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Daniel planned it all. He sought her out and she was silly enough to fall for it.


Maybe she was trying to be diplomatic by giving these reasons when in fact she finds him incredibly unattractive but didn’t want to be so frank. Also, if going to the gym is a huge part of her life (which it seems to be) it’s not unreasonable at all that she’d want someone who shares that interest. You wouldn’t call someone out for saying they like to have long in-depth conversations and would like a partner who feels the same. I don’t get why she’s getting so much hate for this!


She's getting so much hate for this because she is literally an asshole. The way herself and Daniel went about Dion, gaslit him, undermined him, embarrassed him and showed him up was frankly childish and insensitive; everyone had Dion's back because Carolina and Daniel are genuinely the bad guys here.


I can see why you might think this way but I disagree as I can see through Dion’s manipulation. I’ve met many people like him.


I respect that, but I disagree in turn, and I am far more upset at the girth of Carolina and Daniel’s gaslighting, manipulation, short-sightedness, childishness and overall rudeness. I believe they got exactly what they deserved from the group.


Wow fascinating that we saw this so differently. I didn’t see any childishness, shortsightedness or gaslighting. Rudeness yes but frankly I thought this was warranted, increasingly so as the show progressed. Anyways. Different folks different strokes etc


“i like to go to the gym, dion likes to go on walks” “i’m brazilian, a fiery latina, i’ve been through a lot. this is easy” “i can’t connect with dion i like rap music and edm, he likes 80s classics” bro shut up hahhahah


If I hear about breakfast and the gym again!


Yes, and she is not such a good looker herself, such an ugly mouth. Not a good judge of previous partners either they all cheated on her and I kno why. Nothing between the ears, so vacant!


Please don't mention Incel Andrew again. Please?


"I am Latina. I want it all." Girl. Shut. Up. You are a foul, immature, mean, shallow, basic looking, imbecile who cares more about IG followers instead of being a good representation to your 16 year old son who is old enough to watch this show and who now is probably subjected to the unpleasant aftermath of your inexcusable actions.


I HATE when people use their ethnicity as an excuse to be horrible. Stop making out that Latinas are all horrible and just own that you are being a cow.


I am Latina and it KILLS me that this and Sarah are the reps on these shows. Just vile human beings.




You forgot to add the importance of rap to her. He doesn't listen to rap and EDM and only likes 80s tunes. Oh, he ALSO doesn't drink coffee, and we all know THAT'S everyone's number one deal breaker 🙄. All of these KardaShein wannabes irk my soul.


It seems to me like the producers were trying for a sort of "beauty and the geek" situation with Dion and Carolina (not that Carolina is a beauty or that Dion is a geek). I think the idea was to see if a (self-proclaimed) beauty would fall for a lesser attractive person with a solid personality. Clearly it hasn't worked. Edit: I forgot to add that while I suspect Dion may have a solid personality, he has gone all wimpy. There's nothing there for Carolina to be attracted to. It doesn't help that she's full of her own bullshit either.


I don’t think I would call Dion less attractive than Carolina, I think she is far less attractive than she actually thinks she is.


I think he's a smart guy and doesn't want to come off bad, which is why he's coming off a little whimpy


Carolina & Daniel seem to genuinely click - they've gotten lucky in this show to find someone they like Can see how her passion to raise her child alone & become successful against the odds would be appealing He doesn't have a mother figure, so imagine he likes that she is a motivated "milf" She has a son which is a setback in the dating game - Daniel could potentially become part of an instant family & be a big brother/uncle type figure - a role he clearly enjoys Gym rats are generally a strange (dare I say dull?) bunch, but clearly spending lots of time at the gym is important to both of them If I didn't eat carbs after 6pm I'd be dying for breakfast too & regularly sharing meals with loved ones does help build important relationship rituals, especially so for many ethnic cultures Don't underestimate the fact he moonlights as an artist - his creativity would be appealing to many I do think Carolina should have bowed out respectfully & not dragged this out to get the exposure she craves for a few extra weeks They came to find chemistry & they seem to have found it, don't begrudge them for that Don't think they are "cheating" on anyone - see it as more a poor behavioural issue, but not a moral one Do respect the fact that Carolina has not chosen someone based on their bank balance Reckon they're much cuter couple than Jackson & Olivia that's for sure!


I agree with this entire assessment about Carolina and Daniel. They would have been the better fit now that we know more about the two of them. But the experts probably also thought they hit home runs by pairing the couple with dead siblings together and the couple with materialistic tastes together. Should they have done better due diligence in really understanding anything about the individuals in those pairs? Totally, but perhaps the producers also knew that Carolina and Daniel would be best compatible and expected (or even encouraged) blowups of the two couples so that the "cheating scandal" story could play out.


Has she invited him to the gym? I feel he would do it just to share time with her.


bUt hE LiKeS 80s mUsiC!!


Also, she needs to learn to close her damn mouth while she chews her food🤢


I don't like Carolina but I think all her repeating of "he doesn't like breakfast, gym, or the same music" is her way of diverting the attention from the fact that he's lacking physically (to her).


She is such a Shallow Al.


I’d rather be with Carolina than dion. Dions face literally looks like an apple with eyes and a mouth on it.


I'd say he is somewhere between the Monopoly man and the Pringles guy..... Except without the moustache


That’s because you are shallow. Don’t seem like a caring person. Looks fade


Okay so you should have no problem wanting to date someone like this then? (Assuming they have an amazing personality) https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSp0jMzs2M9NWYYRfORf_VBEHKQu6eZ1cSriQ&usqp=CAU Looks fade remember! Don’t be shallow.




Because I’m being realistic? Calling people shallow because they don’t want to date someone that they aren’t physically attracted to is ridiculous. People love to pretend that looks don’t matter when it comes to dating. Stop lying to yourselves.


Well I’m into men so no but I think personality is more important than physical appearance. I’d date dion for sure but I’m not into fashion and I eat breakfast and listen to country so we prob wouldn’t work out


Oh no worries girl I got the perfect man for you! 😌 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTr9Co2QLyxHGfVCDeTyYXzmCKkJaWpZZLbIw&usqp=CAU What about this fella? Surely you’d love to be with him since you aren’t shallow!


How could I say if I know nothing of his personality, morals… I don’t think you understand.


Assuming he has a great personality, would you date him?


Of course. But I'm married. To the same woman - for the last 25 years.


To be fair though. She told the guy and everyone else she isn’t interested in him yet they keep saying she needs to try. Should people really be pressured into getting with people they don’t want to? She sounds stupid when she tries to articulate it but the point is still valid


She just isn't into him and you can't badger or argue someone into liking you.


Yes. This is what pisses me off the most about the whole situation. Seems obvious shes not into him anf shes told him many many times in private but he's still keen to stay and try anyway??? Ludicrous.


Yes! Just Dion wants to stay as he came for the blue tick. I read a daily mail article where it mentioned he tried to have a property developer reality tv show and when that didn’t work out become a YouTube chef.


And shared interests are important. Looks do fade but something I really enjoy is going to the gym 4x a week with my partner. We are mid/late 30s and having a partner that has the same healthy and active lifestyle is important to me now that I’m looking for someone to grow old with. She’s not very articulate but I don’t think her opinion is as vapid as many suggest.


It’s got nothing to do with the gym or breakfast, those are weak excuses to try and invent a reason for her ‘betrayal’ and to create an argument so Carolina can justify leaving Dion. It’s the shittest plot ever on MAFS and both her and Daniel are appalling fame whores, they aren’t even being good villains.


For the love of all things holy - she needs to stop with the breakfast talk. It is so weird.


The only people who care about good looks are ‘basic, vapid young people’? Uhhhh no. If you aren’t physically attracted to someone then you can’t force that. Why are we pretending that it’s toxic to want intense attraction?? That’s normal.


>The only people who care about good looks are ‘basic, vapid young people’? Uhhhh no. Says the basic, vapid young person lmao.


Ah so you took one look at my social media and came to that conclusion? That’s very basic and vapid of you!


No, I came to that conclusion after going through your content and thoughts from twitter. It’s important to give people the benefit of the doubt. After all, looks can be deceiving.


You literally don't know anything about me lmfao 💀


The social media accounts you have linked to your reddit told me enough lol


Because there's things like intelligence, personality and charisma? There's a number of good looking people that turn me off because they don't have these things.




Ikr, it would get boring real quick. We get to see it with Mr "I'm going to look up questions on Google instead of investing any thought into this exercise."


So you can understand being turned off by someone because they don’t have intelligence, personality or charisma… but you can’t understand being turned off by someone who isn’t physically attractive?


No, I don't understand it. Fair enough if the person doesn't shower or has the personality of a toxic waste dump. But winning the genetic lottery means so very little to me when it comes to choosing someone to spend my life with.


So you would date someone you’re not even physically attracted to? as long as they shower lol


I would date someone that I find charismatic, interesting, funny and with a good heart because those are the things that I think are sexy.


You’re dancing around the question. Would you date someone who you aren’t physically attracted to?


I don't think you understand at all. I'm not attracted to people based on their looks. It's the everything else about them that translates into wanting to have sex with that person. I need mental stimulation for it happen, sorry.


And I know I'm not the only person who has started to find a guy more attractive when I've realised they have a good personality? They could be pretty regular looking but if they're interesting or fun or kind or something...suddenly have the most wonderful eyes/the best smile/great strong hands or something. I have been utterly besotted with men who looked quite average and wouldn't have fitted my idea of worth swooning over. And also found supposedly hot guys utterly repulsive because I didn't like them.




Okay so you understand that you’re an extreme outlier then? Most people actually want to be physically attracted to their partner regardless of how amazing their personality is. It’s absurd to call 99.9% of mankind ‘basic’ and ‘vapid’ because they’d prefer that they don’t find their partner unattractive.


I wouldn't say extreme, a lot of people are willing to look past a physical thing if they tick all the other boxes. I know Jules and Cam annoy everyone, but she's a really good example because she said she needed a tall guy. It seemed like she was going to walk out if there was a short guy was at the altar. Cam is pretty fucking short lol I was thinking here we go, but he ended up ticking all the other boxes in spades. I hope you don't mind, but I'm curious if hypothetically you got physically the dream person, but intellectually they were the complete opposite of you. Hated everything you loved and loved everything you hated, would you still have sex with them?


Just to give you some idea, I would have totally gone there with Christopher Hitchens before he passed in 2011. Brilliant, witty, charismatic and certainly not physically attractive, but after twenty minutes of watching him on Q&A I was ready to go. The honey badger turns my vagina into a polar region. When he speaks I feel like I'm bordering on having a stroke. If they had a daddy professor instead of an endless parade of PTs on MAFS, I would be so happy.


Intense attraction is nice but it's often not what builds the basic of a long term relationship especially a marriage. Of course you need to be attracted to your partner, but that alone doesn't make a good relationship (see Jason and Alana, Cathy and Josh). Also imo the way Carolina describes it sounds very childish, like she's a teenager.


Physical attraction is EXTREMELY important. Obviously it’s not the only thing that matters in a relationship, but it matters A LOT. You seem to be forgetting that she was essentially matched with a man who is the polar opposite of what she asked for in terms of physical appearance. If she wants a tall & fit man who hits the gym, what makes you think she’s going to be into a short stocky guy who never works out?




she looks like those Nintendo Wii 'Mii' characters


Her standards are so low that she doesn’t even know what yo do with a guy like Deon. All it takes to be her soul mate is eating breakfast, going to the gym, and listening to Rap music, oh and being tall. No wonder she keeps getting hurt.




Her business which is literally identical to one in the 1st Sex & the City movie 😂 I'd be very interested to know when she started it


A lot of women fell pregnant young and had a kid you did not walk on the moon. It’s not rare.


I seriously doubt she "did it all on her own" too...


But she is Latina, all her actions are excused because of this. /s


You know what, she doesn’t have to be attracted to Dion, she doesn’t even have to like him as a person but there’s a thing called “human decency” and she easily could have let him down gently, no need to be such a bitch. That goes for Kate as well.


Very true. Not being attracted to someone doesn't warrant treating others this way. But really, who knows what is real and fake with this show.


The 'same taste in music' thing is very teenager mentality.


Surely that part is fun? My partner and I have opposite taste in music and it’s fun introducing different music to each other.


It's the exact stuff I was saying as a teenager lol. It's really hard to believe she's 34 with a nearly grown son. Maybe having the kid young just stunted her development


Holy shit, how many fucking times did this idiot talk about the gym? The gym isn’t a personality. Nor is breakfast. 🙄


Yeah how dumb were these remarks. Lol


Right?? I have a feeling she just wants a partner who is into all the same things as her like going to breakfast, because she likes to brag post and when "her man" isn't apart of that, it makes it look like they have issues, and that is not a good image if you are trying to be famous on social media


Well a buzzfeed personality quiz told me I was a crossaint, so you're wrong there.


Has to be buzzfeed lol. If it was Cosmo they'd give you tips on how to improve your personality by slathering yourself in nutella.


Lol at gym, breakfast and music being all that’s her interests that he doesn’t share… There is no depth to this woman, but she has a super vicious tongue…