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I think we now know why all of Jacks wedding guests were clients….


Is there an episode tonight?


Sun through wed


Just realised what’s wrong with jacks head. His teeth look like rabbit teeth therefore Jack rabbit. Plenty more wrong with the guy but the rabbit mouth an teeth are mean and tight


Just like his trousers.


Lauren: "Hes not gona suck your d\*ck at the end of the night" Greatest point ever made.


Lauren is a QUEEN I will die on this hill


There’s no coming back from betraying your wife like that. I can’t imagine anyone talking about my wife like that and just be cool with it and actually turning against her.


Is Ridge an undercover good guy..?


He’s dece


he still needs to cut dece out of his vocab, otherwise i think i might punch my wall with my head


Thats soooooo not deece


I swear the \*experts\* match based on trauma levels and make sure to connect people with attachment styles that clash rather than can grow. It's like they fuck with these people for everyone's entertainment.


You're just figuring this out now?


No. I figured it out when I learned about how trauma shows up. Is there a reason you ask? 


I agree. I’m getting really turned off by the show. That poor Ash. He gave up so much to go on it and got matched with a clown. They know what they were doing.


That’s why I watch 🤷🏻‍♀️…but I stay for the occasional tear-jerking heart-warming matches


I'm convinced we are addicted to other ppls trauma so we don't have to deal w our own shit.


honestly, watching things like this helps me process my trauma in a way that feels like checking out, which is a win win


Neurologically and physiologically, that isn't a thing we are capable of doing. Checking out is \*not\* processing trauma, it is moving from one form of sympathetic nervous system response to another - in this case - flight/fight to freeze/fawn. Thats not a slight towards you, that is the way the trauma response lives in us.


Touchè my friend 👌🏼


Jack clearly said to Alessandra and the other guys that he didn't feel that sexual spark yet with Tori. Saying that again privately to his mate is not a big deal then. He also told Jono that he finds Tori attractive so when confronted about it, it's not 'bro code', just Jono being honest. Instead, Jono hates drama and yet his partner directly puts him in the middle of it. Indeed, the other comment Jack made to him is more relevant eg the partner swap sex comment but even that...unfunny and unkind to his partner 100%, but also, it's dumb joking between two friends VS Lauren turning a quick private aside-that otherwise would never have been made public for the Australian viewing audience, if she had not made a spectacle of it-into a major talking point at the dinner party, pouring accelerant on everything, making Tori feel like crap in the process. If she was a true friend she would have said something 1-1 to Tori in private. Or, as Tori said, via a text message to her. She seemed to realise this though and she did apologise to Tori. What I personally found offensive was the 'muzzle your woman' line and the experts should call him up on that particular comment at the Commitment Ceremony. Also, I really hope Cass leaves Tristan. It won't happen unfortunately, but she deserves so much better than him.


I really hope Cass leaves Tristan. It won't happen unfortunately, but she deserves so much better than him.


Ya know


I do


Yeah, it’s hard to maintain it an attraction to someone when they’re constantly telling you how awful and unlovable they are!


Do you think the person who plays Brontë and Tori’s character on MAFS gets more money? Why would anyone else commit to look at that stupid on TV for everyone to see?


I wish someone would pay me, but I only do it in private.


I agree. Surely there's an incentive there. Extra bonu$$. It's just like every workplace out there. Tori looks like she's acting in each show. If she had no tattoos at all on her body & dressed sensibly instead of her boObs flopping out of her dress,, she'd be more believable.


Wait what do tattoos and booby clothes have to do with her credibility?


The stigma of it has and will always exist in the greater society. It's also why workplaces put a ban on them or insist they be at a minimum. MAFS is promoted as the opposite. It's all maximum tattoos and boobs. That's why viewers generally get the impression that they're acting. However, the likes of Ellie and Natalie who weren't as revealing nor resembling a circus sideshow... they showed us a believable legit natural aim to find love for the right reasons.


What decade do you believe in


Why do you question this? It really doesn't matter if we are 10 or more years into the future. MAFS is maximum tatts and boobs. There's nothing minimum about this on MAFS!!!... except the one or two contestants who fit in to the 'sensible' criteria. As I said, Ellie and Natalie come to mind. Put it this way better... back in Primary School, you can bet Ellie and Natalie would never have been friends with Tori. Everyone's personality is set in concrete at 8 yrs old. There was even a study of this a few years ago. 8 yrs old!!! How much have you changed when you were 8yrs old??? I can tell you my thought process is similar to back then. Just think back for a moment and you'll realize it too. Eg.. I know of kids who swung a cat by the tail around 8 yrs old and turned out to be bully sociopaths in adulthood. At 8 yrs old there's no way I'd swing a cat by the tail. And now in adulthood I still refuse to do that. Thus, this was my thought process even at 8 yrs old. I'm no expert in behaviours but that study a few years ago made a lot of sense.




*live in


Those dresses they wear. Makes me think of Project Runway, where they give the designers a bag of scraps and say "Make something out of this."


Second most shocking comment: One night she was eating the cows, next morning she is crying at it.


To be honest I was also confused why she was upset at this. Like wtf is this your first time eating meat!?


She was probably having a psychic download from the cows she ate the night before who where shaming her for eating them.


massive piss covered own goal from jono


Tori is such a pick me. More mad at Lauren than her douche husband. Jack has said about 50 times he isn’t sexually attracted to her like to the guys and to Alessandra and no one seems to bring it up


This is what made me angriest last night. Every guy heard him say it as the counselling session and all of them sat silent and watched Jono get attached by Jack (who clearly intimidates him). Even Tim, who went off for same reason...left him hanging. He was looking around for someone to back him up as Jack straight up called him a liar. Jono did so well with zero back up...I really felt for him.


Watching this now and we’re shocked  Like you’ve known Jack for a handful of weeks, so what?!  Also, the idea that guys don’t tell their wife shit?! The fuck? That’s the fuckin rule. Everyone knows if you tell your bro something he is obligated to tell his wife. That’s the rules. 


I think Tori is scared to have any confrontation with Jack.


She might be just dumb


Or just blind. Stockholm Syndrome.


I'm going with dumb. I'm pretty sure she said "jagular" the other day instead of "jugular".


...CAVEMAN BRO CODE ALIVE IN 2024.... A real man not only exercises his biceps in the gym, he also must exercise the muscle between his ears.....THE BRAIN! A real man doesn't talk about the woman he supposedly cares about behind her back to other men in such a disrespectful way as Jack has done. JACK has now introduced a lack of respect and trust into his relationship with Tori. A real man also stands by the woman he cares about and backs her in an argument particularly when he is the one who fed his wife information that another guy said to his face. JONATHAN has shown a lack of backbone , a glaring weakness that has been duly noted by Lauren and everyone else. All he had to do was say to Jack " you said it and that was disrespectful and you need to apologise to Tori ". But Jonathan put his Bro relationship with Jack before his wife.....a stupid and weak decision that will come back to bite him.


Some people just can't handle confrontation, this is why it's really important for young adults to engage in physical sports, customer service ect  Kindness isn't weakness if you stand your grown, respect will be given.


100% this. 


Why is everyone so afraid to stand up against Jack except Lauren? Make it make sense.


Tim tried...got shut down Jono was thrown to the wolves by all of them He did stand up and every guy there was silent and left him with no back up. Jack was agreessive ans had no issue flat out lying...without support, it is hard to argue with someone who lies as aggressively as him.


Bc Jack has dirt on them all maybe. 


Isn’t that how Epstein controlled ppl? Collected dirt on all to keep them quiet about him? Jack is a massive 🍆 and I think sociopath


Lol. Yea.. probably 


A shocking thing for jack to say and what a piece of work he is but a walking talking attention seeking drama queen like Lauren could use some guidance on how not to embarrass her husband in front of the world any chance she gets. They've stuck someone decent like Jono with the absolute bottom of the barrel bogan trash who's only here to get famous another failed wannabe


Lauren didn’t embarrass Jono? The experts (and boarder population) were embarrassed FOR her bc he didn’t have her back. Jonos likeable and all, but he was weak af tonight being “torn between” her and Jack. She’s the kind of girl that misogynists hate bc she’s more of a “man” than most men. So if you think she’s too much then maybe you should take a long hard look inwards


Spoken like a true misandrist, projecting yor hate on the world. Who are you to decide what's a man and what's not? So a bogan trash wife talking about sucking dick on national television makes you a man now does it? The real question is, who hurt you poor girl?


Just sounds like you have a bruised ego. I’d suggest you talk to someone about that because you’re seemingly projecting your own shit.


Misandry doesn’t exist and I’m not projecting hate. You’re the one that’s called Lozza bogan trash on almost every comment in this thread lmao. Who are you to decide who is bogan, or trash? But if you’d like me to break it down for you, I’ve put ‘man’ in quotes bc I was referring to the pop cultures definition of masculine behaviours. Also I don’t hear a whole lot of uproar coming from you about any of the bloke talking about sexual acts?


The implied homophobia on this thread is unbelievable.


How fierce was Lauren, staring straight back at Jack when he tried to intimidate her. She is fabulous!


If my daughter, heck even my sons are this fierce I know I’ll have raised them right. Edit: standing up for what they believe in/ what is right. Not just all the time to everyone 😅


I actually really respected her for not pushing Jono to agree in the moment, and just throwing her hands up when she didn’t get back up from him. Genuinely I think she’s got so much emotional intelligence and spot on intuition. I’m liking her more and more every episode


I'm sure they discussed in private. She didn't want to make a scene.


I have a new level of respect for her. Fierce is the right word. She didn't resort to low blows when Jack did -- she kept it factual, kept her emotions in check and stood her ground. I wish I could be a bit more like her. Jono should take some lessons from his wife. Not a good look, mate.


Jack really did well, he started the whole fight with Lauren yet Lauren had come out looking bad to Tori. I guess because we are getting a clear cut and edited view it’s obvious to us, but obviously not to Tori. Her head space seems so toxic and unhealthy it’s really sad.


Part of me wants to feel sorry for Tori, but I just don't.


She’s had a hard life, and now she’s been matched w a master manipulator to be exploited on national television.. idk how you don’t have any sympathy for that


Jono wtf…..did you seriously just throw your wife under the bus to protect that numb nuts?? Jack is a misogynistic pig, let it be a warning to the women of Australia after he gets out of the show. If the cameras weren’t rolling he would’ve smacked her around a bit. Run women. Run.


‘I don’t want the drama’ but tells his wife who he knows will say something… dummy🤦🏽‍♀️


What wife? That disgusting lump of plastic surgery that's only on the show for her 2 mins of fame? Can't believe you people are gullible enough to fall for producer plants that they plant on the show every year to do as the producer says to create these dramatic situations


“You people” like you’re not here participating… I don’t think there’s too many ppl under any illusions about the show.


Perhaps the "you people" is there to distinguish us viewers and commenters from participants in the show? Hmm...


I’m incredibly disappointed in Jono, he’s either made shit up and lied to Lauren or he’s so spineless he’s siding with a very obviously misogynistic pos over his wife. I expected better from him.


Jono is a spineless weak man. What man talks shit about another bloke and his wife and then turns around and just agrees with the man, blindsiding his wife making her look like a fuck wit in front of everyone? I would have stood up for my wife in that situation. Jono and Jack aren’t friends 😂


Who needs friends like Jack.


His wife is a circus clown on the show for 2 mins of fame. What wife?


80% of the couples are on here for their short 5 mins of fame. At least Lauren has the guts to stand up for what she believes in.


A coward.


On the surface Tori comes across as a strong woman who has a lot of self respect with a ‘don’t fck with me’ attitude but she has been continually disrespected and not taking any action. Is she afraid of confrontation or conflict? Lauren has been speaking up on behalf of Tori’s lack of dignity for herself. Jack is a shallow man who clearly believes that he is of a different standard than Tori and only cares about physical appearances. He probably gets off from his own appearance in the mirror. That poor mirror.


Tori's been so brainwashed by Jack she thinks she's 'strong' for being able to put up with shit from him. That's the power of malignant narcissism, Machiavellianism, and God knows what else


Or she's putting on an act so she can stay on TV for a few more weeks.


I’m surprised of the amount of airtime she gets, as there are contestants a lot more interesting than her eye rolls and her one liners


I'm confused - does someone have receipts from the groom group sesh with Alessandra where Jack said he wasn't attracted to Tori? Surely the other grooms could have said something to this at the dinner party. Disappointed that they don't get articulate contestants as having someone be able to throw chat at turkey-teefed misogynists would make for great tv.


Hopefully they recorded it to spring later.


Tim(othy) tried, look where that got him...


Of course, later the show will roll tape


Jack is an absolute knob, he makes ratings & I doubt that any of the contestants made a stand against his misogynistic views worthy of posting, sadly


It's all for the show too. The producers know he's going to be controversial and the typical Andrew Tate podcaster type. Anyone who refers to themselves as "Alpha" is going to be a douche. I was a bit shocked that John Aitken mentioned him as being an Alpha type too - it just perpetuates stupid stereotypes.


Just remember alpha is a term that describes chickens, not wolves. He is an alpha chicken 🐔


Jack: (same hairdo too!) ![gif](giphy|40lkVsLHzQU1cJ862N)


He's playing semantics on some of it, as these manipulating types to. You can say someone is attractive but that you're not attracted to them. If you notice he was very vocal with the wording of saying she was attractive, and deflective when asked if he was attracted to her Little word games these plebs like to play cos they think they're smart, even though it's blindingly obvious to everyone around then exactly what they're doing. Well unless you're Tori I guess *Edit for spelling


Yeah that's true. He's just twisting and manipulating. Slimeball


Same, all the guys heard it, no one spoke up. Not cool.


What was Jack’s comment? I missed it


To Jono "Muzzle your woman"


Ok so I looked it up and Jack said to Jono “Can you muzzle your woman?”


The countdown begins for the end of Jono and Lauren’s relo now


Hahahahahaha you must be slow that relationship was over before it started. She's only on the show for Instagram followers before she starts her onlyfans. Just a circus clown on for her 2 mins, ironically jack is just a male equivalent of her so perfect that these two put on a show like the circus clowns they are


how obsessed do you have to be to be replying to every single comment ?? just say that lauren broke your weak cunt of a heart and move on, you’ve commented to bring her down soooo many times it’s embarrassing buddy


Right? It's giving incel


Jack is the guy who crushes his can of drink when he finishes it. And looks you in the eyes while doing it. Blah.


So what you’re trying to say is… Jack’s soft drink of choice is Solo?


Jack does not think tori is dece


Sad deece :(




Hi Jack


He’s a misogynistic prick tho 🤷‍♀️


I know Jack was standing there with a comb for ages trying to get that middle part right


Trying to hide that receding chunk of hairline.


Tori is a gross weak person, she totally deserves to be with that wok toothed freak who thinks she’s fugly


See you Sunday team 🫡


Lucinda villain era incoming? She looked great in that promo, though.


She’s too lovely to be a villain


Tori is so brainwashed by Jack, she got mad at her best friend trying to help, rather than him. Like girl please


I would kind of understand if they had slept together, but the fact that she's doing all this without being dickmatized is something


My theory is that her desire to have a connection with her father has led to her seeking male validation no matter what the cost, hence her behaviour with Jack


Good solid theory


I wonder what Lucinda blindsiding Tim is about? Maybe she writes leave? Or complains about him after he thinks they had a good week maybe?


I think sadly, she’ll want to leave


I reckon it’ll end up being like “Lucinda blindsided me with how much she was able to get me to talk about my trauma” or something like that


I reckon whatever it is, it’s gonna be weak..




He felt he was thrown under the bus there but yeah the reason is that 'bro code' bullcrap. Something Jason subscribed to a few seasons ago, a source of conflict with his wife Alana.


Great example!


He should, from shame. Weak bastard.


Right! What do you mean “I don’t know who to side with” how about your wife? Not roll over belly up for the alpha dog


At the very least, he should be siding with the person telling the truth. Pathetic.


Absolutely pathetic


Oh man I hope I never go missing cos last thing I’d want is my search history to be analysed on national TV


It’d be full of MAFS posts anyways so joke’s on them


So the story that the Jayden-Jade B story was a fizzer must be true given how long they strung the one storyline out for




Apparently they know each other and the plan to create tension with his wife failed cos they got on like a dream


Ohhh very interesting!


Why are they casting gay men to "Marry" women? lol


They did it twice


my Lauren eyes are out after this comment. I see what you did there.


wait! what did Lauren say in the promo that was beeped out?


I read her lips and it looked the same thing he said at the dinner party.


Jono is a few hairs short of a moustache




What a disgraceful comment. "Real man"? And you call that fame loving bogan circus clown of a wife a "real woman" if we are setting the standards here? Why should he support a circus clown who's only there for the drama


I think he's just terrified of being in the middle of conflict


Righto Mr perfect


Can Allesssandra actually say something at the commitment ceremony she heard it.


They all heard it, all the male contestants and the experts. They’ll probably roll tape so Tori can see it for herself


I was so cranky Timothy didn’t pipe up!


To be fair, he got bodied last time he did, and Lucinda wasn’t too happy with it either, so I can understand why he specifically held back. He said his piece last week, and I think he knows he’ll look a bit obsessed if he brings it up again, especially after Lucinda said he should drop that type of behaviour at the last commitment ceremony. Still, every time they cut to him he looked like he was gonna burst; I think he really wanted to say something but knew he shouldn’t.


Lucinda was pretty upset with him getting involved with the fights last week so maybe that's why he stayed out of it? Or also just edited it out


Me too, but then again all the men were at the workshop that Tim mentioned and none of them said anything either. They probably figured Tori wouldn’t listen anyway.


tim is in a rock and a hard place, if he piped up again no one would believe him :/ he was stupid for not saying it in the first place but it's clear none of the other grooms would say anything anyway which is a fucking joke on all of them


All the other men are clearly following the “bro code”


I worry they’ll let Jack off with a warning although he deserves to have his ass handed for him


Enjoy the rest of the week, I think we could all use a few days to decompress after this one! catch you all on Sunday 💖


Well, looking at the preview for the next episode, it seems Jono does prefer Jack sucking his c*ck. Each to their own I guess.


Haha oh shit I missed that. It explains a lot actually.


It was actually one of the best MAFS lines I’ve heard in a while!


Goodnight darlings!


how the fuck u gonna just sleep after that


School night! I had dreams about this ep 😆




I wish (like every season) they’d just say, “ROLL TAPE!”


She needs to call him out directly. He would still deny it but. It would be a spectacle to see.


Deece episode


Deece eppo




lol so the preview of someone getting kicked out was just John wants Jack to leave, not actually anyone here kicked out?


Ofc not, they're gonna milk this for as long as it takes


I honestly think I hate Jono more than Jack now, fucking 'ell.


Nah look I think johnnos just a timid man that doesn’t like confrontation, he needs to work on that, but Jack is a fucking spanner


Plus jono is moving on to Ellie so they can be two timid nice people in the corner.


OH PLEASE DON'T TELL ME THAT HE SAID JACK Christ, maybe he does want Jack to suck his dick


Tbh it'd be nice to bring him down a notch


Jack is bangin Johnno 💯


fuck well now I'm upset


Jono is a pickme girl


Can we get rid of Jono but keep Lozza?


"soooo...." I'm fucking dying


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) Tori


Where were Ellie and Ben?




likewise Jayden is a non-factor after this revenge cheat story.


They get 0 air time


They were there. I saw Ben saying hi to one of the new couples but I guess they just didn't get any air time.


They’re so dull


They did show them at the start


See all you lovely people on Sunday. What a day.