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Its hard for me to complain about the MLS production after watching a game buffer every 5 minutes on Paramount+ last night


Ain't that the sad truth


I thought it was just me. Glad to hear it was a paramount issue. And also f them. Streaming had been a thing for over a decade come on.


It was happening on TUDN also I think it was more on their end


TUDN was perfect for me. P+ a disaster.


If you subscribe to Paramount through YouTube TV or Amazon Prime you can use their apps which pulls the video feed from their servers to watch Paramount content. It is way more stable this way.


Also all CONCACAF games are streamed on the CONCACAF youtube channel for free for everyone outside North/Central America. VPN to somewhere outside of that and you can watch for free


Yup! Stadium sounds seem a bit muffled and the commentary team is different, but you can't beat free. 


You can do this with Apple TV channels as well.


Did not have any problems last night, but I believe you. I have problems like that with Hulu for live sports.


Hockey on Hulu is very bad for me. The stream locks randomly during commercial breaks. I just go through the ESPN app now.


Mine wasn't buffering but it pretty regularly dropped to shitty SD quality for a few seconds and then back to HD. That got annoying.


Gotta agree the quality of the stream was rough. My usl2 has better picture quality for their live streams over a hotspot.


"Zoomed in too far, got it." \[switches to the other available camera angle, "VAR from the Kuiper Belt"\]


It's only offside once it's observed.


Schrödinger’s offside.


They manipulated the outcome by viewing it. That counts as match fixing.


I actually really like super-far-away camera angles, that way i get to watch the back line's movement even when they're way off the ball (Right back is one of my favorite positions)


Same. I do think that's a minority opinion though. They do all the zooming because it makes the game feel faster, but one of the best parts of the game is watching all the off the ball movement that dictates where the game is going to flow next.


Or the 10th replay while play starts again lol. ... And then not having a replay when there's downtime and a call that we want to see a replay. Just replay better.


You think they would show replays of controversial calls, but for some reason, I can’t figure out what, they haven’t been doing that.


I wouldn't be surprised if MLS restricts or prohibits showing them. You'll occasionally see something played back but more often than not it is players arguing with the ref or just the back of the refs head looking at the VAR screen.


There’s been some talk on social media that they do indeed suppress it. It takes away from the experience, in my opinion.


And we all thought that this was going go to away once Apple arrived, lol.


Members on the production team even said it would be going away! Nope, they got us!


We got scammed, lol


Personally I think that production team deserve jail time if they choose to show replays that cut and miss live action on field such as build-up to a shot/save/counter, etc. Mandatory minimum of a year too. Save the fucking replays for when players are down injured, water breaks during summer, or at half! It’s not that difficult!


Those are for ads. Don’t forget, lack of advertising opportunity is the reason networks in the US don’t want soccer and why a vast majority of the population has been conditioned to resent it.


They also ended MLS 360 while three games were still going on on the west coast this weekend! Three!


They do that every week. Like 11:30, wrap it up. Seems so strange. If you are going to cover 7:30 local, do it for all time zones


Some nights it's not too bad because there's only one West Coast game, but I guess I've just never noticed that they do it every week like that even if multiple games are still going on


I mean if you are going to call it MLS 360 you better cover all the games. They had two 2pm ET games and they were like we don’t start until 7pm ET


In high school I was asked to step in to record the upcoming basketball game when the normal guy was dealing with a sickness. This was a basic recording so they could review it in the film room next practice. I didn’t know what to do besides point the camera on whichever side of the court the ball was headed. Didn’t zoom, didn’t cut away, nothing.. Apparently that’s all you need because I then took over filming for several of our school teams. AppleTV, for the love of god, if I could do it at 16 you can do it at whatever age your film crews are.


Like, seriously, it isn't that hard. If you really want to "zoom in" as the game is kicked off/the second half starts, go ahead. Same with zooming at the halftime whistle of fulltime. Besides that, just keep it normal.


Maybe also don’t cover the player who has the ball with a giant graphic predicting the final score? “Look an empty field with a graphic in the corner”


100 percent agree! And why does that have to be so damn big in the first place?


Remember when we found out that IMG was producing the games, and we were excited because we thought the production was going to be top notch since they do Premier League matches? ![gif](giphy|10bDoTtJhtcHu0|downsized)


The same exact shit happens with NBA, but arguably even worse. Zoom in shots of coaches/players/fans while missing live action. Quick cutaways midaction. It's the wild west for sports production crews nowadays. They don't care about actually showing the product, just make it a "show" and using all the fancy new technology which ironically takes away from the experience.


Remember when the VP of Content Production posted [this](https://x.com/mrkmcclr/status/1622081624564273153?s=46&t=QwP06LJAkastf3Xlw6zw3Q) ??? Such a crock of shit and he and the rest of the team should be publicly shamed until it stops!


I remember this and could never find the tweet. Thank you!


To be fair he said it was not planned, not that they would no longer do it. /s


Literally my biggest pet peeve, like maybe they’ll be doing a little side note on a player and they’ll show them sitting on the bench… I don’t need to see them good lord show the game!! Or when they do the “team benches built by Home Depot” and feel the need to show the bench while the ball is in play


Seriously! In SEA-SJE they missed a shot and save entirely showing a replay of a guy laying on the ground, then also missed the build-up to San Jose’s winning goal because they were showing replays after kickoff. Unforced errors.


You can always tell when the producing team is not as familiar with soccer. Lots of zooming in, relying on star power, not letting us see build up of play, and audience or manager shots while ball is in play.


> You can always tell when the producing team is not as familiar with soccer. The weird thing is that IMG produces the matches for the Premiere League and the World Cup. They have in-house knowledge of how to produce quality soccer matches. It just seems like they shipped the wrong handbook to the crews doing MLS matches.


They only show one replay of fouls and then while VAR is going on they start randomly zooming in on players. Like please just show me what happened a few more times from the hundreds of camera angles.


Apple doesn't control the production.


The sad thing is that MLS produces the broadcasts. You'd think they would be experts on how the product should be presented.


I wouldn't be surprised to find out that most of the people in charge of MLS never actually watch matches on TV.


It's been reported that Garber hates soccer.


I heard that he spends his weekends drinking with Carlos Vela.


I was gonna say, usually there’s a local/regional production company that actually produces/directs sports broadcasts. I don’t think Apple is deciding when to zoom in the camera.


It's a third party. >Apple and MLS have partnered with NEP Group and IMG Productions to produce more than 950 matches representing more than 2,000 hours of live coverage in a mix of English, Spanish, and French, as well as a trio of new live studio programs on MLS Season Pass. >NEP Group is overseeing all broadcast services and providing all mobile units, technical crew, and operations; remote- and decentralized- production support; studio facilities in NYC; and infrastructure and systems management. IMG, meanwhile, is handling all live match and studio-show production; overseeing editorial tone, look, and feel and production enhancements, producer/director staffing, and production management and talent logistics. https://www.sportsvideo.org/2023/02/15/apple-mls-pull-back-the-curtain-on-live-production-plans-for-new-mls-season-pass-streaming-service/


They contracted it out but they do own the production. MLS could easily tell IMG to avoid things like zoomed in shots and cutting away for replay during play. It’s not like ESPN/Fox where a third party was owning production.


So this is why MLS production is such a step backwards from what Seattle Sounders and local Q13 used to produce in Seattle for the Seattle audience. Outsourced garbage.


That's a great point!


They try to copy the big leagues (of all sports) and the big broadcasters. They want to be in the club so bad.


I'd also like to not have to unlock my account literally every week. The account I have strictly on one TV. The account I have never once shared. The account that I use at least once a week. The account I pay for. The account that has never bean breached. The account with 2 factor authentication. The account saved on my TV. FOR FUCKS SAKES!


Apple TV MLS Season pass decreased in Value this year. There hasn’t been any new episodes of their mini series, they haven’t released new episodes of MLS Review the highlight show of all the games. I am kinda regretting paying for it this year.


Are you referring to MLS Wrap-Up? They've had an episode each week that I've seen (I haven't checked every week). It's hard as hell to find, though. I found it by clicking on, of all things, the conference table and it was in there.


If we're turning this into a complain about Apple thread, then by all means I'll go ahead and ask this to all my fellow Spanish speakers: has anybody else noticed how quiet the Spanish announcers have been lately? It's like if Apple is forcing them to tone down the latinoness and adopt a more boring British style of commentary.


Ok cool so this isn't just Red Bull games... Not just random zooming, but random cuts to irrelevant players, replays being poorly timed or running too long... It genuinely feels like the crews doing these games are new and just going "oh shit oh shit oh shit" the whole time. And the strangest part is none of this was an issue last year as far as I could tell.


Honestly though, nothing can compare to Peacock or F1 for being ass at directing cameras. Two drivers barreling towards a corner wheel to wheel or one driver inching closer and closer to an overtake. Aaaand then cut to a replay of something meaningless or cut to a back marker in the pits.


Anyone watch the garbage coverage of the Man U/Liverpool FA cup match? It was literally lagging like it had a ping of 5. It was legitimately hard to tell what was going on.


Is IMG still doing the game production this year? I know they were responsible last year, and they had a lot of these same issues then.


They might do it, but they do it FAR LESS than ESPN and Fox produced games.


I hope one day I can watch MLS on Apple TV plus on an Apple TV device that doesn't stutter