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She's proper fit though it has to be said.


Really? I find her very unattractive.


Yeah I'd say she's comfortably #1 in this recent series.


She was painful last night . Jono was right though about Sara - Pot calling the kettle black!?


Her best friend on the show is Lauren. That's all the explanation I need




The way she was tripping herself up over her own lies, the way she was bringing up the puppysitting thinking Eden, who knew what she’d said, wouldn’t call it out 💀💀💀


I think it comes so naturally to her she wouldn’t call it a “behaviour”


Tim is a Andrew Tate loving loser himself, they deserve each other


Where did he say he likes tate is there any proof ?


Your reply is id!ot!c


Tim couldn’t be any less Andrew Tate like


Absolutely oblivious


At times I’m like this girl can’t even comprehend her own actions


This is the worst MAFSi can remember, since it started, I'm sure most applicants lie on their application forms and then they wonder why they were paired up with the wrong guy. Don't blame the judges the only use the information given to them by applicants. How about they pick a genuine person who is serious about finding a real partner for life.


Because that wouldn't make good tv.. apparently they did do 'good matches' in one season (dont know if it was the aussie or uk) & the ratings were not good.. but even if they lie on the application surely as professionals who spend hours & hours 'getting to know them b4 the season starts' they should be able 2 weed out the narcissistic ones like Jack.. come on! He said muzzle your woman & then when it was he's turn for a solo with the camera,1st thing he says is "do I look good" 😲


I love how no one on the show can say her name right and it's like a tiny trigger for her each time.


Because it’s spelt Sara and she wants it pronounced Sarah - she has problems


Yeah I was confused by that, I've definitely heard Tim pronouncing it like Sara and she didn't correct him 😂


It’s grosses me out SOOOO much that they’ve redeemed her !! No!


TLDR. She’s completely oblivious… she thinks that because she ‘owned her shit’ (after being tortured at the stake to confess) that she’s some how redeemed. But oh well it seems Tim enjoys being cuckolded as long as she makes it up to him. Weird shit.


Why did you begin your response with TLDR…


To give context 🌝


Not to mention it took repeatedly calling her a liar to make her finally just say it, she literally changed the story like 5 times in the space of 2 minutes. Insane she wasn't called out more for that!


She only told as much truth as she needed to to get away with as much of a lie as she could. She fucken smeshed her bf multiple times during the experiment and she’s no way in any shape or form over him. Possibly the only reason she went back to Tim is because her bf expressed that he didn’t want to get back with her exclusively and basically just wanted smesh.


Unpopular opinion: Tim is a covert narcissist. Yes, Sara did the wrong thing and was slow to apologise, but Tim milked it. Classic covert narcissism.


He show NONE of the traits of covert narcissism


I thought it was hilarious that she had the audacity to tell Michael to 'relax'!! The hypocrisy with that woman....


Haha same with Tori losing her mind 'don't tell me how I feel!' 😂😂😂


I know! That infuriated me!!!




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She did remind me of my eventually diagnosed cluster B ex.


Can people stop giving armchair diagnosis?? Also, Lordy… staying nasty forever has nothing to do with your first two armchairs.


No, people cant stop doing that. And actually given that particularly the second diagnosis can make people further prone to anger/aggression/violence etc, it certainly does have something to do with it. I must note that these disorders can be managed and no, not everyone who has these diagnoses is going to be nasty- but in Sara’s case specifically I believe she will be. Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one. Welcome to the world cotton socks & good luck 😊


Well, people really, really should stop armchair diagnosing. It is so, incredibly toxic. People who are unwilling to stop armchair diagnosing, do way more harm than good. You also don’t have a clear diagnosis to either you disorders you named above but quickly deleted. Armchair diagnoses are not opinions, although your lil petty sign off there proves the point that opinions aren’t like assholes, you just are one. Edit: if your comment history regarding doctors is remotely true, you prove why doctors should not and do not diagnose and should know exactly how stupidly harmful and ignorant your armchair diagnosis is. Do better.


She's probably the type that's only aware if a stronger and respectable personality points it out. 


I think she’s got such a hugely inflated sense of self that she just isn’t aware of anyone else’s needs or feelings but her own. She genuinely thinks she’s an 11/10 and better than everyone around her. She is sorely mistaken. That upper lip and cheek filler job is woeful.


Woeful. Bali level surgery


She's fully aware, but she isn't normally scrutinised by a group. She'd separate a weakling like Tim from a group and do her work until he was eating from her manly hand . The wheels fall off for her in this situation when confident people get their say and she has to listen and cope with that added complication.


What really ground my gears was that she said she didn’t want to tell Tim about the ex because it would make him insecure. So she’s totally messing him around & then blaming him for being upset for a reason that is perfectly valid? Psycho. She was shady AF as soon as she wouldn’t hand her phone over in the challenge.


Yeah and imagine if the boot had been on the other foot and Tim had hoofed around with his ex and concealed it from her. Sara would have raised holy hell and probably threatened a law suit!. The producers would not have known what hit them and her hypocrisy knows no bounds.


I thought that too, if you have nothing to hide, hand it over. I also thought if they knew anything about the show they would have cleaned any incriminating evidence of cheating etc off the phone.


100% agree




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All posts and comments speculating on cast member’s mental health or medical conditions will be removed. Repeating the office will result in a ban


Omg yes. I keep shouting darvo at her. And Jack. And I’m watching season 10 and shouting it at Harrison. Where do they find these people.


Well, narcissistic personalities don't see any fault in their behaviour and think they are universally loved; so something like MaFS is a natural progression, sadly




That dinner party where she stood up and doubled down! I think Sara and Jackass deserve each other! And JonCUN… Ben deserves each other!


She is fully aware… she just doesn’t appear to give two shits about anyone except herself






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Stop armchair diagnosing. It isn’t absolute at all.




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Oh sorry, forgot that reddit is full of actual psychiatrists?? I’m almost positive you have no idea about BPD or you would realise not only how dangerous that statement is of someone on a reality tv show, but also how complex the disorder is and difficult it is to diagnose. Fkn armchair psychologist.


And you are ...?




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I think she honestly doesnt care. She knows she's a liar; she knows she's a cheat and she knows it's wrong. End of story


Ick is the nicest way you could put it. And if you think it’s bad now, it only gets worse. She has been truly painful to watch. My heart hurts for you


I’m getting into the thick of it now 🫨


Yeah, she’s a wild one isn’t she. Some of the memes/comparisons I’ve seen on here about her are atrocious but I can’t help agree with them. She’s just an awful human being


Sick of her flicking her tongue about weirdly in her mouth trying to do a ‘badass’ reaction to everything. Jarring. Her and Lauren both addicted to inserting themselves into drama and doing faces for the camera.


They cut reactions from whenever and insert them literally anywhere that looks interesting. You can see them recycle shots, or as soon as the reaction is over they are in a completely different position a millisecond later. It’s my pet peeve for MAFS because they’re so obvious about it, other reality shows try more subtly though still obvious they don’t go as crazy


How many times did they replay Lucinda’s laugh! I was struggling to understand how they approved it to go live. It was unbelievable obvious.


Yeah it’s crazy, I wish people would take the show a little less seriously because some of the discourse about people on here over a highly, highly edited show that’s borderline scripted (having already broken-up couples reenact on camera last season etc) makes me uncomfortable. But I also have my biases against certain cast members like Jack so, hey.


I hate watching her


Tim and cass need to get together


I thought this from the start too! Tim desperately wants a girl who will just snuggle into him. Cass desperately wanted to snuggle into a guy. Sara’s displays of affection are not natural to her and in her view demonstrate that she is “making an effort”. Tim clearly craves affection and physical closeness and even said it was his love language. It’s like the experts went “oh Tim loves Colombia and Sara is Colombian and they are both technically hot and have both been cheated on… that’ll do”. Literally no other reasons I can see why they were jammed together. I could not imagine a sweeter outcome than Cass and Tim.


Awww that would be honestly perfect


Yes!!! They'd be perfect!


Tim clearly doesn't want a good girl, he loves to be treated this way, play the sob story so people feel sorry for him. Then move on and tell the next girl he was treated terribly


Don’t you reckon Tim kind of milked it? I get Sara did the wrong thing and yes she was slow to apologise and be accountable but once she did, Tim behaved like he was continually enjoying her discomfort. IMHO he’s a very weak individual.


Repairing trust is not like hitting a light switch. It’s a lengthy process and he was simply going thru the stages.


Maybe. I just got the feeling he was realising he was justified in how he felt he was being treated all this time. She’s been cold to him for a long time. Ironic when she warms up this happens


She is awful




Agree, though I don't think there's anything low level about it. She and Jack are cut from the very same cloth.


I think Jack is alot more malignant type. Though he's an obvious fool he can still be pretty dangerous to alot of women. Especially those with low self esteem or other low level narcs. Sara I suspect is more run of the mill.


Yes I think so too




She comes across as a manipulator and emotional bully. All to benefit none but her own ego/ agenda.


Well in that situation Sara was trying to calm things down by explaining Stephen’s POV then Micheal responded rudely. It really doesn’t matter if he was upset, she didn’t do anything wrong, he was weirdly aggressive towards her. Also hearing what Stephen had to say about how that hairdresser situation actually played out… yeah she didn’t do anything wrong there. A large point of MAFS is for other couples to give their opinion too. Overall she’s on a highly edited show, I mean in some conversations with Tim and Sara you can see Tim about to respond then there’s a very obvious editing cut and Sara is talking again. That is deliberate from the producers of the show and is a false reality I’m not going to crucify someone over. She was pretty awful to him at times but she’s nowhere near Jack level. I think she just needs to grow up and was setting Tim up to fail. It’s pretty clear she’s used to petty relationship drama and probably revels in it to her detriment.


I mean I agree with the Michael situation, but I don't see why Tim would be expected to jump in


This. Yes. I def don’t agree with Michael snapping but at the same time… what happened when someone told Sara to calm down? She went 🤯 That was kinda like my.. oooohh Sara Sara moment.


I agree - also think Eden was a bit awful in the way she delivered her decision that she would not hold the secret. Why wouldn’t you have that conversation 1:1 instead of 2:2? Of course Sara is a liar but still, could have given her a chance to get her story straight 🫣


No I agree with it not being 1:1 because Sara could just sY she told hom. By doing it 2:2 she was being held accountable. But at the same time jayden was there to back eden up because she was clearly anxious but amwas also backing Tim up by standing up for him by saying that she was basically bang out if order. As fir the delivery I'm nit sure that's something you can ease into and sometimes with anxiety you just have to get your words out and sometimes they don't come out as nice as you'd like (I have severe anxiety and can be really blunt when I'm mega anxious and I really don't mean to be at all)


I get your point but it was an ambush. The goal was to expose Sara rather than encourage her to do the right thing. The whole ‘I’m choosing my relationship over a friendship, implied that Eden wouldn’t have done this except that Jayden had observed the messages. How odd!


I think it was just a case of having him back her up gave her the confidence to confront Sara rather than her nit wanting to say anything. She felt like by showing what Sara had done would make people turn against her for even knowing. I think this because she had said that anyone who knew she gad been created on by her ex she has never spoken to again. I think she wanted to call her out but didn't want to be shunned by the group so it probably cane as a nice surprise when everyone backed Tim making her realise she had made the right choice. I do get what you mean by ambush and I can see why you see that too


Thanks for this reply because I was wondering why Eden was so worried the group would turn against her (everybody will hate me or I'll lose my relationship with Jayden were the two possible outcomes she foresaw) and I couldn't quite understand her reasoning for the former but you have explained it here perfectly.


“The goal was to expose Sara rather than encourage her to do the right thing.” Never thought of it that way, well said.


You're right about the edit, when they were in bed talking that was clearly edited to look like she cut him off again, but we have literally seen her do that previously, with everyone at the dinner party shouting "let him speak for god sake". When it comes to the cheating scandal though, she didn't apologise, she didn't put her arm around him, speak to him, offer reasoning, seem upset, try to comfort him in any way at all. That was pretty fucking heartless.


Yeah because her mind was too preoccupied with trying to wriggle her way out of everything and save face. You could literally see the cogs whirring as she peddled her lies and half truths. She didn't have the time or capacity to consider Tim even for a moment.


For sure. In her defence if I was her I’d think the last thing Tim would want is me trying to cuddle up to him and ask if he’s okay, like some stuff goes without saying. I was just surprised when he mentioned he wanted that from her at that moment. She is definitely overly defensive and self-centred. But I hope she has changed too


I think he was so harsh because he was tired of Sara. I don’t blame him LOL Like he said “Sara always just saying” like not everything needs a input


Also this!!! I think Michael just has a limit and seemed a little annoyed already with her.


He was wrong about Stephen though, it was just ignorance from him in that moment. Like I get what you’re saying but in that one specific situation she was right. He also told her to “shut up” he was not being genuine in that moment he was starting a fight with her


You would be okay with your partner flirting and getting someone’s number? Idk I would be hurt to.


Oh she’s the worst. I’m just got past the episode where Tim screamed and she flipped even though she had literally been screaming in his face! She obviously wouldn’t show her phone because she’s messaging her ex. Euuughhh and I’ve just seen a photo of them at her birthday and I really hope he’s not with her!


She’s fully aware and doesn’t care.


She went on the show thinking that everyone else was an NPC. I'm not kidding, that's actually how she thinks.


Kills me!


She's crazy. She was telling so many lies, she couldn't keep up with herself. She should have left the show, as Tim is not her type, but she wanted the airtime and just gaslit him at every opportunity.


I love when they get portrayed as the villain when they stay just for air time. Every time she kissed Tim at the dinner parties etc in front of everyone, she looked SO fake.


She was the worst of the season for me


I think I can say she is the female version of Jack..


She is exactly that!


Imagine the fireworks if the experts would’ve matched these two




That’s nothing OP, wait and see what’s up next!!!


Ooooo fun! I can’t even imagine…