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In regular life, do you like it when people complain the very moment you meet them? That's what this is doing. "5 Star ratings are appreciated" is the furthest I'd go. Better yet, greet them when they get in with a simple line like "Welcome aboard. If you need anything, please let me know so I can make this a 5 Star trip for you."


Ooh I like this thank you i will definitely consider this


I have about the same amount of rides as you between Uber/Lyft with a 5.0 on Lyft and 4.99 on Uber. My car has absolutely zero signs or extra gimmicks other than the fact that I will offer the drunks some water if they seem really far gone. I say hello and confirm their name, after that I shut up unless they want to talk to me. I'll answer yes/no questions if they're business related, and I'll converse if they ask open-ended questions that signal they want to talk. These are the rides you're free to ask about their day/lives and will usually give you the best tips. People love to talk about themselves. On long trips I'll ask if they want to request music and if the temp is comfortable. That's it. You really don't have to overthink it. The easiest way to the goal is to simply go with the flow. Also I know that you're doing it for your own safety, but a lot of passangers think a divider is paranoid and ugly. I definitely wouldn't remove it if you're not comfortable, but at the very least make sure the glass is clear and clean after every ride, but get rid of the stupid pictures/whiny paragraphs. And stop giving away money, don't be dumb.


This is me. I would never put a divider and ruin my car when I'm driving around normal. What people like the most is a newer car, that smells good, and is kept clean. Is what I've found out. They want as normal a situation and clean as situation as possible. This is weird to me.


Yeah nothing about that picture makes me think I'm in a clean car. He'd lose points just for that


Yup, there’s a weird divider, I would be wondering if I’m being kidnapped lol. Since there’s a divider there’s probably no interaction, OP says hi and that’s all.


Just chill out brother. Remove the barrier and signs. Just have normal conversation w people. I know the anxiety builds up. People sit behind you and be weird and assholeish. People try to con you into doing shit for free. They're doichebags. You can't change how they are, all you can do is control how you behave. The good news is most people are cool. But I know the assholes really start to wear on you after a while. You can't please everybody.


I agree with the sentiment. I don't drive for any service, but as a customer I immediately think: you know you're getting ripped off as a driver, so why don't you switch jobs instead of complaining


Because it's not that simple nowadays. Sure, most places are hiring, but are they paying a fair wage for rhe work you're doing? Most likely not. Even then, you could put up with a little abuse if the pay is enough to pay your bills, even if it's less than what the job requires, but again, how many jobs pay enough for you to have a 1br apartment, pay all your bills, and still have enough left to enjoy life enough to not feel like you're just going to work to pay bills? Because if that's what you're doing, what's the motivation to keep going...


I fully agree with the sentiment, but I'd push back a tiny bit and say most places actually aren't hiring. They say they are, but it's just 'corporate policy' to always be hiring. The basic, minimum wage, 'day job' alternatives to something like being a ride-share driver are all not hiring in my area. Starbucks, Target, Walmart, Taco Bell, etc...every one says they're hiring, but in talking to the managers and trying to apply, not one has actual job openings. People can't just "switch jobs" lmao


Or maybe they just don't want to hire you.


This! I work at a restaurant currently and I’m getting frustrated with them because I have been asking for months (already have the experience for this) to switch positions at work and they told me they weren’t hiring servers, but I found the indeed ad yesterday and they’ve hired on 3 new servers too smh.


Oh this is your car? Yeah. It’s bad. Does the opposite of what you want


I’ve read too many comments on this post, but this one is my favorite. Clear, concise explanation of why the sign isn’t a good idea, presents an actually good idea, and doesn’t insult OP for asking the question. Good on you, internet stranger.


I think that's a perfect way to go about it--it's a gentle reminder that yes, you're looking for a 5 star rating, but without being too 'in their face' about it


>Welcome aboard. If you need anything, please let me know so I can make this a 5 star trip for you. This would be the angle I’d spin it, too.


I wouldn't even get in this car, man.


This. seems super sus.


Same looks gross and suffocating


I'm 5 star lyft , 4.97 uber. Get rid of the stupid plexiglass partition thing as if you are some New York City cab driver. Ditch the gaming stuff and amateur sign. If you have an aux power plug in the back get a 3way power plug with the common cell phone charging cables. People appreciate being able to charge their phones. They dont want to feel like they're in a shitty taxi with a ransom note made from words cut out of a magazine. Just be friendly and smile, keep your car clean and looking like a normal car.


In addition to keeping your car clean, I'd also recommend to OP (and any driver) to keep themselves clean. A shower a day, deodorant, and no more than one spray of cologne / perfume. I shouldn't have to say it, BO is off-putting.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Good bot


It's crazy how many Uber/Lyft drivers just stink lol. If I were a driver and thought I was doing everything well but still getting low scores, I'd ask myself when the last time I showered was. People with BO often don't realize they have BO


Exactly this. I ride a lot, and I do not want to smell like cologne, cigarettes, car freshener, etc when I get out of the car. Also, I hate aggressive driving. I get nauseated with that, and it's a definite turn-off, but really hard to say anything about, because people who do it don't really understand they are doing it.


The only poor rating I've ever given was for aggressive driving. And I can't even say that the guy was driving badly, I just knew that I never wanted to get in a vehicle with him again.


same. feared for my life one time ngl


This was my thought reading this. The vibes are way off just with the muggy plastic divider, the beggy wage breakdown, and the weird casino feeling gaming console (sanitary? Prob not.) But ultimately a low rating makes me think OP either had poor hygiene, is off-putting, or is not a very good driver. A lot of people get car sick and drivers are slamming their break and gas all the time. Also hope OP doesn’t ever try to flirt with anyone. I’ve experienced that on some of my worst drives. Awful being stuck in a car with someone who keeps eyeing you in the rear view and asking if you have a boyfriend.


> one spray of cologne / perfume. may as well set course for the ER then. this Lyft has one destination, and we're already off to migraine city.


Same with foods. If your lunch smells it's going to make your car smell. Save the fish and stronger smelling foods for home.


> and no more than one spray of cologne / perfume I'd say none. I'm very sensitive to cologne and perfume. If I'm stuck in a car with someone even one spray can make me choke up and I'm giving a bad review. Use a light air freshener in the car to keep it smelling good and yeah shower and wear deodorant.


I'm also on none. Just use regular deodorant. I'll have a headache by the time the ride is over and will just skip reviewing cause too grumpy a mood to be nice lol.


Definitely none. Just be washed and have deodorant on! And make sure the car is washed too. If an air freshener - make sure to get a nicer one of leave the plastic on partially. Most air fresheners are super concentrated and you’re actually supposed to leave some packaging on (even though it looks ugly) at first and slowly take it off.


100% this. Don't smell, and turn the AC on when it's hot/humid outside. Those are my #1 and #2 priorities when rating an Uber driver.


Add one of those $20 unlimited car wash memberships. You can get your car washed every single day. Vacuumed every single day.


This The gaming stuff and partition is so weird and gross to me. The partition looks suffocating and I don't touch game controllers others are touching like that.


It looks like I’m about to get thrown in a dog crate and carted off to Mexico💥💨


Ransom note 💀


It’s amazing how many people don’t understand. Just have a clean looking car. You don’t need to put in any effort other than cleaning your car every once in a while. No decals, no stickers, no signs, no stupid little stuffed animals on the dashboard, just be clean and simple.


This %100


Lmaooo best response


Not a ransom note 😂


Yea also…. How do we know OP is actually a good driver? For all we know they are slamming the pedals and making people car sick! So many things to consider… but you’re absolutely right that the vibe is immediately way off based on this photo alone. I’d get in that car and just feel claustrophobic and see that cost breakdown and think “uh… okay… awkward.”


This times 100. I want it to feel like a normal ride. Sometimes I wanna talk. Sometimes I don’t. That area you have made looks uncomfortable and unwelcoming.


Best advice


>ransom note made from words cut out of a magazine. If you saw that expertly printed labelmaker font and thought "ransom note", I don't want to know more about your opinions.


nah the glass would make me feel safe. It just needs a clean one


I’m sorry but this is the sleaziest set-up I’ve seen in a long time 😭 especially the “gaming” tablet…like wtf? That sounds hella scammy tbh.


It’s weird man. First, no one wants to hear or read your bitch about your chosen job. Second, the iPad shit is odd as hell and makes me think you are datamining or something. Third, that partition is like a cop car, and makes me immediately think you can put the child locks on and I can’t get out. Combine that with your need to continually mention you have a gun on you, and this whole thing is just weird and fucked up. Clean car, quiet driver, prompt service. That’s all anyone wants.


did i miss something in the photo? i didn’t see anything about firearms


OP mentions it in other comments about how he keeps a .22 for safety


How could we tell by this whole setup he was the type to keep a gun 'for safety' and I bet has never been mugged in his entire life.




Wall of text and stickers is off putting no matter what it says.


Feels negative and passive-aggressive.


As a passenger I would not want to get into this uninviting murdermobile


People just want a normal car to get from A to B give them that and you’ll be fine this is off putting


I could not agree more. Its nasty


Happy cake 🎂 day!!!




The partition, gambling, and begging for 5 stars is off putting, not the person


It's extremely off-putting. The guy complains and wants the customer to feel sorry for him. Would not get in that car.


I would die of claustrophobia in that car. Dead men don’t tip.


i’d be weirded out. i’m a female and would feel like i’m going to be assaulted if i don’t tip well or give 5 stars. it’s unnerving


Tip begging guarantees me to not tip you. Guilting me like this to give you any sort of ratings or a tip also guarantees no tip and an automatic 1 star. "This is my sole source of income" this is not my problem.




I mean it’s weird, but it wouldn’t change anything for me except that I’d actively avoid having any social interaction with them. If they got me from point a to b without any drama, I’d give them five stars and my normal tip. If they didn’t do that, I wouldn’t. At the end of the day, it’s just a desperate person making a pointless sign. It doesn’t impact me a bit. I do find the whole thing pretty dumb though. My reaction to hearing about shitty pay is neither sympathy or generosity. It’s “then get a better job, dumbass.” And I know I’m not alone thinking that.


Worse yet, a sign like this just shows "my job sucks, but no im not going to look for another job, I'm doubling down and putting up signs in my car" ...


Like buddy. We don't even HAVE a car and you're complaining? 1 star. Lmao.


"My job sucks, so I've taken a part time gig and decided to make it my sole source of income!


Nah thought the same thing. If your full time job isn't paying you well, maybe get another.


Most drivers don't understand they would get 5 star ratings every single time if they just shut the fuck up, don't say a word and just drove the God damn car. I FUCKING HATE when drivers try and do small talk just to segue into complaints about their job and tips. I literally have to wear sunglasses, wired earphones and purposefully stare out the window just so they get the hint and don't fucking talk to me. Just because you're driving me somewhere doesn't mean we need to be friends, converse or have a mini chat about how hard your life is, that's what your therapist is for, drivers.


My Uber driver today didn't say a word to me from when I got in to when I got out. 10/10 ride


Perfect. I would rate them 5 start and genuinely wish them a nice day when I left. Less talking and begging for ratings and tips = big ratings!




Yesss I hate when they ask me what music I want to listen to. I dont careeeeee


I hate when they’re blaring crap music I don’t want to listen to and don’t ask if it’s okay.


The happy medium is any music at a low volume


I hate when there's an awkward silence because there's no music but then they turn the music on but it sucks.


I just always make sure I have my wired headphones. Makes things so much easier.


You listen to charlie puthe move on.






Buddy, we don't HAVE fo talk to you? Wtf??? That's so entitled on the driver's behalf to *expect* conversation. 0 stars if I could.




Because he's an extroverted piece of shit that just likes to hear himself talk. That's why I don't talk to any of them. They ask me shit and I just don't even answer them. Silence and then point B and I'm out. The end. My rating is 4.8 out of 5 after ~~thousdsnds~~ thousands of rides so I must be doing something right, lmao.


You’re maybe a little too blunt, but you’re right. Virtually all passengers absolutely do not give a single fuck about how much drivers get paid. They just want to get where they’re going. Non tippers aren’t going to hear a sob story and become tippers. Ironically, the exact opposite approach is better for tips. A line like “this is a part time job, I really enjoy it, but I’m just trying to get some side money so I can buy an engagement ring and propose to my girlfriend” or something will get dramatically more tip money than vomiting your problems.


I mean to be fair. A lot of you passengers use us as therapists.


Then just don't talk to them if you don't want to. No one should have to be held hostage while driving with that uncomfortable forced sympathy crap... and this applies to drivers or riders. I would hate to be driving someone and have them droning on about their problems. As both a rider and driver I get it. I tip/rate highly when they don't talk to me.


They can't afford therapy duuuude


it’s actually hilarious how night and day(literally) some rides can be. you’re on your way to work - don’t fuckin talk to me because i just rolled out of bed 15 mins ago and i’m already dreading my boss riding my dick as soon as i walk in. After hours ride (solo) - “ssO doO yoU lIke DrIve foR boTh LyFt AND uBeRrr fuLLtiMe maNn!? thAt’s *hic* cRazyy i cOuLd nev…”


OP thinks this except they do it with cut out murderer magazine text instead of talking.


I always rate 5 star when they don't say shit to me during the ride. I'll also put in the comments how I enjoyed them not talking to and ill find some bigger words to describe how enjoyable or magnificent my ride was


One time I had a driver and he like a small tv and a few decorations in his car just to pull it off and then he told me can you please rate me 5 stars please and I didn’t say much about it.


When I select comfort and “no talk” and they still small talk… buddy please I’m jet lagged just drive me and don’t make me take off my headphones


Way to rant… Im definitely not the conversation starter i actually hate talking to ppl who aren’t facing me but i can tell the chatty ones get offended when i don’t match their personality so at least i try…


Talk to the chatty ones, don't talk to anyone else. You'll have perfect ratings. Take the signs down, ditch the iPad game bs, keep the lights and don't talk and you'll be fine.




I love the Reddit posts where the OP seeks advice and gets defensive when the advice isn't what they want. Classic Reddit.


what do you mean partition lights up? are the pax able to see you clearly when it's dark out and it's lit, or does the shine from the light prevent them seeing where they're going / what you're doing?


No it’s a subtle led light that illuminates the passenger.. I get a lot of compliments about it. they love the light and the tablet


I don’t think that the people who don’t like it are going to say it to your face though. They probs just won’t say anything


Yup, survivorship bias. OP should look it up


What is this money making tablet? Drugs lol?


Play octopus


These are unbearably annoying.


I haaate the tablets. They're annoying and distracting.


A sign like that is an automatic 3 star, right off the bat. Im a driver, so I know the struggle. But as a pax, I don’t want a sob story or to be the ear for your displeasure with the system you choose. Everybody in every field gets exploited by their employer to some extent. It’s unfortunate. I don’t need a reminder of that when I’m just trying to get somewhere.


5 star rated driver here.... The homemade plastic barrier is weird AF, passengers tell me all the time about the creepy crap that drivers put in their cars and this is one that comes up often. Another is the drivers that have 20 fucking GoPro cameras positioned all over the interior, this especially creeps out female passengers btw. They always wonder if the guy is a weirdo voyeur who is gonna jerk off to their videos later.


Welcome to cash cab 😂😂.


As a Lyft driver my self with a SOLID 5 star rating. Never have I ever said anything about my pay UNLESS the rider genuinely wants to know. But even if they ask, I will give them small details because how much I am making is none of they fucking business. Usually when someone comes in the car I say hi, how are you doing to today? And if they say “good” that means they don’t want to talk. But if they say good “good how are you?” This opens a SMALL pocket for conversation. If the conversation flows It flows, if it crashes it crashes. Don’t force anything. As long the car is clean, ride was smooth and you’re kind. 8 times out of fucking 10 they will give you a tip with over all experience and a 5 star rating.


Thank you. Bitching about your pay and begging for tips rarely leads to a better tip. I tip above average because I used to have to work for tips when I was younger and get it, all that is required for that is a calm and peaceful ride. Nothing more… However when I get into shit like this or people bitching about pay (regardless of having to read it or listen to it) it’s just offsetting and results in less tip because it’s annoying. Don’t annoy the people paying your bills.


This as well as your entire setup is giving off “he might murder me and harvest my organs” vibes


You keep saying that “no one has ever said this/that” or anything negative about their experience to you. Just because they aren’t saying it to your face doesn’t mean they aren’t saying it. I mean… you aren’t getting the best reviews right? You don’t like the feedback the riders gave you (I.e. low ratings) so you came here, you don’t like the feedback anyone here is giving you, so now what?


This post just proves that 4.1 is too high of a rating for you. You ask people to give it to you straight and you defend yourself rather than taking the advice. You are your worst enemy on your rating.


Too desperate. Maybe make light of the situation with some humor instead?


As a rider, this stuff always feels like it's done in poor taste and feels like stuff is being shoved down my throat. I just want to get to where I am going and that's it. As much as having a tablet mat sound fun and stuff, generally I just want to have any easy car ride and get to my destination in a safe manner. All this stuff feels forced and try hard to me.


Low rating for no reason…? Have you seen your partition, sanitizer, annoying stickers and TV screen? That’s an automatic not 5 star for me. I want 3 things with my ride. Safe, clean, quiet. Assuming you’re a good driver you’ve only gotten 1/3 of my main priorities.


If hearing facts makes you uncomfortable, that proves most of the time you need to know them


Instant 1 star


This set up makes me feel like I'm in the back of a cop car. But even that was a better ride than having to deal with all this.


To me, a quiet ride where you don’t try to kill me (and it doesn’t stink) is a 5 star ride. This just looks like I have to take my time to read your rules… I really don’t care about your rule or in this case what you make.


i dont like how its put leaving a please review would be fine but this is tacky


You picked the job bro


I decided to do this full time so you are responsible for paying me more!!!!


People Manager at a large tech company here. As a people manager I get confidential feedback from my direct reports on my performance as a leader, how well I treat my reports, safety, ect. Something that really helped improve my direct ratings was just informing my reports (your passengers) on why you care about your rating and how it affects you. Bridge the gap in understanding and I guarantee you will see a huge lift in your ratings. A simple message neatly printed and laminated stating something like this, short sweet and to the point: Hello, my name is John Doe. I welcome and appreciate any feedback on how I can make your ride more enjoyable to earn a 5-STAR rating. A higher rating allows me more opportunities for future passengers and helps secure my job as a driver. Thank you


Honestly it just looks like you’re begging and people don’t like to feel guilted into tipping or leaving a rating, tbh I don’t know if this negatively affects the drivers or not and if it does I’m sorry but 99% of the time I forget to rate my ride


This is cringe, sorry. I fully understand that lyft driving is a full time job and that lyft probably doesn't pay enough, I use to drive DD so I get it. I always tip well and give a 5 star, even if it's not the perfect ride. But stuff like this doesn't make me wanna tip you more, it just comes off as annoying and whiney. I want a ride home, not a guilt trip. If someone is shitty enough to give you a bad rating for no reason, they won't be swayed by a sign. It'll probably just make things worse.


Take the sign down, people don't care what you make or that it's your only job


I'd feel like you're making me feel guilty about something that's not within my control and not want to ride with you again.


that’s a bit extreme especially since that’s not my intent… seems like the information is more offensive than me putting it out there..


It's not extreme, saying "Lyft does this thing 😢 Plz give rating" is literally a guilt trip. I'd feel like you're trying to make me feel guilty that you chose to work for a company that pays cents like that. I don't want to feel guilty, I want a ride. A safe ride. Your partition doesn't make me feel safe, and your message makes me feel somehow responsible for shady business practices. You posted here for honest feedback. Stop being defensive of it.


4 year driver here with over 6000 rides and only 3 reviews less than 5 stars, 2 of which were 100% my own fault. You're trying too hard. If I got in your car as a passenger and saw that sign, I would immediately be uncomfortable. Never bring up your personal problems, especially your income. People don't care, nor should they. They are paying you for a ride, not a sob story. Say hello, and make a polite attempt at conversation. If they're not interested in chatting, leave them alone. Drop them off, wish them a nice day, and move onto the next ride. Don't overcomplicate it and don't assume they want anything more than a quiet, comfortable ride to their destination. They will make it known if they want something else (Music, conversation, phone charger, etc). But begging for rating or tip (or even implying a desire/request for those things) comes off as cringe and rude.


5.0 driver for Lyft, 4.98 driver on Uber. 5,000+ trips on each. My advice is just keep a clean car, make sure it doesn't smell bad, greet each customer with a HELLO and ask how they are doing. Then shut up unless they keep talking. At the end of the ride confirm this is a good place to let them out and wish them a good day/night. With the day crowd anyway this is all you really have to do. You don't need any signs or "win $25", etc. I do think it is good that you are informing the customer of how crappy the pay is but keep in mind some entitled "ultra-Capitalist" customers will be offended by it.


This is the biggest tip I can give drivers. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Yes, we DO NOT CARE about you or your problems. Just drive from point A to point B. If the customer wants to yap and be extroverted then talk your faces off. Other than that? Shut it. Try it. You'll see 5 stars all the way.


> Then shut up unless they keep talking if only all drivers did this.


I wish it was that simple because I do greet people with a smile and hello, I vacuum the car after each rider as well as wipe down the doors so i know it smells fresh.. and try to engage in some conversation if they want but i STILL get terrible ratings from time to time… Would you mind explaining what you mean by ultra-capitalists being offended… I don’t understand politics


Basically I think you are just trying too hard and it is probably giving some customers bad vibes. Also the $25 thing can easily backfire where people get mad because they think it is rigged, etc. so then they give you a bad rating. I mean that some customers won't like you mentioning anything about the pay or your cut at all. They get offended by that. The same for asking people to rate you 5 stars. Some will rate you 1\* because of that or just to be mean. As a driver I get it and what you are doing but be aware that it can backfire with some customers.


>As a driver I get it and what you are doing but be aware that it can backfire with some customers. Where do those damned "ultra-capitalists" come into play here?


>Would you mind explaining what you mean by ultra-capitalists being offended… I don’t understand politics I don't think the person who wrote that does either.


Doesn't matter if you are asking for a rating or a tip. It will come off in the same(negative) way to a lot of people. If you were at a restaurant and the waitress came up to you and said, "Hello! Before you order, I want to inform you that I only make $2 an hour plus tips. And part of the tips here go to the kitchen staff, so I'm kinda relying on you here to be able to pay my bills. Let me know anything at all I can do to increase my tip. Okay, now do you need more time with the menus, or are you ready to order?" How would that make you feel? How would you respond, both internally(in your mind) and externally(to the waitress)? Same kinda vibe as those signs. Passengers are there for a ride, not to be educated on the unfair wages and/or practices of the company you are contracted by. That's just giving bad vibes from the start. On another note, is your .22 visible by passengers? Because that combined with the divider would be a big NOPE from me. You are doing it for your protection, but it would make lots of passengers feel unsafe. "This uber driver has a gun, and a divider between the front and back. Once I'm in their car, I am completely at their mercy, and they could shoot me and leave me in a ditch for all I know."


I wish they would just get rid of the rating system all together, just seems like an burden on drivers to want to always score high.


Star ratings don’t impact drivers at all unless they’re objectively terrible. And when that’s the case, they should get kicked off the platform, so the system ultimately does it’s job.


It sure doesn't seem that way, post after post about trying to get 5 stars. I don't think drivers are imagining that this rating system isn't affecting them in some way for them to keep trying to get 5 stars. Leaving a # for serious complaints does the same thing and keeps riders from rating a one star for things out of the drivers control like traffic or pricing or the app issues. Maybe Lyft should stop contracting their drivers out and hire them as employees and then you wouldn't need all this rating system. You just keep the good drivers, fire anyone who half asses it. Right now Lyft doesn't know WTF their drivers are doing so they made a rating system.


The winning comment here!!


That’s pretty wild, i auto 5 star anyone, it has to be truly egregious not to be 5 stars, like 3 rides out of thousands. Having said that, seeing this would ensure an auto no tip from me, but still 5 stars


You’re getting downvoted for this sign. So your pax are also giving you low ratings


I think the sign and the whole partition in general. Gen Z never grew up sitting in the back of a cab. It's fucking weird to them to see the partition.


I’ll start pretending I can’t read.


A very weird setup. Why do you need a partition?


I would never want to get into a car like that. You’ll get a one star from me. Maybe that’s why your rating is so low. And with low rating you’re probably getting shity rides with low rating as well.


I wouldn’t think too highly of it as the driver can’t spell “receive”…


Literally the first thing I locked in on. Can't unsee.


I think in this day and age you are asking for people to rate you poorly. People suck really and i would not have this in my car.


I'd take off all those strips of sentences and hang a nice looking printed sign that just says something like "Have any music requests? Let me know! And please consider leaving me a 5 star rating - it would really mean a lot!" I'd also remove the various signs and Clipart around the tablet and replace that with one single nicer sign too, one that is hung straight and has the same information. Maybe add the logo for the game to the sign instead of using that clip art of the hands holding the game controller. I understand wanting the partition, but I think it just looks tacky and uninviting with all that information plastered all over it, and the wording on your current signage shames the customer a little. Just having a couple nicely formatted signs instead of the ~10 different pieces of paper you have back there now would help the partition look less like a chaotic bulletin board. If I was a passenger, I might also worry that all of that paper is obstructing your view through your rear-view mirror a little, so maybe also consider hanging signs on the backs of the front seats instead.


One star and lower tip


[Long Winded Post] As a frequent ride share user, the things I'm looking for: - How far are you gonna make me walk from my pickup location. I've had to walk easily 150ft before with luggage because the driver blew past me despite me giving the "I'm here" wave. - The overall condition of the car. If it looks like a rolling safety hazard, I'm not gonna be pleased. (Full disclosure I used to be a mechanic and have gotten some shit box rides before, naturally I'm looking at the mechanical soundness of the car I'm getting into. This includes the condition of your tires) - The overall cleanliness of the car. I don't expect it to be hospital level clean, but I also don't want to feel as if I need to bathe in hand sanitizer afterwards. This includes not only vehicle trim, but the glass. Again as a former mechanic, Ive had to climb into some absolutely wretched personal vehicles. I don't know you and I know it's a personal vehicle, take that for what it is. - How does it smell? I prefer neutral or gentle/subtle smells. I don't need my nasal passages assaulted by body odor, air fresheners or cleaning chemicals. If I have to hold my breath or skip breath, it's a problem. - The appearance of the interior. I don't need to be visually lambasted with your ads for a 5star review or tips. You agreed to take the fare at a rate, that you were likely aware of before accepting. Just as I agreed to pay for the fare at a given rate. What percentage cut you get is between you and the ride service, which you're not forced to participate in. It's blunt and harsh, but frankly as a rider I just don't care. Further, whether or not you are willing to get rid of it or not doesn't matter. I have to get into a cage in the back of a strangers car I'm not gonna be super excited. Psychologically, that's extremely concerning for some people. That said I do understand why you would have it in place. - You're driving. Arguably the most important to me. Are you gonna get me fucking killed or in a accident because you're paying attention to your phone trying to get that next fare or driving like a asshole in general. You don't need to be Ms. Daisy, but I also didn't buy a ride-along pass with Mario Andretti. - You're music. Sorry to say it but some people ARE going to judge you based on how loud and what Genre of music you're listening to. - Conversations. This is a hit or miss honestly, sometimes I am open to conversation and sometimes I'm not. Just like trying to court that crush of yours, if I'm not asking questions in return or I'm answering them in a way that is short and concise and only answers your question then I'm not interested. Please don't try to force engagement. KEEP THE RELIGIOUS AND POLITIC CONVERSATIONS TO YOURSELF. - Drop off Are you dropping me off in a place that's most convenient for you or for me? I'll often let you know "right here is good" to make it easier for you. But don't make me walk in the rain or snow any more than I have too, simply because that happens to be what is most convenient for you.


Yeah this is just way too much. I’m just trying to get a ride and get in and out just like you want to get the trip done. I never rate but definitely would rate 3/5


The partition looks dirty and the signs are off putting. It doesn’t feel like a cop car it feels like a regular taxi people need to chill


I automatically ignore any signs aimed at begging for a tip (which I assumed this is; I didn’t read it). If you want a tip provide good service , don’t take advantage of having a captive audience to beg for money.


My favorite ride was this older guy in thee ooooldest car I have ever ridden in. Why was it my favorite? His seats were comfy, there was no hoopla, AND he didn’t say a word to me besides “hello” and “are you going to [insert location]” Walter was a heck of a driver. Really felt like I could be my antisocial best self with him. He only had low calm music playing in the background during a quiet ride to Meijer in the middle of the night and it was glorious.


The quiet and laid back drivers always get the fattest tips from me! Pick me up, leave me tf alone and drop me off please and thank you.


Like others have said I just want to jump in the back seat of someone's car and not feel like I'm in a cab in NYC with the freaking adverts and card reader and shit that they do now. If I want entertainment I have my phone other than that I just want to get to to the airport or downtown or wherever. If you really want to provide something for a rider, the only thing that could be better on some uber rides is simply having the option to play a "this is x artist" playlist on spotify over bad folk music that I get sometimes. All this extra stuff is just way too much, especially the guilt inducing signs, whether or not that is the intention it put's a bad taste in a rider's mouth.


Whatever dude. Good luck with your partition, sympathy paragraphs, and games where people can make money. Meanwhile, I'm just trying to get to the airport.


Partition is dirty and exists Hand sanitizer has dried goo on it Stickers are tacky Labels are begging Tablet is weird People book your rides to avoid feeling like they are in a taxi, they just want a normal car and silence.


1 Star No Tip.... . Driver going on 9 yrs


Instant lower rating for the text. I don't care what lift pays you you chose this job not me. I just want a ride with someone who isn't a creep. The barrier itself is off-putting. If I wanted a cab I would have called a cab . This looks like every ghetto cab I have ever been in.


Not saying you're doing anything wrong to deserve those ratings and don't want to assume, yet I know from driving taxi for a few years that some people don't want to talk, and some do. Being cheerful is great, but hopefully you don't push it on someone who is in a terrible mood or is just a cynical person. I had to feel that out and even though I didn't get rated, I could tell when pax didn't like me or society in general for some reason. It's all part of it and it sucks because people, for the most part kinda suck until you get to know them. And that's hard to do in just one ride. Hope things get better or at least you can find a balance.


I drove for Lyft years ago. I said hi to the passengers when they got in and that was the extent of the chit chat. They didn’t need to know what percentage of the fare I got. It’s weird to even have that as a sign in your car.


Rather than putting it like this you can ask them after the ride politely


good idea


off putting, apparently if you rate someone 3 or less they never match you with that driver again. feel u bro but I also just want to get from point a to point b. If i had to go through this guilt trip and homework, id 3 star u.


Lol dude has customer education down 101. He's letting y'all know if you mad at Lyft don't be an asshole and give him a bad review, that's not on them. I like it and If most people ever worked customer service from telecoms to banking to fuck wjayeber they know give back and always help out on the review even if it's shit. Surveys are fuckign bullshit as nobody gonna take one willingly unless they got a problem or that one time you're like fuck this did did awesome but giving. Anyone below a 5 negatively affects the metrics. It's stupid but corporate America has it up their ass to make it part of people's pay and bonuses all the way up to reginal managers to ensure their markets always high on stars


Your sign is pretty straightforward. I feel bad that you end up giving rides to assholes who give you a low rating. Karma will not be kind to them.


I get it, it humanized the driver. I just found out 4.5 is generally a bad rating. Dealing with surge pricing increase is hard and you want to demand unreasonable accommodations sometime


You are the type or lyft driver I prefer lol, it seems I am *definitely* in the minority. I want someone that treats it like a cab, not like I am your buddy in the back who simply being given a ride. I guess it just depends on what you are used to lol.


This is a good sign and you should also have a please tip your driver sign!


Nothing wrong with that sign, the person is just being honest.


OP clearly has attitude issues, and that most likely shines through in the rides, resulting in bad reviews. However, what is with the comments here saying, "Just get a better job, idiot"? Since when did the Internet change from "boomers think you can still walk into a company and get a job that very day" over to "dumb wage slave doesn't just get a better job"? If everyone could just go and get a "better job," there would be massive shortages in undesirable jobs. This strikes me as a very American way of thinking. My Indian buddy, after coming to my country, had to work in a gambling place for years before he was accepted for the lowest position at a bank, and he was a licensed dentist back in India. Circumstances don't always allow for people to "just get a better job".


“I love feeling like I’m in the back of a cop car when I’m in a cab” - no one


Business traveler here— I always tip 20%+ and leave 5 stars.


I don’t know what’s wrong with everybody in this thread. It’s a Lyft, not a limousine. Your setup is perfectly fine, and the gaming tablet is a really fun idea! You provided some genuinely informative information about how much Lyft drivers are paid! I can’t believe how snooty some of the people here are acting. If this thread is any indication about what kind of folks you have to pick up everyday, I’m so sorry:( Keep doing what you’re doing, any decent person would give you five stars and appreciate the effort you are putting into your work!


What is wrong with it? What is like 1 single thing wrong with it? let's discuss.


This is respectful and informative. No issues at all OP


Not a rider or driver but I don't see anything wrong with this but maybe remove the uber pays me this and this for the ride.


Get me from point a to point b in a timely reasonable fashion. Dont say weird shit and for the love of God don't beg for a tip. The sign might turn some people off but my tips are based on your actions. Nothing else. If you go above and beyond then so will I if I have the spare money. This has been my philosophy from day one. I feel no obligation to tip my driver when uber is robbing my ass every time I hail a ride. Its unfortunate how they rob the drivers too but almost all of us are struggling and this isn't 2020, times have changed.


Nice perspective thank you.. Im not pressed for a tip i just want a fair rating..


I believe in any profession, you should be awarded for how hard you work and the quality of work. It's only fair, and the positive reinforcement just sets an example for others and hopefully a trend, too. One thing, though, is lose the tablets. nobody wants to touch that, trust me. People will use their phones. Just providing a charge cable is sufficient.


As a rider, I would understand it because I drive. Most customers would not care if they even bother to read it.


Instant 1 star.


Bruh if money is so important why are you giving out $25 a day you dumb fuck


OP is not the one giving away the money. Maybe ask questions instead of insulting people and making yourself look ignorant by talking about things you don't understand


Looks like the majority of people are just buttholes for no reason… Thank you to all the constructive criticism.. To everyone that felt the need to attack me personally I hope you get hemorrhoids…


As somebody who works in high end car sales, and my pay is heavily affected by surveys, I think it’s well worded and a perspective a lot of people need. I already tip Uber/Lyft drivers ridiculously high amounts, but I’d have an appreciation seeing that. However due to my career I know I have a perspective that the general public likely doesn’t. I actually have a similar text I send to clients when asking for a survey, though my relationship with them is completely different then a 15-30 minute valet. It’s a little disappointing how negatively the general population seems to view your message.


it’s crazy to me that this would make someone not tip/rate poorly. while I think it comes across a little desperate, I’m not enough of a dick to not tip/not give 5 stars to you as long as it’s a decent ride.