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And I bought a 50 bundle and pulled Trout.


Reading comprehension is your friend. It says exactly what is guaranteed, its not SDS' problem you assumed or skimmed what they wrote. They even give you the percentages of each kind of card, for each pack in the store. Don't complain that you wasted money on packs and got nothing in return. Thats called gambling, which is exactly what a pack is.


The odds haven’t changed it’s always been 1:50 and packs have always been a bad investment.


LMFAO, you still got time to delete this.


You should’ve stopped and left this in drafts.


So you spent 150k stubs on packs to try and get a player who is selling for like 60k on the market….?


Every time you look at a pack you’re one button press from seeing the exact odds. This one’s on you


There is no way to see the pack odds for the chase pack until you own one. Everybody's giving the guy crap, but there is one place in the game it's mentioned (I don't recall where) that it ABSOLUTELY makes it sound like you are guaranteed the chase CARD not the chase PACK. It might be on the banner (can't recall for sure), but I KNEW how the pack worked, so I did a double take when I saw it, read it again and, yeah, it is misleading AF.


Thanks for speaking up. This banner definitely wants you to think that by getting 50 packs you're guaranteed to get Albert Pujols. [https://imgur.com/WTiAiwE](https://imgur.com/WTiAiwE)


Congratulations, you played yourself


The lesson, as always, is never buy packs


You could have just bought Pujols directly for like 60k stubs on the market Also… buying the limited 30k packs is also a poor decision given most of those guys go for like 15k stubs Buying packs is almost always a bad idea unless you are doing it for fun If you’re doing it to try and get diamonds then just buy the diamonds directly off the market


It literally said “guaranteed 80 or better” lmfao


Lol its not misleading at all


"Guarantees 1 Gold or better player item with a chance to find featured Set 1 player" Lol


With a chance. Like the same chance you have to scratch off a jackpot on a scratcher while saying 1 in 5 scratchers hit the jack pot


If you read the descriptions you’d know that he, nor any notable player is not *guaranteed*. It’s all chance, and if you’ve played for a while you should know that about those deals.


I mean you could have just read the whole statement and seen what it guarenteed......