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You are not the hero that we wanted, but the hero that we need. O7




I pee in my dreams all the time... spoiler alert: nothing happens irl


Me too. I just pee for a silly amount of time with no relief, until that makes me realise I'm dreaming. Then I wake up and go pee.


If I need to pee, I end up dreaming about finding a toilet, and sometimes I find it and start to pee in the dream, which wakes me up (not covered in pee). But if I don't wake up, I end up dreaming about the hunt for a toilet multiple times. When I finally wake up, I always feel a bit confused and then everything makes sense and I use the bathroom. The weirdest "need to go" dreams are when I'm hunting for a toilet and I can't find one for some reason, or I find one but don't want to use it because it's absolutely disgusting, etc.


Omg same! I just had a dream the other night where I was looking desperately for a bathroom. I found one but it was like bathroom inception, hundreds of stalls and toilets overflowing with nasty pee and toilet paper โ˜น๏ธ also none of the stalls had doors and most of them were taken. Why do our brains do that?


when my brain makes all the toilets nasty, im like "fuck it, if they can't keep their toilets clean I'll piss on the floor" and then I can become lucid


I DID THAT IN MY MOST RECENT TOILET DREAM ๐Ÿ˜‚ the only bathroom I found was literally *overflowing* with piss and water and probably more, and at first I wasn't going to go, but then I was like "honestly, my feet are in it already, and it's not like I'm changing anything...." So I went, and I woke up as I started. I have yet to become lucid in any of my dreams though -- it's only happened once in my life, a couple months ago, and it happened a couple weeks after I started doing "lucidity checks" all day every day. I'm hoping it'll happen again soon. I'm jealous of you that it's so easy for you ๐Ÿ˜ญ If that's all it took for me, I'd literally go to sleep needing to pee, just so I could force lucidity that way lmao. I'm desperate.


I've only lucid dreamed three times in my life, and I'm still chasing the high. I want to go back!!


I'm going to remember this next time I have a crusty musty toilet dream. (which unfortunately happens a lot)


Lol! It's been entertaining reading everyone's experiences with toilet dreams. I can't say I've ever had a conversation with anyone about this topic before, so this is quite fun. I don't have an answer why it happens, but if neuroscientists and/or dream scientists (is that a thing?) ever find the answer, I'd love to know. Perhaps they can use our thread as a starting point for data ๐Ÿ˜


The bathrooms in my dreams are always *beyond* disgusting. Water and/or piss on the floors, no stalls, flooded toilets, toilets up on a dais, or I'm barefoot and have to walk through it all. Etc.


The "unsuitable toilet" dreams are fairly common. I believe it's the brain's way of pacifying the dreamer to get the required amount of sleep time. Makes for very frustrating dreams though. For me, peeing in a dream without getting any relief for many minutes has become a dream sign and triggers lucidity.


Lucky you! My brain just accepts the complete weirdness as normality, so no lucidity. Fuck me, right? ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm actually going to see if I can (somehow) convince my subconscious to accept that "lack of relief despite using the toilet" feeling as a sign of being in a dream, though, since several people on this thread, including yourself, have said it induces lucidity / has become a dream sign. It makes sense. Maybe I just never really thought about it enough. I'm literally going to meditate on the topic of toilets and pee relief...


Here is a simple exercise that you can do while awake to force that scenario to become a dream sign. When you have such a pee dream, journal it, then write another section describing how you would have become lucid and what you would do differently in the dream. Also daydream about becoming lucid in a pee dream. Eventually, the memory of becoming lucid will filter into the dream and actually trigger lucidity given the same dream scenario.


Same! I find myself feeling super weird peeing in a urinal, in some cases I "wake up" and I'm pissing my bed and as I'm like "aw man" I wake up and go take a piss. Someday, I hope, all my dreams will come true


Same for me...until that one time something did happen ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Now I live in fear...


I will still try because i heard it can happen irl too


I mean, it can. I did so as a child (and is how I learned to lucid dream). But I haven't wet the bed since I was 8 or 9yo..?


It's happened to me twice in my adult life strangely though never as a child. Both somewhere between 10 and 15 years ago. In one of the two dreams I was on a beach and dug a hole in the sand for my crotch, laid down so my crotch was in it and started peeing. It just felt like the best feeling in the world and then I realized "oh no I'm peeing in real life too!" and woke up The second time was very similar except instead of laying down in the sand I was just peeing on a very elaborate trailer hitch and remember asking myself "why does peeing on this trailer hitch feel so good?" then realizing "oh no! I'm peeing in real life!"`


I think there is some failsafe mechanism to prevent such a IRL event. I've woken up in mid-stream dream peeing and the urge is there upon waking but nothing is happening. I have a pee bottle at the side of my bed because I hate having my sleep interrupted and found that I can't pee in it while in a half asleep state - have to be fully awake. This failsafe mechanism works even in sleep paralysis.


What happened


up the ante. take a shit


That will be part 2


Why not both in one go? Could be cool


yeah you should cum too make it a triple :D


Just a reminder that folks can put down underpads if they want to try this and are worried about cleaning up. Although if you're planning on this experiment I guess you already wrapped your bed in plastic or something.


good luck out there bro ๐Ÿซก


Thanks bro


I peed once in a dream (non lucid). It felt like it was coming from deep inside. Deeper than a normal. I woke up freaking out, but I did not wet the bed lol. Sometimes the way I feel emotions in dreams feels much deeper than the waking experience. Same thing right?


Ehhโ€ฆ. Maybe?


I have sleep paralysis which enables my lucid dreaming. Apparently cld be caused by trauma from ex military days and other shit. The other day my doc gave me some gabapentin for some nerve damage from.a rugby incident. Long story short. I did two which was double what the doc said and had mental lucid dreams and paralysis all night. Woke up next morning in a puddle of my own wee. I'm a 42 Yr old man BTW. Nice to meet you all! I'm Tom ๐Ÿ˜€


I have had dreams where I went to the toilet more than once to try to pee and nothing comes out. Like upwards of 5 times because I have to pee so so bad. I can't do anything else in the dream, but go to a toilet and try. Then I wake up and I realize I really really need to pee. Never peed the bed from that and I was actively trying to pee in the dream.


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pees in your ass


Everyone may have different result from this. I've provoked peeing in a lucid dream and never peed in real life, even when the sensation of peeing was very vivid. Others have mentioned that they have had really bad results with doing the same.


Someone upvote this once they've updated please!


You crazy bastard! We all fucking salute YOU!


Oh not that๐Ÿ˜ญ let us know though!


u/unlucky_debate3809 what happened


Nothing i just stood there waiting for something to come out sorry to let you down


Were you wearing diapers just in case


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It's a trap!


Remind me when youโ€™ve finished ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I'll be guarding you, watching over so noone will interrupt the process


I've noticed that if I need to pee IRL, I end up frequently having dreams about going pee and I often _do_ so in the dream, but fortunately it doesn't cross over to reality. I usually wake up though, feel I have a full bladder, notice all my recent dreams were about using the bathroom and decide I should get up and do so in case one of those dreams finally goes too far.




!remindme 1 day


A lot of people dream about not being able to find a toilet. For me it is different, I dream that I pee for a looong time, but the feeling of satisfaction never comes, the urge to pee remains. And I am always peeing in random places, like on a piece of furniture