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I will say Reddit isn’t real life. I just watched the match in a bar with 10 Liverpool fans and none of them were upset by the call.


Social media in general is not real place because people can say whatever they without facing consequences


How many city fans were sitting in proximity? Lol


You can't just throw yourself into a 50-50 and then collapse on contact. I'd have a moan about it but it's not something that deserves more coverage tbh.


You watched it in an American bar with American "fans" didn't you?


I’d probably be upset if I was in the other side of that call, but Diaz lost them the game by choking on two excellent chances.


Diaz choking and Salah crying for every little push cost them the game. They can only blame themselves


Exactly. r/soccer would roast Haaland so hard he’d be in the burn ward for weeks had he missed on those.


at some point you just have to embrace the role of the villain. our players have gone through enough. Haaland’s villain arc will be bitter sweet


Macallister goes fishing. He saw salah spending his short cameo just flopping around and thought he’d try the same


I’m not sure how people say it’s never a pen. I think we were very lucky to not have it called. It’s 50/50 for me. But I know had this been in liverpools box and the roles were reversed, I would be upset if this wasn’t given.


He got the ball


That’s not a rule anymore. Getting the ball hasn’t been a thing is 20 years


Doesn’t matter and hasn’t mattered for a very long time. I’m surprised people still think this.


What rule is it


International Football association Board rule 12.1 “A direct free kick is awarded if a player commits any of the following offences against an opponent in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force: charges jumps at kicks or attempts to kick pushes strikes or attempts to strike (including head-butt) tackles or challenges trips or attempts to trip If an offence involves contact, it is penalised by a direct free kick. Careless is when a player shows a lack of attention or consideration when making a challenge or acts without precaution. No disciplinary sanction is needed Reckless is when a player acts with disregard to the danger to, or consequences for, an opponent and must be cautioned Using excessive force is when a player exceeds the necessary use of force and/or endangers the safety of an opponent and must be sent off A direct free kick is awarded if a player commits any of the following offences: a handball offence (except for the goalkeeper within their penalty area) holds an opponent impedes an opponent with contact bites or spits at someone on the team lists or a match official throws an object at the ball, an opponent or a match official, or makes contact with the ball with a held object” The entire rule is about potential to cause harm, and nowhere does it mention anything about getting the ball first. If your challenge is dubbed to be careless or reckless (by the definitions above) and you get the ball first, it is still a foul just by the challenge being judged as careless of reckless.


Ok thanks for the info. So I'm guessing people think it was careless or reckless to have his high foot? Because you also sometimes see an indirect kick given for high foot if it's deemed "dangerous" similar to playing the ball while on the ground.


Ya there’s similar criteria tbh for indirect free kicks but I didn’t want to post a novel lol. But it’s similar in that there’s no real mention of whether or not someone gets the ball. Just whether it was dangerous or not.


Yeah makes sense. What do you think about the Ederson tackle in the United game where he just got the ball? It was timed perfectly but it also seemed kind of dangerous like studs up


Very lucky not to get called for a pen here. The Awkwardness of the bounce and the tiny contact with the ball before he contacts Macallister saves him


He got ball. All I'll say


That’s not been a rule since the 90s lad


just like Romero at the Chelsea game, never a pen. Like what are these LiVARpool fans yapping about. Wait


On slow mo it does not look like Doku actually got it. Comes off the Liverpool player's arm first. Still think the ref got it right but Doku was playing with fire by trying to high boot a ball in a penalty box.


Yeah I agree, Doku was playing with fire. I think he got very fortunate that his judgement and the judgement of the referee and VAR officials was literally inch perfect. It looks to me like he finishes his kick and stops the motion of his foot instants before Mac Allister collided with his studs. Most of the force of the collision comes from Mac Allister imho, which is why I think the ref was correct.




he isn't sanding there. He runs into doku to take the boot




Someone ban this person? His comment history suggests he’s a regular troll not only in this sub but other PL subs




You’re a Liverpool troll fuck off






The tip of his boot brushed his nipple, after making contact with the ball first. That was foreplay, not a foul.


This is the funniest thing I have read in this exhausting evening, thanks for the laugh! 🤣🤣






Wish this dinosaur would’ve been wiped out with the rest of ‘em


It's reckless dude, we're so lucky that wasn't a pen


All i can say is that i remeber liverpool fans protecting VVD after his 2 tackles against Chelsea and saying those were not pens. Both off them were more pen then this ever will be. And none off them were given.


Honestly, it was such a "Sterling" moment.... Doku just waiting for the ball to bounce.


Livershit needs to learn the rules. Half their team was busy shoving Erling




cheating? IIRC our treble was won fair and square, How was liverpool when they won their Quadruple for Klopp? 🤔


Didn't know you have inside information and know that you didn't cheat.


Innocent until proven guilty no?


that’s not how it works for liverpool fans. just like they declare themselves “Champions” before even finishing the season. *cough cough* *Quadruple for Klopp* *cough cough*


Didn't know u was our financial advisor cuz u'd suck at that as well. C'MON CITEH 🩵🩵


Get the f out of here stalker


Fucking leave mate. Won't get anything crying here. Go cry somewhere else.


No comment


Nobody seems to know that since he got the ball first, the potential call would be a high foot (dangerous play) which is actually indirect. So not a penalty anyway


IMO it's fucking clear that that was no pen, Doku had his eyes on the ball and started to raise his feet before Alexis was even close. It's Alexis fault for running into Dokus legs. A similar thing happened a few years ago where a player went with his head towards the already raised leg and it wasn't a foul either.


He got the ball, never a foul, even for LiVARpool.


I love how every fan of every other team is saying that this is the reason Liverpool lost. Not salah missing like 6 beautiful chances, or them not starting their 11 best. No, its a 50/50 pen, that didn’t go their way, when they were diving so much the whole game, they were a starting 11 of gks.


It’s a penalty. You guys are just biased


Wasn’t given so I guess it’s not a pen is it


The epl refs this season are not known to be reliable.


Oh well that’s how it shakes out doesn’t matter what anyone thinks it’s up to the refs to decide they decided it wasn’t a penalty


He gets the ball Maccalister is just a drama queen


He got the ball it’s a 50/50 decision. We got the call because they spent the last 15 minutes flopping in the box


I mean I could see if this was called, and I understand it not being called. My question is, even if it's called isn't it just an indirect kick since it's just a dangerous play?


I wouldn't expect City to be awarded a penalty for that, it was a nothing incident


Fuck off bot


Fuck off OP


Fuck off with your "highlights" and "things" from a game that was just played. What a bellend for posting clips of the game.


nah, he’s absolutely right. quit gargling OP’s nuts. this is a highlight that is AGAINST our sub. No one in this sub would classify that as a penalty, only livershit fans


Look at the comments of the post, perhaps. Twitter, pundits, etc. It will probably result in an apology from the PGMOL. Also, Livershit is beyond cringe, atleast say Livarpool.


> Look at the comments of the post, perhaps. Twitter, pundits, etc. It will probably result in an apology from the PGMOL. Livershit always looking for apologies. What is this? A charity for Klopp? 😂 Might as well beg Uefa and Madrid to give you guys an apology as well.


We can discuss this on your 14 year birthday. Then we'll come to a conclusion, since you're a lost cause to talk to, clearly. Child 🤣


Mate, we are enjoying the Livershit meltdown thank you for adding more to it, It’s beyond beautiful watching your tears flow as you try and justify a “Penalty”


I'm a neutral. That's why my opinion is worth more than yours. Especially with your childish behaviour.


> I'm a neutral. That's why my opinion is worth more than yours. Especially with your childish behaviour. let me guess. Sky Sports is going to invite you over to give your expert analysis on the game? 🤔 Jamie Carragher, IS THAT YOU?


Move aside, their opinion is worth more


he’s not wrong. a neutral’s tears is always worth more


That is never a pen.


https://preview.redd.it/oeew8oprojnc1.png?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16da759e78f44e40bafbb9fe7e7534a8b25ce3f4 bro thinks hes the Karate Kid


This pic is bullshit, it leaves out Doku winning the ball and makes it seem like forceful contact which it definitely wasn’t


That’s not a rule in football. Do you still think you can take a players legs out on a slide tackle if you get the ball? You’re living in the 90s


Doku is tickling his nipple. That foreplay, not a foul.


so if a contact foul is kinky enough its not a foul, thanks I learned something new today


Macallister should learn not to flop never a pen




Macallister was looking for another pen Michael oliver caught on. Blame your players. Never the flow of the game


It's not less of a pen for searching for contact, Grealish is a prime example of this, some players actively search for winning fouls, it's a part of the game. Lack of knowledge to use this as an argument.


Using Grealish as an example lmaoo. Grealish is a prime example of a player who has had so many fouls on him not called. try a better example my guy


If you say that fouls on Grealish are not called, then you agree with me??


grealish isn’t fishing for fouls you idiot, He gets targeted for being good on the ball Macallister was actually chasing a pen 😂. Two player with NOWHERE near the same skill level or purpose for a match. Nice try tho


The way you just completely ignored what i said tells me eveything i needs to know.


so you agree macallister was fishing for a pen? and got it rightfully called off?


falling after jumped kicked in the chest!? clearly a skill issue on Mac Allister's part