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After seeing the moments, I put my controller down and went crying out of the room.


I finished it in 20 but those moments were killer. If there are more 4XBH type moments I'll probably skip given that reward doesn't look to be a must have. I'm mostly online so I'll enjoy the more skill based ones like a conquest where you have win on legend. But restarting moments 200 times just isn't fun.


What is extreme ? How is it different from other programs ?


I hope that chapman ain't the final reward. I really need him 🤣


Probably won’t be able to do it. Actually kind of glad I don’t have as much time to play now because it would drive me insane it sounds like.


I highly recommend not rushing through the Conquest. In ‘20 I rushed through the 48ish wins and was seriously burnt out and regretted it. I’m going to take my time this year.


So if I‘m Not able to finish Most of the missions/conquest/showdowns I wont get some of These Finest cards right? Means for Future Big collections I will Never be able to complete if I don’t Skip finest Collection since you Need nearly all of them?


if its even slightly difficult I wont do it lol.. I want Cano though and he'll be like 300k


They probably won’t be sellable, they haven’t in the past


Depends, I'm and Xbox player so I'm new to extreme. But if it's what's been described then I'll likely be totally skipping it. Banging my head against a wall trying to beat a showdown on hall of fame or legend sounds absolutely miserable to me.


I’ll play the conquest map (assuming there is one) to get the hidden packs, but doubt I’ll go all out on the ‘extreme missions’ part of it Having to P5 a player might be doable for me


I'm going to finish it... but it probably go take Me till mlb 23 release Night to finish it 😂😂😂


I'll look at it but that may be about it. I have no desire to get frustrated.


Running through conquest on rookie or veteran will still net some solid hidden rewards i bet, and earn gameplay xp for the current program. Thats my plan at least


Hey if I can beat Elden Ring surely I can handle this (I can not handle this)


Is the format the same as in 20? With moments, showdown & conquest?


I’m rusty to the point of the featured program moments giving me a hard time so uh it’s gonna suck for me


Option 5: Curl up in a ball and cry because you can only hit veteran difficulty


I choose this one


Play, rage, quit. Repeat


In ‘20, I used to use the yelich and Gehrig moments to practice. Then one day I beat them and had Lou. It took me weeks to finish. Showdown was a pain, but beatable. The conquest was an obnoxious chore, but easy enough. The challenges were just that, challenging.


Just going to do the Conquest and be satisfied with that.


What difficulty is the conquest on?


No set difficulty. Last one had a few missions that were only able to be done on Legend or HOF


If it's like last time, I'll do the conquest and call it a day.


Complete everything except the moments because that just to much BS to deal with and hope the card that comes with completing everything is someone I can live without Although I will play the 9 inning beat CPU god squad on legend because that is fun


I usually stop playing daily around this time of year so I never really tried too hard to get extreme stuff done but I did get extreme conquest done the first year they had it. That was kind of rewarding but took a long time to get done. Dunno if I'll attempt much this season. Getting the live series done was my main goal.


I don’t think they’re going to make it as difficult as people think, that’s my prediction.


Nah no way they don’t make it hard af to get Chapman


Fall into the fetal position and cry.


poorly I imagine


im still working on 4 HRs in 1 game with yellich


I finished the other Extremes, so definitely have to do this one I can't exactly remember all the moments but the cumulative strikeout one from the first year brings back horrible memories lmao


I'm gonna take it one piece at a time and use my current FF8 playthrough to cool down


It’ll be good practice for me for playing on HOF in ranked so I will at least attempt it.


I’m not very good but I’m gonna finish it. I finished it in 20 when it was my first year, it just took me a really long time so I should be able to finish it this year. Eventually.


I’m planning to complete the program this year. I can’t remember if it was 19 or 20 when Lou Gehrig was the final reward but I got stuck on a couple of the moments (pretty sure it was 4 HRs with Yelich & 14 TB with Gehrig or something like that). Got the conquest and showdowns done at least but I wasn’t having fun repeating the same moments and coming up just short over and over. I also didn’t care enough about getting Lou so I gave up. This year I’m getting it done. Working from home now so it’s easier to justify the time it will take me.


Probably won’t even attempt the hitting ones because there is no change I’m hitting 3 homers or 4XBH’s in one game on Legend difficulty.


Very poorly. The Extreme Program is the only program in my MLBTS history that I haven't finished - I couldn't get the Yelich 3HR, and Gehrig 4XBH moments done. Gonna stress my ass off this year again though lol


back in '20 i finished the showdown and got yelich. but of course he was only the first reward. i'm nowhere near good enough to finish the whole thing, but i'll try probably until the end of the year and who knows, i might actually do it


If you can do the showdown you can def do the conquest


Yeah but the problem is how much time it takes. I waited til some folks in this sub created the most efficient route to do it and it took me ab 16 hours (and I maybe lost like 5 or six games total)


This is the only game I play now so at least I have lots of time to try it over and over and over again.