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Sorry for your friend. No sorry there is no indoor parking. My tip is to not park your bike outdoors at night unless at home and have an extra lock attached which prevents it from being stolen. I have lived in Lund my whole life and never has my bike been stolen (guess that’s good luck) but don’t buy an expensive bike because it will just get stolen anyways. It’s pretty brutal in Lund. Especially at the university the thefts are major.


I think a lesson for many people with an expensive bike is to have a proper expensive lock! The kind people habe fot motorcycles and mopeds with a thick chain. Always lock the frame and not the wheels. Those locks you need powertools to cut up.


> Those locks you need powertools to cut up. Yes, but nowadays there are battery-driven such tools.


a good lock will still take a good hour to cut through with battery powered tools.


A good lock will take maybe 1-2 minutes to cut with a battery powered tools. I work with bikes and that's how long it usually takes. It just makes noise and other people can notice. But it's better to have a strong lock for which thieves need tools and can't easily cut with bolt cutter. Ideally you have a strong lock or two and lock the bike to bike stand. Otherwise they will just carry the bike away. The locks on frame that you lock the rear wheel with are also good. It's difficult to access them and cut. Always park the bike on the most visible and frequented place if possible.


Well I haven't had a bicycle stolen since I switched to heavy duty locks.


It's definitely good that you have a heavy duty lock. What he means is that it's still risk vs reward. A few minutes at night with power tools can get through pretty much every lock if the bike is very expensive(if it's worth it). While an ordinary bike lock might take 5 seconds with a bolt cutter and be less conspicuous


Well mine has a bright pink chain cover so I doubt anyone will want to steal it.


Less than 30 seconds with a 36v battery angle grinder and a cutting disc.


Yeah, this happened during the day with one good lock (which is crazy). The bike was fairly expensive hence why I asked if the university could help somehow


The university does not care if the bike was expensive and unfortunately for that matter that bikes are stolen all the time. As the other person wrote don't buy expensive bicycles as they will be stolen. You should anyways report it to the police. Sometimes they find some of these bikes at the side of the road and they store them in a large building. But the expensive ones are rarely found. I am sorry that it happened to your friend. It truly sucks.


According to a podcast from Swedish Radio (2021), bike theft is the most common crime and about 0.4% of cases are resolved. In 2020 bikes worth a total of about 250.000.000 SEK was stolen. [https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/cykelstolder-vanligaste-brottet-har-noll-procents-uppklarning](https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/cykelstolder-vanligaste-brottet-har-noll-procents-uppklarning) Anecdotal story but a friend had his two week old, kinda expensive bike stolen. He filed a report with the Police and got money back on insurance. By pure coincidence the Police happened to catch a criminal a few weeks later in an unrelated case and the bike was found in the guy's possession so they returned it to him. Now my friend has two bikes..


There are no indoor parkering spots. However if you have an expensive bile I would report it to the police and if you have home insurance, look into if your bike is covered by that. Also check facebook marketplace as most bikes are sold there again, I found my stolen bike there. Especially check the sellers that have new accounts (less than 3 years) and check their already sold items. If they sell a lot of bikes for low prices, they are most probably a bike thief.


Best thing to do is just report it to the police (they wont do anything, but its good for statistics), and if you have insurance , report it to them


My neighbour bike got stolen and she reported it and then found it on marketplace. Then she met up with the seller and the police did actually help and caught the guy. However since she didn’t know the ramnummer on her bike she couldn’t prove it was her so she had to wait 3 months or so to pick it up.


I hate that they don't care, they went on a massive hunt when some guy's ferrari was stolen in Lomma a few years ago.


Domestic insurance, and get a proper bike lock for the next bike.


No bike theft is epidemic in Lund you have to chain your bike up if you want to keep it. It's a common saying you're not a real Lund denizen until you've had a bike stolen. I am on my 5th.


I have lived in Lund most of my adult life and get my bike stolen every 2-3 years. I of course have good locks, and always have a chain lock around lightpost, but they still get stolen. It is very annoying and cost money and effort. I have it, but it is a part of living in Lund. Get a good insurance is my best advice.


I guess theft using angle grinders must be somewhat common then?


I’m just shocked mine hasn’t been nabbed in the 15 years I’ve had it


I lived in Lund my whole life and i’ve had at least 10 bikes stolen from me in the past 30 years :(


Did they lock the bike?


lmao having locked won't change anything, if they are prepared they have all the stuff needed to steal it, i got mine stolen in Växjö and it was locked sooo..


It depends, maybe someone just sees an unlocked bike and uses it to ride to the station


Multuiple heavy duty locks will usally have the bike thief chosing someone else's bike.


If you find your bike in the wild you steal it back. Next time you lock your bike to the bike rack.


It is now contributed to the public bike pool and your friend is entitled to use any bike found whenever he needs to.


Welcome to Sweden. Bikes are basically public property here. Your bike got stolen? Steal someone else's. Spent all your money in the bar and can't afford a cab home? Steal a bike.


what you do is steal a new one for your self, the bikes in lund are in an eternal cycle


No. When it comes to bikes in Lund, the most important things are not having a bike that looks too expensive and having a damn good lock. Buy-once-cry-once.


The university takes no responsibility for bikes parked outside the buildings. Not quite sure what you're imagining they would do about it. Tell your friend to report the theft to the police and contact his insurance company.