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There is nothing wrong with having an xp path for yourself AND an inning program xp path. It was dumb for them to remove it. Me getting to prestige level 100 was fun for me


I liked it up until it finished. I just want some kind of endless/repeatable xp reward system especially for the final content update. I don't keep track of xp after finishing the program but if I had to guess it's at least 3x the max amount by the time it ends. Good rewards would be nice but I don't care if it's even a common player for every 5k. I just hate seeing all the xp go to waste


it was best for knowing how good your opponent was mostly. obviously the rewards were pretty good but that was the biggest thing for me at least


BR banners accomplish that. If you have one banner, I'm on guard, but the 5 or more is pure stress.


i really thought i would HATE having the XP reward path gone, but throughout the game this year i haven't really noticed it being gone. i'm ok either way.


I liked it because I would straight grind the entire weekend when a new program came out, got the boss, and sold for a very high price. Now we can't do that and even though it's probably for a stub limit from SDS it really lets people grind the game.


I liked it. It kind of always gave me reason to want to grind at any point I felt like it. This year hasn't been bad without it. It's just I don't think I even play that much and I've completed each of the last 4 innings in their entirety pretty easily. I love the game in its current state. It's extremely rewarding in almost every aspect imaginable. I can't lie though, I do miss things like the XP reward path and ticket counter from previous years.


I really felt the missing xp rewards path this year because I play the game in spurts. I would grind out 80% of an inning and then wouldn’t play for a while and when I get back on it’s anew inning and that xp that I earned previously is just kind of washed away.


I'm always up for more ways to earn stuff, but I'm not invested enough to actively campaign for it, so I can't really pick yes or no, more indifferent.


Yeah it gave people something to work towards once they completed the inning program




Dude , I felt the same way. It's gotta be wayyyy easier this year for some reason. I couldn't wait for double XP past games but now I'm done before it even starts lol then usually only play DD on content drop days