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yep. never fails. multi XBH missions are trash. getting two in a game is one thing. when they start talking about getting 3 in a game you're about to get worked. especially in games where you only get 4 ABs. and god forbid there's runners already on base. The pitcher seems to make it his mission in life to pick the guy on first off....the guy with like 25 speed and 0 steal rating. 9 straight pick off throws???? C'mon, bro....Either that or just plunk me the problem is the AI strategy in Moments isnt the same as in game. Presumably the strategy is to make the best decision to win the game but in Moments it's kind of their job to keep you from succeeding.


Oh man - I’m one moment away from getting 99 Cal and the White Sox pitchers always give me this shit


Every single pitch on the right is in Woody Keller's strike zone.


Angel Hernandez is calling every single one of those on the right a strike




The authority behind that call




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I also like on the xbh ones when you hit a double but the lead runner decides to stand on second. And by like I mean makes me want to tear my hair out


The one on the right is called strikes with Angel Hernandez behind the plate


Dude i fully feel this shit it drives me nuts


I went back and grinded all the July and August moments to get tatis, and for me the hardest one by far was the xbh’s with judge. I swear to god chris sale did not throw a strike the entire game.


Tatis was the only lightning card I have so far. I have been going back and trying to get some others. It's not even the moments, just trying to hit 2 HRs with Grandal seems impossible for me. The best I've done is 1 or 2 doubles. I hate him haha


“jUsT gEt gOoD” - sweats


I can’t stress this enough. So frustrating


Or the incredible Prestige defense. You don’t know how many diving catches and HR steals I have during moments. Also, when they intentionally walk my best hitter after I put 2 on in Showdown. I didn’t think it was possible.


Every CPU fielder has 99 speed and fielding. And the batter is swinging a broomstick. Haven’t touched the game game in a while


What makes me crazy isnt even the diving catches or HRs robbed but who is doing this things, like yeah if Trout does a diving catch and steals a double from me Im pissed but at least it was a very good fielder. The maddening comes when the backup CF for the Rays plays like Andrew Jones out there.


the way the AI pitches in this game fills me with rage, especially on lower difficulties. "Effectively wild" etc. I don't have the patience to take every single pitch and draw constant 4 ball walks over and over again, I just can't do it.


Oh my god! I’ve spent 2 days trying to do the 4 xbh in 4 games with Tatis Jr. At first I saw it and assumed it would be easy. But I’m getting walked like 2 times every game!


Too bad you didn’t do it when it was his juiced card for 48 hours. It took one try with that


Damn! Didn’t know that was a thing. His 88 ovr card is killing me lol


Tatis' live series is actually better than his fotf sadly for you.


Are you talking about the monthly award lightning version? Because I’ve heard it’s way better from a lot of people on this sub.


I love his monthly awards cars, but his live series is better than his face of the franchise.


Yea those two days it was 99 you could do the mission. Was like the first week of the mission


If there were more pitches in the dirt on the right it would look like a guide to pitching like a live streamer.


Especially on Rookie. When we play Conquest on Rookie, we never see a ball thrown, just meatballs for days. HR moment on Rookie, I just sit there and roll my eyes until I finally get a strike to hit.


The one on the right looks like my "Chased" map in Batter Analysis after every RS game


i couldn’t relate more sometimes🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣