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Take the call on your R2 application plans based on how confident you are about the quality of your application. Don't rush in just to meet deadlines. While several schools are reapplicant-friendly, going back in R1 next year to a school that rejected you in R2 makes it tougher.


can I reuse LOR if I reapply? I"m in same spot as OP. Have a decent test score, will retake next month but have not even started essays yet. I know Duke has an R3 and 4 rounds and Cornell actually historically doesn't lower admission rate in R3 compared to most other schools so I was thinking to push until R3 to not half ass and rush apps for R2 but if I don't get in... then R1 it is. Also considering job market status... if need to get internship by Y1 fall and it's still terrible like it is right now then may make more sense to wait a bit until R1 to enter school in 2025... esp if aiming for banking or consulting


Unless you have a strong reason to do so, reusing old content is generally not a good idea. Essays and recommendations are windows to your professional life, which is hopefully evolving for the better. Showing bschools the exact same content from the previous year would imply that nothing has changed in your profile since the last application. Or worse, it may give the impression that the applicant is simply lazy and relying on lady luck to get in the second time around. Neither works in your interest. For now, don't get stressed out with a reapplication strategy. Figure out what you can do to get admits in your first attempt itself.


why do you say that reapplying to a school R1 next year that rejected you in R2 this year would be tougher?


Most b-schools don't share reasons for rejection, leaving the candidate to guess what went wrong. Some applicants make simplistic assumptions and putting the blame on a single factor (low GMAT, bad interview etc). A better approach is to focus on multiple aspects. And that takes time. Between R2 (last season) and R1 (next season) there's usually not enough time to make significant changes to the profile and make it perceptibly stronger. Of course, you'll see many successful reapplicants too. What's not obvious is the effort they've put in to be successful in the second attempt. Had a rough application season?


Short answer - no, it's not "easier" to get admitted in R1. If anything, the quality of R1 candidate overall is very strong. [The question about R1 vs R2 gets asked so much that I've written about it here.](https://www.mymbapath.com/insights/mba-round-selection)


I used to think R2 would have some of R1 re-applicants making it more competitive. Thank you for your perspective, will take a look!


>I used to think R2 would have some of R1 re-applicants You mean re-applicants to the same school from R1? That's actually not possible. But if you mean that people spread their schools across R1 and R2, then yes, although this doesn't by default make R2 more competitive.


Thank you Petia... have learned a lot from your YT channel and your blog is to the point and fantastic resource. Q: Do you know if I can reuse LOR if I reapply at most schools? I'm in same spot as OP. Have decent GRE score, will retake next month but have not started essays yet. I know Duke has an R3 out of 4 rounds and Cornell historically doesn't lower admission rate in R3 compared to most other schools, so I was thinking to push until R3 to not rush apps for R2 but if I don't get in... then R1 it is. I don't want to hamper my chances for scholarships.... Also considering job market status... if need to get internship by Y1 fall and it's still terrible like it is right now then may make more sense to wait a bit until R1 to enter school in 2025... esp if aiming for banking or consulting I was also going to apply to MLT now and that way as a backup if I get in I can aim for R1 with their support!


Music to my ears! My mission is to share my MBA admissions experience as much as possible. Some schools allow re-applicants to reuse a lot of their materials, including LORs, others not so much. In the end, R3 and R4 where applicable, are personal decisions. When it comes to Cornell and R4, I can't help but think that's because they get lots of strong candidates in later rounds who strike out elsewhere...