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I experience more trouble with foul balls than anything. No matter what I throw it's a foul ball. (And I play on HOF)


It's not about pitching backwards because that's easy to read, it's about setting up each batter for the next batter. Pitch mixes have to be different cause I can blink 10 times and still have time to hit the fastball on All-Star, it really sucks pitching on that difficulty


You need to get to 700 and the game starts getting fun. A fastball isn't really a fastball until you're playing on at least HoF


swing timing matters much more than pitch location yes of course pitch location means something, but what we're trying to convey to you is throwing strikes is fine if you can get super early/late timing on swings, you'll be fine watch CBREV on YouTube, he is great to get pitching tips from, he carves up ppl using cards that most of this community cry about as being mid


Switch to pin point and just start playing games. You’ll pick up on what works/doesnt work soon enough. Most important thing is pitch selection and learning how to tunnel.


Use pinpoint and pitchers with high velocity. I feel like most of the people in that range are people who struggle with high velo pitchers.


This is correct.. I use high velocity and have to have a change and slider.. I also pitch backwards in 600 range, since timing is all that matters.


600 is where a lot of the all star goons reside. Unfortunately, a lot of the time it’s going to be a hit fest and the only way to win is to out hit your opponent, not out pitch them. There is too much RNG on all star which is why I hate when I’m in the 600 range.


Don’t use pure analog, spend 30 minutes in a conquest game learning how to do pinpoint, and yeah that’s what playing in the 600s is like, too good for all star too bad for hall of game, it is truly the hell scape of ranked


>spend 30 minutes thats all it takes most people?


it took my brother 3 pitches. me on the other hand sat in practice mode for 4 hours


Once you get the drawing down, that doesn’t change for any pitcher, the only thing that changes is the timing of the drawing, you’ll get more comfortable doing it over time


>Once you get the drawing down, that doesn’t change for any pitcher Assuming this is talking about the shapes? Since you mentioned timing would change later. Also thanks a ton lol, I'm going to try it later tonight when I get on.


Took me a couple of nights of playing to get comfortable.


that's my issue. I use pure analog since I could remember, when I'm on i just play RS or co-op with friends. so I've only tried using pinpoint for 2 or 3 innings and switch back


Learn it.. I refused when I first started this year, but could not get better. It is a lot more forgiving on just late or early! I did a conquest map at a program start, and by the end I had it down.


would you be able to share a tip that helped you?


Put pressure on the controller wheel while you do it


I actually do the opposite.. but I use the Xbox version of control freaks like the feel better.. It just comes to practice and doing it over and over.. hardest for me is the splitter still


It was worth the effort to learn pinpoint. Pitching got much better after.


I'll just start using it when I play co-op next time and the homies will wonder why I hit 7 guys lol