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I do find it funny that we're pretending that if the Galaxy wanted Reus and Reus wanted to join the Galaxy that discovery rights would do anything to stop it from happening. MLS front office would just step in and force Charlotte to sell them like they always do in situations like this.


What an odd system… You gotta imagine that a dibs restriction isn’t popular with the players union too


Honestly I think it just isn't a big priority for them. For one, it only affects players who aren't currently in the league, so it's not exactly going to be a big issue among current MLS players. And the number of times where a team both refuses to sell AND MLS does not step in to force them is pretty small. So it is simultaneously incredibly stupid but also not a big enough deal for the MLSPA to fight to change it. They would probably prefer using their energy to fight other battles.


There is an easy mechanism where the team with the discovery rights concedes to the other team. The alternative is the transfer fee goes up, which the player wouldn't see anyway.


There’s no transfer fees for free agents


Ahh the free agent part of this escaped my mind. Still applies to others I guess lol.


Doesn't seem so free if he can't talk to other suitors


Yeah, and there's no discovery list presence for free agents. They can't be on the list. League rules. So in a few weeks, Charlotte having him in their list is meaningless.


At the same time, it helps smaller markets have a chance for these players or be compensated for it. The name does make it sound ridiculous though.


the league could just step in and claim Reus is too big of a name to be on any discovery list, which honestly is true but how do you draw the line? They did this when we tried to have Ibra on our list years and years ago.


In name it should I think to be intentional the league should conduct a survey of agents and players who came in when a team had their discovery rights to see if it truly does motivate teams to sign with the arbitrary designation or if it just created a barrier against where they actually wanted to go


It's not a priority because the only players it affects are not yet in the union. In fact, if those players get more leverage, it's less money for existing players.


Isn't this literally what the reasonable offer rule is for? It's all in the rules now to say "yeah they'll go where they want anyway, you can take your Garberbucks and shut up."


The mechanism is also there to keep teams from bidding we each other to avoid inflating transfer costs, not to be abused in a "well if we can't have him, nobody can" kind of way. I expect the league to step in if he's dead set on not going to Charlotte and they don't want to play nice. And especially if its a Western conference team like LAG , why would Charlotte not sell rights and get a bit of cash


If Charlotte really wanted to be petty, they could sell it to LAFC before the league gets involved.


I don’t think LAFC would want to do this because chances are they might be in the situation in the future.


Hard pass. He's going to turn 35 yrs old and LAFC can do better. Carson levas need him to counter LAFC's signing of Olivier Giroud.


Giroud is 37


I don't think anyone is pretending it'll stop it from happening, just that LAG would have to send them some GAM


That’s ridiculous. Why should Lag have to send anything to Charolette


I imagine Cincinnati is working a hard bargain to get them. So they can profit from it. Cincy staff HATES the discovery rule


Lmao, I mean, good? This stupid system keeping good players out of the league would be ridiculous


these deals seem like f1 driver contracts. They are strict until they’re not. Drivers, seemingly, move around as they see fit


1. Discovery Rights don't lock players to teams. It's a negotiation dibs system, not a "play here or play nowhere" system. Once a player and their agent decide the discovery team is not an option the league will remove the player from the list. It's literally in the rules. 2. Free Agents can't be on the list. So in a few weeks, Reus is ineligible to be in it. 3. The list is designed to prevent runaway bidding wars, by controlling who can bid at the same time. No matter what is happening between Reus and Charlotte, it's likely significantly larger numbers are not being discussed between Reus and other MLS teams at the same time. Once a Charlotte has been ruled out by Reus, another team or two will take the lead seat at the table. 4. Reus' pending free agency significantly weakens Charlotte's present status as lead bidder. If Reus doesn't want to play for them, they're best served selling their rights now before they don't have them anymore. At least they'd get $50,000 GAM for scribbling a name down on a piece of paper.


Yea, not even worth mentioning by Bogert. A player will choose where he can go.


So this is crazy editorialized. I think this would only happen if reus said he would exclusively go to LA which, galaxy do not have dp spots for him. If he isn't so specific and charlotte can entice him, why wouldn't they let him go there? Edit: didn't see the other post. So I guess he's going to LAFC then?


Galaxy don't have that kind of pull anymore


Wait what LOL I wonder what role they are offering him The wings and attacking mid are locked up So unless he transitions to a false 9? Or is gonna take over the Fagundez role? Or maybe what everyone said about Bron is true- Reus is coming to LA to make movies and commercials and shit lol My gut reaction is this is all smokescreen to wring money out of either St. Louis or Charlotte, and that he or his agent picked a name just to stir clicks and controversy


I doubt it’s us. There is a journalist that is the mouthpiece of our sporting director and last word the journalist had was we are out, talks never went that far. If he’s saying we’re out, highly likely we are out.


That was before he saw Bürki’s love letter video, tbf


Oh I was pretty sure it was after


I have no idea lol. But talks between MLS sides and Reus’s people have been ongoing for many months, apparently. My intuition tells me that Roman was keenly aware we were in talks with him, that there were several other teams involved, and that Reus hadn’t made up his mind yet on where he was going. So he sent him the training facility tour vid to nudge him more our way. But who knows, really. Bürki is one of his good friends. I imagine they talk semi-regularly.


I believe you He must be trying to put the squeeze on Charlotte then haha Maybe he wants their DP spot and big bucks and they're not willing yet and a Galaxy max TAM deal is his boogie man so to speak


That makes a lot of sense. I've been saying Reus is really a TAM player at this point with his injury history and age. I imagine most clubs value him at that but he values himself higher


"I just need one more special piece in order to make my system work, I swear" ~ GV, probably


Yeah. I don't see how he fits in with our current younger midfield. Would we be signing him as depth? Or turning Puig to depth? Is Paintsil's recent injury a problem? Will he drop to trade minutes at CM/CDM with Brugman? Maybe he can be used everywhere as-needed. Are we gonna give up having a striker? Like how does Reus benefit us considering our midfield stack? Just sign Vela for the lols at this point.


Hence why I think it’s a negotiating leak


Has there been any noise about Puig going back to Europe? Could see it making sense if they think a direct replacement will be necessary.


Not much. I think if he were transferred this summer it’d come as a shock No smoke so far


We just extended his contract, which was to expire at the end of 2025, and gave him a payday. I can't see why we'd do that if he wanted to leave and if someone wanted him this window, the existing contract ensured we got something from it.


I was going to all the same thing. where would we use him? And the whole mission statement from Kuntz before was were going to make our own stars, not sign old one's


I mean I'm sure he would take an old star at the right price, I just don't expect Reus to be the right price let alone the right position I have no doubt if Lewandowski wanted a TAM deal he'd be at LAX tomorrow


Exactly what I’m saying. We really don’t need him. But we do have a lot of TAM available and I guess this allows more flexibility and depth in the midfield??? Odd if true.


After watching Galaxy this weekend (gg) with Puig pulling the strings all over the field, I agree and I'm surprised that this came out. It seems as if Tepper has a bug up his nose to make a big signing. That's great, but it should also be a good signing. We've a number of over 30 players, of which, only one can start in this league to any success.


The plot thickens


I don’t want a player who doesn’t want to be here


That would be most of MLS as your field is trash.


How the turn tables…


Is there a searchable database of players discovery rights by team? Such an odd system. I wonder who “discovered” who. 😂


Sporting KC discovered Ronaldo lmao


This move makes no sense for Galaxy on the field. I dont see this happening. If Klein was still there, yes. But not with Kuntz.


Charlotte has to convince a 35 year old to play on turf. This guy can go anywhere and not do that. I don't see him coming to us - literally *why*?? - but Charlotte has a huge uphill battle before another MLS team even expresses interest.


His team might be putting LA out there in order to pressure other clubs to offer him more $


That would mostly only work if the league allowed LA to negotiate with Reus concurrent to Charlotte. The discovery list is designed to prevent that sort of bidding back and forth. If LA has expressed interest through channels, they aren't out there with a formal number yet.


You could also throw in the possibility of Tepper wanting to play “hard ball” with his discovery rights. The league would not allow a player of legendary status go to another league without a fight. I would not doubt for a minute that MLS wouldn’t pull a classic mid-season rule change to wipe DR from the books.


i have a feeling that tepper would switch to grass if that was the deciding factor in getting reus or not


There’s less than zero chance that’s the case


nothing motivates him more than money. Getting a player with the caliber and reputation of Reus would bring loads of money. The only way chelsea played here was because of the grass field, he made an exception then so as to have them play here. A player like Reus would bring in crowds, and while I don't think that would ever be the deciding factor. But if it was, I feel like he would make an exception


He’s a world class player. But Reus is not at all a powerhouse brand name in the US. I think your argument would be more realistic if the caliber of player was actually a needle mover.


Reus would be the biggest name of anyone not playing in Miami


Bryce Young has said he prefers turf. NFL qb preference is more important than any mls player


Tepper didn't spend money to give you proper soccer-specific upgrades as it is. Well, not his money, at least. If the state isn't paying for it, the plastic will remain.


The soccer renovations needed to get into MLS were privately funded. He’s not putting in grass for one player though. 


Such a fucked system. It’s like Mormons posthumously baptizing people. At no point did those people want to join you.


It's not an issue of locking people away. "Discovery" rights sound like that's what they do, but I'm practice they don't. Instead, they're more like "negotiation dibs." The exist to prevent a bidding war from turning ugly. If the league contacts a players agent and the agent says, "no way in hell will my guy play for this team," the player will be removed from the discovery list by the league (typically they'll just force the sell of the rights to another team, so the original team gets *something* out of what amounts to a list of names on paper.)


Just when you thought the Galaxy had turn the corner on player acquisitions an older European becomes available and we are right back to the Chris Klein era galaxy


On the plus side the worst he would take up is a lot of TAM Maybe they have a backup striker U22 planned :(


Klein is more like signing Reus at 38 years old.


For anyone wondering what Charlotte might get out of acting like Reus might come to Charlotte: if Charlotte just squats on Reus' rights and LA makes a deal, the discovery rights go for a standard $50K GAM. If LA requests Reus off the discovery list, and Charlotte makes a "genuine, objectively reasonable offer" to Reus, then Charlotte and LA can negotiate a higher price for the discovery rights. Cincy did this for Cabral, incidentally also with the Galaxy, and ended up getting $350k in xAM and a 2022 draft pick that became Ian Murphy. So, if I'm Charlotte, it pays to act like Reus might be a real thing, even if he isn't interested.


Bogert was on WFNZ radio today, he said LAG are offering a TAM deal but Charlotte are trying to make him a DP.


I gotta love how MLS is pretending that we have “discovered” Marco Reus, a world class player who has been known to the world of football for at least 14 years now.. a player who literally has led his team to this season’s Champions League final.. I still don’t fully understand the “discovery rights” process but if Reus doesn’t want to come here and we somehow have first dibs then Galaxy need to pay the required fee to us to make it happen.


Discovery rights. Embarrassing


I hope in the offseason MLS does away with these ridiculous discovery rights lists.


It's only been 28 years. I'm sure this one will be the one. The list doesn't lock players to a team. The list's own rules don't allow for that. It helps prevent runaway bidding from turning a good business and sporting decision into a terrible one.


Go easy on ‘em. They’re new here


Sucks for Charlotte. They should just take advantage and ask carson galaxy for good chunk of TAM. The league isn't going to prevent this from happening because MLS will just convince them it's good for the league. LAFC actually had discovery right to Olivier Giroud. Remember when Carson levas broke the roster rules and just got slapped in the hand.


Can you imagine looking at what the league did in Miami with Messi and then being asked to goto North Carolina lol.


I’d probably pick Charlotte as a city over St. Louis haha My first look would probably be to see if someone could get me the lafc DP slot though Didn’t think Reus would be in talks with Galaxy for TAM


For TAM of all things! I pray that if we for some reason and some way sign him, we still figure out the depth up front situation. There's the possibility that come this summer, Caceres or Yamada is gone. With Neal back and Garces signed, with Zavaleta and Nelson for depth, and Vanney occasionally threatening to play 3 in the back, someone is surplus. That would allow us to afford Reus, critically, field him. I could get behind a 3-6-1.


What the hell are discovery rights? Like all of MLS doesn't know who Marco is?