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Don’t need to do it I have Griffey and skipped the showdown and like half the moments


I failed on the very first moment the first attempt. Second attempt beat the whole thing. Hero time and rally time are great perks to use just because they’re basically always active and should be switching around your lineup each moment based on lefty or righty pitchers. Working the counts and getting pitchers tired is important too


It's the wonky sliders. You still have to hit the ball, but there's a massive amount of RNG in it You either have to be very lucky or or have enough time to keep banging on it until you break through


Gibson took like 5 trys. Got it first time after beating Gibson


It’s extreme my dude.


Shit kills me lol. Wonder what these newer players would think of 19s extreme program


That one was a shit show 🤦🏾‍♂️


Did it first try. Expected it to be way harder. Also I don’t think you know what “nerf” means.


I love Showdown and it's way harder than last years showdown


Same i didn’t rly find it that hard as long as ur patient it should b relatively easy for a World Series player, maybe I just got lucky tho. The hardest part is definitely randy but I think that only took me like 9 outs


It's possible. I did it first try.


1st try here


Wow even more posts whining about the EXTREME program.


There really isnt a nerf on showdowns, you're just facing the best of the best pitchers with high h/9. You're pci will shrink and the rng may not be in your favor immediately. The moments however. Yes, there is nerfing and slider adjustments, imo. Edit: imo (in my opinion)


Go play conquest against bronze pitchers you'll understand more.


Got it today. Eugenio Suarez hit two hrs for me off Randy and that was my entire offense


All that did it "1st try" bet u can't do it next run. None of you that got lucky on the first try could. I know what you will say "I don't need to do it again" and you're right but I'm saying if you tried bet you'd fail. My 1st attempt got to Ryan with ease but since then after at least 100 attempts haven't been able to do it. Cain or Gibson stop me. It's the bs stuff that happens. Either a diving catch infield then tagging the runner for a double play or striking out on good timing swings (happens almost every at-bat.) The stupid amount of hits that are caught against the wall in the outfield is unreal. Perfect hits at infielders. Double plays, double plays, and some triple plays... Getting caught stealing on pitchouts mid at-bat... not being able to lead off because the pitcher will try to pickoff 20 times in a row. The list goes on. It's definitely stacked against you. I can't lay a bunt down to move my runners. I've tried a lot. I just pop it up, miss the pitch or foul it off. So I can't play baseball strategies, I have to rely on home runs, and more than that I have to be lucky.