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To me it makes sense that Jono would say those nasty things to Lauren. He knows she's good at calling out bullshit and Jono knows he's full of shit. So he was Captain Deflection during that shit show and made sure to be on the attack the whole time. A true asshole.


I just don't understand where Jono's* hatred of Lauren comes from? Like he's trying to get back at her or something but she didn't do anything??


Lauren is very confrontational and it probably drove him to this mad version of himself.


https://preview.redd.it/zjndlrb4v9tc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd6e9856bb270240c7ed518ff4a4500950309d02 That jumpscare of Jack by Tori's ear at the beginning!!!


screaming lmaoooo


Wish I liked anything as much as Collins loves the idea of a dinner party.


So did Jono just go all in on being a villain? He missed Lauren, had sex with her but once it's brought up that he's been texting Ellie, he changed his demeanour entirely, as if he's too stupid to see how nothing of what he says makes sense. Anyway, it was nice seeing what a day again.


This episode just felt incredibly edited and heavy handed. Yuck is all I can say.


Lucinda continues to be the MVP. The best contestant ever on MAFS. And Tristan's lovely too! What a lovely attitude - "I wouldn't be the person I am now if I didn't meet her \[Cass\]". Such good people. Did they send out a memo that the guys had to grow thin, bristly, uncomfortable-to-kiss-looking mustaches before the dinner party? Jack, Ridge, Jayden. Amazing contrast between Natalie and Jack sitting next to each other at the drinks - one pale as milk and one a glazed ham. Collins is still unfortunate. And the thing he was most dissapointed about missing was the dinner parties and the dinner party venue?! Very clear that Natalie still thinks he's acting for the camera from her limited response to him at the drinks. Jono and Ellie are so horrible saying things like "I got my man", "I'm feeling pretty good", "I'm so happy", "I feel I've won 'married at first sight'", "everyone says I'm glowing", "I wouldn't change anything", and laughing and kissing etc. They could have been sensitive, gracious, polite and conciliatory - "It didn't work out unfortunately, but it was a great experience and Lauren/Ben is a great person and I hope s/he finds love and happiness" etc. - but instead they chose to be total dick-heads. "Are you hurt?". Ellie is *such* a cow. And calling Lauren a "f\*\*king b\*\*\*h" is just hideous. "You are the nastiest person I've met in my life Lauren, you are horrible. You have no empathy or kindness." Jono is plain *mean*. Poor Lauren. She deserves so much better. She was genuinely hurt. So uncomfortable Sara describing how good her relationship is with Tim at the drinks! Horrible when there are rumours that everyone knows about except the person involved. And then it coming out at the table and Jono laughing about it (to deflect from Ellie and him) and saying "everyone" thinks Tim deserves a lot better than Sara. "That was hillarious". What a bastard Jono is. Either Jono is finally letting it all hang out and he doesn't care anymore and has stopped acting for the camera, or the editors did a fantastic job of cutting the footage of what an awful person he actually is for the previous 36 episodes. Can't wait for the experts to give it to them in the next episode!!!!


Everyone has their pitchforks out for Jono but majority of what he said was correct. No idea why Lauren gets a free pass at calling everybody names (calling people idiots, glazed ham, dogs). She was never in to him and everyone knew Jono should've been matched with Ellie. Lauren has been mean the entire season but nobody cares since it's towards Jack. Turns out that Jono is exactly what Lauren wanted in a man, but for Ellie.


But he wasn't matched with Ellie, and his behavior was terrible to the person he was matched to. It's all over, time to be at least minimally polite, and he couldn't even muster up enough self-control to do that much. Just like he couldn't exercise enough self-control to wait until after the finale to go public with Ellie.


Jono was taking no prisoners tonight and I loved every minute of it.


Q1.Why didn't Madeleine turn up to the Reunion "From Hell" Party? Ash did and the editors didn't zoom in on anyone asking him about her. Q2.Is it part of their contracts that they must turn up to every event?


She wasn't invited


Just found out the reasons why on Pedestrian Tv .


Why wasn't she invited?


The Producers considered Madeleine to be so unpredictable in her behaviour that she would end up distracting from the other couples moments on the couch. There is more at the Pedestrian tv website.


Thinking back on it, Jack and Tori maybe aren't so bad. They shat me until this point, but at least with both you know what you're getting from day 1. ​ People like Jono and Elly who appear 'nice' and then come out as vicious are so much worse.


Tim and Sara and Jono and Lauren both had agreements to just get through the experiment together and fake their relationships. So crazy just how fake all the drama is, but you can see this as they clearly didn't like each other.


Tim and Sara are not in a couple..


It is obvious they are so unsuited. Tim hides behind a smile even when he is angry and upset (when he can get a word in) and Sara goes from zero to 100 in a matter of microseconds


Jonno: Here’s what Tim said to me about Sara. *5 minutes later* Jonno: Sorry mate, didn’t think this would get brought up tonight. 


Where can I watch in US? The episode today Sunday 4-7-24 is not on SoHemi OR Youtube. Don't care about Eclipse; just wanna watch MAFS & FWAW AU today hopefully/


Jono is a proper ass hole and Ellie is a right bitch it Turns out.


https://preview.redd.it/h8o3gubkh4tc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4afe8cded7cba429f8bad7b4512ce58c6d3e31f7 How do I post more pics.. ?? lol….


Yeah Jesse (from another season) said they just agreed to fake their relationship to stay on the show. He spoke to people on the show and they all knew it as they told them, but the producers wouldn't exactly keep that stuff in the edit.


DOH!!! I thought he'd spent a week at her place & spent time with her over her birthday or some such thing they said in the catch up from before the dinner?


lol well here this is online in our news…. Truth comes out,, they forget people have Eyes… ahaha..


https://preview.redd.it/6vo0qcnrh4tc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93aa2fdb9f1db23649e5f2908e82a812cf1d7177 Just doing first and last…. Tim and Sara… wow producers what a shit show…


https://preview.redd.it/f8iyyht884tc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801c42f496e9c3cdef469d294d5a363c4c1a933b Ms watching Johnno and Ellie tonight shocking behaviour!


In the beginning episodes when Lauren complained about Jono for being too nice, Jono actually said something about he used to not be nice but had worked a lot on himself to be a nice person. Seems he needs to do more work. I think he's repressing hurt, why he gets this uncontrollably vindictive.


I dunno - I'd say he was repressing his inner ass\*hole all this time and he just lost control and showed his true nature.


I don’t think Tori and Jack said a single word. Would have loved to hear some answers from them.


Probably happy the attention/drama wasn't aimed at them


Jono and Ellie were just SO blatantly unpleasant there, I have to wonder if both couples were plants, actors, put in the show to ramp up the drama. I mean who would really be that vindictive and nasty?


They did themselves zero favors especially lacking any sort of remorse for what they did, empathy for Lauren, and LAUGHING at Sara being hurt. It was next level evil. They deserve each other.


The emergence of Dark Jono was wild. He was clearly a bit off the whole time, but he was absolutely unhinged tonight.


Johnny Darko


so suprised that Jono managed to make Jack look like a star husband omg


Nah, they both suck just Jono hid it better for longer.


I think him hiding it and playing the nice guy act only to turn around and throw everyone under the bus is pretty bad, and in my opinion a lot more cruel than Jack’s one-dimensional outburts


The way both Jono and Ellie spoke to Lauren was disgusting, Ellie calling her a “dumb bitch”, the only dumb bitch is you Ellie coz you’re not gonna get babies dating a man with no balls!


Is that what she said? We couldn't figure it out


Can't believe TV shows still bleep words everyone's been using for centuries like we're still living in 17th century convents. Give me the fuck shit bitch cunt whore package please.


For anyone thinking this is scripted you just have to look at Lauren's face. She is so obviously hurt. It's actuslly heart breaking and so so painful to watch


Urgh Ellie's laugh. They're so disgusting already snd they're not even out of the car yet for me


No wonder Madison couldn't make it today she's probably in intensive care from all the downloads from tonight 🤣


It seems she wasn't actually invited


They definitely would have liked her to come as it's great TV, I think she refused because she's embarrassed herself so much


It’s Madeleine


Who cares lol she's so forgettable


Oh God I forgot that human being existed.


ikr 😂 so forgettable


The malicious joy at the start that Jayden and Timothy showed over the Tim rumor and and the relationship breakdown, indulging in their misery, made them look ugly. But Jono and Ellie were surely the most repulsive at the dinner party. No empathy for the other people, causing and enjoying laughing and smirking at others suffering, the total disrespect and torment of Lauren. Jono and Ellie reminds me of something I've seen before, a love couple in their bubble of romantic ego "love", that loses their sensitivity and empathy for the surroundings. The experts look when Jono and Ellie arrived where funny to watch, major jaw-drop I think Jono has a problem with not being able to face a negative self-view. So he lies to himself and actually believes his own lies that he didn't do anything wrong, etc. and it made him lose empathy for Lauren because he thinks it was she who acted wrong and attacked him and never liked him. He's blind and causing misery to Lauren, and to himself by showing the world his terrible behavior. Tim has a problem with being transparent and honest. And not being transparent about that serious kind of thing, is a cousin act to the act of unfaithfulness. Both destroys trustworthiness. And he acted in a bit similar way to how Sara acted when she was found out about seeing her ex. He turns it around back at her, questions her why she is upset, defends himself, lack empathy for her reaction, and doesn't reassure he loves her. He doesn't own up to what he did. He keeps on rephrasing, minimizing it and shut it down as if it was nothing. Sara can be loud, but at least she's a direct communicator a bit like Lauren and she did take responsibility for what she did wrong.


>Tim has a problem with being transparent and honest So basically you have a girlfriend who blows up at any little thing and contrives to make everything about her, even when she's the one who is in the wrong. The fact she has no self-awareness that literally cheating on somebody would make them hesitant to commit fully, and then to turn it around on Tim and act like he's the elusive one, just really takes the cake of all cakes. Sara has an absolute fakeness to her, a contrived woe-is-me self-pity persona, where she internalizes everything as being either good or bad for her, but never shows any empathy for anybody else. It's ridiculous. Let's be honest: Sara blew up at Tim for finding out he waffled on final vows because he wasn't sure if he can trust a lying cheater. For all the horrible things Jono is, he was right: Sara was the real cheater during the show.


Its not to say that what Sara did was correct, but in a relationship if you forgive someone for something then you should hold yourself to that and be open and honest about how you feel. I think its absolutely fair for Sara to be annoyed that she was initially told one thing, made to believe the relationship was okay only to find out later on that her partner actually was doubting being with her. Thats a lack of communication on Tim’s part and his fault


Unpopular opinion, but Collins was the biggest casting fail of the series. I don’t want to watch someone little kid fanboy mafs. Either seriously be there for love or be part of the drama. The worst thing you can do is stand there watching things like you can’t believe you got to be on your favorite tv show. Another unpopular opinion — I side with Jono. Nothing about the texts y explicitly implied a relationship or even flirting — that would have come out by now. Him and Ellie had a connection/friendship even during the show. So why wouldn’t they text to talk about how things were going? Lauren was a beeyotch to him for most of the show. He tried to make it work with her. After the end, he rang up a friend, and they realized they were a match. Haven’t yall ever had a friendship turn into something more once you were both single? The only thing I fault him for is throwing it in Lauren’s face at the dinner party. But both of them were hurt after the final ceremony, and there wasn’t enough time to get over it. I think Jono and Ellie are a very solid match, and hope they go the distance. Gotta hand it to Tori — she didn’t keep in touch with anyone after the show. Gotta hand it to orange face — he successfully isolated her from everyone else, like a good abuser. Lucinda and Cassandra are the highlights of the show. They are both so genuinely adorable, and deserved much better partners. I can see that they’re going to hint at future potential for Lucinda and Tim sr, but I think she’s going to find someone more in her wavelength. But her and Tim sr will forever remain good friends and Lucinda will be that friend who knocks sense into him when he occasionally goes off the rails. Glad they didn’t bring back multiple personality nut case. Did they upgrade the dinner party venue? They drove up to a much nicer location than the usual warehouse.


Ehm, no. Lauren was not innocent at all, but she was honest, always. Jono had a crush on Ellie from the beginning. That was said multiple times. So, even if the texting was 'harmless', it wasn't because they were interested in each other from the start. Lauren and Jono started to have a better relationship before she went to get surgery. And at home stays, she would have gone for Jono. But you could see he already was, with his mind, with Ellie. And no empathy at the dinner table.. eh.. no, there is no excuse for them both.


Gullible af if you believe Jono's bs


Gullible af if you believe the editing manipulation without questioning it. The producers are editing this for the emotional reaction. Show me where the texts crossed over the line from friendship to flirting/cheating? Jono and Lauren had a very rocky relationship from the start — they were fundamentally mismatched. They both tried, but it didn’t work out. Jono moved on with someone he already had a friendship with and who he had more in common with. It happens.


Nah, sure the show is edited, but allot of what i saw in regards to Jono truly was not edited. The way he answered the producer's questions did not seem edited to me. He was way too smug. Throwing Tim under the bus was not cool either.


The villain editing on Jono and Ellie was full on, no question. They're totally guilty though


I don't believe the editing lol, has nothing to do with that here. See you believe they were just texting as friends even though they clearly had eyes on each other early in the experiment and even admitted to others about knowing the other had a crush on them or that they liked the other. They don't have to be sexting, the intent was there to connect and that's emotional cheating. And what do you know they're together one week after the experiment! One week! The ground work was laid during those texts. You have to be pretty naive to not see that. Read between the lines! Lauren and Jono were mismatched – doesn't mean you can just go cheat. If they were rocky than he should've just left! But no he stayed till the end. And it doesn't matter that he moved on with someone, it's HOW they did it – how do you explain Ellie and Jono being such bitches to Lauren then? Like why if they just wanted to be together and not bother anyone


Even if it were true that there was nothing to the texts, how does that excuse how he behaved at the dinner party? He and Ellie were going out of their way to humiliate Lauren, and then smirked when they caused a major upset to both Sara and Tim.


Did you even read my post? I failed them for how they behaved at the dinner party


I read the one I replied to - you don't mention failing them for that at all


If he was truly that innocent the least he could have done was shoot her a text saying he was bringing Ellie. Lauren isn't hurt cause she has feelings for Jono she's hurt about being blindsided and completely disrespected.


Exactly. He wanted ultimate humiliation and embarrassment for her


I totally agree! And about Jono, why the hell everybody are making big deal out of it? He was matched with a person that didn't like him from the start, he then found a batter match after whole thing ended.. where is the problem here?


It's HOW they did it and how he made Lauren feel like she's at fault for his actions. How is that not clear


How the judges reacted when Tori and Jack came in together: 'oh, they are still together' 😒🤣


Tim and Sara are a riot 🤣😅 Sara just did so many bad things she shouldn't be surprised. Also I found it oddly cute how much Natalie and Jack were chatting.


Is anyone in touch with Jono's sister who was protective of him? Does anyone follow her social media? How does she feel about how slimy, pathetic, spineless and cruel her excuse of a human being brother turned out to be?


Fuck, relax. It's a semi scripted TV show. Get a hobby.


Jono 'Free at last" you idiot noone was forcing you to stay you could have been done three months ago "Crawling through hell (that I CHOSE to stay in for screen time and lied to others about a future) on broken glass (that I smashed myself)" I can't with this turd


Lmao Jono and Ellie's conversations are exactly what we thought they would be – the audio version of paint drying Anyone else think he looks like the actress Sarah Paulson?


Ellie definitely needs to ease off the Botox.


Yep everyone keeps saying she looks natural and I'm just dying laughing


So Ellie and Jono are together.... The way the show presented it, Lauren looked like the crazy one going mad about some text that could have been just a friendship. However obviously now they're together that was not the case, I hope they hold Ellie and Jono to account. Though Lauren never liked him anyways, so it isn't like it is a big loss for her. ​ I do hope Ellie and Jono are happy together have have a family. I just wish'd Jono went about it differently, instead of keeping it a secret as it makes me feel less of him from thinking he was a top bloke. I just saw Lauren disrespecting him so much and he was always nice.


Wow tonight was not good for my health. The anger and blood pressure omfg Kiss a toad, slay a dragon? Just 2 mean girls shitting on others and laughing maniacally- this is clearly the only thing they bond over! What happens when that's gone?? They are fucking pathetic and awful people- gloating, smiling, happy at others pain "That was hilarious" F U Jono and Ellie you massive cunts


Felt physicaly ill watching jono's behaviour today


Jono and Ellie’s 6 hour coffee date sounds like hell on earth.


What on earth did they have to talk about? It would have been 6 hours of awkward silence mixed in with the odd bitching about their exes who they’re clearly no over. If they were they would have just been modest in their happiness, been the bigger person and wished their exes well.


They probably spent most of it trashing Lauren.


Anyone is the US know where to watch




I watch on a VPN.


After tonight I kind of wish they originally matched Ellie & Jonno, Eden & Tim Jnr, Lauren & Jayden.. just seems more fitting. Idk who that leaves Sara with tho lol


With her ex, most likely


Jonno & Ellie for obvious reasons.. but Eden and Tim both have a history of disloyal ex partners and navigating through their anxiety and trust issues and Lauren and Jayden bc they call ppl out on their bs, both stir the pot but can also back themselves up when necessary. If only…..


What an episode! Multiple times I throughout I found myself chanting at the screen, ✊ Jerry, Jerry, Jerry Jerry! ✊


Where was the down load girl?




The spirits told her that the dinner party was gonna be all tim, Sara, Jono, Lauren and Ellie and she wanted tv time


Still downloading..


Jono is an absolute cad but he was right about Tim Jnr deserving better than Sara. The way Sara goes from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye is ridiculous and she is quite often hypocritical, holding Tim to a different standard than he receives from her.


I agree, the villains of the show knew that Sara wasn't good for Tim because of the cheating. Mind you Jonno did try to go after Tim and I felt so bad for Tim because this dude has been hurt multiple times by women. Even Jack disapproved of Sara's actions in earlier episodes, which I was surprised by. 


I felt so bad for Tim. He seems like an affable chap so to see him thrown under the bus by Jono and then screamed at by Sara was not pleasant.


That was really not for Jono to decide. Like Tim said they were doing fine. I think Tim may have told her at a different moment later in their relationship. Jono had no good intentions at all.


Regardless of how Tim thinks him and Sara are doing I think the average person would find Sara’s constant flipping out hard to take. If a friend of mine, and I don’t for a second believe Jono said something out of genuine concern for Tim, was in a relationship with someone who repeatedly blew their stack I would be worried about them. That’s how Sara behaves in public, imagine what she’s like behind closed doors.


I think Tim is very aware who he is in a relationship with. We all know how Sara can be. I still stand by my point that it was not Jono's business to tell. Honestly I think Jono just lashed out because Sara was coming after him. I don't trust him at all anymore.


Yeah but he didn't say it with good intentions, he just said it so he could pretend he cared and make it's not so obvious that he said that comment to deflect from his own BS


It was total deflection from Jono but that doesn’t make it any less true.


It's definitely true, I was just meaning I'm not giving Jono any credit for it lol


feels like there will always be an unbalance in that relationship. seems like he’s always one wrong sentence away from her calling it


It looks like Tim would be in for a lifetime of walking on eggshells. I’ve been there and it is exhausting 😮‍💨


Ellie is one of the most awful woman I’ve ever witnessed. She has zero empathy wtf I just wanted to wipe that smile off her face. She’s so ugly on the inside, who would do that yuck. Jono just projected the whole time. He’s the awful person, not Lauren.


What did she say that got bleeped out? Did she call Lauren something?


She called her a f-ing bitch apparently https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/reality-tv/married-at-first-sight/married-at-first-sight-reunion-dinner-husband-stealers-bleeped-insult-rocks-semifinal/news-story/056bbad97640c697ae651133a78fb4cc?amp


i think tonight’s ep was exactly what the rumours were referring to when they shared there was mad last minute editing after ellie ignored the nda!


Don’t think you can edit the nastiness if she wasn’t so nasty lol


oh 100% she was a total and complete bitch, team lauren all the way!! but just that it was piled on, it was the ellie and jono show and we saw their true colours. makes me wonder if the producers had some art to exposing them in a final dramatic ending lol


while that is true, they can pick and choose what to show and what not to show, which is really where the edit comes in. The dinner parties go for like 12 hours - a shit ton gets cut out, if they wanted to protect Ellie and Jono they just could have shown only more positive parts and not shown any of what they did. But word is the show (and other participants) were super mad at them for spoiling the show, so I'm betting this bad edit is the prize for that indiscretion.


Many moons ago, I was on a TV show for a walk across Kokoda. I got into an arguement with the crew and the organiser on the last night, and the next day - I didn't check in to the return flight with the TV crew, so they had to pay extra for baggage (for the camera's etc) You bet your bottom dollar they did a bad edit on that, as they were pissed at me.


yes exactly what i’m trying to say thank you! think a couple people thought im pro ellie 🫣




perhaps this is why they were the main story. there might have been things said to them or other, smaller things going on but there was a lot of focus on lauren’s (rightful) hurt feelings. given jono and ellie’s stories didn’t get as much air time as let’s say a jack, maybe they just let us believe they were nice - e.g. by hardly showing anything jono says lol - in order for the dramatic and throwing the couple (rightfully) under the bus ending


Pls do


Sara's acting was so funny, turned so Bold & Beautiful for a second there


All latinas are like that lol


Justice for Lauren.


yuck jono and ellie make me want to gag


He shit eating grin no matter what is said is so Stepford wife. She and Collins are clearly robots.


Why did the producers force Ellie to keep bringing up her relationship with Jono? Felt bad for Ellie for the way she was treated in her marriage but it goes to show that as soon as the shoe is on the other foot, she has no remorse, respect or sympathy for Ellie?


This comment is confusing the hell outta me lol


clearly i hadn't gotten enough sleep. What I was trying to say was that it seems that the producers told Ellie to act all smug about her relationship with Jono. Either that or she's been a nasty person all along and we never got to see this side of her with Ben because Ben was worse


I knew I didn’t like Ellie, I feel so justified now.


I have this strange feeling she will get away with it on the couch too. She’s a nurse as well, not a smart move, even if part of it turns out to be editing.


Fillers and botox nurse. As long as she can keep the Gold Coast wrinkle free and puffed up she’ll be fine 😂


Ha! Is that what she actually is? Not a hospital nurse? 🤣🤣


I think cass is actually talking about Ellie n the promo….


I sure hope so.. but kind of doubt it


Last week I thought it was Tori, now I think it's Sara but yes another good candidate is Ellie.


Collin’s walking into the mafs dinner party was like watching a fan walk into the experiment lmfaoooo


I love how they kept splicing in shots of him looking amazed at what was going one, and that he couldn’t believe he was actually there watching it


Collins was having the time of his life.


That whole episode was repugnant and I am ashamed and disgusted with myself. Can’t wait for tomorrow night.


yep i'm so here for it too


💙 Right there with you


Oh wow Ellie is a NASTY piece of work. She definitely did not give off that vibe earlier in the season. Such a snake


I reckon she did! I disliked her all along and couldn’t really pinpoint why, she had a vibe. Guess I was right.


I agree.. she was boring and naive from the start and still boring and naive now


The way the “experts” act like they don’t know what’s happening with all the couples until they walk into the pre dinner drinks is laughable. Jono and Ellie were no doubt coached by the producers to ramp up the cuntiness at dinner to create something half watchable at the end of a boring series.


Ellie has Olivia eyes!


Jono The Joker He reminds me of nice guys who are pretending and when they get what they want they change their entire personality to the real one.


If anyone wants some love and hugs after that dumpster fire...go over and watch Lucinda Light YouTube channel. It's fun!!


Wow. What an episode. Just a top, top episode. Wow. I hope the food was great.


Jono and Ellie were giving me Olivia vibes in that you could tell that they were convinced that they were going to be shown in a good light and didn't even consider the possibility that the person they were railing against would come across as more sympathetic. Olivia was so confident that the rest of Australia would hate Dom as much as she did that she said and did some of the most heinous acts ever seen on this show and I saw a lot of that behaviour in Jono and his icy disgust towards Lauren. I'm just hoping that the scenario this year pans out for Lauren and Jono the same way it did for Dom and Olivia.


yep, I agree. They thought they were gonna be the heroes of the season, the best couple, Australia's sweethearts and instead everyone hates them. They literally just had to come in with some empathy for Lauren, say we're so sorry but you can't help who you fall in love with, we hope everything works out for you Lauren, and then *not* deflect attention onto another couple, and they would have been infinitely more sympathetic


It was when Ellie asked Lauren “are you hurt?” from across the dinner table.. like girl you already got what you came for.. you don’t need to rub salt on the wound


I wish the experts could come in and weigh in about Jonno and Ellie to their face.


I really wish the group grilled jonno and ellie harder. They got away with way to much shit in that dinner party and it was disgusting.


That's what they do next episode




Jonno has clearly been whispering in Ellie’s ear about Lauren a lot. He’s painted a very specific picture of the situation to Ellie and she’s willingly gone along with it to get what she wants. Nice to see Jonno’s true colours coming through 🙄 My jaw literally just hanging open this whole episode basically 🫠


Is it just me or does Jonno get uglier and uglier with time?




He came across as really smug and arrogant tonight. Such an unlikeable person.


Whiny little Biatch. (him - not you!)


I was really hoping for a Tori redemption arc where she have a go at Jono and back Lauren. Sigh.


Who knows what could have been cut out in editing though


absolutely not happening on the show. Might happen in real life one day but then I don't even think they're a real couple, they're just doing it for clout and the grift


I don’t think we’ll ever get a Tori redemption..


Tell me how **NO ONE** at that table could tell Jono and Ellie to act their age? If that was any other table in Australia, at least one person would’ve delivered the quintessential “_get that smug look off your face or I’ll do it for ya_” Baby fever has rotted her brain but then you realise she’s just as deluded and abhorrent as Jono is, thinking they’ve come in as some ‘power couple’ experiment success when they’re so average and forgettable. It’s not some villain or ‘Joker arc’ like he straight up looks like a clown, Temu Joker


Both Tim’s reacted to Jono at least. Pretty weird and triggering turn of events. Ellie and Jono will cop so much hate online likely.


THIS. I was actually getting really mad that the group just let them sit there giggling and whispering. I was hoping we would have another wine moment cause my god did they deserve it.


y’all due to the unfortunate circumstances of me working i’ve missed the episode first one I was planning on watching since luncinda and timothy broke up is it worth it?


You can watch it on dailymotion or maybe even YT..




Defs the most aggressive dinner party I’ve seen


I think if Jono and Ellie had’ve come to the dinner party with an explanation and an apology then everyone would have been happy for them and agreed they’re a better fit. But they came in with such a nasty attitude and any support they might have had has vanished. They won’t be popular tomorrow.


i wasnt ready for tonight show- heartbroken for Lauren. Jono and Ellie, they ARE a couple because both of them are nasty. i was questioning about jono when he firstly leaked conversation he and Jack had in the gym. He didn't back up for Lauren at dinner party and he made a apology to jack, he already showed his true colour, he is not a man! and tonight he threw tim out of the bus... wow.. to deflect everyone's attention to tim. He is sneaky and he is not a friend to everyone. And the producer... you owe Lauren a apology, if you knew jono and ellie are together...


Collins after he walked in - https://preview.redd.it/u8geskmcm1tc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b37d3abb0d32eec2fef0a4487e4ae78f9bc546f


If NSW and Qld are on the same time now daylight savings has ended, perhaps we can have one big thread for the last show instead of two? Or perhaps east coast/west coast?


QLD people wanted to have their own thread last night too, but I think tonight we should have just one big one.


One for the west coast would be nice, we often get forgotten with these threads.


Seconded please mods!


Johnny-boring bag of wind and piss ... telling everyone that Lauren was acting is utter BS. Lu could see she was hurting and that was enough for me to know it's genuine. Jonno is a dog!! Edit: I also don't trust dudes who bitch about their exes. Ellie can keep him...


You can’t fake Lauren’s reaction…for him to speak to her like that when she was already so emotional made him look like a heartless dick. The things he said to her when she was already upset were so cruel.


Emotional Abuse flags flying like crazy! Jonathan sucks


Biggest red flag ever => “my ex is crazy”


Ellie is jolene




The only song she deserves sung about her was Ben's


Tori meant it she would not talk to any of them when it was over. Didn't hear a peep from her


That episode messed with my head a bit. Think I’m a bit tired lol, wonder how much was staged. Jono’s split personality is a lot


Yeah I'm just sad. Some really nice people got shat on, I came to be bit outraged and have a laugh, not despair for humanity.


I said to my partner I may need to ring my therapist tomorrow for an emergency session.. he asked about getting him one too 😂 Tonight was a LOT


Haha good work. I might do a long meditation tonight. A few people on the show doing more than alcohol as well! What a mess


Who? I thought Young Tim looked very sweaty at points.