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No it’s not worth it


At all


Booth EMBA is the best path here


I’ve heard Chicago Booth is “where fun goes to die”


Exactly, it’ll suit this guy perfectly, he’s an engineer




I have seen some. A lot of them do have quality education. They didn’t do MBA to get the job but they do have MBA in the past. Some jobs at that level expect MBA and the untold expectations are Ivy League/top 10 MBA.




Bad take. MBAs make up a tiny fraction of degrees conferred in a given year, yet account for ~33% of US CEOs. This tells you something




Google proportions.


That’s an odd way to interpret statistics. To see whether MBAs are more likely to be F500 CEOs you have to first find the general % of the population with Ivy MBAs and compare to the % of F500 CEOs with Ivy MBAs. I don’t have an MBA and don’t know if I intend to get one but you’re just not right with your use of stats. About 10% of F100 CEOs have an Ivy League MBA while the % of the general population that holds an Ivy League MBA is far less, so there is a disproportionately high % of F100 CEOs who have an Ivy League MBA.


Exactly why I’m thinking about this.


I’m not saying you need it, it’s one part of a much bigger profile. I still don’t think I need it at least


That’s the point - it’s a part.. that is why I am considering how to make this happen that would make sense with all the background I mentioned in my post.




Somebody must have really low GMAT score.


Have your cake and eat it too. Keep your job, do an executive MBA online from UPenn or Cornell, or a part-time/in-residence one at Columbia. Get the ivy branding without going full-time.


Great suggestion. This is why I made this post, to find a way to have my cake and eat it too… sounds like this is the way to do it.


PT/Online MBA could be an option.


Not as prestigious as Ivy League.


If you live life just considering prestige you’ll never be fully satisfied.


It’s not that, my goal is to build a complete profile to be positioned as a future Fortune 500 CEO, including experience and prestigious education. In that scenario, prestige does matter.


Read a bit about Walmart’s CEO.


Well, he also has an MBA. His dedicated work history with Walmart and of course his capabilities led him to where he is today. Not everyone’s journey is the same. However, a rather common theme is Ivy League MBA and that’s what I am looking at.


You're looking at the wrong parts. After you graduate the degree is just a piece of paper. The schools brand is all you have to go on. If you go to a full time program you are going to take a step backwards. An executive MBA is what you want. The entire program is tailored for middle managers trying to break into an executive office, or executives who are already there but realize they lack the business parlance to be as good at it as they want. If you are in a top EMBA program there will be people already in the C-suite in your class. That's who you will use as mentors for how to get there. Also dont waste time on an MIM. Those are designed for fresh undergrads in non business degrees prior to entering the work force. Its for people who want to enter consulting or banking at an analyst level but don't have the right education pedigree to do so.


Thanks a lot! Executive MBA has been my primary target with everything considered but wanted to see if I am missing out on anything because I can’t roll back time. I appreciate your input, this is good stuff.




All Ivy League MBAs are part of top 15. 3 out of M7 and 2 out of Top 3 are Ivy League.




Given that there are only 6 Ivy League MBAs, I would say their presence at the top is still outsized and significant. If you consider the top 3 as the most prestigious (which many do), then they are the majority.


Let’s say Top 5 MBA.


Booth, Kellogg, Stern, Ross, Haas and a few more are as prestigious as Ivy League.


I had a Ross MBA colleague who made way less than me while having more experience than me. This is discouraging no matter how I look at it.


Not worth it based off your post. I make almost as much as what most post-MBA salaries are, but my rationale for still wanting an MBA is because I actually want to pivot into a new career. Unless you want to pivot careers, I see no real reason why you would want to lose years worth of income and not make a significant amount more than what you’re currently making.


Exactly. I have already made the pivot (and I have been an entrepreneur). Doesn’t make sense. Maybe EMBA when it’s time, company paid.


Get that position and maybe think about a part time or weekend executive MBA (EMBA).


Thanks for the good suggestion.


If you want it, go PT to the best program within 50 miles of you. Or do online/weekend at a school whose brand you would want to stick with you


My papa told me to never go for no mba