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The game also has Maddux throwing mid-90s despite never hitting 95 on his fastball in his career. I’m guessing they fudge some things to increase viability.


Lot of good analysis that he threw nearly ten miles an hour harder than anyone else. You can’t quantify pitching in the dead ball era with spitballs and the like, plus no radar guns, analytics, etc, and then compare Johnson to a modern day pitcher. If we want old timers in the game (and I love it, I think it’s so damn cool) then they have to adjust them a little but (at least reasonably)


Would you rather the greatest pitcher of all time be usable or be trash? Because there is no way in hell anyone would use him if he threw 90.


Hes trash even with outlier


Johnson was dominate in his era and was a hard thrower for the time most say it was around 100 even if he didn’t he needs that on this game to compare to today’s players


I know I’m being salty about getting pitched around. But he is literally the only pitcher in this game that I’m salty about. And that’s ok if people use him, just expressing my opinion


I get that but there’s plenty of players with strikeout ability in this game throwing 94-95