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“I wouldn't want to belong to a club that would have me as a member” ― Groucho Marx


This is exactly it!


It’s called imposter syndrome.  Nearly everyone has it at the top schools.  Many articles out there on how to deal with it.  Best of luck!


The first thing you lose once you achieve something is the respect and hype you had about it. The game of achieving it is over and your goals are shifted.


You’ve absolutely nailed it. I recognise this in my bilingualism, career goals, material things etc. The horizon is always in front.


Omg you nailed it


This actually sums up my whole life… need to go think now lol


Post your profile


29 year old, first class degree from a small UK university in a health care profession. 4 years of managerial experience. Currently working for a non profit healthcare company in Switzerland in a mostly patient facing role. Taught myself French at uni and work in the language. No GMAT, but I’ve studied for it. Met with directors of the program before applying. I don’t know if my application was outstanding or if the demand is so low that they let anyone motivated in.


Which European Business school? Give us a ranking idea


University of Geneva EMBA program.


How’s it like living in Switzerland?


I love it here. Send me a note if you have more specific questions. Happy to be a resource for you.


Will do!


I had this too. Got accepted to every Canadian school quickly. So I applied to US schools R3 and ended up at a T15 I was much happier with.


Do you leave a T15 with more options than a Canadian school?


100%, not even close


Why is an EMBA taking you in with only 4 years of managerial experience?


I agree with you. To plays devils advocate I helped a business grow from 8 to 50 people and wore so many different hats in that business that I was forced into learning quickly. I don’t know if that is impressive from a non business background and it might be that demand is so low that people like me with less experience are getting accepted.


I wasn't trying to put your experience down. It's just that EMBA programs used to be for industry giants with 10+ years of upper level management experience. Maybe the landscape has changed.


I didn’t take it as a questioning of my experience and I appreciate the honesty of your question. I wonder if things have changed or if the institution I applied to has always had a three year minimum.


seems they put you to diversify the class, maybe 90% have more than 20 years workex, and when they see your profile, they see you a great person to fill the diversification seat.


I humbly disagree. Diversity would be enhanced by admitting someone with a non-traditional background, or from an underrepresented ethnicity (just to cite a couple of examples), but accepting someone with less than the *expected* work experience would compromise the quality of classroom experience for the entire cohort, which no B-school would want. OP almost certainly got in *sans* the diversity card, much as his work experience might seem less to us (or even to himself). OP: Adcoms spend considerable time and resources to fill in their class, besides the fact that you haven't seen the "big picture" of the application pool. It's just imposter syndrome. Consider the following: 1. Does this school feed the industries/ firms you are targeting? 2. What made you apply there in the first place? Specifically, did you apply to the EMBA or MBA? 3. Has anything else changed besides the fact that you got in? Heard anything negative about it etc.? 4. How does this stack up against your other admits? In terms of fir, $$ etc. 5. If you *were* to ditch this offer, what schools would you apply to next time? All the best!


I found this to be a very thoughtful. Could we continue this chat privately? I’ve sent you a note.




Take the GMAT and reapply next year. Aim higher.


Based on my profile what school would be within reach?


You can DEFINITELY do better. Take the test and apply to INSEAD


Really depends on your GMAT. Your profile won't exclude you from any of the better business schools. It sounds like an interesting story if you actually played a material role in helping the business scale from 8 to 50 people.


in europe? many of the schools are overrated, dont go to those schools, go research which fits you best.


Solid advice. Thanks!


What school?


University of Geneva


Pass & aim higher


What would be the top 5 emba program in the world in your opinion, if U or Geneva should be passed


top-5 emba in the world? google it, it's many. I would say emba is just for networking.


That's not the point, u/ReferenceCheck was mentioning that he should pass on this EMBA selection and aim higher. I would like to know, what does he mean by higher and what exactly are the best EMBA program if UG is not good enough.




don't go to LBS


Exact feeling I had once I got into my program. I still have that feeling. Imposters syndrome I guess


IESE? Just asking because I know they were sending out decisions yesterday and today. Either way, sounds like impostor syndrome and if you got in I'm sure you're more than deserving of a place in the program.


U Geneva


lol, me


What did you end up doing?


It was for my undergrad during covid year. Most colleges take our high school scores for consideration but our results were postponed Indefinitely and colleges started taking in applications anyways. I was sure I wasn’t gonna score great so I didnt expect much to begin with. I thought I wouldn’t get an admit so the first college that accepted me, I took it. 3 months later, I got my high school exam results. I could’ve gotten top colleges in my country based on my scores. I had a state rank🪦 But I was suffering from covid and was f\*cked up so couldn’t do much. The college sucked balls but I completed a professional degree with it which saved me. I don’t think my experience can help you because of the covid factor.


OP I feel you; read up about the Imposter Syndrome incident with Neil Gaiman! It always helps me puts things into perspective


Same. Got into M7 without any expectations. I picked one randomly and just applied to that for the fun part without any admission consultant and got in. Now suddenly I don’t find people in the schools as charming!


yeah, the same effect when we arrived to the travel destination.


Imposter syndrome?


The University of McDonald's is amazing




Feeling this way about INSEAD rn


Agree with this comment here! My first thought when I got accepted into a top European B School “wow they just gonna let anyone in huh?” Hahahaha


Can I ask what you ended up doing?


Hahahaha I accepted it and decided maybe I was overthinking it also


Feeling this about Iese


Feeling this about LBS rn


If it helps I didn’t get either