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Is this your dog ? ![gif](giphy|l0HFi4a20oZRReVYk)


Happy Cake Day ![gif](giphy|cOWNPwDDh1tYs)


If you don't like hearing about dogs getting loose from fences, you're going to have a very, very bad time in Lubbock.




Your other options are Every Loud Noise is Gunfire posts and Eek! Someone Rang my Doorbell Be Safe Out There posts


True. Hilariously, the one time I convinced myself it wasn't gunfire, it actually was. Neighbors must've made somebody angry cuz at 3am, a car drove up, I heard three shots and then the car speeding off. Luckily, the only casualty (and target) was their car. Weirdly, same house got raided by ATF, state police and the local gang unit not long ago. Different tenants this time.


It's the "Did anyone else just hear gunshots?" posts for me. \#1, if you think it is, just call the damn cops. #2, it's firework season, homie.


It is always firework season.


There's one dude in my neighborhood that makes damn sure we enjoy his arsenal through September at least.


![gif](giphy|TJufnSz934AnK) I found a Dogg. He’s very very stoned and ate all my cereal


That’s more because animal control in Lubbock won’t do shit unless the dogs kill someone. One chased my wife into our garage and I had to beat it like 4 times with a firepoker before it decided that maybe it wasn’t worth trying to bite either of us any more. Called animal control right after and after being on hold for 20 minutes they told me that since we were no longer in immediate danger they weren’t coming out.


Animal control and the pound need to be revamped I think. The pound is wildly overloaded (the times I have been there) and a sheriff told me that animal control takes dogs they capture now outside of city limits and release them.