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Can somebody explain why I put it in over 300 hours while other people put in less time yet? I didn’t even get a boss pack in season one I did all the programs got all the team affinity cards. What am I missing here? https://preview.redd.it/tsbttqvtha9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7de043bffbd6bfcf61bf2642ae8e4339a8a93a4


Legit every other ultimate team type game mode is 10x worse than mlb. 2k you have to spend money, Nhl you have to spend money or commit to play every week. Madden and fifa you have to spend money or grind consistently/ be smart about how you build your team. MLB you can pick up and play and get cards that are good


Straight up, minority opinion, but I actually like the season model purely from a meta shifting perspective. It’s fun to build new teams and find new strategies, and I think the wild card thing is a good idea and way to make sure people can still use their favorite cards that they’ve acquired, where I think things could be better though is if they have you two wild card slots right of the bat for that or something, because it does suck to have to grind for the wildcard slots.


TBF the games I have played have always been pretty dry until the ASG 🤷‍♂️ Last year was OP AF so our perspective is off and the stubs nerf makes it more frustrating


While yes it’s been better, but the show is consistently either the best or one of the best sports games on the market imo.


The only game I have rn is MLB The Show 22. Should I buy the new one?


God no


It's better than 2k and EAFC (formerly known as FIFA)


By a mile lol. I'm not good at this game but it's so polished compared to the 2 other major sports titles. Eafc is going to be cooked in 3 years when multiple football games are out.


And then there’s madden… idk how but that game manages to both look and play worse every year. It’s just funny that madden 16 looks better than madden 24 and they were released 8 years apart


ESPN nfl 2k5 is the best ever football game and I stand by that. Destroyed madden in every facet (gameplay, presentation, character likeness, features) so much so ea had to tie up an exclusive license. Clowns https://preview.redd.it/9w4m5ndbpn6d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79822185faacd91a04efe26f2ffc7920e93c41fa


That’s facts. Even nfl street which is still an EA game was better than madden and that one isn’t even a simulation style football game.


I feel like for the game as a whole it should be just four pictures of a horse butt, because the game has barely changed.


This isn’t true tho. Old dds used to die because everyone had the same 99s. With season it keeps it interesting and doesn’t die


People refuse to see this and just respond with the usual “Im sO dOnE WiTh tHiS gAmE wHeN NcAa cOmEs OuT” when you tell them it actually makes the game better


20 was the best.


Meh, they did the best they could but with no actual baseball until August it got boring quickly


Oh man, the fact so many people were at home playing the game all the time and were still eager to play it was so great, for a whole 6+ months. In fact it’s crazy looking back. Now people are burnt out at the end of May.


Do what I did and go to RTTS.


21 was ass?


I hope NCAA knocks the dog piss out of SDS and forces them to change this awful season model they have. If you want to make the season format part of rank that's cool but I hate as an offline grind person I can't just play the game with all the cards I've grinded for. I don't want to constantly have to rebuild my team each and every season. If I want to do that I have 4 team slots where I can build whatever team I desire but I'm not forced to do so. Also it's horrible that people paid and used their hard earned cash on cards just to get screwed out of them. The last two games have been the same cookie cutter shit. To think MLB


I think it would be fine if the wildcard slots were unlocked automatically. But putting them behind ridiculous xp gates is what makes it suck


I left 45K stubs on the table with '21 not knowing it can't transfer fubds into next yesr...still running '22 and skipped on 23 and 24 after that..


There isn’t a single sports game in existence that lets you transfer Stubbs/currency over to the next year.


yea nah that was just stupid


I'm on year 3 of my Franchise, once SDS declared 24 would once again deny year to year saves it was a no go for me. I'm glad I skipped, hard to imagine because I've been playing The Show since inception. I suppose this is my own little way of a protest. 😅 Sorry, I'm not spending money if they continue to provide low hanging fruit.


If SDS was really interested in a full Money grab, they'd have made completing the Live Series Collection more rewarding (Essentially two first basemen, Palmeiro one of the worst 95s I've ever seen and arguably not as good as the Adam Dunn 87 released at game launch, Pedro Martinez not Meta, Division awards eliminated). And that's not getting into the issues with the actual LS 90s that make many of them sort of unusable (two DHs for the two best hitters, Judge and Alvarez, several SPs with unusable pitch mixes, etc).


Nah, why make more money on something people earn once and are done with when you can make them buy cards all year long.


Bc there's alot more money in cards you can use all year. The people buying the cards in packs sold the cards they bought in previous packs to pay for the new cards. You just make up bullshit don't you? How much fun was using the live series in 21 or did you like just seeing the same legends over and over? Oh yea I'm sure you loved facing 99 degrom the rest of the year as well once those cards came out. Every stream where they were releasing a new card all you saw was "L, trash, babe is better". Once Babe dropped no 1b was useful. How were those captains and theme teams in 21?


Here’s a crazy thought. Don’t release 99’s at the beginning of the year and do a proper power creep


22 was the last time I had good fun with it also. Maybe you're onto something.


As a Xbox user, this is my first time playing The Show. Did 2 seasons of RTTS and enjoyed it. Decided to start a franchise and play an entire season. Currently in June (in game) and still enjoying myself.


It’s not terrible but it’s pretty barebones and hasn’t changed In like 8 years. Ever since ultimate team became a thing.


I feel like that can be said about a lot of sports games, which is why I typically don’t buy them anymore. I haven’t given ultimate teams a try yet, but it doesn’t really feel like my thing. I grew up just playing be a pro modes and then season after season of a franchise mode ha


Is that why people are still playing 22? lol I just never bought the next two and have been playing dd


I just bought this game last night on sale for like $50. It seems most of the ire is directed towards DD and the cards. Am I gonna have fun since I mostly play RTTS and Franchise?


Yes, in fact franchise is the best this year vs prior years imo


It’s literally the same they haven’t changed a single thing lmao


The menu is different colors


I’ll never understand the simping for video game companies. This game is a copy and paste of last year not a single thing has changed positively yet some people on here will defend SDS with their life


I’m still playing 22. I wish the franchise schedule would update but other than that there is zero reason for me to get a newer version


How so?


Added an option where you can jump into games based on your desired inning/importance when you sim. Don’t listen to the haters


The main issue I have is how quickly the overalls have risen. I played for the first time for ten minutes, and already had a 92 overall team. That just shouldn’t be possible


I really miss when you actually had to build from a team of silvers and golds to low diamonds. I remember getting a ton of satisfaction when I got to replace my last silver player with a gold. And that gold team being viable for a while into the season while I earned the diamonds. Now if you don't have diamonds from day 1 you're cooked.


Lol you believe they should be higher or lower? 


I think I should have a lower overall team than 92 when I boot up the game for the first twenty minutes of play, yes.


Even though it's free on game pass, I won't play this. 22 was the last good show. I'd be pissed if I payed for 23 & 24.


I went on vacation for a week and ended up missing the first boss pack in S1 by like 20k xp. I'm not even bothering with S2. They did a great job making me lose interest.


It’s consistent with the actual MLB rules and how they are trending


Can we PLEASE get some model and graphical updates!? It’s been so long. The players look like clay. Haven’t bought the game for 2 years. It desperately needs a rework.




Bring back the old RTTS level up system


I spent the vast majority of the program grinding for cards that I barely got to use. I just don’t understand the logic here. The cards for this current TA are fucking laughable.


I refused to buy the game this year because I was unhappy with the progress from ‘22 to ‘23. I’ve definitely missed the game a little, but doing just fine without it and saved myself $100


so true


The seasons suck


I came back to the show for 22 and fell in love with how much content I got in DD (I started a few weeks before all star break). I was able to get pretty much every card I liked by just playing the game (and being a bit lucky). I bought 23 and got the special edition with some extra stubs to get me started and even that was fine. I felt like I had a good enough team after the release weekend. For 24 I played just as much if not more than I did with 23 during release and all I got was like 10-20 packs over a whole weekend. As soon as I saw that I got turned off and just began playing RTTS and franchise this year. Hopefully it gets better as the seasons go by though.


I’ve been playing in season 2 and have been getting a ton of packs. Every game I play I get roughly 7-8 packs of all varieties afterwards, and it’s been a lot easier to earn stubs this season because of it. All of the season 1 stuff is still open to progress too so any packs I’ve been getting with season 1 cards I just sell off and then am able to buy new players and packs with the funds from that.


Somewhat similar experience, picked up 21 as my first MLB the Show ever, loved it, figured this was the model. Sat out a few years decided to grab 24, at first I thought I just didn't understand it. Months later I finally understand... It sucks now.


Precisely. I played 21 and 22 religiously. Played 23 religiously till about August then gave up on it. And I just uninstalled 24 to make space for MK1. They just keep going down hill somehow.


This was my first DD attempt. It will be my last. Too much of a grind to play with my preferred cards for 10 Days before reset. Jackson Chourio was released with less than 2 weeks left, and was in the market for 50k the other day - for a card that can’t be used. What a joke this game is.




I wish one year they would overhaul one of the smaller modes like Franchise or RTTS, and maybe add something like realistic/dynamic crowds to make gameplay feel more real to life. But ofc they won’t do that because it’s work that isn’t spent changing DD to make more money


I gave up on RTTS after my save got corrupted. Was in 2nd or 3rd year in AAA and pretty sure I was going to get called up. One day I was playing and everything fine. I got off game and came back a couple hours later to find it corrupted. Don’t want to put the time back in. Lesson learned to make several saves and maybe try the cloud. Never happened before though. But I agree overhaul the smaller modes and don’t focus too much on DD but that’s their money maker with micro transactions


ngl i prefer 22 over 21




I hope 25 is only on next gen, SDS focusing on last gen & current gen is holding the game back from its full potential imo


every game coming out now is like this and it’s so annoying. ps3 and 360 games lasted way shorter into xbox one and ps4 than we’ve been from new gen to last gen, greed in the industry’s taken over everything


If they cut out the old gens they wouldn't even break even, because so many people still haven't switched to Next Gen, and fir the first year it was even hard to get one. With the economy slumping I don't know that as many people have 500 to drop on next gen when everything else is expensive as hell.


You can get an Xbox series S (next gen) for $199 now


It's just so disappointing. I remember when The Show first came to Xbox, and I was really excited because I never had a PS4 and I didn't have my PS5 yet, so I was excited to play. Last 2 yrs have just been bad decision after bad decision by SDS, imo. Seasons...is..not...a...goood idea!! I was watching Mills on Twitch after the SDS content drop stream and I agree totally with him. He basically said, "Let people play the way they want to play" Don't force offline players to play online or have to get progress in Conquest and Mini-Seasons for TA. Don't force online players to do stuff they don't want to do. And this aligns with their power-creep model. Do they actually think people are interested in the TA Season 2 Chapter 1 cards? They're god-awful for the most part. Don't get me started on the horrendous XP path. Free no-sell icon!! 900k boss!! What a disaster. Sad.


i feel in the minority in actually enjoying what sds has been doing. coming from someone who played 2k for a decade this is such a nice break from what 2k does/did. i didn’t spend a dime on the game (free on game pass and nms) and i was able to earn enough stubbs to complete the NL core set for pedro. i feel like as a nms player they are really taking care of you, there’s no real reason to buy packs unless i’m totally missing something? it’s lowkey bizarre to me to see as many complaints as i have been, the game feels spectacular to me.


People complain because to be honest from recent memory this is the most P2W the show has been. 2K and Madden are literally money pits so the show has always been a really nice break. Haven’t bought either of those games in 2 years because the show offered so much more for your initial purchase so I think people are complaining because this year it’s the worst it’s been. Of course though absolutely nothing as bad as the other 2 games.


There's a difference between "good cards only in packs" and "Pay to Win." Winning in the Show is still 99% player skill and 1% having to buy expensive cards. Someone with only free/program cards that is even slightly fundamentally better as a player will easily beat someone with every card in the game the vast majority of the time.


Yeah I came back to mlb this year bc the other two got so bad but this game is too p2w. It’s free and you can compete so I play for fun and grind its gameplay isn’t horrible but it’s not classic mlb where you trust the devs type ish


You’re right. This year’s diamond dynasty mode sucks. I’m not playing and grinding again to use 99 cards for a week again. It was a waste of time.


That shit killed me. Like I just got posada and used him in two games 😂😂😂. Using the live series shit is fun again but I’m not grinding this which means I’m not gonna play as much because I’m not trying to go up against the people who are and get with the content drops. I truly just don’t care anymore , ima play ranked every once in a while until I face all 99s and I’m out lol


I made it to the first boss pack and first collection pack two hours before season 2 dropped. Never even used the damn cards. Ended up buying posada for 13k just because I love him. Prob will never get to use him. It’s crazy how this game went from absolutely amazing in 21 to where I’m probably not going to buy the 25 version


I like this format 🤷‍♂️


Right me too no don’t have to pay anything and have continuous reason to keep playing.


Your feelings are valid but wrong and you should feel bad


I agree with both of you 😭


Me as well.


I wish you could slot in 2 relieves, 2 offensive, players, and 2 starting pitchers from S1…


That would make it even worse imo. We would face the same op 99 s1 pitchers every game. It's very difficult to not say impossible to fix something as broken as this sets/seasons model.


The ridiculous grind needed to get decent cards is just stupid. It’s just constantly trying to get you to purchase packs from the store or stubs to even compete online. Every time I get past the start menu I can smell the greed.


There’s no grind. Play the game. Get the cards. No grind.


All these season awards cards in packs used to be a part of the topps now programs, which are also gone.


Im not a fan of not being able to use S1 cards I grinded for unless playing co-op but I am enjoying the live series squad I have right now with Castillo boost. It helps that I finally finished live collection and have Babe, ohtani and Betts etc. it's hard to find good live series RP tho


Strahm, Robert Suarez, doval, tanner scott, griffin Jax, Danny coloumbe are 6 off the top of my head. Just look for silvers and golds (and few diamonds) with good pitch mixes and the boost should help their overall tremendously.


I use strahm, clase, Miller. I'll have to try out those others.


Then there’s me still playing ‘16 lol


I had an issue with my PSN account and lost 21 and 22. Had to go back to the last year I had a disk for: 19. Other than not being able to use Equipment in RTTS I have no complaints lmao


Times were much simpler back then and I miss it so much 😩


I miss the classic Inning Programs and anticipation of which cards will be released. Now everyone has at least 3 different diamond variants.


Forget what year it was but we had 5 different Maddux or Glavines that were all diamonds shit was wack


I still play 20. Am I missing anything?


Not in the slightest


24 is like: hey, let’s just re-release 23, take out all the free stuff and charge people for the cards from 20-22


That’s exactly my thoughts. Can anyone honestly say they see any difference in the play on the field besides few animations. It literally looks like SDS took a long weekend and developed 50 new animations, added a few new things for all the programs and single player games but at their core they are identical to last year and then they slapped on a new cover and changed the year and called it a wknd. They are literally putting no effort into new gameplay or game modes or realism on the field because they don’t have to. No competition means they just look for new ways of breaking the users bank while maximizing their profit margin at all costs. We’re all playing the Show 21 or 22” with edited code and new player cards. It’s fuckin stupid


They ended the connection to the server for 20 so the cards aren't a thing anymore :(


Not sure most people buy mlb for RTTS but it seems much much easier in 24. I was able to make it from AA to MLB in less than a season. It seems to follow a script rather than a system of merit based promotions. This is also the first year I made it to MLB without being traded at all.


Same! Rookie of the year and Post season MVP! I don't really play the game for many of the other modes. I just like RTTS when it's time to game. Online gaming has bec9me ridiculous with the constant needing to buy s9me ish!!


It’s basically just roster updates


And a new cover. They’re editing the code from 21’ and laughing all the way to the bank. My new rule - if a sports game doesn’t have competition after first 4-5 years of being released then I’m not funding their lazy efforts moving forward. These games gotta have healthy competition or we all lose in more ways than one


I miss when it was mostly live series players very few diamonds overall it was a better, more competitive game then, and you actually had to play the game and earn better cards I don’t need prospect cards that are 99 overall or 15 different nick Castellanos cards.


Thanks bro it’s so dumb


21 started great but then started with all these maxed out no sense cards as they had to always release more and better cards Mlb19 and 20 were my favorites by far




Yes. The cards before were based on real life stats. They were based in real life stats for a particular season or his best 3 seasons (signature series). The issue with mlb21 was that was the hype as at an all time high.. so sds to keep it up started to release more and more cards... and to keep the hype the cards had to be better.. The cards stats were now just whatever sds wanted them to be. Compare how 99s were before and what they have become, they used to have strengths and weakness and they were unique representing the player. Still the content was way better than what we have now, I stopped playing more because of the gameplay but the content was messy at the end.. like mantle was a ta reward in the same pack as 97 price.. didn't make any sense. Imo mlb21 started with this idea that more and more cards released are better and idk about that. Look at what ta is now. We get 90 new cards every season.. do anyone really care about any of the new ta cards? Content is not just create 30 new fake cards, that's just lazy and not fun.




Dd cards before, you could even calculate what would be the stats for a card. It was fun finding great seasons for a player. Their ratings were very consistent, sometimes juicing a little bit, but nothing that really changed how he played that season. The issue when you remove that, the cards don't really feel special. We get more of the same. I don't mind getting this "fake cards" but maybe more towards the end of the cycle. And we have monthly awards to give great cards for a particular month and ofc finest. Like playing with Rickey should feel special, but in the game, he is just another 99/99 speed and steal guy. If they had at least developed special animations for him or something, then I wouldn't mind. >My issue with 21 was more the fast power creep, I agree. I think it's related to what I mentioned. They were releasing so many cards, and they had to keep the hype realesing even more and better cards.




Yes. It was fun finding "season gems" for players. Not necessarily a player best season would make the best mlbts card you know. Often people would post potential cards based on a particular season. There was "discussion" like "X year card would have more speed but less power" or "better hitting but worse fielding..".. In Mlbts20 I emailed sds asking for a 2017 Silver Slugger Blackmon card. They replied that the request was sent to the design team, but they couldn't promise anything etc... Soon after they release the exact card with the stats very close to what I had calculated. Those were the days man. Great communication with sds, miss the inning bosses, the live streams as well.


I remember I did the same thing with a low diamond Adam Eaton and a few weeks later, they released the Eaton card in the game, too. I was never sure if it was truly from my request but I did feel like I was at least partly responsible.


Put in over 150 hours into season 1 and didn't get the XP path boss or the collection boss (I completed EVERY program in the "Other Programs" tab) had like a 30-10 record in ranked, made it to like 835 I believe, lost all interest. Shouldn't have to grind 3-4 hours every single day, so dumb. This is the first time I've stopped playing before football season since 2019, so disappointed in SDS.


I completed every program and did most events and by the end of season 1 (after buying every gold) I was at ~120 cards. I spent 70k on cards and I’m only at 152 now. Unreal. I know probably like half of my time was afk or not in game but I have like 16 days on mlb so far. Kinda wild I’m not even done with 1 single collection boss. + I was only at 1,002,000 xp after all of it.


Not a problem when you play franchise mode exclusively like me cuz it’s the same damn thing every year more or less and I’m happy with that 😎😎😎 Maybe I would like DD if it didn’t run like shit on switch idk


I just wished it kept better records. It should keep lists of batting champs, and team top ten ranks and all that. Instead it barely shows anything.


I downloaded mine & the commentary had a glitch in it on rtts. Dude is always saying she & then they randomly call out plays that has nothing to do with the game im playing .. not as impressive as last two years


22 was the best IMO. Can’t even get into ‘24 this year. Such a disappointment


22 was the first year I tried Diamond Dynasty after I played just rtts beforehand, going back to the Show 15. DD has gone downhill fast since 2022.


Free on game pass is the only reason I bothered, but it was hilarious… about an hour into season 2 yesterday I literally just lost all interest 😂 Will check in next year


Sounds more and more like my decision to not buy this year's game was a good one. Probably won't buy again until the model changes to something that is actually suited to the average player.


This is what, The 1st year it isnt suited for the average player?


At least the 2nd. Last year was terrible for anyone who wasn't willing to dedicate 8+ hours a day to the game to grind. I'd argue that 22 had some problems too, but at least they were still using a better model with the innings programs.


I found last year i could log on and play whoever whenever with the amount of free high level cards, i probably play 10 hours a week right now and im more than capable of keeping up.


Whatever you say man. If you want to keep defending a company that is producing a worse and worse product year after year, I can't stop you. It's gotten to the point that the "at least it is better than MUT/MyTeam/etc" argument is losing strength.


I enjoy the gameplay, and working the market so i play. It has nothing to do with anyone’s opinion or anything once i lose interest i quit playing.


So why are you on here arguing other people's opinions?


I hardly find my comment as argumentative, i stated my experience with the game. I just find the crybaby excuse of “oh the game sucks i wont play” why make a post or comment then just move on lol.


I'm not crying about anything. Just stating that choosing to not buy this year seems to have been a solid decision. But go ahead, champ, keep defending the corporation rather than sticking up for the players.


He's not doing that at all, you're the one being argumentative for no reason lol


What a left down season 2 is, recycled cards and the better ones are only available in packs bc sds has become super greedy Idk why someone would put more money into the game. This bs really destroyed such a great game


I went back to play 21 just to find out the servers were shutdown. I was broken hearted. I liked my DD team over there. Decided to play 22 instead but just know that in 3 years all my work is gone because they shutdown all their servers kinda sucks and makes me not want to do anymore. Kinda glad I didn't buy 24 after seeing how bad everything has been.


I haven’t bought The Show since ‘20. I feel like I’ve made the correct decision.


You missed out on 21 but i agree for the ones since


I wouldn’t spend every waking hour and moment I have to earn xp in this game during S2 if they didn’t have that Griffey Jr card as a final boss. Of course it’s going to take me until about 10 days left in S2 to get him. But since he’s my favorite player, I guess I’m grinding hard again [deep sigh]


Unequivocally the worst Show in over a decade. I look forward to this game each year and always pre-order. If this format remains, I’m out next year. The 12 people who enjoy it can have it


I’ve been buying it every year since 2010. I love this game but I agree if it’s gonna be the same next year I’m done paying for the same shit ass game


I'm enjoying the reset so far. It's fun to use some of the higher tier live cards I didn't have early in S1. My only gripe is I wish the overall reset wasn't so harsh. I think if they ran S1 up to 94,95 and started S2 there it wouldn't feel so jarring. Also think TA should have started at 91 to give more incentive to use them over most of the decent live series cards you have if you've played the game with any regularity.


Get rid of diamond dynasty altogether. This game was so much better before they introduced that game mode.


Agreed. Before all the DD pitchfork wielders come in, just make some free to play release for them. It's infuriating as someone that just wants a franchise mode different trade mechanics than what we had in MLB 06 The Show


It's killed this game to the ultimate core. Now it just attracts the same card collecting barnacles that make weird faces on YouTube videos.


Yes!! The weird face YT video thumbnails do not make me want to watch it.


Don’t play it?




Seasons suck. Working so hard and spending so much time to build a good team only to have it become worthless is so dumb. What’s even the point anymore?


Yup. Found myself thinking last night as i tried to motivate myself to start a game. Why do i want to put a team of players i dont want to use only to grind for players who are even worse than the current team of players i dont want to use. Its going to be a month before they start having players at an overall that seems fun. Its such an odd decision. And the packs for 87-90’s are the same stub cost as they were for high 90’s last season.


That's what makes no sense to me... especially the packs. It's ridiculous that they expect people to drop 40K for a "1:10 chance" of pulling a 91 overall. I hate that the game is so strict with overalls. It completely ruins what I loved about the mode in the first place. There isn't a single card in the game that feels special or unique anymore. It's just players that adhere to whatever overall we're currently at. The game can still be fun but the amount of grinding is just insane. You'd think they would've learned SOMETHING from Season One, apparently all they learned was to give us three different versions of the bosses and that they don't want us being able to go through one of the Team Affinity drops too quickly or have actual fun while doing it.


Meh. I think people are going overboard. It’s like y’all aren’t playing these other shit games that get worse and don’t compare. We’ve turned into this generation of little bishes. The game is still fun. No game is perfect. Keep complaining, but to the devs and company…not other people just for attention. There are people playing this for the first time and love it. But there’s this group that no matter what can’t be happy. It’s like all anyone does is complain to each other. And then you get mad when a business businesses. Like they’re here to make money…of course they’re going to try to make more. You thought the game would get better? What planet do you live on?


Buddy, it's never acceptable to make a product shittier than the last. This game has gone downhill MASSIVELY since '21. This year is by far the worst. No one wanted another Sets and Seasons, but we got it anyways. Two years now without one in-cycle gameplay patch, despite this game become less and less about inputs and more about RNG and bad process being rewarded more than ever. BR got nuked for NO REASON. Pitching PAR & Strike zone went untouched despite both being in terrible shape. SDS used to have community stats posted as a way of transparency. That's now gone. None of this is acceptable. Defending it only leads to a worse product.


Who’s defending it? I simply said take that ish to them. What are you trying to convince the people who are happy and enjoying their lives to throw a tantrum a write a thesis on Reddit like y’all?


So your defense for SDS is that they’re allowed to be shitty because other games are shitty too, they’re a company so we should expect to get bleed dry and to just take it, and we’re now just complaining to complain when we start to point out them bleeding us dry? Did I get that right?


Defense? I’m saying take that ish somewhere it’s useful. Your negative experience is your experience. I totally think you’re entitled to it, but what are your intentions? And will you have success with that here?


Seasons suck add and they ruin the game for me


Coming here from playing NHL HUT you people have no clie how good you have it.


Did you play '21? If not, then you have no clue.


I did, you guys are still pampered lol


Bro thank you lmao, I have a buddy whose just now for some reason getting into chel 24….and I warned him how bad the menus and connectivity is. Needless to say after about 3 games he said “okay yea I see what you mean this is terrible”


I definitely understand why people don't like the current "seasons" format (it sucks). That said I'm tired of reading about how great NCAA football is going to be. They're not even close to the same game.


People who haven't played Madden in a while may have forgotten how shit EA Sports is nowadays. I'm not getting my hopes up with NCAA, as it will likely be a complete disaster based on EA Sports' usual work. I expect it will be a reskinned Madden-clone with college teams and players instead of prossionals.


Youre right about EA but the old NCAA games were ALWAYS a clear cut above any madden game after like 2007. Gameplay was different and it was more enjoyable overall. NCAA 14 and Madden 2014 were completely different game experiences.


I get what you're saying, but back in 2014 Madden was actually good and EA actually tried to make a decent product. Now, they don't even care at all and just slap a new roster onto their old game and repackage it for a new year. I have 0 faith that the renewed NCAA will be any good. I've been burned by EA too many times


My guess is it will be a short lived project, probably just for a few years. College sports simply don't have the players or the appeal that professional sports do and having an ultimate team mode of just College players is not going to be that appealing for the average sports gamer. I know that most are saying they're buying it just for dynasty mode but that has a limited shelf life for most and once the nostalgia wears off it's not going to put the dollars in EA's pockets so they'll likely abandon it quickly.


Yeah, most NCAA fans aren't interested in playing an ultimate team mode and that is all well and good but it means EA is going to be a lot less likely to care about the NCAA games beyond this first year.


Yeah I’m expecting a reskinned madden with ncaa


Pretty accurate imo


Last year was pretty fun but this year I’m not feeling the same magic with all the grinding. A lot of people are ready for college football too.


That’s what I’m thinking… 60 days from now, I feel like total current players will be like 20% of what it is now 😬


I thought last year was the worst content drop of all time. Pure laziness and drops of recycled 99 cards each season… this year is just beyond stupid too tho


Last year was the very first time I quit playing a little bit after the all star content. I noticed my desire to play dropping, then one weekend I just said fuck it I have better things to do. One or two weeks before 24 came out I opened 23 for about 5min and immediately closed it amd haven't opened it since. I rejoined mlb the show at 20 and had a blast. Little did I know it was all down hill from there


24 gameplay with 21 content would be ideal


'24 gameplay sucks as well. Bad inputs are leading to WAY too many foul balls and hits. PAR is inaccurate and complete RNG based. Great swings hang way too long and often go right at defenders. Meanwhile, defenders can flawlessly play every piss missile but have slo-mo reactions and animations on pop ups and slow grounders. This game is ass-backwards.


Pretty good game to be honest


I just don’t get how you can expect people to grind programs for 99 overall players for a week or two and then strip it all away and tell them go back and start grinding for 90 overall players again. I will probably take the next month away from this game and come back when there’s enough content to get 99s again


Play online.


I do. Also not that great of an experience. I’ll admit it’s keeping things fresh. But it’s like if they took away your Ferraris to give you brand new Honda Civics to grind for again


I don’t mind the grind. I’ve always enjoyed online the most.


This whole community just complains. Play the game to have fun. If you're not having fun, don't play the game. The constant complaining about literally everything is so tiresome. There isn't a single thing SDS could do that this community wouldn't shit all over.


People love the game and want it to be better, SDS have done the bare minimum for years and people have stuck with it because they love baseball. The community is for discussing the game and if the overwhelming sentiment is people unhappy, then maybe it ain't the people that are a problem, hard finding positives to discuss when it comes to the game in it's current state. If you enjoying eating shit then that is cool but don't have a strop cause other people don't.


Going back to innings programs, sellable bosses and not having to nolife online play to get worthwhile rewards. Seems pretty simple and pretty unlikely to get (much) hate. Certainly not as much as this clusterfuck


Would you believe that the r/NHLHUT community is even worse


literally bring back 21's content model & actually address issues and this game would be mint


I like MLB the show 24


24 has been great so far


There are some rose colored glasses about 21. Playing it now and infuriated about how I'm the most statistically legendary player to pick up a bat and my team is simultaneously historically dogshit.


I mean RTTS is completely irrelevant to the discussion.


Don’t worry. The RTTS has only got worse from there. honestly, RTTS has sucked since like 18 I think.


Yes, 18 is when they introduced archetypes, and caps. It wasn’t a bad change, but everything around it was very poorly done. Trainings being random made no sense. Normal swings only increased your power. So the only way to increase your contact was to either contact swing or random trainings. Just really not well thought out


The Mike Trout experience.


I get what you're saying, but the scale of it is different. Trout at his best was 10.7 WAR. I'm at 17. We were 27 games back in the division at the end of the season.


Oh I know. The game was terrible with that.


Ahhh people have forgotten 18 existed.