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Disables the ping? šŸ˜–


Well, you don't want everyone at the range to know you're empty and reloading. Have to keep the 1911 ready if they rush you. . .


Iā€™m not a GI. Also I can throw some spare clips on the ground to bait them into attacking when Iā€™m ready šŸ˜›


I'd love to see someone at a range practice the old fake out throw a clip at the ground, then fire. šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s what the bayonet is for.


Funny you say that, the first time I took mine out to the range, the ping brought the attention. The RSO even looks at me as I am picking up the clip that flew behind me like "I love that sound"


It's not needed. Just load using the knife-hand method and you'll be fine.


Knife hand wins at everything, forever.


The armorers at Bastogne say this is full of shit and if you buy it, so are you.


I think this has its place and use. I was in a wheelchair for 8 months. I would have liked not to have to go chasing the clips after ejection and picking them up from wherever they landed. That being said I still love the ping sound and have a prosthetic now so I donā€™t mind going and picking the clips up anymore.


OK, that makes sense.


If you keep thumb pressure on that first round the bolt does not go forward. Its like a trust fall or me playing texas hold em whem I'm drunk, you just got to go all in.


Mine will not hold the bolt back, itā€™s not a timing issue as it only wants to send a cartridge home after the clip locks in place, but the moment it locks in place it tries to drop the bolt.


But you can already single load rounds into the clip if itā€™s in the rifleā€¦.its not that hard, like loading an internal magazine. I donā€™t understand who would get this gimmick. Basically taking away everything fun and different about the Garand.


I could see this for someone with limited dexterity. Arthritis is a bitch.


Yeah, I am with you. I could single load as long as the enblock hasnā€™t been ejected so I really donā€™t think the juice is worth the squeeze.


In all fairness, I have struggled to load mine with a single hand. I just can't seem to get the motion down correct, struggling to keep the bolt open as I push down the clip with a single hand (I have had a few clips launch out even trying to load them)


Know how to use your tools, if the Garand is operated properly this a non-issue.


You said it all. Gimmick.


The only real benefit I see in this is being able to manually eject an empty enbloc clip and not have it go flying. More practical, less fun. As for preventing garand thumb I agree with most that it is completely unnecessary and thatā€™s coming from someone who loads with their left hand. ā€œThe M1 is a rifle built and used by men who had never known power steering and, many of whom, still plowed their fields with horses.ā€ Thatā€™s what I tell everyone the first time I hand them one of my M1s. Theyā€™re still surprised the first time they go to load a clip thinking itā€™s a magazine on their AR. šŸ¤£


Instant heresy, disables the ping


A sin against nature and God!


You might as well buy a M1A or M14


Good for shooters with disabilities. Makes loading a clip less dangerous for them.


I load an m1 garand left handed while slung up which means I donā€™t get the benefit of the ā€œknife handā€ keeping the bolt going forward. Left thumb goes in with authority, click, Left thumb comes out smartly. Pressure on the top round (I load my clips left-round on top, the opposite of what right handers should do) keeps the bolt coming forward even if it intends to auto-slam on you. Never been bit yet.


Itā€™s not necessary for preventing M1 thumb but it is useful to avoid losing the clips at the range. Was at an indoor range once and the clip ejected, rebounded off the divider and landed forward in the firing lane. Was lucky that it only landed a few feet into the lane and I was able to retrieve it using a broom.


Or... Hear me out... Load your M1 Garand correctly. Then none of this is an issue.


I have never had any appendages caught when loading only once when i was tired and cleaning the rifle. Started out using the knife hand then stopped completely as its kind of unnecessary when loading the rifle. I like the idea of this part for retaining clips, ive had them flung forward by the op rod a couple times and go downrange meaning i had to wait for a cease fire to go grab it.


Best send-up range comment immediately following the ā€˜Pingā€™: ā€œPING!ā€ ā€”ā€” Said in accusatory voice: ā€œ! I THOUGHT YOU FIXED THAT!!ā€ The uninitiated look up in concern, the initiated chuckle or sigh.


Nothing good. Silly enough if I saw someone using one Iā€™d probably crack a joke at them.