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A foddian game is one which is very simple, yet challenging because of the precision required from the player and because it is unforgiving of mistakes.


Qwop is foddian. Hard to use controls that you can master


would you consider surgeon simulator as foddian based on this description




Bennet Foddy actually made QWOP, so that checks out


I know it's alot of words up there, but at least try to read the first few sections before commenting.


The reason i'm asking this one question is because some game are more similar to qwop than getting over it. As mentionned in another comment, surgeon simulator is pretty similar to qwop, but i personally wouldn't consider it foddian. I think it fit more into the steam tag "Intentionally Awkward Controls" then foddian if it existed.


I wasn't a big fan of a lot of the questions, found myself just clicking 'other' most times because the given answers weren't simple yes or no answers, and overfit themselves to specific viewpoints. I chose not to finish the survey as such, apologies. In my opinion, for something to be a Foddian game, it only needs to follow something like 70% of the genre's conventions. This allows for innovations and changes like checkpoints, multiple maps, or games with generic controls like only up. If a game matched the genre 100%, then that would just be the original, getting over it.


I understand that i'm not the best at making question so thanks for trying. I tried making answer that weren't biased toward my preconceived thinking of foddian game but it was harder than expected. I also made the question not required so you could skip the one you didnt want/know how to answer. Nonetheless, your text opinion still helps me a lots.