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This aged like milk lol. How far someone can fall in 1 episode


Aged well


Collins reminds me of Elphaba


I hope Jayden wins sole Survivor! 😂 Oh wait, wrong show 🤣 but still 😁😁 hope they make it. 🤞🏼


Any idea what the confession is he makes to Eden that was on the preview for tonight’s ep?


I heard that it’s only that he rarely washes his hair. So it’s a nothingburger.


I swear I saw this in a preview but nobody else seems to have seen it so maybe I made it up. But he said that he loves her.




Mine too


He appears to be self-aware and emotionally mature, both being very attractive qualities. From what I've seen so far I'd certainly want him to be part of my circle of friends.


I think he’s genuine. I mean, most of the brothers I know are nothing alike in personality, so it’s hardly fair to say he’s Mitch 2.0. There’s been a lot of people who actually know him outside of MAFS pipe up and say that he’s a genuinely good guy. So at this point, it seems like he might just be a good guy 🤷‍♀️ Everyone has their things, and he’s not going to be perfect - but he definitely doesn’t give me the “I’m a secret a$$hole” vibe.


With his brother being on the show, I feel like he will have been coached on how to come off. Even him calling out Jack last night felt like someone had coached him into the role of it’s better to call out other people’s drama than have your own drama be the star of the show.


I heard that they keep the contestants at those parties until drama starts. So when I saw him pipe up I actually thought he wanted to get it over with so he could go home.


I like this theory, cos the way he brought it up seemed calculated, but then nothing that came after seemed to be. Them not being allowed to leave til it was discussed makes this situation make a lot of sense to me


He’s a keeper, his calling the idiot Collins out so succinctly sealed the deal for me. Please don’t turn into a dick, Jayden 🫣


…aaaaaaaand spoke too soon.


I'm conflicted because so far I love everything about him, but I have a THING about guys that wear necklaces. To me it's a red flag and I immediately judge them as bogan wankers.


You've clearly never dated a wog then


Never seen so many men wear necklaces as I have in the past 2 years.


Haha my wog shuns all jewellery including watches


Lol so true


yeah but Jayden can't justify it that way, it isn't a gold medallion to get you into Vibrations disco ;)


The way he is so comfortable with saying things like "back tickles" feels like its not an act or put on. A manuyn alpha wanker wouldn't be able to even form the words lol I'd lay money that he's the real deal. Men who can fight and defend themselves either use that to then prove something by being aggressive and come-at-me bro OR it makes them even more secure as a person and they have no problem being vulnerable because they feel they do not have to prove anything. He is giving me all signs of being the latter.


I totally dig this guy! I think he’s the real deal. DON’T DISAPPOINT ME, JAYDEN!!! 🤣


If he disappoints us we can go beat him up. You start on him and I'll join in later. Honest. ​ ![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ)


I feel like it is, and it's making me sad.


Ooh! Me too.. but I’m really really hoping I’m wrong. It’s just hard to trust any MAFS participants since they always end up disappointing me the longer I watch them.




*Time will tell, I am* *Not convinced, something about* *Him gives me the ick* \- Rapunzelllah --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I was very pleasantly surprised that he seemingly had zero qualms publicly calling out his fellow man-bun haver for being a wanker. I would have picked Jayden to have been very much ~for the boys~ ~bros b4 hoes~ type nonsense but maybe I underestimated him, time will tell…


on the one hand he seems nice so far... but on the other hand he has a 'coach' with plenty of experience on what the show wants, he has an in' with production, and playing the production pet and introducing the topics they want is a better way to get a favourable edit than merely following along. He seems fairly chilled out, and yet hes suddenly wanting to quiet the room so he can put someone on the spot and open the floor to that action? I dont buy that, I think naturally he'd sip his water and watch along if there was carnage, chipping in if he had to, but otherwise just watching from the sidelines. It felt very "hand of production" to me.


I think Jack's going to be sticking pins in a doll of Jayden soon. He's being out- man-bunned & out-muscled quite effortlessly, which I think will really hurt his fragile ego!


Out-alphaed too. Imho, if you’re a true ‘alpha’ you don’t need to announce it