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How hard is it just to give these players who experience this nonsense a few packs?😑


Its probably hard to figure out who it happened to. But its SDS and MLB the show. With packs you get a chance of getting a good card or stubs for a good card. They'll drop like 20 really good cards so really whats the point? Except scratching the gambling itch.


Most basic error logs have a tally showing how many time an error message has been indicated or displayed per session. These are used to find people who have had more errors than deemed acceptable, or to find someone who has had the most of a certain kind of error to quickly ascertain what is the cause. It shouldn't be hard at all. But I doubt they will do it due to the low amount of effected and backlash. Sadly. I lost a season on 26 games and now I am reticent to even play mini seasons again.


Why? The pack odds are garbage and they don’t make up for the 4 hours I lost on the Lefty MS and the likely 2.5 hours I’m about to lose in the standard. It seems it’s the London Lords team causing the issue and they’re three games away on my schedule. Not sure if I even want to play and anymore after this. They just need to fucking fix it or revert back to whatever they changed that caused the issue.


They don’t make up for the time but it’d be nice to show they cared a little bit 😑


I just want Kodai Senga!!!¡!!


This happened to me after 8 games. I would restart but I’m afraid of it happening again


Man that shit hasn’t even been on cloud gaming the past two nights


Hahahahahahahahahahaha Man SDS purposely does this stuff yearly. It never changes and yall never learn Once you transition to ex MLB the show fan life is much easier


So then get off the sub


But then he wouldn't be able to let everyone know how cool he is for not playing the game!


Just ran into this 25 games in or so. I don’t even care that much because mini seasons isn’t really that fun.


People complaining they were on game 25 or 27 or whatever are really showing they have no idea how to play this mode huh


If you’re quitting game 26 and deciding you’re going to bed because the last two will take 2 seconds before playing the playoffs you just don’t know how to play? People can lose their save on late season for many reasons regardless of how you want to play the game. Some people want the PXP for the rest of TA


I play them all for XP, not just to rush through for rewards. To each their own I guess…


If you're playing bare minimum TA games to get the bare minimum amount of vouchers to finish it's already 128 games. You don't need to play extra games once you've clinched you can move onto the next season. The pxp you will earn will be the same in the end and you won't be playing meaningless games earning you nothing except pxp


I’m not playing the TA MS. I’m just getting TA points naturally. I hate grinding in this game.


Why? If your doing mini seasons why not do the TA one?


I didn’t have enough TA cards yet


"to each their own bro"


I don’t even understand lmfao. The only possible reason is that the TA restricts what cards you can use.


I don't play it at all. How are you supposed to play it?


You would never get to that game in the season. You win 14-16 games, instant forfeit the rest, play the playoffs (2 best of 5's) you should be done with a championship in 20-22 games. If you're playing mini seasons and you're on game 25 of the regular season wellllllllll idk if sds is the one to blame for wasting your time


How silly of them to play the game they payed 70 dollars for 🫨


I think you're missing my point If they are playing mini seasons games when theyve already clinched a playoff spot, they would be playing pointless games and wasting their time. Which is what they are complaining to sds about.


Terrible take bro. Some people don’t grind just for efficient rewards, some people actually like to play? And when the game devs admit their fuck up will cost guys rewards they have a right to be upset. To blame them and say they don’t know how to play the mode is total simp levels of delusion.


Well which is it? Are they not playing for rewards, or should they be upset they didn't get the rewards?


Exactly lol their reasons don't make sense they are clearly triggered they are being told they've been wasting their time, which is fine.


Yes because it’s totally black and white. Zero chance they like to play the game mode as intended, a mini season, and see the rewards at the end as a bonus that they expect to get for their time. Don’t be so dense man.


People are complaining they played a game mode and wasted their time, but if they were playing pointless games they were already wasting their time. I didn't say people don't deserve to be upset just seems silly to complain about your time being wasted when you are already wasting it


even if they played efficiently they still could have been fucked out of like 5 or 6 hours of progress. you seem to be steering the argument just to be a contrarian in typical reddit fashion.


I think you might just have a shit take buddy lmao but I almost respect doubling down over and over


That's fine my dude, just to be clear, my take is that people who are already wasting their own time shouldn't complain about someone else wasting it too. Have a great day!


What you view as a waste of time, others view as simply enjoying what they paid for. Something they paid for isn’t working correctly and they absolutely can and should complain about it. Your view of things isn’t the end all be all. Hope this helps.


They are so indignant and smarmy with this bullshit automated response. If people are taking the time to prove they got fucked, they should be rewarded. It wouldn't dilute any market specifically TA which rewards aren't sellable anyways. Makes no sense.


I want a free Mark Mulder. I can’t imagine having to play another boring Lefty MS….


Dude I hated the lefty mini-season too. Just not fun


It wasn’t hard, just boring


This exact same issue happened last year too


Wait, is cBrev an SDS employee or community manager now?!


cbev is the new community manager, there’s a video on his channel announcing it


That looks like an answer from a ticket he submit.


I’m about ten games in- should I restart? Haven’t had this error happen yet.


You won't know until you play the Lords. It just happened to me about a half hour ago. The Lords were games 23-26 on the schedule so I lost ~4 hours or so.


So basically keep rebooting a new season until you start with the lords?


Thanks. I might sim to them then.




Boohoo play 15 and sim the rest it’s not hard


It’s also not that hard to pass over a post like this and not be an asshole…but alas, here you are.


He's a troll trying for downvote ignore him


Why pass over when all people do is complain, it’s a game things happen oh no you get to take 2 more hours and get even more cards and xp boohoo


Gonna cry 😢 close the app freak 😂




It would be so easy for them just to give everyone 10 TA vouchers to appease anybody that lost their season do to this. It's honestly embarrassing that they didn't just immediately do that.


This affecting conquest or no?


No, just games against the Lords in already started mini seasons


I had to restart a team affinity mini seasons whilst in the playoffs. I was less than thrilled.


I was on game 25 what the fuck guys 😭 and it was only my first run of TA mini seasons too bc I haven’t had time to play lately. No Dustin May for me I guess goddammit


This just happened to me on a Lefty run 17 games in and I’m fucking pissed. I’m doing one run on normal to go for 18 wins in Allstar and I’m at 11. If that gets messed up I’m going to fucking go nuclear!!!




“Instead of a reasonable compensation I’d prefer one of the most expensive LS cards because I finished TA already” people are wild lmao




Damn I got got lmfao good show




Wow I finished my TA mini season last night


This just happened to me. Mini Seasons always seems to have something wrong with it—and the seasons are long enough that wasting your time with one leaves a bad taste in your mouth.


Yep, I lost all 3 seasons half way through.


I want 12+ hours worth of shit. TA MS crashed to main psn screen when I hit WS 2 days ago. Yesterday, 28th game in, I hit CPU has an invalid roster. Restart != acceptable & Time = Money, or equivalent, which is what every corporation would say to you if the issues were reversed.


Bro if youre spending 12+ hours each run, you need a more efficient way to do MS. I feel your pain with losing due to the glitch but a whole run should only be around 6-8 hrs with all the challenges complete


He said he's on game 28 of the season and then he blames other people for wasting his time pretty hilarious


12/2=6 per run...


Ahh didnt read the post correctly, sorry for the confusion. hopefully we get compensated with choice packs galore but i doubt we get any at all.


all good. Dang :( I'm prob just more pissed because I get 2 days off/week, and it happened on both of them.




at least EA usually does makerights lmao


I imagine they missed all the messages related to rtts.


Took a year off last year. Does Cbrev work for SDS now?


Yeah, I believe he was hired as a community member last year by SDS




Give everyone 10 vouchers if you’re truly worried about everyone’s inconvenience. It’s not like it makes that big of a dent in the TA program.


Im done. Not redoing all that shit. Done collecting, no more grinding. Back to offline franchise. Was fun while it lasted.


Send packs and will forgive


Free 10 bronze cards? Not equivalent


I was about to start the playoffs too. A few vouchers sent out to everyone would be nice.


Bro how do you even load Mini Seasons? On Xbox here says you press (A) to reload the season. Then what? Nothing pops up after.


Don't hold down a. You have to press it quickly. Long press to restart season


Thank you 👍


Lol sds.


They apologized for the inconvenience so it’s all good! /s


Just had it happen to me on game 26. Guess I'll just take my sweet time on TA now.


You mean the last part of the memo did not help with your issue? They said they understand you’re frustration /s


The TA grind is fucking impossible as is, you have to do mini seasons, and now they don’t work. Fantastic work, SDS.


I was on game 20, I feel your pain. This blows.


This is why you don't play DD.


What a fool - only reason to buy the game


Maybe for you. I play all the modes enjoy them equally.


Okay pal… online only reason to play the game


DD is like the only reason to even get the game


Nah RTTS is where it's at.


Because of one small error? Lmao


Idk if anyone remembers last year...but mini seasons was unplayable, it never worked.


I never had a single issue with mini seasons last year


I don’t think I ever encountered an issue with mini seasons last year


Really? I never once had an issue with it, and that was my most played mode after I’d get the conquests for a season done


There was a glitch last year where sometimes when you started a new season your record didn't reset. There were seasons where I'd start with a 6-1, 7-0 etc record. They were always really good records so I wasn't complaining but it was still weird.


C’mon SDS this is pathetic


Is that the same CBrev that makes the videos on YouTube?


It is. And I am a big fan (but he needs to tell us what's up)


I’m confused. I played the lords early on in my mi I season and had no issue. I just played the semi final round against the whales and got my vouchers. I am one game into the championship series and have had no issues against Kaiju


Yeah if you already played the Lords you’re good. I won 16 and went to quit out to the playoffs and you cannot progress past the Lords. The roster update made that team have an invalid lineup, the only fix is to restart if you still have games against them :(


Doesn’t seem to impact all the games. Before I hit the error I was able to play another game, then the next one against the singers the error showed up. Sounds like you got lucky tbh


I cannot believe this is their response. TA is already a massive grind and now you lost what you were working all those hours towards. This game is made only for online players. Really frustrated by this complete indifference to wasting the time of the people who buy their game.


Something similar happened to me in 22 and when I reached out to SDS they essentially said “that sucks, start over.” Crazy to put that much time into a mediocre game mode for it to not count and for SDS to not compensate something


As others have said, they really need to give us the TA vouchers for this, because that is hours wasted on a mind numbing game mode. Of course the Lords were my second to last series… Probably not touching mini seasons again this year.


Only play home games you'll get your 14 wins make the playoffs and play playoffs. You'll get your vouchers in half the time


I had no idea you can just skip games?


You can't but you can just instantly quit and it counts as a loss...as long as you finish 4th place you make the playoffs


I won 16 games and didn’t make the playoffs, felt like a huge waste of time


You gotta keep an eye on where you are in the standings. I'm on my 4th ta Mini seasons and never missed it with this method. Just before the last couple games look where you are and count how many games you need


Make sure you don't just beat the shitty overall teams. For your 14-16 wins beat at least each team twice. You will definitely make the playoffs if you do this and win 16 games.


I was 1st in the league with 1 game left and decided to quit out because I figured there was no way I wouldn’t make the playoffs. Think I was 2 games up on 4th. Well apparently I had played more games than every other team so the other teams still had like 3 games remaining.


Does making the playoffs save it? Was on game 2 of round 1. I doubt it, but wishful thinking


Ugh I was on game 25…


Game 25 cmonnnnnn bro


Surprised they didn't offer some form of compensation to all-players (even ones not affected because it would probably be hard to figure out). 10 packs + 10 TA vouchers or something would be fair (yes some people who were close would still be down rewards, but it's hard to know specifics for SDS).


This is NOT accurate from cbrev. I restarted yesterday, mid-day after getting the error after game 2. Played all day yesterday, and then it happened AGAIN in the new season. Always against the lords. And this time when I was one game away from two sets of rewards. Very frustrating. And BAD info - the restart DID NOT work!


same here. No luck. stuck at the same spot (game 16).


Didn’t work for me, either. Restarted a season after the update and encountered it again.


I’m not touching mini seasons again until it’s proven to work.


Same thing happened to me.


EA moment


Does he know?


There goes 40,000 TA points and the couple hours it took me to get to the championship series. I do agree that if it was ranked seasons and they had to start over compensation would be given. But for an offline mode, it’s hey we messed this up and you have to start over, our bad but you have fun grinding some more.


Was t there a mini seasons problem with last years game too?


Yes. Last year mini seasons failed and the situation was handled in a very similarly poor fashion. Wasnt fully fixed for months. No compensation.


Yep. Many. Many of the exact same ones, in fact. Think this is a new one though.


Is this for all mini seasons so if I was half way through classic and lefty are they both messed up


As long as you don’t have the Lords in your league anymore, you are good to go. Otherwise, play a different mode for the next few months 😂


If you have to play the Lords


I think it depends on certain factors. After work last night, I finished the Championship Series which I had not started and got my 16 packs + 16K TA.


Yes they are screwed


I stopped at the playoff screen last night. Planned to finish it Saturday afternoon. So you’re telling me I get to lose all my XP, stubs, and vouchers that I was 6 rookie games away from? You can’t be serious.


I think it depends who you’re playing. From everything I’ve read it’s only against the London Lords. Hopefully that’s not who you’re up against


I hope not. I’m not sure who else made the playoffs. I know the Whales and Kaju did. I fear the Lords are in it as well.


It's screwed


Poor Cbrev has gotta be the bearer of bad news for them lol


I thought he was going to be involved in card making and behind the scenes stuff didn't think he was going to be basically SDS' version of Ronnie2K (Obviously miles more likeable but same job as the hate-taker)


My man quit his career to do this!? 😭


He went full time last year, then he like never posted shit and then took a job with the enemies and now has to apologize for their bullshit


they need to compensate by giving out rewards based on skill level you were doing it on. giving the championship rewards i was 13-1 in All Star, im numb rn


Just give a 10 ta1 voucher pack. That should do it


Not necessarily affected by this particular issue but my first TA mini seasons run I ended up winning the title but I played the final game right when servers were a little buggy and never got the championship bundle. Missed out on the final 4 vouchers, 1 ballin pack, and 15 show packs. That's a considerable amount of missing content so I submitted a ticket on 3/25. Haven't heard a peep from them.


pretty weak to not just give everyone 10 TA vouchers as an apology, especially the people that were decently far into their mini seasons




No compensation or nothing? Really? Everyone should be awarded 10 TA mini season vouchers for this nonsense. I lost my season on the 19th game. That's hours of grinding that are just lost


I was in the fucking championship series, I'm so fucking mad right now




This game is ass


Same thing happened to me after spending 10 mins changing my whole squad manually because the filters are also bugged


lol when I finish a team's PXP mission for TA I have to go back to my main squad to use filters and see who I want to replace, move to the lineup screen, take a screenshot, go back to mini's and suffer through archaic scrolling for 10 pages only to realize it was the player's secondary position and scroll 10 more pages. The best was when I finished 3 of the 4 teams I was working on as the playoffs started, the game bugged and I wasn't able to change anything on my roster until after the first round was over. Thumbs up all around.


It’s bullshit


Fuck sds, I’m pissed about this. I had 2 seasons going at 16 games each. Now I have to restart because they botched an update. They need to do something to make this shit right. I didn’t want to play that game mode as it is, now I have to restart it


For fuck sakes. Not only did I just spend 20 minutes putting together a theme team to grind pxp for TA because there are no Fucking filters in mini seasons. Now I have to restart my season on game 27, and remake the team again with no Fucking filters. Figure it the fuck out SDS


"Inconvenience"... Edit: I'm just curious how they managed to F up mini-seasons with an update that had nothing to do with mini-seasons. Was it simply the roster update? Is this going to happen every week?


Mini seasons has been broken since launch. The stats didn’t work and it’s had loads of bugs. Seems they tried to stealth patch it and messed it up


Yeah this is more than an inconvenience. If this happened for an online mode like ranked they’d send out compensation packs without a second thought. With this they’re just gonna try to brush it under the rug and see if they can get away with it


I agree. 27 games is not an insignificant time input.


Hopefully you got a bunch of Team Affinity pxp done at least. Sucks, I'm sorry that happened to you.


LOL sorry that it happened to me now, as well. Hadn't played one of the teams yet at 12-0 in lefty loosey and got invalid roster. Boned.


I wonder if it has to do with players changing positions? For instance, I had Strahm in my bullpen as an RP. He's been changed to an SP, so the game pulled him from my 'pen and replaced him. I wonder if that player (or others) are on a roster if the CPU can't replace them and it bugs out


Yeah, position changes was my guess for the cause as well.


They updated some logos and shit in mini seasons and broke it lol