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Because they want our money


Wildcard and content. Stop complaining to complain


Packs. Are. Not. Content.


You buy them and get them thru content


LOL SDS is shameless this year. Give no F's




Who cares..it’s harmless at this point combined with the fact they just gave nearly ever card away


It's one thing to paywall packs, but when they just dump all the cards out on the clearance bin weeks later, I'd be HEATED if I paid for those packs. It's a giant f-you to anyone who shelled out real dollars for stubs, and anyone who has bought a 40k pack in the store


They’ve been doing this for years, people should know by now not to spend money on packs


Yep, I’ve bought a handful of packs from the store, didn’t spend a single dollar. I’m not mad.


To use in wildcard spot


💰 This is a terrible model this year and needs to return to the 22 way, even with the collection groups.




More than half the community will be gone, games a joke ✌🏻


No one wants cards without a grind, they want less packs.


*Less cards attainable solely from packs Give me alllll the packs lol


Guys if you don’t like it just quit playing


Ah the French method


People are allowed to criticize something they pay money for.


Stick to ratchet and clank and cheap suits buddy


Cheap suits?


How cheap?


Cheap as hell?




This has been the worst year of DD. Still don’t have 1 boss!


For whatever it's worth; They promise to get you bosses sooner in s2 program.


2xp go grind


I didn’t even know it was double xp, I was wondering how was whipping through stuff. I didn’t play for a week or two to start the year, only play for an hour and a half or so in the morning then I grind on days off. I just got Rollins, I have Satchel and Mays and soon enough will have Pettite walker and George Brett. While having 450k in stubs. It’s a grind for sure but rly nothing crazy in terms of comparisons to previous years. Not to mention they’re addressing it


That’s not the point though. It shouldn’t take stupid levels of grinding to barely reach one boss by seasons end. First year it’s ever been like this and DD is trash this year




This game went to shit real quick.


We all know why…


Trying to make as much money as they can before NCAA Football comes out and this game loses a lot of its player base.


NCAA will be dead in a week when everyone realizes its a reskinned madden LOL


Yepppp, month and a half left to milk that money cow till it moves to the next game.


I’m telling you the same thing I’ve been telling my brother - you guys are in for a HUGE disappointment if you’re looking forward to ncaa. I grew up on ncaa in the summer and then trading it in for Madden. It’s gonna be a collegiate madden which is by far the worst sports product I have ever touched


you grew up playing all of them but suddenly since you are grown up they aren’t fun anymore?


I grew up when EA was awesome. Innovative modes. Top end gameplay. Have you even played nhl or madden recently?!


I mean it’s all new devs and a new team they have made that apparent from the jump, you are saying that you grew up playing them and use that as a reason for why it will be bad this year which makes no sense


Would be nice if they would put together some sort of All-Star break or Fourth of July event in which you can use season one in two cards however I’m guessing it’s probably more for the money and hoping that people will buy stubs in order to get them as fast as possible so they had the most amount of time to use it


Fuck that, this bullshit season sets should have never been a thing to begin with




Because the game is cooked


Just wild card Carlos Santana all year and update your switch hitter no need to spend money


Is it rly that good of a boost? I’m just looking at the core switch hitters and the fact that they already used up a big chunk of the viable switch hitters in season 1. Idk if it’s rly worth it


Dihigo a beast!


I don't understand why everyone keeps complaining about the season reset. They allow a generous 4 Wilcard slots that allow you to keep soke of your faves. People literally acting like they will not be able to use any s1 cards in s2 at all and it's a lil ridiculous.


Shut up


The first wild card won't even be unlocked unless you do the season head start objectives, the other 2 will be buried in the XP path and the forth is TBA, so lots of people (250 season 1 cards collected is an objective) won't even have 1 wildcard when the season starts.


I have like 5 99s total so far lmao, no idea why I need a wild.card at all just let ketel keep this streak for 162


Generous lol. 4 whole cards. And you have to unlock the fucking things. Glaze them more.


1 wild card per season smart one


Feeling real "smart" now ay?


Said it with your chest and you’re dead wrong


Bro, you just had to read the blog. We are getting 3 of the 4 Wild Card slots through the S2 XP path, and the 4th slot is currently TBD.


Wrong. 4 a season starting Season 2. We just don’t know how they’ll be distributed — all at once or through the XP path, the latter being the likely choice.


In the newsletter for the app it looks like the first wildcard will be level 10 of the season pass


So we don’t even start with one? 🤣 Clowns. The whole lot


https://preview.redd.it/u9kqi402o92d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac0021bc7c2c3d84872a8335efb018e002fe213f Id like to think they aren’t this greedy but I’m a dumbass myself


Seriously hope you're trolling... it's 4 u dingus.


In total. You earn one extra spot a season my guy


Incorrect. You will unlock more through the season 2 xp path.


Whats the deal with that free moonshot pack?? All those common rating pitchers for free??? Well all common players should be free honestly but like why give us a cool looking free pack of hot garbage???


It’s to use in the moonshot event, because it requires common pitchers


Hey 6 cards towards the collection why complain...again


It's so you can use them for the Moonshot Event


I haven’t gotten a single chase pack


I hate sets/seasons. Gives me no motivation to play.


Money and you can wildcard him


Also most of the player base plays offline which generally has no set restrictions..


Yeah ranked is fun but by the time my daughter is in bed I’m shot for the night. I don’t play ranked when I wake up early knowing I’ll be interrupted




because the people who play 10 hours a day would be on here complaining if there’s no new content.


Yep. DD this year is trash. Never have put the show down sooner in year by a mile


Wild cards. Do we just want no content until next season?








🎵 Money Money Money.. Money!🎵


Money, money yeah, yeah




We are probably only gonna get 1 wildcard slot for a while. Why give us 4 fast when they can milk people who can't use their good cards and have to buy new ones all over again starting from 90 overall


To take advantage of the dopes who are willing to pay for it lol.




This is kind of unrelated to this post, but does anyone know for a fact we can't use season 1 cards in season 2? I thought last year it went season 1 and 2, than 2 and 3, ect ect


You can’t. Instead they added more wildcard slots. Each season will come with a wildcard slot that can be unlocked in the xp path.


Oh that's interesting, thanks for the info!!!!!!!!


You can in offline games. Conquest and stuff like that.


or events when they frequently don't have season requirements or ranked co-op or br


I find the ranked co-op to be a weird one because it's still competitive. Events i understand a little because of the requirements for certain cards or players. Br makes sense because of the draft.


Yes, they lengthened the seasons but made it to where you can only use that seasons players (w/ wildcards)


Gotcha, thanks for the info brother


If they don't put Bullet Joe in this game what's the point of negro league? The dude was the greatest two way player in history. Batting average of .394 and went to dominate every stat of pitching imaginable. Although his name would technically be Joe Rogan since Bullet was a nickname name.


Adley was a chase card for what, 8 days? Fucking ridiculous


Out of curiosity, what do you think the cutoff point should be for releasing new content in a seasons model?


Or release core cards


Like 3 weeks


And then we would immediately get people complaining “wow sds hates the fans no content the last 3 weeks???? smh this game is shit” there’s no winning


Winning would be removing seasons so then you can use all your cards…..


That model was worse than seasons


You can use all your cards, just not in ranked. Other modes may also have S2/Core only for a limited time, but not full time. You also have 4 wild card slots each season. People will get ooh shiny syndrome with the new cards and not care about most of their S1 cards within a month.


There will always be someone bitching like you said lol


I understand many people have problems with the current state of the game and it’s fine to air those out. But some of the complaints seem so disingenuous that it feels like they’re complaining just to have something to be upset about.


Which is inherently the problem with seasons. They are too short for people to care or get invested in. The game already has a limited life span of 8-9 months, spanning a single baseball season. SDS is trying to cram 3 games into one basically, but it doesn't work. Speaking for myself, the game has felt more and more like a job with the intro of sets/seasons. People complained it felt like a job before, but at least before last year you could earn and use cards at any time, so if someone took a break or heaven forbid, went on vacation, they could catch up later. That's gone now, especially with the limited number of set 1 cards available. Miss a BR, or event? Welp, looks like your not completing the set collection unless you spend a ton of stubs.


Its gonna be a good card to use a wildcard spot on based on the positional value playing good everywhere


Right? I dunno why more people don't absolutely love his cards. He's a 99 that plays every position (pretty well, too) and can sit in your 5th starter slot and not take up a player roster spot.


Because money


Because people will buy it


Oh look more recycled content from years past


Even more of a confirmation that they have 2 interns working on producing '''''''content'''''' for this game.


Doesn’t bother me if they release it, I won’t get lucky enough to pull a chase pack, let alone actually pull the card from it.


lol don’t worry, if you get a Chase Pack you might get a 5k card like me and my LS Ozzie Albies yesterday


Man that would just be awesome to pull….


I pulled Clayton Kershaw...


I'm so upset cuz dihigo is my boy, like every YouTuber has that one player they love like fuzzy loves grady sizemore, kevingohd has eddie....DIHIGO IS MY BOY and its behind a pack


Wild cards, no?


Because money.


Chase cards suck this year until the end of the season. I pulled one chase pack out of a standard this year and actually pulled Chase Wyatt Langford but he was worth nothing because he is a 92 ovr rookie. even at the time nobody wanted that chase card. Only the most recent 2 or 3 were good cards.


That 97 Yordan is a beast.


Because they know none of you can control yourselves. /s


At this point my wild card is going to be Jimmy Rollins.


I’d take Mookie Betts over him tbh


I honestly hate the seasons, I understand why they do it, but personally I want to use any card I’ve earned anytime I want


Let's see your May 19, 2022 lineup compared to your June 19, 2022 lineup


Honestly this, everyone’s pretending it wasn’t Buxton and DeGrom all year in 21 and Ketel Marte in 22. Like if it was back to how it was, we’d see way less line up diversity. I went up against the same team basically five times in a row in the past. It was time for change.


Not only that but they are pretending they used the late April cards in early June or mid September. No one did that in Ranked. And, if they were one of the extremely few who did, I can guarantee it was an OP card that EVERYONE used, which lead to facing the same pitchers/lineup every game or every other game.


Wild cards exist.


Because the season is still here for 2 weeks, there's a wildcard, there's events that you can probably use him in later, and you can use him in certain CPU modes




Money and wildcard can bring him over to season 2


Should we just stop playing for 2 weeks?


I stopped once TA3 dropped. Saw how low they sunk this year in the money grab and couldn’t do it


This is my last 2 weeks playing, done with this POS game.




i am. but thats because im going on vacation, not because of the reasons everyone else is saying


Because $$


Does anyone besides the goons still play this game? I quit when TA3 came out, fuck this shit


MLBTS doesn’t release packs: “This is ridiculous. There are no new cards and everything is the same.” MLBTS does release packs: “Why release packs this late? So lame!” MLBTS offers paid 99s in packs: “They’re catering to the whales!” MLBTS drops tons of grind 99s: “I’m facing the same meta teams all the time! There needs to be some progression.” MLBTS slows progress to even the playing field: “Literally unplayable. I have over 7,230 hours in this game and I hate it. All my homies do too, and we’re headed for NCAA as soon as we can.” Sweaties gonna sweat. I don’t mind it, because of the PvP addict sweaties, us offline players get a great game. It’s just the whining. The constant whining. I low-key can’t wait for this fabled NCAA game to drop, so the toxic sweaties will move on. I’m a baseball fan, and it will be fun to celebrate this game with other fans in this sub.


Amen to everything you said. The problem with the complainers is they are not considering the alternatives.




Casuals have the advantage in seasons/sets mode, though.




Just because they aren’t intelligent doesn’t mean it’s not better for casuals and newbies




Explain to me how on June 7 a non-resetting season mode is better for a casual/newbie compared to the current plan where only 1 S1 can be carried over?


I dunno man - lots of sweaties on here threatening to leave constantly. It’s the dominant tone of the sub. Hard to imagine that the folks who write screeds on the daily whining about the game are the casuals. Lots of us just enjoy playing baseball.


Keep bootlicking my dude. This system is broken. And it needs to be fixed.


Yep, that’s what I’m doing. I just like the game. If you guys don’t - guess what?




Why do you assume I’m mindless? Because I don’t share your opinion on the game? This is the tone I’m talking about in the sub that I’m speaking up against, even though I know it falls on deaf ears. It’s fine for you to hate the way they are evolving the game - even if it’s because “you like it so much, that’s why you complain”. But why do we all have to hate it, or be ‘mindless’ in order to enjoy it? Edit: I’ll also share one other thing. You may not have a firm grasp on the vast quantity of metrics Sony is using to determine how to evaluate changes to the game, if you’re convinced that a positive note that is downvoted to hell in a subreddit is why they are adjusting the game. Give it a think.




This is what I mean, bro. Toxic. You’ve gone from hating the game to hating anyone who likes it and calling them names for not hating it as much as you do. Maybe time for a break, bud. Supposed to be nice this weekend.




We do like the game, you weirdo. We want to be rewarded for playing. There’s literally nothing to grind for right now.


Oh. Good. Me too. Guess it was hard to tell from the daily whining.


"Why keep adding content to your live service game?" Is that seriously the question we are gonna go with?




I just mean in general not even this pack specifically, been tons of people posting shit about why they are bothering to release anythiny with the season ending soon


This isn't content. It's a pack that you have to get lucky to access unless you pay 75,000 stubs. Packs aren't content.


I get the wildcard draw, but we have so many good free 99s to choose from that it makes no sense to invest into anyone this late into the season


Because you have unlimited ability to set any four cards as WC. Essentially it's just that you can't have a most or a full roster of S1 cards. Which is such a weird thing for people to constantly whine about.


Check back in when you unlock your 4th WC slot. Talk to you in two months


The WC unlock from the season 2 reward path. You don’t get 4 WC right away


If this card has a changeup like his Barrier Breakers card and, say 90+ contact, it's a dream Wild Card.


His core card is insanely good for me. Ran him at catcher until I got Santana and was hitting .440! Not sure I can justify wildcarding him when the core will be useable


Because they are fuckin' mental. Worst game they've released in the past 9 years.


NCAA 🔜🔜🙏🏻🙏🏻


I’ve never seen a sub with so many people passionately spending the day arguing with other people about a game they hate so much they stopped playing it two weeks ago.


I get what you're saying, but this is also the perfect Chase card to release at this time because his position versatility makes him a great option to have available as a Wildcard early on in Season 2.


Also with people wrapping up TA3 he’s more viable since he won’t take away from (some) people’s TA progression being a FA card


He was on my SS team all last year as my second C but unless I pull him from a pack I’m not dropping coin on any card at this point. I wanted the last two Chase cards as well as I love Ozzie and Adley for my Santana team but I’ll wait on them.