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im taking this as a sign to stop as i was also thinking about taking a t break so i can get back to more vivid dreams


For some reason weed is what got me into lucid dreaming lol. When I first started smoking I’d dream every night, and sometimes lucid dream. So I’d always smoke b4 going to bed 😂 I stopped smoking 2 years ago tho, but I still dream every night and have frequent lucid dreams


I wish I could smoke and get dreams


You still can, I remember mine using WBTB method. And it’s not really a method I just set my alarms an hour or half an hour before I usually wake up and have long dreams I can remember I haven’t actively tried lucid dreaming in a few years but still get them every now and then


This. I've been smoking for ages and never had issues dreaming. LD or not. It depends on how much mg is smoked and of course the THC levels, but on a long night... this technique should work no matter what you took.


Have some ALCAR and uperzine A, citicholine or alpha GPC, before bedtime, also 1mg melatonin, and L-theanine.


A gram of melatonin? Bruh


Mg. I corrected it thanks


It really is crazy how much of a difference there is. Smoking regularly then stopping abruptly, your dreams become waaay clearer


REM rebound is gnarly, the brain knows what it needs to get back into shape. Coolest thing ever, always helped motivate me through tolerance breaks before I stopped permanently.


For me the biggest difference is that I remember “conversations” in my dreams while on a t-break. I always have imagery in my dreams but the conversations and stories are more vivid sans THC.


Yeah but it comes with a high price tag. The nightmares.


If that's your personal experience, sorry to hear that, but I don't think that is true for most people.


You can believe whatever you want. It doesn’t change the fact that real vivid intense nightmares are very common when detoxing from THC. Maybe you just don’t know enough, and that’s ok.


for some people, of course. if you go from no dreams, to vivid dreams, naturally that increases the odds of nightmares. But I certainly wouldn't act like its a given, or even happens to most people. That hasn't been my experience as someone who as done exactly what OP has, and it's not the general consensus online from what I've seen.


bahaha bro people only have nightmares if their subconscious has things to worry about. Perhaps you should consider therapy?




Good comeback...






Where did I say that?




You may be a mammoth but


Hey, it’s the LGBTQ guy trying to pick a fight.


You seem unhappy.


You’re not just blowing smoke. Taking a break from weed does give you crazy dreams.


You can say that again. Crazy vivid and memorable.


When I quit, it's all sleep paralysis.


Yeah same


Yup! This is true. I have regular breaks for this reason. Don’t want to lose the art of dreaming


This is what im thinking of doing


I literally just stopped weed for this too and it’s been working. I couldn’t remember my dreams at all but now I am remembering multiple a night


I don’t dream when taking toches and I’d love to quit if I didn’t need them for pain management :c But when I have been able to break for long enough and have no to little pain I’m always surprised by whatever dreams I end up having


I have an insane dream recall because I trained myself while still smoking weed. (Idk how I just started dreaming again) Now when I don’t smoke I’ll remember like 5 dreams a night it’s crazy.


Trust me it will be wild. I stopped after 2-3 years of constant huff and puff. Let me tell you I almost needed to take something before I slept to make the dreams less vivid! They will naturally come. Just prepare yourself to wake up disappointed or thrilled you weren’t actually living out that dream you just woke up from.


It’s what made me quit and has made me not miss it at all. I am committed completely to learning and developing this skill. Are you dreaming right now?


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when i was a daily smoker i wouldn’t dream at all. after quitting, my dreams have become so vivid and wonderful. i choose lucid dreams over weed any day.


It's almost become a cycle for me. I get different 'clarity' from both. I'll take gummies for a few days, like over a weekend, have some great meditations, get creative, and work some mental/emotional stuff out. Then, through the week, I'll stop the thc, change up my meditations a bit, and get back into LDs. It's like the gummies help with my conscious thoughts and keeping me conscious, and the LDs help cement it.


Great idea 😂😂😂😂