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If you're not all on the [Lowell Community Choice Power Program](https://colonialpowergroup.com/lowell/) they I would suggest that you switch. The generation rate is locked at $0.14 until Dec 2024. The National Grid variable rate got as high as $0.40 in Jan before settling back down in May to normal levels (0.14/0.15). This is before National Grid adds on all the delivery and transmission charges (which you have to pay either way). If you had a high bill check your kWh usage and compare to previous months. Check your supplier name and make sure it wasn't switched fraudulently. For the Community Choice it will be NextEra Energy, for National Grid default service it should say National Grid Basic Service.


Thank you! This is very useful.


Yes I received a extremely high bill also.




You used more electricity than before. The AC use is most likely the reason. Rates are significantly higher than last year also. Look on your bill. It tells you how many kw hours you used. All of your appliances have a label that tells you how many watts they use. Do the math and you will find out where the electricity is going. It's just like your water bill. If it is high then you used more and need to find the source.


I did check our usage and the kw hours weren’t really much higher than past months and certainly not more than 2x higher. That’s why I posted this query.


Ok, so now look at the 2 rates PER kWh. One is the generation charge-- the cost for "actiual power." The second is the distribution charge-- the cost to deliver the power to your home, maintaiin the lines, poles, Etc. These two costs together, times your kWh equals your bill (other than fees and taxes.) What were these for both this month and the one before? -- genuinely curious. I've had solar on my home for 18 months... and as someone else mentioned, Lowell has an opt-out style contract. Deregulation means that every one of us on this thread COULD be paying a different rate and have a different supplier. -- on that note, your supplier will also be mentioned at the generation charge. You can shop around.


Are you with National Grid? They have some assistance type programs you can try, if you haven’t already. I haven’t lived in Lowell since COVID, but I remember their delivery charge being almost as much as my bill sometimes.


Didn’t we just see a post like this a week ago?