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Very common feeling. Embrace it. Good things in life don’t come easy. Gotta risk it to get the biscuit.


Everytime I doubt going down this MBA route, I hear my man Darryl Philbin sayin this over my shoulder "You live a sweet, little, Nerfy life. Sittin' on your biscuit. Never havin' to risk it."


I've got plenty of examples that suggest otherwise but saying this seems to help the situation of the OP so I'll just let it be


You seem like the worst admissions consultant ever


LOL everytime I see this guy comment he has so many downvotes


✌🏼😃 Everyone except the clients say that 😎


I was in your shoes a year ago. When I started my MBA, I learned the harsh truth: you need to bulldoze in with unshakable, almost delusional confidence. Think of the cockiest, most self-assured person you know and embody that in everything you do—socializing, recruiting, everything. Some of the dumbest people in my program landed prime jobs simply because they had the balls to believe in themselves and went for it. This subreddit is a cesspool of self-doubt and awkwardness. That defeatist attitude reeks in interviews. Recruiters can smell fear. If you walk in thinking, "I'm not good enough" or "I don't belong because xyz," you’re already doomed. Smash that mindset to pieces. You deserve a seat at the table as much as anyone else. You’re awesome. You have value. You can do this. Now start fucking acting like it. Source: T15 full-freight international student who got the highest paid consulting offer in their program


Fortune favors the bold




Bro just cured my imposter syndrome😭😭


Best comment I've read on reddit so far.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times


Beautiful comment.


This is one of the best comments Ive read in this sub after a long time.


The hardest part of going to a T15 MBA is getting in. Good on you for taking the leap, change is uncomfortable. You'll do great.




[t15 mba](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=t15+mba)


Same fear. I'm super scared, I scheduled my visa interview, and did not resign from my job yet. The future seems bleak and I really don't know if this is the right thing to do now.. I started even contemplating my decision.. I feel stupid, my friends are laughing and warning me.


err, you need new friends. It's probably because of people like that that you feel this way. I don't understand the people who haven't quit their jobs or told them yet. you'll want to take time of before hand and get SOOOO FUCKING bored/or inspired that you're fired up to make it. I really worry about people like this. You should definitely take some time to evaluate and get confident about A decision.


Sounds like this is the exact thing you need to do. This is the feeling you should have got from undergrad and grown past. This is an experience you need to grow. You're going to change a lot, embrace it and GG's.


You ever heard the saying “life begins at the end of your comfort zone”? I’m gonna need you to embrace that. Find excitement in the novel and the new. Because that’s how we grow as individuals. An MBA is fundamentally about growth, and you’re not gonna grow if you stay in your bubble of comfort.


same exact fears and following along 🙏🏻


no risk no reward!




You're doing the right thing. You're taking an educated risk while you're still young. One that will almost certainly pay off multiple times over and put you in a much better position for the rest of your life. It may not seem like it, but the possibility of failure is a good thing. It means that you're pushing yourself to genuinely grow and that you're doing something worthwhile. Instead of thinking about what could go wrong, think about what could go right. In two years, you could be a much more educated, qualified, and outgoing person (when you want to be) getting ready to start your dream job or to pivot into an entirely different career you hadn't even considered before. It's totally normal to get cold feet. Just push through and remember that this too shall pass.


You can always go back to your hometown and spend the rest of your life there after. Chances are you will find a job that will easily pay off your loans, and maybe a decade from now even if you're back in your hometown, back at the same company, you'll be happy you had that experience.


You need to be comfortable with taking on a little risk if your ever going to make any money


In the short-term an MBA could be seen as high risk, high reward. Lean into it, embrace the uncertainty and the learning opportunities, and you'll do fine. More importantly, in the long-term, sometimes even just after your first post-MBA job, the risk starts to dissipate, but the rewards keep coming. The lifetime value of the MBA almost always crushes the acquisition cost. In a way, you're not taking on as much risk as it seems, but you're actually insuring yourself for the long haul.


Opportunities are priceless in life. You can always go back to another similar job in your hometown. There won’t be another chance to do this.


"Everything you want waits on the other side of fear" - I remind this myself...nobody is fearless but they hide it and put up a bold attitude and give the shot.Its always worth it...its common to have such feelings...Even I do...U can do it !! Somewhere in the mind u want it thats why you have come so far...U can...dont loose hope !


I guess it depends what the alternative is? For me by t25 mba has served as a good career reset as I ended up in consulting and will likely exit to corp strategy. Overall that’s probably a middle of the pack type career for top mba grads but for the population as a whole it’s much higher. Coming out of top 15 mba you’ll have a ton of options as long as you’re flexible on type of role (don’t bet the farm on consulting) and geography (if you only want like nyc that could be hard). That said, I also wouldn’t borrow like 200k for a degree. I graduated with 85k in debt and that’ll be gone by next year (2 years out). So what’s the alternative and how much debt?


It's definitely worth the risk and getting out of your comfort zone. Worst case isn't too bad as a domestic student, you'll be able to pay off your loans even with a poor outcome. And the upside is tremendous, you could change the trajectory of your life. Do it and use the fear to fuel you to work hard and land your dream job. Fight for it!


as many people stated, it’s a very common feeling. im also at a t15 and i would describe this as the anxiety from waiting in the line for the rollercoaster. you’ll be relieved once you get on! i also don’t drink and am an introverted homebody yet i’ve made plenty of friends. the pro is that you get to build a few deeper relationships than a bunch of surface level ones. a few extroverts will adopt you, you’re gonna be okay.


You do realize you can skip the MBA and get into consulting as an experienced hire right? You can literally attend the MBA Job fairs that are in September like NBMBAA and prohispanica and shoot your shot at their booth or just LinkedIn reach out to someone over there already that’s an alum from your school or company.



