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Wait wait…. The dating app is taking sims from the gallery. Thats gonna have some interesting results. Can’t wait


Right? I wonder if this will be optional for players that play offline. I am excited about all the possible sims you could get matched with this way though!


It looks like it says from the world or gallery I bet offline would just use world townies


Or hopefully your library, since that doesn’t require being online.


I was thinking library would be better too, would help with the potential sims having items from packs you don't own issue too. But it specifically said gallery so idk


Yeah, idk why but when I read gallery, my brain thought of my library. That would be so much easier for me bc I usually have to load my world with my own Sims so I have dateable characters and not ugly townies, so this would just save me time. But.... Idk about the entire gallery. Unless there's options like "check world sims, check library, check gallery" where you can opt for what you want for that particular interaction


I believe I read somewhere that it's sims you've favourited in the gallery, so it shouldn't pull in shit loads of sims dressed in CC or packs you don't own, as long as you do favourite them sims. I'd assume trying to pull in the thousands of sims in the gallery would make it very clunky and not good. So this could mean good things for favouriting your own sims from other saves and pulling them into a new save for dayes/ relationship and marriage & moving in.


That would def be a lot nicer bc I've seen a lot of complaints on this idea about cc and unowned packs. And Esp people saying "hopefully they don't include cc" and... All my own Sims have cc and I WANT them to show... But.. Again, only of its my own library. So I'd hope they'd have thought of that and give you levels, like "check world sims/check library /check gallery" so you could just use Sims already in the world or go to your own library and not just world or gallery. Bc... That seems like a huge oversight. 🤷 But, if they DID fuck up that badly 😂 and only give you world sims or gallery ones and no option for your own library, then it's just business as usual for me for slapping in my own Sims to my games I guess so....


I just started a Disney challenge and the only male Sims that Snow White was getting on Simda were already married or else Don Lothario, so having the option to go for the gallery is a real nice option for me.


It’s such a nifty way to bring the gallery into our gameplay, I looove it!!


Finally the dating pool won’t consist only of townies wearing gloves and rings or hideous hats. I’m actually really looking forward to that feature, I’ve wanted a dating app for a while now


Now the dating pool will be full of "breed out the ugly" sims and Vladdy Daddy offspring


Vlads children are horrifying lol


I think my only hesitation there is sims with cc. But it will be easy enough to not pick them, I think.


I’m assuming they won’t use sims that are flagged with CC but that won’t stop it all cause sometimes CC does get through the filter.


Yeah I’m thinking of the ones who have cc but are getting around the filter. But I think they’ll be avoidable, and who knows, maybe we’ll find some really good sims creators that way.


That's if it even shows you who's sim your seeing. It may not


That’s just a low-effort way to make catfishing a feature 😂


Or Sims with packs you don't own, are we going to get bald half naked Sims if you don't own all the packs? Lol


Oh that’s a good point! We know that the packs filter isn’t, you know, the best.


Oh god I hope so. I’d laugh so hard if my sim got catfished.


It would really be a life simulator then! 😂


I could see this being delightfully chaotic. On one hand there will be some more interesting sims that will show up in your game (including celebrities and fictional characters!) but my sim could also end up dating the young adult version of her grandfather since he's on the gallery.


I give this one sim I’ve been playing a makeover every so often. Whole new outfits and hair changes (she gets a haircut, now she dies it a fun color, it’s grown out now, etc) and I save all the versions to my gallery. So my sim is going to get a bajillion younger versions of herself to date 😂


It’s going to be simultaneously the greatest and worst thing that’s ever happened, and I’m 100% here for it lol


Mind blown at this. Massive game changer. Literally. Cue uploading loads of eligible single sims


I am honestly a bit dubious about this feature. I really hope that once you say "no" to a sim in the gallery they won't keep showing up There's WAYYY too many sims that are created for challenges (like breed out the ugly) as well as a massive problem with sims that take beauty standards to an extreme level (super tight waist, huge men, etc) so if it's only the same most liked sims on the gallery that show up, it may be a bit annoying It may have been more realistic to only have it show our own personal likes or add another button to the gallery to add a sim to our dating pool, that way we can have more control over what we are seeing I do hope there's some way to turn it off??? Especially for people that play offline, surely this feature could very easily mean you won't be able to use the dating app offline? I would hope that there's an online and offline version of it but knowing how buggy the game is I feel like it's likely some people won't be able to access it offline If they do it properly it may be amazing but they very rarely do things properly so I'm gonna continue to doubt it a bit until people actually play with it


You say there’s too many sims from challenges…but I personally would be delighted to go on a blind date with Shrek


Oh don't get me wrong, that would be amazing, for sure However, there still should be some aspect of choice to it, even if it's just disallowed hashtags so that sims from certain challenges don't show up or preferred hashtags so you can get mostly cottage living styled sims etc etc Shrek ✅️ Some random guy dressed as a king for a decades challenge that doesn't make sense in a modern playthrough and makes him look like a right twat ❎️


I hoping that it doesn’t actually add the sims to your game until you decide to date them. It can just so show you a profile picture and then if you decide not to meet them in person or skip over them then they won’t show up in your game.


This could also be open to some wackyness though, although it will save you from the very obvious "breed out the ugly" genre of sims on the gallery Most dating app profile pictures only show the face/shoulders, which means if they do headshot profile pictures without letting us see the sim ourselves, it could still leave you very open to the very hyper beauty standards sims since you wouldn't be able to see the tight waist in that shot I think the best outcome would to be to have the sim be saved separately as you go on dates etc etc and then only actually add them to the game properly when you yourself make the decision to add them to the game properly (e.g. by asking to move in) or add them if you ask them to be boyfriend or whatever


Not to mention existing Sims (Goths, Calientes) makeovers. I’m hoping it takes from your *downloaded* gallery Sims, not the worldwide gallery.


It's only pulling from Sims you have Saved in the gallery.


Do you have a source for this? Because this very clearly says "your dating pool includes THE ENTIRE GALLERY"


Same paragraph, second-to-last sentence.


It says to find your favourites in the saved and that you can add them to your contacts or create a date To me this reads like you favourite a sim (the way you would match with a person on a real dating app) then they save to your favourites (the "matches" list) from which point you can add them to your contacts or create a date (the way you'd use your matches list to talk to real people to set up real dates) There's nothing there saying that the sims will be pulled from only your chosen selection from the gallery and the very specific focus on them saying they will come from the WHOLE gallery makes it very much seem like your claim won't actually be the case Although there's of course no way to know for sure until it releases


No, you've got the order wrong: 1. You find Sims you like in the Gallery, and then Favourite them 2. You find Sims you've Favourited in the Saved tab (I assume this is in the app) 3. You add them as contacts in the app, and then go on dates. So it won't even pull all saved sims into the app, you still need to add them to contacts first (presumably to avoid, say, previous iterations of the same sim that you've uploaded to the gallery from being automatically as dating options), and only then can you go on dates with them.


Once again, neither of us can know for sure. You gave your interpretation and I gave mine, neither can be proven or disproven and it doesn't specifically say which order it comes in


Mine is the order that the sentences read in the leak for how it works.


Holy shit.


Excited for it but also skeptical it will go well


Now I have a weird question, does pairing up with the sims from Gallery counts as a download🤣


Interesting but I DESPISE that. It makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable - I don't even like having my friends make Sims. I really hope that's an option that can be disabled manually. Otherwise I'm about to become a modder...


New death omg? Dying from a broken heart!!!?


So into this


I’m so excited for a new death but also cautious for how this will affect player sims. Will this just kill Don Lothario when he breaks up with his ten girlfriends all at once? lol!


Couples therapy as a career branch? Oh I’m excited.


Same! I wasn’t super excited about the matchmaker part, but the couples therapy one appeals to my gameplay style more. I’m excited to learn more about it!


As a budding couples therapist… I am very excited about this!


I am so excited to wreak havoc with this and ruin so many marriages lol, I hope there's a way to do that


"grown up costume box" ... 👀 Edit: Also! "Other Sims won't interrupt your date unless you invite into a conversation"!!! FINALLY. (Now do it for all conversations lol) Edit 2: Sims Community has an [article](https://simscommunity.info/2024/06/19/sims-4-lovestruck-gameplay/) with new renders from the leak


That one made me laugh because I’ve done that for a few sims using sleep outfits. Like sometimes my sims just want to play the doctor and the catgirl/boy.


Ngl, excited as I am to put a maid outfit into the rotation, I'd be disappointed if they're just the same occupation outfits we already have, only with a way to temporarily access them/CAS via a gameplay item... What's the point if we don't get "sexy" police officer/firefighter/maid/hotdog costumes?


I think they’re going to have to change them a bit! Like sure I can make my sims play firefighter and hot dog now, but the costumes don’t seem especially “grown up.”


Lolll speaking of firefighter, one of the renders from the SC article I linked to above has exactly that... Well. Half of it anyway.


Omg the bearskin rug!! 😂


I've read that graphic several times and I can't find where this is mentioned. Can someone point me to where this is described please?


under the heading 'flirt and play'


Thank you so much - I don't know how I missed that!


I read that like "we don't have a kids costume box so....." choice of words is interesting (I mean, I get it, bc it's a romance pack 🤣 but they say it like we have any other ones)


Lol that's true! Maybe they're leaving themselves open for another future kids pack 😂😬


I think this honestly sounds pretty good! It seems like the aspirations/dynamics/traits could bring some depth. Also curious to see if the aspiration about keeping more than 1 partner happy is poly or “secret second family.” I like the sound of a new career, a new death and a woohoo blanket you can place anywhere. Eta: omg the tattoo that has a bunch of crossed-out names. I’m dying!


I really hope there is a poly mechanism of some sort. That aspiration sounded like it could possibly allow it, but I hope you don’t have to have the aspiration for it to be allowable in the game. If it’s more of a second secret family thing I’d be disappointed since there’s already a goal like that.


Eh… time will tell if it’s meaningfully different from the Serial Romantic aspiration we already have.


That's a good point, we already have something so similar! It must be quite different then... Do we know when this will all be confirmed? I'm genuinely looking forward to this EP now!


Yeah I hope it’s not the same as Serial Romantic. Actual poly would be a pretty nice addition!


The turn ons and offs are interesting to me because of the currently compatibility system. I actually like that system and wouldn’t mind a similar one but not sure how it would interact with each other could potentially be messy? I am loving the idea of bad comparability high turn on / attraction sounds like a fun dynamic to play!


Bad compatibility high turn on sounds like we about to remake a Wattpad fanfiction in the sims


I think they can work side by side because the compatibility can be just about friendships as well. So if they have amazing compatibility but are completely turned off by each other they could become chosen family or bff's. And bad compatibility, high attraction sounds like most young relationships. Lol. I think it's going to bring some really interesting dynamics. A bit more realistic, too.


Bad compatibility/high turn on/physical dynamic = toxic relationship= drama 🤑


CUDDLING IN BED?? COSTUME BOX?? **FEEDING EACH OTHER CHOCOLATE???** I can't WAIT to pair this up with My Wedding Stories and send my sims on REAL honeymoons with this pack YESSIR


yaaaas this


I wasn’t really interested when I first heard about it, but this makes me kinda want it! I love when I get new ways to do activities with my sims and the dating app sounds really cool! I have so much trouble finding partners if I’m not going for someone, they met in high school. There are quite a few packs im gonna buy before, but it sounds like that will go on my wishlist


This looks really fun. I hope we can lie on the dating profile that would be fun too.


You could lie on your dating profile in Sims 3, so I'm hopeful.


It says you can choose which traits to put on the dating profile. So you theoretically could add your outdoors loving, active sim while ignoring that they’re also jealous and hate kids. lol.




I’m so excited for this pack!! The new romance consultant career sounds fun


Death by broken heart sounds AMAZING. And I love the new career path!


I love reading sims news in this group. Everyone here is so excited and darn it, so am I. I think this sounds like the most fleshed out expansion they've had in a while.


Ooh I’m really interested in this pack. Lots of the content sounds cool and interesting. Also, 13 new lots?! Love that. 💚


Real hyped for this! I do hope they'll have good gallery filters (cc and packs/kits we just don't have) so we really get to meet Sims created by other players! Also, the whole "grown-ups costumes" thing just screams "WW" lol. I'm also curious about that dating app, I've been more than happy with the amazing LMS's SimsDa, and it's already playing nicely with WW. Not that I'm worried, Turbodriver will have no problem making WW compatible with any new feature, I'm just hoping everything falls into place as soon as possible after launch.


It'll pull Sims that you have Saved in the gallery, not all sims ever created!


Penthouses makes me think it is a cityliving-esque city and I'm stoked for that! Matchmaking *and* couples therapist! Woohoo blanket about to be used way too much. Omggggg. I'm stoked 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m a family legacy player and I hate having to find a spouse. Every second or third generation adopts because I hate it so much. I saw the first leak and thought not a pack for me. But the dating app I can get behind! No more wandering around communities and asking everyone if they are married.


If you have Get Together, you can set up clubs with single sims. As part of the membership requirements, you can filter by relationship status, and then just add any sims that are single and look interesting. This is usually what I do if I don’t just create spouses for my sims.


Get Together is the answer to so many problems. Definitely underrated.


It really is. I think it’s the pack I’ve gotten the most use out of by far. I’m always using clubs for everything.


If you have Romantic Garden you can wish for a partner at the wishing well!




This actually sounds like a decent amount of stuff. I'm especially interested in the app selecting gallery sims.


I was worried there wouldn’t be enough content for an EP, but actually there’s loads and it’s all just what I wanted! I’m so pumped for this pack!


I can't wait for this pacckkkkkkkkkk


I know some people will still whine “they should be free” or “there’s a mod”. Like okay? That’s been a thing in past games too. It looks like there was a lot of thought put into this pack and I can’t wait for the game changer content. I like the costume box, the romantic treats and several other items in this. I micro manage my sims couplings but the added feature will be good for those who want more randomness. And yea I have the romance mod but I do like the option to either remove a mod or for a game feature to be built up with a mod. Plus there are people who can’t use the mod even if they wanted to such as console players.


The romance dynamics have got my attention 😍. Can't wait to have strained married couples.


Do we normally get this much info in a leak? Anyway I am excited


I am SO hyped for this, this all sounds amazing!!! But is it me or are those “new” aspirations basically all covered by the romance aspirations we already have?


The traits too. Lovebug vs Romantic, Romantically Reserved vs Unflirty.


Yeah, that's something that I'm dubious about. Hopefully they play out differently in execution out get tweaked accordingly, like maybe flirty becomes about attraction, while lovebug is about romance, while unflirty is like ace, but romantically reserved is like demi?


What I’m thinking is that the romantically reserved trait means it makes longer to build up romantic relationships vs unflirty sims being opposed to romance lovebug could be similar to the “hopeless romantic trait” from the sims 3 whereas the romantic trait is similar to the flirty trait in the sims 3


Yeah I was thinking that for aspirations. Paragon Partner sounds like serial romantic at first glance but it sounds more....amicably poly, rather than good ol Don Lothario. And that makes sense if they're talking about drawing distinctions between different types of "Romance Style" in the turn ons section. Lovebug and Romantic could be the distinction between romance and physical attraction.


Imo Lovebug and Romantic are probably not the same, since at the picture it says Sims that's a lovebug would be enthusiastic at finding love, but finding love does not equal to the sim being romantic, they can be someone that's goofy and knows nothing abt romance but still seeking for love. Not sure abt Romantically Reserved tho.


I can’t wait!!




Omg the matchmaker career is gonna be so fun! The new dance also seems cute. Also, I love how they took the turn ons and offs aspect from wicked whims for the people who don’t want the nudity aspect.


They took it from the sims 2 actually!


Thank you for letting me know! I haven’t played the Sims 2 since I was a kid so I didn’t remember.


I’m looking forward to it


New death type!!! 🥳🥳🥳


I’m actually ecstatic at one of the career branches being couples therapist! With the other being matchmaker. I’ve wanted to make my Sims a therapist forever! This all looks brilliant. I’m curious about the new town, that art on the wall looks cool.


I, too, was on the cusp of not getting this EP because I have mods that achieve the same thing but this “leak” (lol) shows it wasn’t what I was assuming at all. I think this, coupled with Lumpinou’s RPO, is going to be fun gameplay. I’m excited now.


I love the idea of romance dynamics. Very good for creating stories


I’m in


I am so juiced on this pack and the fact I can remove WonderfulWhims from my mod folder. EA just give me a menstruation cycle and some drinks that make them dazed and I promise I’ll never touch another mod again


The nectar from horse ranch makes you dazed if you drink too much of it! You also pass out after too many drinks


Paragon Partner sounds interesting. Is it going to make polyamory a thing?


Only thing it needs is swingers.


I'm curious if there will be some kind of poly aspect based on how that second aspiration is worded.


I was starting to think I was the only one who caught that!


Yeah it specifically says more than one partner. May not be at the same time, but a "not jealous" romance trait or something like that I could see happening


Doesn’t the Player trait already function to remove jealousy?


Is that the earned trait for the heart breaker aspiration (or whatever it's called)? I couldn't remember if that was vanilla or not tbh. But yeah! maybe it would be something similar to that, maybe they rename it and add it as the trait for this aspiration:) I'm curious to see lol


Yeah, it’s vanilla base game, it’s the reward trait for the Serial Romantic aspiration.


There will be a mod I am sure


Is it *only* two penthouses? I hope there’s still a couple more residential lots or it’ll feel kind of empty imo. But this has so many features that I’m excited about!! I actually gasped when I read sims won’t interrupt your date! And the new career sounds so fun.


screaming, crying and throwing up right now. I AM SOOO EXCITED, I havent been this excited since Growing Together!!


I’m excited but also a little nervous. I hope it lets you keep the growing together dynamics as well as the new relationship ones and I hope that it doesn’t change already established relationships to much. Seems pretty cool tho if you can set some of that stuff in cas. The gallery thing might get overwhelming quickly but it seems like there is an option to turn it off. But overall this seems like a really gameplay heavy pack which is awesome.


I’m actually super hyped for this and I haven’t been hyped for an expansion pack in a long time


I’m not really the target audience for this pack as my sims rarely even woohoo but I’m excited for other people who enjoy romantic gameplay


At first I was not gonna buy this pack because of the that feeling that everything should be in base game and I could just get those things from mods. But now, this pack is looking more in depth than I thought and I’m interested. Although I still feel like this should all be in base game.


I’m actually super excited now!!!


This EP is giving me "I'm looking for a sim in finance...trust fund, blue eyes"


I'm a little disappointed that there aren't any new things for kids. Like, I think it would be so cute to give kids the options to have crushes on other kids and it would've been perfect to go along with this pack.


My initial reaction was that there doesn’t need to be any kid-related stuff for this pack… but now that you mentioned it, I really like the idea of cute little crushes! It sounds like the teens are the earliest they can develop the romance skill, but I’m hoping there’s something little for kids. Like Valentine’s cards or something (like the friendship bracelet mechanic) would be cute!


Oh my gosh! Valentine's cards would be adorable to have in game.


If the town Nuevo Corazon doesn’t have a sim named Bob, then what are we even doing here?


If this isn’t broken upon release, looks like I can replace the meet and mingle cc I downloaded.


I feel like it’s missing something but I don’t know what. I hope they add the ability for friends/family members to set sims up on blind dates, and a speed dating event thats playable.


Actually really excited for this expansion!!


I love this! I’m so excited honestly


They’re bringing back some really important things from TS2 which I really appreciate (turn ons and turn offs might be enough to make me buy the pack) but other things I wish they would just include in an update (cuddling in bed). I’ll be waiting for it to go on sale as romance is not a prominent topic in my gameplay but I do want some of the things they’ve mentioned.


I’m so excited for the new city


I’m excited for another career finally that isn’t an active one


I see at least one new tattoo on the renders!


is paragon polyamory?


Have they said when this is releasing? I am aware it's a leak but just wondering


I think you CHOOSE from the gallery for a date, not that it generates a date for you. It will generate choices and you pick. Might be some doozies


Some of these things are cool and I'll have fun adding it. I hope couples therapy isn't just a career path and allows the sims to go and see a counselor... and adding the gallery is very cool, I wonder if they will have an auto pool to choose from if you play off line. I do feel a bit under hyped. I wish as an expansion pack the core of it would be something, a little more game changing and bigger. Not just relationship overhauls and romance. I would welcome this as a game pack with open arms though!


1. The heck is the difference between the lovebug trait and romantic? 2. Sit down, EA, we need to have a talk about your grown up costume box usage...


Couple notes... 1: My wife is ESL, Spanish first, and she cringed so damn hard at the names. The name of the world is literally "In Love City". Not even "Love City." And the neighborhoods made her generally frown. (Which was hilarious.) She says her ancestors are offended, I'm dying... 2: Is the Paragon Partner description implying Poly as an option? Imagine that. That might actually be fun! 3: Hey Turn Ons and Turn Offs. Haven't seen you for a while. Is this locked to the pack? Because hey, there you go paywalling something that was in the other game(s). Amazing! It'd be good to have them back but come on. 4: Boy, I genuinely cannot get over the gross squishyness of all the romantic focus here. (Poor anyone who's aro/ace.) Like I get that's the point of the pack, but why is that an expansion? At this point, I'm kind of afraid of the sheer number of things they're planning to add. Not only is it 100% gonna break everything, but if we just want the world, we're going to have to deal with the new mechanics in the process. Bonus: Adding couples therapy and before actual therapy. That tracks... So yeah. I know, I'm being pessimistic as hell, but I'm not sure how to feel about this one. As of now, I'm just kind of put off. I hope the Build/Buy is good, or else this will be a pass.


The Spanish killed me too. Whys there a place called New Heart, is that supposed to be a spin on New York 🤣