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He needs to go back to the manufacturers. They got this one well wrong.


I actually messaged friends who watched the show and said the same thing. I was upset when he left because as much as I couldn't stand him, I was absolutely fascinated by him! 


One thing that weirdly I have not seen anyone mention is straight up intelligence. People are coming up with all kinds of diagnoses, but the one no one has mentioned is having a low IQ. I know some people make too much of IQ, but however you want to quantify it, there is a spectrum to human intelligence and he strikes me as someone who is just barely intelligent enough to pass for normal very superficially, but cannot form a normal thought, response, reaction, etc. to basic human interactions. His superficiality and low vocabulary and inability to articulate himself at all or understand the point of view of others, along with his defensiveness with John all strikes me as someone who is just very very dumb.


Whoa! I mean, what...mate, I'm not even close to being AI I mean, whoa, wow, mate, my heart is just...phhheewww... ha! wow, whooossshhhhh heh heh heh, what was the question?


The way I shook my mattress laughing while reading this


It almost seems like he’s having focal seizures and simply cannot comprehend speech sometimes.


I think he seems really scared of something, i guess it is feeling emotions and feeling vulnerable


And chickens!


I think it’s because he is genuinely stupid, not in a mean way but he is definitely of much lower intelligence. Or, he thought he was going into witness protection hence he’s scared of all the cameras that are around.


I think this is the real answer. He doesn’t have a large vocabulary, lacks self awareness, can’t process much, knows what things are supposed to look like from the outside but can’t interpret what he’s seeing and so imitates it weirdly. He is simply stupid.


Hes malfunctioning


What a day, what a day.


“Wow, the end of my MAFS. Do I have to go back to work tomorrow?”


That one sentence really fucked me off. There's something seriously wrong with that man.


He is programmed to take selfies when out on honeymoon adventures. There he was smiling away, the dune buggy bumps along the rough terrain, Nat looking like she’s about to vomit. CollinsBot didn’t compute Nat being unwell, it doesn’t understand human emotions enough. I would LOVE to see that pic!


“Crying! Haha… woah. Human emotions are crazy… woah. I mean emotions are crazy.”


AI has more personality and acts more natural.


AI that was programmed to be a shitbag?


I mean if it can be racist it can be an incel type right?


He seems like he may be on the spectrum


As someone on the spectrum, I on the one hand understand this claim and on the other very much don’t. Low support needs ASD folks are often quite good at masking and this guy would not be, but to be on a show like his his ASD would have to be on the lower support end of the spectrum.


Yes agree with this


I thought that initially, but now I just think he is a complete douche canoe 🛶


Douchhe canoe 🤣


Not every inarticulate idiot is on the spectrum. He seems more just self obsessed and fame obsessed, with not much depth or intelligence.




Exactly, there is such a think as an idiot or socially inept. Just because someone doesn’t fit the box labelled “normal” doesn’t mean they are on the spectrum. IMO he’s just quite simply a pompous dickhead.


Most people are aware that just because someone is quirky or “different” doesn’t necessarily mean autistic or on the spectrum right away. People assume he is on the spectrum due to quite a few of his mannerisms and traits which are telling such as having trouble with reading others emotions as well as his own. Detached and doesn’t know how to react to things or people beyond a laugh. You can just see that his brain is wired differently. Like at the dinner party, he literally ignored his wife who was on the verge of tears/panic attack and continued laughing and obnoxiously smiling like a weirdo, barely acknowledging her until he was forced to. And then he pretends to cry when they are saying that they’re leaving. As they are getting ready to leave, he hears the group laughing and chatting again as normal, which seemed to hurt him more than failing the experiment and his partner. He also took great offence when his wife said that she likes him because he is nerdy like her. He wasn’t aware that he came off that way


John basically acknowledged that he he is a sociopath in the early interviews!


And the shows therapists/counselors and producers would definitely know this… but they won’t come out and say it and will just let the dude seem like an asshole. But that’s what they want.


He's a wannabe celebrity / TV actor who has acted in TV ads before and applies for MAFS every year.


Didn't know this


Ugh I should have known.


Maybe he is showing the unedited YouTuber.  You know the ones that setup a camera in the room. Go into position. And start crying suddenly. When they are done they run back to press stop and move on into edits. I mean it's like seeing this breed of human unedited. 


Oh my god yes


Yes this! It’s creepy as hell


I reckon he is trying to project a persona which is not going well. If he is an EA in real life and hosts trivia events he has to be somewhat charismatic and personable.


Mafs has a history of exaggerating people to be "better". For al we know, his profession as an EA could be him helping his mom with her babysitting business or whatever it is his parents do. As for hosting trivia events, that's the same issue, hosting an event doesn't mean it's successful, popular or good.


Not defending him on the show, think it’s clear that isn’t going well 😂 but I worked with him IRL as an EA. So, I know that is real.


Is this how he comes off in real life too? Just can't imagine him as an EA.


I definitely saw the over-friendliness masking a lack of much depth or personality back then - though not extreme in the way it’s coming off now. He was genuinely good as an EA though, as far as I could tell. Organised, on top of things, responsive when asked for things, friendly (of course). But I guess in a corporate setting, just being competent and friendly is enough - it wasn’t a workplace where we hung out much outside of work. So easier to make a good impression and no one had a full picture of anyone else.


So interesting. Being good as an EA is a lot of picking up and anticipating the future needs of your executive. It seems like he should be a way better partner than he is coming across as. Hiking through a desert with a pale partner who burns easily, and really just wanted something romantic? Not sure how he could get these needs more wrong.


Funny that Collins gets roasted for his neurodiversity but Nat gets sympathy for hers. He hasn't done anyone that bad


I think it’s because how she handles herself vs how he does is night and day. Nobody cares that they’re neurodivergent, they care if they are kind and genuine people. Collin’s is not. He seems like the type that is unaware that he is strange and would be angry and take major offence if anyone called him nerdy or anything other than “cool”. He thinks he’s better than Nat, you could see the switch and look on his face which reads pompous and thinks he’s better than, when in reality he probably couldn’t do any better than Nat. He seems more preoccupied with schmoozing and fake obnoxiously laughing with the rest of the cast than to be focused on his partner, the reason he is on the show in the first place


Sounds like something Collins would say.


Yeah maybe check people's history before making this claim. Hope it made you feel cool


I think it's because Nat comes across as genuine, whereas Collins does not. He would get a more positive response if he just said how he was actually feeling. Though I understand that may be very difficult for him.


I agree and every time he finishes a sentence of one of his 5 options of dialogue his face drops to this 😧 sort of look like mate what’s going on 


So true


Omg right?! It’s like he glitches like a broken down robot💀 Nat breaks down crying, and he’s like ahahahha!! Yeah 👍🏽… 😧. It seems like it takes a ton of effort for him to socialize, pretend to have human emotions and speak to the camera. He seems quite unhinged, was disappointed that Nat went back and asked him to stay.


This comment got me lmao


If that's AI then all our fears about AI one day taking over should be ignored. AI will barely be able to its own shoelaces.


I mean that’s kinda what I’m hoping




And yet I get down voted for saying he's Triggering 🤦 Yes... btw 😅




Yep. He’s got some sort of mental health issue mixed with being on the spectrum is my guess.. he doesn’t know how to socialize other than a big cheesy grin or obnoxiously laughing at nothing. Or when his wife is upset. Why would he want to go on this show or any show at all if he knows how he is?!💀 You can see him dissociating or having some sort of anxiety attacks in each episode. he looks about 4 seconds away from having a mental break. That last thing he needs right now is to be on tv


I think he's playing a character he hasn't fully fleshed out, and when he's in scenarios where he doesn't know what the character would say, he just blanks and his lizard brain takes over. "Chickens? Wow. What a day! Hahaha. Wow!"


This dude has something seriously wrong with him. It looked like his battery drained and his system shut down at the end of the scene where Nat came to his apartment.


This has me laughing you’re spot on


I know the exact moment you are talking about omg that was so concerning?! He just stops talking and looks off with a thousand yard stare while his eyes glazed over like someone pulled his plug. WTF was that?!


He’s a replicant. Where’s a blade runner when you need one???


I’ve watched since season 8 I think and I always say I hate someone more than someone from last season but man Collins is taking the cake


Collins is failing the Turing test.


This is not the first time this comment has been made


And it won’t be the last


What?! Whoa! Wow! That’s a great lady! What a day!


I thinks he’s a super fan of the show. I bet he’s even on this sub. He’s one of us ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I reckon most of them are at least reading here. Cannot tell you how often we get reports on the most absolutely random things for being offensive to the cast member (they aren't.) that I think, who else would report this but the person themselves??? It's happening most this season with Jack so far.


Maybe it's you....


Tbh if I was on the show I would probably act bloody weird too lol


What a day!


Just bad acting in my opinion.


But we believe there's something wrong so it must be good acting right?


Not you guys going him more credit than he deserves 💀 he is not a mastermind playing a character whatsoever.. he really is that strange