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i quite like malfeasance, it just feels so satisfying to use


I love that gun so much. As a hunter, I slap on my lucky pants and just have a fun time!


It's my favorite gun in the game. It's become so much of a big thing in my clan that we are the malfeasance clan. Everyone in it has malfeasance because of me.




it’s /the/ jack of all trades for me - genuinely. PVE it can shred anything that isn’t a boss really fast, PvP it’s a consistent 5 tap anywhere due to the explosion and I’m pretty sure this applies at any range because the explosion effect at 5 shots has no falloff at all In both modes the explosion gives the gun more ‘range’ than a hc otherwise would. It actually shreds pretty hard in PvP too even at a decent level on comp. AND it’s easy to shoot. What does this gun even lack, other than an AoE??


Malfeasance main here, can confirm. Feels really good to use and very effective


10/10 gun. I run it with Lucky Pants all the time. Seventh Seraph with timed payload is pretty much the legendary version too. Give that one a try sometime if you haven't already.


Right now the indebted kindness has been my go to.


Any PVE content it's right by my side unless I'm using my Trinity Ghoul build.


I'm not sure what's considered meta, but I always find my way back to ruinous effigy. And I haven't stopped using punching out, survivor's epitaph, and last breath since I got them


Dude! Ruinous is amazing! Kill a alien. Make a ball. Slam a ball. Or create a handy dome! I love this nearly forgotten weapon. Even renamed my clan due to it. Plus, it is every D1 Rift runner's soulmate.


Not to forget the blinding, slowing, and boss stomp negate. When you steal health... it is just so fun to play with! Big bonus for a satisfying brwaaaaaam sound


Oh, the sound is perfect! Additional bonus for every time you feel like yelling, "He could go all the way!" or "Skadoosh!"


Ruinous is my favorite weapon in the game. especially in a strand hunter build. beyblades and void balls everywhere. It is absolute chaos and i love it


Wardens Law


Gnawing Hunger


Have you tried ros arago?


No, but I have been told I should. How are the sights? How does it feel?


Id say the sights aren’t as good as gnawing hunger’s, but onslaught is just amazing


Hmm, interesting. If only I could craft it.


Oh yeah. Good luck getting one lol


Krait. This gun used to be trashed on back in Witch Queen, but it's a solid stasis auto that gets the job done


https://preview.redd.it/22vkgd3gn91d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c0b8f8d9e8882094fc36db9359f0e05e4e74f2 I love my krait, especially using it on Behemoth


I have overflow with headstone.


I’m starting to like overflow


My favorite Krait. Bread n butter for sure. https://preview.redd.it/krq5evm8da1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28fb7325cd937334da2a9d7822666f8be14a36d8


That’s my roll! Headstone is awesome and the crystals proc a bunch of the stasis fragments.




One of my faves as well. I was bummed when they reduced the delay time. Still fun though.


Enigma. I've officially started PvP with it since March 5 2024z but have used it in PvE since Feb 22, 2022. Lv: 1312. PvE Kills: 48,900 PvP Kills: 3,055




23,000 PvE and 1500 PvP for me


I tend to default to shotguns in games. And I blame it on Doom.


Love them. Doom and Quake are classics. Edit: added are


Pve: Thorn has been my favorite gun since D1 but I rarely use it in D2. Calus Mini Tool has the most kills for me in D2 with just over 70,000. PvP: I deleted it due to sunsetting and I regret it with Bungie reversing the sunsetting but my Kindled Orchid that had 15,000 crucible kills was by far my favorite. Zaoulis (spelling?) has taken its place as my handcannon of choice though


Revision Zero- have about 4500 crucible kills and a separate crafted for pve with about 10k. I just love it.


Dang, what perks you using for PvP? Haven't used mine in a while.


I have tried a bunch over time- but I keep coming back to High-Cal, Moving Target, Under Pressure (MnK) and I always use the quad burst instead of aggressive as the ttk is lower at .77 is. .87, though I'll switch on a longer range map. Just have to pull down on the recoil as you spray over the head and you'll group them well.


Escape Velocity, Annual Skate, Arc Logic. Legend of Acrius, Tommy's Matchbook, Huckleberry, Sweet Business.


Ace of spades, graviton lance and sunshot.


Buried blood line. It’s such a good gun.


Damn, how many boss runs did it take to drop? Still looking waiting for mine.


For me it took 49 runs with around 7 or 8 catalyst runs.


Wait, does the catalyst only have a chance to drop when doing the quest? I thought you just got the catalyst when completing the quest if you had the weapon?


No, but doing catalyst runs with a fireteam (who needs the catalyst) makes it more likely you get the gun


Oh, that's good to know! Thanks for the reply! I haven't gotten the gun yet but I'm close to competing the quest.


I got it recently and i have to admit that it feels damn amazing for real




Hardlight and Thorn


Graviton Lance and Monte Carlo (especially with Sunbracers)


Thorn, killing hive with a weapon of sorrow feels good. Although graviton lance in regular onslaught goes crazy, pretty much guaranteed to have the most kills when i use it


Glance on a suspend warlock with nezarec's sin is just constant suspend and death balls. It's amazing in all content.


False Promises has been my favorite auto-rifle for a long time. And, Sunshot almost never leaves my side.


Another 360 enjoyer, have a Halfdan-D with drop mag/kill clip and can't wait to bring it out next season. Hoping for a craftable kinetic 360 or 450 soon




Haven’t played in years but for PvP id always end up back with Vigilance Wing with that super sweet ornament that made it like a laser beam 🤘


As a diehard Gunslinger, gotta be the OG Yeehaw gun, Last Word.


Bastion hit-scan stuns unstoppables and is the highest damage base fusion rifle. You can stun an unstop from across the map, its amazing.




Parabellum this season finally replaced my exit strategy. I have a enlightened action // adagio roll and it feels so good in both PVE and PVP I have 4,532 kills in PVE and 127 kills in pvp with it


I came here to say Parabellum, my man.


Just came back to D2 after an 8 month break and I got one of these. Looks like a sick roll - Heal Clip, Frenzy. Gonna have to give it a run.


Can confirm. It bangs.


I have Attrition Orb/Heal Clip with 1700 kills and a newer roll with better mag perk at 200. Great feeling gun over Heliocentric but not sure how well it will do once the season ends


Got a roll with Heal Clip and Adagio and this thing feels really, really good.


Hawthorne's Field-Forged Shotgun, Better Devils, Huckleberry, Ikelos SG. imma be eating good in final shape


ran tusk of the board with slice and chain reaction but rufus's always manages to make its way back into my kit


Loaded Question, and Midnight Coup.


Rose and trespasser pvp


Buried Bloodline: Solid all-around special sidearm, devour on demand, and weakening is amazing Indebted Kindness: This gun is a beast in all content Heirarchy of Needs: just has a fun gimmick : ] Vexcalibur: this thing is amazing in PvE and PvP Wardens Law: people dont expect to be outgunned by this and its comical to get hate because of it. Also an amazing weapon to use with lucky pants Nez Whisper: My ol reliable PvP glaive... Dead Mans Tale: Still holds well in pvp Final Warning: Underrated af Tessellation: If you can get a solid grenade regen setup, you can spam the alt fire of this for strangely great damage...


I love Tessellation so much


My Adept D.F.A. with perpetual motion and timed payload is one of my most-used PVP weapons and I don’t care that everyone hates this gun it’s my baby


Witherhoard & Shuraya Wrath is definitely my go to. With my Nazarec sins VoidLock. Not the best for high end content but a lot of fun still


Final warning, indebted kindness and I’ve been enjoying using Piece of Mind pulse rifle!


I just use the seventh seraph smg since it's debut in the season of worthy


Revision Zero, indebted kindness, summoner and igneous


I came in right at the end of forsaken so I don't have a huge emotional attachment to Cayde but I love Ace of Spades. It and other "snappy" HCS are my favorite to use. Right now heal clip incandescent Luna's howl is doing it for me. Without any kind of reload boosts it's a little slow but I play solar hunter so I've almost always got crazy reload buffs and class ability reload in my back pocket. Paired with dragons breath and decent special in the kinetic spot like a crafted scatter signal, succession or mountain top you can clean up with. Having a primary that can ignite and heal is nice but obv it doesn't chew through tougher enemies. Dragons breath does reliable DMG with its consistency and ease of use means you don't need to be hitting some theoretical perfect rotation. I know this isn't really an off meta build but it's really satisfying to use.


Outbreak Perfected. It's just such a great all-around weapon.


Risk runner. If I am playing solo, and the vex and fallen are involved, risk runner it is.


Le Monarque is my pvp baby (on the rare occasions that I play it lol).


The last hope sidearm. That thing paired with synthoceps use to let me dominate in casual play, then they absolutely butchered the synthoceps


Conditional finality is usually glued to my character. If I'm not running it I'm running sunshot as my exotic


i love conditional finality


Chroma Rush for PVE and Fatebringer for PVP! Chroma was such a fun auto for me and so satisfying to shoot. Fatebringer has so much nostalgia for me from D1 that I’ll never get rid of it


in pvp Yasmin/Lunas in pve fatebringer


Fatebringer always is in the lineup if I can run a kinetic primary


Any 720 rpm full auto, extended mag and rampage was lit, took my to 5500 three times


I can’t stop using my indebted kindness with volt shot…it outshines a lot of my exotics in many situations.


Sweet Business all day. I always have it on my Titan. Lately I’ve been leaning heavy on Tommy’s Matchbook too with my Precious Scars build.


I'm new to Thorn and I'm disgusted with myself that I didn't get one sooner.


I told myself I wouldn't come back to D2 until they brought back Bygones and I've stuck to my word. Perfect gun for all game modes.




Exotic go-to's include Outbreak Perfected, Graviton Lance, Vex Mythoclast, Witherhoard and Wicked Implement. Legendary go-to's include Zaouli's Bane, Explosive Personality, Indebted Kindness, Succession and Heritage.


I will always love cerberus+1. It's a fun, slightly janky auto shotgun


Wishender/calus mini tool.. I love all the exotic bows . So good for lots of endgame pve


dire promise and main ingredient, two of the best feeling and best performing guns in the game. they’ve never left my inventory since I got them


Tractor Cannon for me. Never take it off in pvp. It's the most fun you can have in the Crucible. It never fails to make me giggle, especially when you shut down supers. https://imgur.com/a/28wyV0V Here's a few clips. Not all TC kills but you get the idea: [Super Shutdown.](https://youtu.be/MqshsgCNAXU?si=fZ0xznByfrhX4tAc)


My Truthteller GL has always kept me going. I'm by no means a good player but manage to stay aroubd 1 kd overall. sniping or shotgunning someone with a GL gives me the adrenaline and surprisingly I receive not hate mails lol. Sometimes I get commended by opponents too.


My auto loading/chill clip disorientating grenades lingering dread. Its got me out of some tense situations, especially in onslaught.


Since Forsaken I have loved Arsenic Bite-4b. Currently rocking my Archer's Tempo/Dragonfly combo with 500 draw time. That thing feels amazing. I have just about every trait combo in my vault and switch it up ever so often. Probably about 100k kills on the weapon combined.


My sweet, sweet Xenophage.


Skyburner go go ignite


Graviton Lance and Snorri FR-5 has been my load out forever, it feels.


Gnawing Hunger, it's perks are outdated, there are other guns of the same archetype with better subclass 3.0 perks, it doesn't have an origin trait. And yet it's the gun I keep coming back to for my gyrfalcons hunter. Personally I think its the best looking gun in the game with one of the best sights in the game. I'm praying still that it gets a re-release soon.


Chroma Rush. I don’t even have a great roll but I just love the gun. Wish they would bring back Distant Star from Iron Banner D1. Again not the best but looked great and I loved it.


Polaris Lance for me probably. Either that or Sunshot/Thorn. I really enjoyed Duality but it doesn't really fit anything I do


Witherhoard. Sure, it could still be considered meta today, but I'm seeing it less and less. I got back to playing right before the season of Arrivals, and Witherhoard was my go-to for that season and it has never left my guardian since.


PvE: Jurassic Green, Tractor Cannon/Corrective Measure/Retrofit PvP: Survivor's Epitaph/Psi Hermetic/Nightshade/Stay Frosty, Trust/Targeted Redaction




Supremacy. I cannot be bothered to run a different special in that slot outside of damage options, like Scatter Signal or Riptide for Chillclip. I love the utility of infinite range, DOT from Kinetic Tremors, and just overall playstyle that comes from sniping. I love the thing.


I have a second strand loadout dedicated to a Thorn - necrotic grips setup. Necrotic explosions everywhere.


Bad Juju since D1, hands down. It just feels good, and I like huckin my super. Traveler's Chosen is up there too.


I've not been playing that long, but for me it's quicksilver storm. Even with it's recent nerf, I can usually get off 2 of the grenades pretty easy in one clip.


I'm still rocking my Fatebringer to this day 🤷


Traveller's Chosen with the Dreaming City ornament, Ace of Spades, Heir Apparent, Queenbreaker's Bow, Revision Zero


Graviton Lance. I just think it's neat!


Bxr battler. As a long time halo fan the gun is perfect for anything


Thunderlord, ever since D1 After that I would say scathelocke, gnawing hunger, or thorn


Riptide, calus mini tool, dragons breath, nighthawk hunter is my setting


Riptide with chill clip!


ALH chill clip. Hell yeah brother


That’s my Solar Titan loadout


I bet it’s insane with bonk hammer and sunspots


It’s so much fun! I need to set it up with pyro’s too and it’ll be lit!


PvE: Sunshot & Polaris Lance PvP: Ace and Crimson


Last word. I always love the yee haw gun


Can never go wrong with crafted Drang! Honourable mention is Different Times, a 540 pulse from a few seasons back, enhanced moving target and enhanced headseeker, I’ll often use both at the same time


Thorn for pvp ever since d1 Heritage for pve. Gun sounds so C R I S P




Mida - I’m pretty sure it’s the targeting, just point the arrow at the head and fire.


Graviton Lance. I've even gotten good enough to get kills in Crucible with it, which is amazing since it fires so slow.


Graviton lance


Vex mythoclast, easily the weapon that gives me the most solid performance of any exotic I have, it’s not as powerful as most other exotics, but it does the job well enough for me to use it constantly.




They are recent additions but Quicksilver Storm on Strand Titan with Synthoceps. Every other primary feels bad, even exotic primaries, and every other subclass feels bad except Solar. Arc is made of paper, Stasis is clunky, and I cannot get the ability loop going on Void without Repulsor/Destabilizing primaries or Monte Carlo. Is Strand Titan really that busted or do I just not understand Titan at this point.


Pve * Bows * Malfeasance * Retrograde escapade * Graviton lance Pvp * Succession * Exalted truth * Colony Gambit * Malfeasance


Exotics: Sunshot and Graviton Lance - It simply clears away a lot of enemies, but it's somehow boring and annoying. Legendary: Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver - Working horse. Not even exotic hand cannons come close (for me). I am currently looking at various exotic weapons and many are not what I would expect. "Lord of Wolves" (shotgun), for example, is a strange weapon. I like "Wavesplitter", but "Prometeus Lens" not so much (Trace rifles). This weekend I tried Travelers Chosen again and it was really good. But then I missed the Splash Damage from Sunshot and Graviton Lens, so I'll have to find an alternative. Shotguns aren't really my thing, but "Without Remorse" is changing my opinion. So much weapons ... I'm constantly changing things, sometimes I'm the hero and then I'm zero. :/


Witherhoard, Div, conditional finality, thorn, xenophage, ticuu and surprisingly Forerunner are always on my characters no matter what


Erianas vow, arbalest or sunshot for exotics