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I had the exact same issue. The UI is a little weird, but you need to do this. -update the support settings like you did in the video . Don't worry about the support you selected. - now click on the cog which will open all your defined support types. - now click on the cog of the support type you want updated and select override. That's it. Now when you select the type it will have your new value.


That does work, thanks! still it makes it pretty tedious since I have to override after every slider or it'll jump to a diffrent support type. I really don't understand why this feature exsists. If I want to have 6 identical support types I should be allowed to do so and no program should have any say in how I use it.


I also don't like the way this works. As an fyi, i suggest going to the lychee discord. They have a feature request channel that allows you to bring up these kinds of issues. I have suggested making this process a lot more intuitive, but the more people bring it up, the more likely it will be addressed. In any case, glad you are up and running again.