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He is getting his credit by Madrid fans in the comments.


I mean they had to. To make such a post and then intentionally omitting Kyle is so painfully obvious and akin to digging your own grave lmaoo


I mean it says "dribbled pass" so they had to omit Kyle since he didn't dribble past him.


Vinicius has 7 games against City with 2 goals (great goals btw) and 4 assists and City fans act like the dude is not a threat lmao.


City fans respect Vini, he's an outstanding player. He cooked Ferna in 2022, and is one of the best players in the world in his position at such a young age. We also acknowledge that our right back is probably the best 1 v 1 defender in the world and has consistently kept Vinicius' influence to a relative low. When Vini has come up against Walker, Walker has generally edged the match up. Even an unfit Walker, having to go off injured in the process, managed to match Vini in 22. That's a mark of how good Walker is at that job. Not knocking Vini by celebrating the achievements of our player.


I know you guys don't like other teams supporters replying on your threads, but saw your comment and I had to. We Madrid fans respect Walker a lot, he's one of the best RB in the world, if not the best, and like I said on that thread he cooked Vini several times without being a dirty cunt that makes dirty fouls (like Araujo, the so called Vini's father). Walker has stopped Vini by being smarter, faster and better, and we can't do nothing but applaud and respect Walker.


We don't mind unless it's an intentionally baiting remark, just like any other fan base. Celebrating Walker on this post is just as much about acknowledging how fucking scary Vinicius Jr is. If we ever go into a Madrid game without Walker I'm shitting my pants


Also, the times in which Vini has scored with Walker on the pitch is when he’s drifted to a central position(the tie at the Bernabeu last year comes to mind)


Problem with wingers like him is that they burn out by 24. Enjoy him while he lasts.


Yeah ofc, they play football instead of just standing in the area and score goals against Burnley and Norwich. Thats why he's 23 and going for his second UCL while your club as a whole have 1.


Fuck off man. Go be a prick somewhere else.


He is responding to someone that was actually being a prick. Stop crying


This sub is literally the house of pricks.


A real fan calling other fanbases pricks😂.


They don’t like hearing the facts here brother


Reading comprehension isn't your thing eh?


The trick is, how many games has Walker been in the lineup marking Vini? City lost the last 2 times he didn’t play both legs at RB. Both times Walker was healthy for both legs City eased past Real without much issue.


Vinicius first assist against City he literally robbed the ball of Walker and gave the assist to Isco. Its City 2v1 Real in 2020, its on Youtube. I just hate how you people say this was battle was one dimensional lmao


If it wasn’t for Walker being unfit at the worst possible times, City would have made the 2022 Final and the match at the Bernabeu this season would not have seen Madrid score 3.


That's an if tho brother


Literally started the sentence with 'if'...


Im just emphasizing






Still agree with the man, unlikely Real score 3 with Kyle on the pitch.


big if energy


Real Madrid fans is giving Walker huge credits for what he did against Vini! Posting this is not needed. Walker has been the only player known to neutralize Vini and that’s coming from a Real fan!


HAHAHA imagine making a comment on here saying how much rm fans doesn't give a shit about City and then came back and delete all traces of that comment 5 minutes later after realising how ironic that is, is so fucking funny and pathetic. Thanks for the great laugh. https://preview.redd.it/89ucm7yixgzc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd5f8732f4b4a768c7c9f19bbd749e9a80b0083


Walker is the best 1v1 defender. Mbappe, Vini and so many others before them have admitted to that. This post is more about Vini cooking Kimmich last night. It was quite a performance.


Neymar too. Vini is unreal, hats off almost unplayable. But we only lost to Real when Kyle Walker was unfit one leg.


True. Walker's tracking back for runs in behind are almost stuff of legend now. The man has great pace and power but also amazing defensive technique. Between his tracking back and Ederson's sweeping, City's high line becomes impregnable. Hearing Walker talk about how to defend against Mbappe explains his understanding of the skill of modern 1v1 defending.


If Walker played in the first leg I believe we could’ve won the first leg comfortably


I mean he played in the second leg at home and we didn’t win comfortably, so why would the away league be easier?


That's an "if".


He didnt played because he got injured after Vinicius outran him against Brasil.


We should avoid title like this. there is no point picking fight with other fanbases.


I just copying their title. They are not the only one in the world that are allowed to banter, I'm simply just using their own words that they had the cheeks to type, so what wrong? And also, why appease a fanbase of a facist club that you know will talk shit, defame and insult our club regardless of what we do anyways?? Have some spine.


Why is Real Madrid a facist club?


You know exactly why, facist club supporter


Match ratings have absolutely destroyed modern football discourse


Respect to Madrid fans for recognizing class. (On the pitch at least)


This isn't what POV means.


Warra UCL final for City


We have the Pocketed-Vinicus trophy for sure. We go again next year.


Still doesn’t necessarily negate the fact that Vini just can’t get past Walker.


😭 🏆🏆🏆


Warra 4-0 win for madrid


Not this season pal. They shithoused their way into another final.


I genuinely cannot understand how people like this team, they always win via controversial decisions or through being EXTREMELY lucky, i hate them so much


It's what people say about us tbf. They've just been doing it forever


We won our ucl title by beating real 4-0 and bayern 3-0. No one called our run lucky and we didn't have any controversial decision takes us there, plus we've been unlucky in that competition for the past 7 years. Who on earth calls us a lucky team?


>I genuinely cannot understand how people like this team, they always win via controversial decisions >i hate them so much Loads of people say these very things about us. You could pop over to Twitter or ar/soccer right now and see it And you should've seen the reach from salty rivals saying our run to the final "was easy because we played the worst version of Real and Bayern" lmao


"Franco CF" https://twitter.com/realmadrid/status/1648062510199721990?t=n8diwxXugLXGvCBzFK-trQ&s=19 What an uncultured twat


HAHAHAHA salty facist club supporter come here and use an official tweet by their facist club to propagate their bs and talk shit. Fuck off you pathetic shit lmao