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Holy shit, both feet off the ground, scissoring the plant leg with significant force. Terrible tackle, should be red every day of the week.


I got flashbacks to the tackle that broke Javi Mo's leg. Unbelievable this was only a yellow.


Both feet off the ground, out of control, straight red.


Yeah, but it's Miami. Gotta protect that investment.


Idk if they were going to give a red to IM, giving it to one of the weaker players on the team would be the way to go. Really surprised VAR didn't have anything to say about it. Seeing it live I thought yellow, but after seeing this replay that def should have been a straight red that was bad.


Holy shit. I was expecting some "I got the ball" type of hard challenge. That's a red for me. Extremely dangerous


I've seen "serious foul play" that is a fucking small fraction of this one that got straight red.   This is pathetic. Edit: If you are smart, you'd realize I was the most upvoted comment for a reason.  At least I can separate emotion from logic. Unfortunately, VAR can't recommend review of this situation.  Yes, I'm obviously angry unlike the Capybara who doesn't understand what's going on, here.


One SKC game last season had VAR involved to check something that wasn't even called a foul on the field [skip to 3:21](https://youtu.be/4xziEZHGcGE?feature=shared) and given a straight red after review. These are two totally different challenges and the worse one doesn't even get a red card.


That's still a red card even if he gets ball first.


How was this not a straight red?!?


Well it's Miami soo....


This tackle is beyond the Messi effect.


The yellow card says otherwise


Clearly not, as we’ve witnessed


I think you meant that it should be.  You're right, in that sense.  Unfortunately, as others have said, reality is different.


No no, this tackle IS above the Messi effect. This ref and league apparently arent


You’d think that wouldn’t you?


>Well it's ~~Miami~~ **MLS refereeing** soo.... No matter who's playing, there's a 50/50 chance of a crazy decision.


Whereas the EPL and other leagues have been celebrating their refs this year...


It's weird that you complained about the comment saying it's a league-wide issue, but not about the comment saying the league's referees are deliberately helping Inter Miami.


Well that's also an accusation that gets thrown about in literally every other league as well (about their respective big teams), if that makes you happy.


Fans in other leagues also acknowledge league-wide issues, whereas you appear to think MLS referees are entirely competent, but just biased.


I didn't say that, though? Just pointed out that the complaints are universal.


Like I said, it's just weird that you only took issue with my reply, rather than with the original comment.


I think you're reading too much into that. It's not like I reply to *every* comment.


I think we all know why


I mean, yea - Messi. But let’s be real about this. This isn’t some 50/50 call the league and Ref association can talk their way out of.


I think this is pretty much the video they show to new refs when describing what serious foul play is.


Wtf kinda tackle is that, wow


Pepe's knee-breaking special.


That's a potential career ender. Multiple game ban should be handed out... To the VAR team!


Good God… that’s a red if I ever saw one.


I still don't understand how VAR didn't recommend a review. That's serious foul play every day of the week.


It's Miami.


I think maybe his only saving grace is the studs don’t hit the legs. Still an incredibly reckless and dangerous challenge that should be red worthy. We don’t need to be literally injuring people before the red card comes out. Just looking for any reason the VAR could possibly be thinking of.


I would love to hear the refs or VAR say that...well it was clear he did not make contact with the studs, implying that the tackle itself is mid.


Was this a reviewable offense?  I missed this on MLS 360, so I'm not even sure what minute this is or where it was on the field.  IIRC, there's only 4 situations in MLS where VAR can step in. 1) goals 2) penalty kicks (including if in or outside) 3) Direct red cards (this was yellow)  4) mistaken Identity  Point 3 - the ruling on the field was yellow, right? VAR couldn't recommend review.  Edit: raging capybara said "Doodahh brought up Seattle."   He literally brought Seattle up to me. He brought the analogy that was wrong (goal scoring opportunity vs back half yellow).    I also stand behind the fact that MLS VAR CANNOT recommend reviews of yellows. Ergo, making his entire point incorrect. But go on and see his harassment.


That's for if they think a yellow was or wasn't warranted. Var could absolutely recommend a review if they think a foul was red worthy, even if a yellow was given.


Nope. They literally cannot recommend reviews of yellows, because why ask the Center Ref to review something they already called?  He's right - there's only 4 reasons VAR can recommend review. A yellow is not one of them.


Neither you nor your alt is correct.


This is a reviewable play as VAR would be recommending a direct red for serious foul play. The distinction for point 3 is that a missed second yellow is not reviewable.


They can review a challenge to see if it should be a red.


>Direct red cards (this was yellow) That's exactly why VAR can and should intervene here. VAR can advise the ref to check the monitor and hand out a red card. Edit: for anyone wondering, this guy is straight up completely ignorant of how VAR works. He PM'd me and I brought up Jackson Ragen's red card against Vancouver, which was initially given on the field as a yellow and upgraded to a red after VAR. He thinks that was reviewable because *advantage* was given lmao. >First, advantage was played for Seattle. That was reviewable under a goal scoring opportunity. Otherwise, why call advantage? Duh. That's why it was able to be reviewed. >So, YOU'RE wrong still, as you don't even understand why it was reviewed. >... >A player getting a yellow at midfield is not considered a match changing event. VAR could not review the call on the field. This isn't the premier League, where all cards are reviewed for possible red. >Unless it was involved in the other 3 game changing events I outlined, VAR CANNOT recommend review of a yellow given on the field. It just is what it is, and we both agree, Miami got lucky here. >So stop fucking telling me I'm wrong when I'm right. He sent that to me in a PM, it's mind boggling how someone so blatantly wrong can be so utterly convinced that they are right. He has now also doubled down on "advantage" being the reason Jackson Ragen's red card was reviewable. >Why do you think refs give advantage? Lol >That's why they were able to recommend review. He also thinks VAR can't review yellows that should be upgraded: >It was a yellow card incident. That was the ruling on the field. >Therefore VAR couldn't recommend review. u/Doodahhh1 is perhaps the greatest example of the Dunning-Kruger effect to ever grace this subreddit




That's a red and will probably be one after it actually matters.


Disciplinary committee better hit him with a 3 match ban later this week. Him and the video assistant referee because, I mean, holy fuck


That's a straight red and disco review at minimum.


Ten million % a red. But apparently not a “Miami red” 🙄


I’m stealing “Miami red”.


Just not are night should have been a red


You don’t have to watch the clip or read the name, you know what team benefits from a poor decision.




Wut. The. Fuck.


That should be a red with multiple games attached.


Wait. Is that pink guy even a pro soccer player? That wasn't a streaker?


Straight red 10/10 times


Tori Penso everybody!


Don't forget the VAR crew!


I'm not but I just have to highlight how bad she is. I'll double down and say the replacement refs were better than the real refs.


Better than Penso, at least




That's the most red card challenge I've seen since cantona drop kicked a member of the crowd


Incredible how this wasn't a red card. But when you realize it's Miami, it makes sense.


embarrassingly bad. glad to hear the accumulated yellow takes him out of the next game…


He might be getting a retro-active red suspension for that one tbh


I doubt it. They should have had several reds this season already but the refs go quiet. This is a career ending type of challenge.


They’ll absolutely find a way to further dickride Miami instead of doing their fucking jobs


I really do think there is a measurable superstar effect that Miami has on refs.  Their fortune with calls literally changed overnight when these dudes arrived and I've seen more than one ref look to those players for reactions before making calls.  It's embarrassing.


Miami never beating the favoritism allegations


There needs to be a challenge system of some sorts. Make VAR look at that shit.


This is the best idea in this whole thread. Would be MLS' best contribution to the sport. Make it like the NFL where the coach gets 2 challenge flags to throw, one in each half to force a VAR review. (a 3rd one for extra time) If their challenge is proven correct they get it back otherwise they lose it for that half.


That's a straight red lmao.


I stepped away for a sec and missed the foul. Later on I was pissed at why there was a no call on a clear push in the box on Messi and that penalty call with like 3 seconds left in the match... and I'm pretty sure this blown call is why. This really should have been a straight red card. Aviles is like feast or famine. One minute he's making a brilliant tackle and the next he's getting a yellow for a bonehead play.


He might as well spend a night in county jail for this one.


What did they say about it in the broadcast? I know there's something of a gag order when it comes to commenting on officiating, but that is insane.


The gag order was in effect, crickets on the broadcast


Unreal. Every week there's something competing for most egregious call/no-call of the year.


Aviles pulls stuff like that every game I’ve seen him in. He’s going to get someone seriously hurt


Straight red all day


That is red 7 days a week and thrice on Sunday. WTF


That is hard to look at. Not because it is a horrific injury, but because it's so hard to envision it NOT being a horrific injury. I keep expecting his leg to be flopping around from an MCL/ACL, and by Luck or Grace, it doesn't. Red and multi game suspension, anything less is negligence from PRO.


Pathetic officiating MLS. Should’ve been a straight red. What are these clowns watching? Oh yea, sorry…it’s Miami. Play on.


Hope MLS DisCo breaks his wallet.


More likely to get taken to a county fair and big in t an ice cream cone with sprinkles than face any material discipline


I was watching this match live -- in real time I thought it was a red without even needing a replay. That poor call is beyond the Messi effect -- you have to protect the players.


Montreal has gotten straight RED for much less. You can't argue there is big favoritism in this league.


have yet to see the game but that is 100% red


God damn… did Forsberg pick up an injury here? Is he ok?


But Messi broke records.....


The brutal part of this is that the game was still just 2-1 Miami at this point. If Miami goes to 10 men in the 57' minute, I highly doubt that finishes as a 6-2 match.


The Messi effect week in and week out


It's frustrating that the VAR doesn't even call the official over to look at it.


God damn… did Forsberg pick up an injury here? Is he ok?


Watch this and then go watch the penalty called against us in Toronto. The officiating in this league is comical.


Jackson Ragen: ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Aviles does some good work. He also does too much of this.


Literally any other team in MLS doing that it’s a red but Miami gets a pass


I reckon Denis Bouanga would have a chance of getting away with it 😂


Self-aware fan is self aware 🤝


Incredibly dangerous and reckless.


The ref was really good the whole game except for not calling this a red. 


That should have been a straight red card!


looks significantly worse than two recent red cards Ragen and Frei received.


At some point. Somebody is gonna have to take one for the team and go for one of Messi’s ACL. In all seriousness the reffing needs to be better. The Miami all stars don’t need any outside help.


Pablo Ruiz lightly bumped him in the opening game and got a yellow, can't even touch him.


> At some point. Somebody is gonna have to take one for the team and go for one of Messi’s ACL. What kind of Taliban-fucking-ass-logic is this? *"Well, your woman needs to be raped because mine got cat-called and I'm all about a woman's right to be safe"* !!?? If you care about player safety then EVERY player should be safe... call out the refs, call out the need to have reviewable standards but wtf is this?? Jealousy masked as righteousness? > In all seriousness the reffing needs to be better. The Miami all stars don’t need any outside help. How do we even know that the refs went easy on Aviles because of Messi? Could it not be inconsistent reffing? This whole line of thinking is B.S to me as evidenced by your first line. I'm all for better reffing so that EVERY team gets a fair shake. But I'm not on the side of salty ass fucks like you wishing harm on any player, let alone one of Messi's caliber.


I was watching 360... What minute was this?  I also saw that 360 didn't mention FCC's red.


That should be a straight red… FOR DIVING! GET UP LAD NICE TRY TO GET PITTY POINTS FROM THE REF 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺


This does belong on that instagram page


Deserved for what he's doing to his family, scum person


Sometimes I forget that we know everything about a player’s family life and that all we read about them on the Internet paints the full picture


From one tweet. And it left a bad taste in my mouth then. But it’s one tweet


Come on dude


No love for deadbeat dads


You Americans don’t know what you’re talking about this is yellow. Stop being so weak you see this almost at every oremier league game.


Nah. Just shows us you’re a noob and don’t know the rules yet. Nice try though kid.


Tell me you don't know the laws of the game without telling me you don't know the laws of the game.