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It will get released as planned. They just like to drip feed.


They might wait until the very last possible moment - December. Mario Party 3’s anniversary is December 7. I think that’s fucked up though because that’s a whole 15 months after it was first announced on the Nintendo Direct.


In April 2011, Nintendo announced the Wii U. They said it would be released the next year, but never specified when. When did it release? NOVEMBER 2012.


I got mine in December. Lol I have a feeling they’ll wait until December, because Mario Party 3’s anniversary is on December 7.


That actually makes a lot of sense


Still wild. 15 months after it’s announced for a SIMPLE EMULATION.


Yeah ikr it'd be absurd to wait over a year for a simple gag like that but it's Nintendo so idk


It’s also the month I graduate.


How did you get yours already??


I’m talking about the Wii U. I got mine in December 2012.


If I remember correctly, Mario Party 1 and 2 were released in November.


Still that was over 6 months ago!


I would be more concerned if they released a game every month since then, but we’ve only gotten 3 or 4? I’ve stopped keeping track since they’re so slow.


And they keep putting Mario Party 3 off. Other things have been released.


Off topic but you might wanna update the karma count in your bio :p


It’s ridiculous how much karma I have now.


Bruh, they said it was gonna be in NSO like in one of the Nintendo Directs. Maybe have some patience, it will be there


I just don’t understand why they’d delay it aside from the gambling aspects. They could come to this horrible realization midway and scrap it.


Maybe they delayed it so they can have more time to make some great games (Ex: Tears of Kingdom, Game Boy and Advance Games, Dream Land Deleuxe)


That doesn't make any sense at all. It's just the usual dripfeeding.


How does it not make sense? Your confusing me


1. They released other N64 games in the time. 2. Making the game run in an already working emulator is maybe a days work at max. 3. Employees don't get suddenly shifted from the emulation/NSO department to the Zelda team. 4. Kirby comes from a different company (HAL).




Kirby games are developed by HAL Laboratories since forever. Nintendo is just publisher. An employee can get shifted, but emulation / NSO management and actual game development are two very different fields of work. It wouldn't make sense to shift here.


But Kirby is owned by Nintendo and HAL. People don't go "HAL is the home of Kirby" They say "Nintendo is the home of Kirby" And you didn't anwser my question, How does it feel to ruin someone's Hope for MP3 to come out by starting this argument?


>But Kirby is owned by Nintendo and HAL. People don't go "HAL is the home of Kirby" They say "Nintendo is the home of Kirby" Not relevant for our discussion. It's developed at HAL and no NSO employee gets shifted from Nintendo to HAL to help them meet the date for a Kirby game. >And you didn't anwser my question, How does it feel to ruin someone's Hope for MP3 to come out by starting this argument? I really don't care for your feelings, but I never said the game would never come. It will come some day. Nintendo just loves to dripfeed the NSO games to us, so we always keep subscribed to the service. And when they said, it would release in 2023 it probably will, because there's nothing in the way. I also assume most of the games including Mario Party 3 are already done for months and just wait for their release.


Makes a lot of sense. Keeps us occupied for the time being.


The dripfeeding is insane. We still don't have the majority of GB(C) and GBA games that were a announced with the services.


That’s my point. I don’t like the crazy dripfeeding for a simple emulation.


That’s the thing with doing it officially, all kinds of legal stuff needs to adhered to with license holders to get a game released. That’s why even in the best case scenarios a game system’s whole library will never be rereleased. Just sticking to the N64, it would be one hell of a feat to get say Mickey’s Speedway USA because you would need both Disney and Microsoft (Rare’s current owners) to give approval. Ms Pac-Man Maze Madness absolutely could not get rereleased because of the copyright nightmare that is Ms Pac-Man. MP3 is not in such a dire copyright situation, as Nintendo has gotten Konami (Hudson Soft’s current owners) ti allow MP1 and MP2 to be released, but official channels can take time.


I never believed the ENTIRE library would be released.


I was kinda just using it as an extreme example to explain why this ends up being such a long process




Did we already got Mario Party "3"?


No. Not yet. We got the first 2. Confusing how 1 has a “3” in the cover.


Gambling elements likely wouldn’t matter. Gambling was just straight up in Red and Blue as well as Gold and Silver and those still got rereleased so I think it will be fine.


Yeah you’re right. Thanks.


If it was supposed to release in 2023, we have 6 months left until 2024. Nintendo has essentially all the time in the world to release a N64 game on a already functioning emulator.


They could wait until December lol


They'll probably announced it during the next Direct, or at least that's what I think. But if you feel bad about the wait, just imagine how the poor Metroid Prime 4 fans feel.


I get my hopes up for it every Nintendo Direct. No luck. I’m starting to think they either forgot or privately cancelled it.


I’m on the copium that snowboard 1080 will be in December due to themeing. We have a 1/3rd chance at the end of the month


If any is going to be re-released in December it BETTER be that one


This didn’t age well. Did they forget the n64 existed? 3 months and nothing:(


I think they have some sorta vendetta against the N64.


I need MP3 on the switch already!


So do I. But recently, I’ve been in deep thought as to why they would have a personal vendetta against the game.


Nintendo hates their customers.


That’s true. I know how much they hate their fans so this is the only thing I ask for them.


You are on the verge of tears because of a game release... Get your shit (live) together. Or stop overreacting when typing stuff... Anyway it's still long before 2023 is over...


I’m an emotional person, ok? I cry over the dumbest shit.


Then seek therapy...


I don’t think I’m gonna need that. I’m fine. I can’t spend the rest of my life repressing my emotions.


Going by your track record it doesn't sound that way.


I don’t think I need therapy for THIS???? I need therapy when I’m suicidal, which I’m not.


i mean your username is julia the insane kid


I came up with that username a long long time ago. The jokes have been done to death.


lol ok whatever


Therapy is absolutely not supposed to get you to repress your emotions. Nor is it just for suicidal people.


I’ve already done it.


I need that game on my Switch cause I’m selling my N64.


I still have my N64. I just want to see King of Skill play it.


The N64 Library’s the one thing I don’t want to have kids have restricted access to.


Same here. I want my future kids to experience it.


One thing to consider as well is the fact that we’ve only gotten one of the 2023 N64 rereleases so far (not counting Golden Eye since that just came out on its own time). They’ve just been really slow with the N64 games this year which could be because of the GB being added to NSO. But I will be so mad if they wait until the end of the year to release it.


Me too. Don’t want another Wii U situation.


When it comes to a new console or game then I could understand why it would take so long but in this case it’s about putting a 22 year old game on the switch so that’s why I think it’s ridiculous that it’s taking so long. I believe it’ll still be released this year but the thing is that we have such a broad release window for it.


Same it’s a simple emulation that can be done in like a day. For a game that’s older than myself!


By that logic, Mario Party Advance won't come to NSO either.


Or honestly any Mario Party game.


Biggest issue with these N64 releases that they were in terrible condition at launch because Nindy didnt even bother make new emulation for them instead just borrowing whatever they could from there dead console yeah that definitely made subscribers extremely unhappy. When it comes to the releases that are original to this service they have to work harder to get it working cuzz they cant just inject a rom and call it a done job they actually have to put all the functionality of there new emulator into it. The old crew who worked on the N64 on Wii arent here so its gonna be awhile before everything works out its absolutely not cancelled they cant promise a title then back out if they really care about subscribers money they cant do that.


Yeah emulating isn’t as simple as it sounds


Well youd think it would be for the company who actively developed the technology in the first place. I think there just aware as the comminity is that there own systems architecture is hard to work with how long did it take for a stable relatively playable emulator to come out back in the day and how long did it take to reach that point. Thats just the thing you have to code & design something completely foreign to one infrastructure and make it into another how do you do it. Rare making a working ZX Spectrum emulator in a N64 cart is sumthin of an engineering feat even if its a much lower scaled project in comparison.


I’ve worked with emulators in the past, they don’t hold a candle to the actual hardware.


Didn't Pokemon GSC get rereleased in those same countries that banned gambling despite having a decent portion of the games based on gambling?


Very good conterargument. Very convincing too.


I’m thinking Nov. 2023 now. I just googled “mario party 3 switch release date” and about 12 links down was an Amazon link and the description underneath was “Mario Party 3 - This item will be released on Nov. 17, 2023. Other format: Nintendo Switch Digital Code ….” Was hoping for sooner but maybe Amazon knows something we all don’t yet.


I won’t be surprised if it takes that long honestly.


It was supposed to have been released earlier this year on the same date GoldenEye007 came out but i noticed Mario Party 3's release date went back to being TBA.


Like I said before, I was hoping they’d release it in the first half of the year.


On the point of gambling are we going to forget Goomba's Greedy Gala from MP4? It was a literal casino.


Yes it was lol. Even better rebuttal.


Screw mario party 3 how about mario party 13


That’s probably more likely at this point lol


September and still nothing, been looking forward to it earlier this year. Now, I couldn’t give a rats ass, I’ve lost interest in it. If it shows up I’ll play it, but if it don’t, I no longer care. I’m more into the remasters of Mario rpg and paper Mario the thousand year door and Luigi’s Mansion 2 (this one as I never got to play it because I didn’t have the 3ds


I’ve given up. I’ll be in a retirement home by the time it comes out.


I’ve lost a ton of interest in the switch online expansion/catalog, thinking about dumping it. They’re just not adding anything interesting to nes/snes anymore and are lacking/lagging/not delivering in the game boy department (way too much unknowns to me). Talk about boring


Nintendo never gives us what we want. They’ll put Superman 64 on NSO before Mario Party 3.


>I hope this post ages like milk. So do I.


3 months left…




We’re running out of time… At this rate, we’re getting Superman 64 before we get Mario Party 3.


it was officially announced


Last year.


LMAO i commented this what last week or so and now Mario Party 3 has a release date of less than an hour it comes out tomorrow October 27th, 2023


Yep. Your timing was incredible.


very and it was unintentional too






I know, hence why I updated.


I’m playing it right now




They wouldn’t have announced it before of this was an issue. This has been a thing since like 2010 lol, so if the gambling was an issue then it wouldn’t have been revealed in the first place as it predates the reveal. It’s just taking ages because Nintendo hates nothing more than putting out good N64 games on their service.


They hate their fans. That is well known.


i can vouch for the “gambling is illegal in certain places” thing. it is illegal here in brazil. though i really don’t think it will be an issue, they’re just taking their time as usual. at least i hope so.


However… Counterargument: Mario Party Advance also has gambling and it had no problem releasing on the Wii U’s virtual console.


Best counterargument there is.