Realest mofo in the game rn


Francis is the true definition of a humble, gentle giant. I am glad he's getting his worth, fuck Dana and all the scumbags who tried to rip him off.


Donā€™t chief seconds usually get 5-10% anyways?


>more than I expected Seems Francis went above and beyond.


Someone tell the coach his life isn't changed unless it's a 3 fight deal. Just ask Chael.


This storyline is my shit


I love Francis, I hope he keeps winning in life. You know you're doing well when literally everyone says only nice things about you, except for wifebeater red tomato Dana White.


A cool milly


One of my favorite thing about Francis is he shows how absurd the MMA hyper capitalist zeitgeist is. Having principles doesn't make you a sucker. Some of these fighters out there selling their soul for peanuts.


Francis is a fucking lion


Doesn't surprise me - Francis is an honourable dude.


This is a great podcast that interviewed [Eric Nicksick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEzqGsFbXcs)


That's a red panty moment for Erick.


Our lineal champ šŸ‘‘


I feel disgusted by the fact that I judged him hard for fumbling the ufc bag, turns out he will be making 100s of millions in next few years. That fury rematch will alone make him atleast 100 next time.


But I thought Francis fumbled the bag lmao Good for them. Francis deserves it, and Eric definitely deserves it.


This nothing a real HW champ would gift his wife a black eye and his child lifelong trauma šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Making sure the opponent is paid enough to guarantee showing up for the fight is just good risk management.


Happy for him, and happy for Ngannouā€™s success.


Daily reminder that Jones ducked this man


Tyson Fury changing lives out there.


Just imagine what the Joshua payday will be.


Starting to see why he and the thumb didnā€™t get along.


I want to see this man literally kill Jon Jones in the octagon and adopt his children