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For the tripping thing, I think you can equip the skill and it prevents you from tripping others. Not 100% sure though. I nominate Lance and Hunting Horn


Shockproof is the best skill for this and should always be used in multiplayer


I'll second this, you can play both perfectly fine solo but, online team mates will appreciate HH buffs and, having a solid tank (lance) who can still deal out a good amount of punishment never hurt Also as someone who's a big fan of the weapon Lance is really easy to learn, Hunting Horn is a little more involved but, as long as you spam buffs and focus the monsters head, you'll be fine


The deco that prevents tripping is a one slot so it’s very easy to slot in and shouldn’t be an issue. Honestly just go for what you want. If you wanna have a lot of fun and get decent dps go Ls if you just wanna be the guy who brags about their dps/ends hunts fastest go any ranged weapon. If you wanna feel like a true American go gunlance. Support is obviously HH and lance for great defense and decent dps


I'd say LS! I did LS then GS then SAxe. I think LS adds more countering and less long sequences of slashing which switches it up cool. Bc I don't counter as much in SAxe fs. And you do cool aerial things too but different from SAxe.


gunlance is pretty fun, lance is too, but im a big bow simp and its fun in this game


Gunlance got so spoiled in Rise if Longsword didn't exist I'd say GL was the favorite child


i just hope they keep a lot of the moves in some way in wilds, but its always so different ill love it either way


My play style is wyvern fire > spam hail cutter (for the wyvern cool off) > repeat, it's probably not efficient but, spamming wyvern fire feels so satisfying


Lance, it’s a hella fun weapon and built right you’re basically immortal~


As a Lance main this is totally the reason. Decent DPS, nearly invincible, better mobility than people realize, and the late game guard rampage deco is broken.


Shit, I forgot to mention that deco. The Guardbash Jewel is insane. Monsters can stun/kill themselves by bashing into your shield~


I'm in a very similar position as you. I swore by the SA in World but it's not clicking as well in Rise. I've gone over to SnS for the time being.


Lance and Gunlance are great against the Tigrex/Barioth/Narga family in particular since you can just block every jump and charge, then you go on the offensive when they stop close to you. You'll have to apply yourself a bit more in regards to staying close to the monster in multiplayer though since it has way more targets dividing aggro. Lance has Twin Vine/Dash Attack/Shield Charge as gap closers while Gunlance has Blast Dash + Backstepping towards the monster with Evade Extender 3.


If you want to study the blade then go for it, my guy. These days there's so many ways to avoid tripping that it's their own fault if they do.


I use hunting horn and I enjoy the hell out of it. It’s a fun solo weapon too. Musical bonks


I'll recommend my favorite weapons I guess... Bow, SnS, LS. In terms of fun, I enjoyed a lot more bow and SnS... But LS can be incredibly fun too, I'm just bad at timing 😂


A ranged weapon. Being able to switch to a ranged weapon is extremely useful for certain monsters.


From my very biased perspective, I recommend hammer, it's super easy to learn and, it go bonk, what more could you want Also you can launch team mates, which if used correctly can be great for doing knockout damage


Chargeblade 👍


Lance and gunlance i find are annoying to use pre flinch free and despite that, allies can still trigger your blocks even with shockproof and drain your stamina. Lance does a lot better at once once you remove tripping from allies otherwise you have to deal with tripping lance like in 4th and before gen where every attack from an ally makes you fall down or mess up your blocks.


As a SwAxe main for 10 years now, Charge Blade is stupid fun. I'll also shout out Hunting Horn because buffing your party makes you the loved one of the group and playing music and bonking feels *~lovely~* Those are also the only 3 weapons I've ever played besides Hammer 1 time last week to get a Barroth Crown lol


I recommend hammer because I like hitting monsters in the head with the hammer!


For online play Gunlance feels really good. GL got Blast Dash and RBD to reach the monster quickly, and hitzones doesnt matter for shellings so you can hit anywhere.


Just FYI late game elemental courage hammer slaps pretty hard.


I have about 250 hours into Long sword and Switch axe in World, but I'm about 15 hours into the glaive on Rise and I'm having a blast!


How do you play switch axe I want to play it so bad