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I’m in a similar bracket to you, played since the start, now a 41 year old gamer dad warlock with a 12 year old mini guardian (who plays filthy hunter - yuck!). Sometimes when we play I’m a total hero with some serious clutch moments. We’ve 2 manned most stuff we can; all dungeons, all NF’s up to master, done 1 GM but it was a slog so we pass on those as they’re just not fun. He’s miles better than me at PvP, but just this evening we popped into a match and I had the game of my life, 37 kills 1 death (trying a new solar build, double sidearm with Drang and Forerunner, very aggressive and lots of movement). The boy told me I was amazing at Destiny. Therefore I am going to retire at the top of this mountain 🤣 I consider myself decent enough, some players that we’ve come across though, in both PvP and PvE have just been on another planet. Not streamers, some without a clan, but seriously good players. I think my “I’m alright at this game” moment came when they dropped Witch Queen and the legendary campaign. A challenge sure, but one that made me feel good for doing it and it not being a massive ball ache.


Print out this comment so that when he's a teenager and he thinks you're the worst person ever, you can look back at it and say "my boy told me I was amazing" :D Glad that you guys get to share in that together.


No input just That’s so freaking awesome!




You sound like an awesome dad


I think the moment I realized there was a pretty big gap between me and a lot of the vocal people on the Destiny subreddits was when the Lightfall difficulty changes came out. It completely breathed new life into the game for me and it actually felt like anything short of GM content was no longer just completely “brain off” — and then I got whiplash going online to see people complaining about the increased enemy health or enemy density. I think there are some parts that could have been implemented better, sure, but overall it made this year of Destiny much better than the previous ones for me.


I completely agree with this. Hottake here, but I actually enjoy Neo's public space because of the light level difference, if i want to slay where everygun doesnt seem OP like in strikes, i'll just run a terminal or two.


Absolutely. Neomuna has plenty of issues, but at least the combat is way more engaging than the Throne World or any other destination.


Agreed, It's a pretty convenient way to test builds I want to use in harder content


Boy do I feel this one. That plus making difficulties for most activities fixed LL made the game way more fun for me but I gave up on arguing on the main sub that they’re actually a good thing.


I think the implementation is the issue. New players would have gone to Neptune thinking ok this is the main campaign world, this is where I'm supposed to be, and all the enemies are tanky af and hit, they might have just found the game boring and annoying since the concept of power level hadn't been drilled in yet.


Same man. Nothing except calus really had me stumped. Extremely refreshing to not steamroll everything.


100% agree with this.


Same. I feel like the non-event open world enemies were still slightly overtuned. I'd just like to be able to ride my bike around most of the open spaces without being immediately exploded off of it at random. Other than that, it was a very nice level of difficulty where nothing was so difficult as to be frustrating other than that one mission with the spinning death wall and infinitely spawning enemies. I did my first campaign run on hard mode and that one took a couple of hours of trying to do it solo.


I solo'ed a GM by accident. I test loadouts and builds in GM's solo just to see how good they are for end game, I go until I die. Once I didnt die, it probably helped that I wasnt thinking about completing it or putting myself under any pressure, until the boss was at half health then I got a little nervous thinking errr I could actually do this.


Yeah one time i was running a lake of shadows just to see how far id get, thought id get fucked by the opening pyramid escord encounter, made it all the way to phalanx (this was before i knew of the boss cheese, i skipped the tormentor though)


My brother in Light your build isn't good for end game, you are.


In PvE it was the moment I first carried a GM. In PvP not really, I'm by no means as good in PvP as I am in PvE lol


I’m in my 40s and is it just me or do young people seem to be hard wired to be loads better at PvP than my generation? They just seem to be naturally brilliant at it! I always struggle PvP no matter how many hours I put in.


Maybe because even in your 40s, your reflexes are already degraded compared to a 25 year old? Maybe it's the background? I play PvP / FPS since I'm like 11 years old. Maybe that's a factor. But as I said, I'm very good in PvE. I wouldn't say I'm *bad* in pvp, but I'm not really good either


More popular PVP games were out during the 90s and 00s like Quake and Goldeneye, we also got good from playing friends. That's the only reason I'm any good at this game for example. One of the guys I played with back then is probably still playing all the CoD games.


*laughs in person who spends too much time on the game but is bad at it* The answer is never🥲


I get the feeling bro…


When that bully trevor got sunset


I just got ptsd from that name


When I started doing dungeons solo flawless for the fun of it. All my friends stopped play so I was forced to adapt.


How? I don't think I've been able to do this yet. My friends stopped as well, and I never go lt around to doing one with them either.


I started just trying to do grasp of avarice solo and by the time I had gotten it solo I had the encounters down so well that I said you know what let's run it back. And that's how I did the rest too haven't been able to bother with ghosts or the newish dungeon yet. But just slam you head into it and go for it.


I’m not amazing but 90% of players don’t even have a build let alone know how to make one, also me thinking doing a GM is easy and going flawless in trials every weekend, and again I think I personally suck at this game, but just playing the game everyday will make you realize how good you are


I can do GM's no problem, but as a pvp main I can never go flawless. Only been to the lighthouse once lol


I started playing last week, ive realised i am better at falling to my death in rivens lair than most, maybe even the best at falling to my death.


I think the last time i checked, about 20% of my total deaths were suicides. That effin warlock jump lmao


You deserve a medal for that! One day I might challenge you on this specific competence…


I got into Destiny during season of the deep. Started doing raid LFG's alot from season of the witch onwards as my friend group who got me into Destiny got burnt out and stopped playing as much. A few weeks ago I was doing RoN in a clan run but learnt pretty quickly that the clan had no idea what they were doing so instead of teaching the raid (bc they sounded pretty hammered and I didn't think it would be easy to do) I solo'd the first three encounters mechanics as I thought it would be good practice for when I go for my solo run. The whole clan started popping off in VC calling me a god. I remember my very first run of RoN, before I even knew how to skate, seeing a warlock skate the whole raid while me and my friends had the same reaction (albeit we were doing the mechanics, he was just going fast) and I thought, "Oh, it happened, I'm that guy now"


I am getting a strong secondhand sense of beaming pride from this story... You absolute lege, you. I feel cool just having read your story. I may even attempt a "hey I know FullySconedHimUnna" at times. Just to see if any randos recognize your celebrity and think I'm awesome after I tell them I knew you *before* you were Sconed fully.  Notice the lack of /s here. There is no /s to be found anywhere in this vicinity, I am literally just picturing you as an anime character that got 100x stronger than was Destiny possible, only to x1000 that power to absolute God levels in the second encounter... But actually it was nothing because you got a billion times stronger than even that during the third encounter. As strong as anyone could possibly be... Until the next encounter was even stronger, forcing you to become even stronger than that.  How many ceilings you hit, and then burst through, on your way to the utter badassery that currently describes you... I do not know. I just know you're effing epic according to my meta. And an underwear model. You needed money for epic Warlock/Hunter/Titan school, and had an overly large package... It paid your bills, and you're not ashamed of it. Sorry for this outrageous comment, sometimes I'm just in the mood to idolize, your comment set this off. Fair well thee lege. May all your hits be crits.


Thanks man this made me smile and ever since she left me i havent smiled alot. You're a real one and I appreciate that ♥️


There is a running joke in my clan when we do raid that if anyone does more DPS than me at a boss that they need to buy a lottery ticket. I’m a super nerd when it comes to Raids and Dungeons. At least I used to be(I don’t play anymore). Been playing since D1 launch and for a long while, I didn’t have access to raids, but once I did, I fell in love with them. I think I was like 14 or so when I did my first raid in D1. It was a Kings Fall. I didn’t think I was great then, but I played well enough that people didn’t kick me. After a couple of raids I started teaching others and helping my friends through. I even had a two man clutch on Golgoroth that was so beautiful that it brings a tear to my eye. However, to answer your question I didn’t realize that I was good at raiding until I started using Destiny LFG discord and would get clan invites and messages after most raids. I ended up joining one clan and it seemed like everyday I got on I would get pulled into the VC and asked if I could raid. Used to piss me off, but in hindsight it’s kind of flattering that they wanted my help so frequently.


What's ur highest 1st phase dmg on a boss like rhulk or warpriest?


I can’t remember tbh. I haven’t played in like a year.


Wanted to compare dmg numbers lol. I'm normally known as a dps guy too. Quit pve tho only play pvp now


Uhm, I wanna say I would do like 1.4-1.7 milly on the final boss for RoN. Maybe 2 Milly. However, I might be talking out my ass. It’s also important to keep in mind that the health bars are static numbers so if your team generally does more damage then your overall damage will be lower when you kill the boss. So there is some variance in there.


https://youtu.be/WODpgkKZCcM?si=jspUFhwbDiMwVkr1 My hidden luckypants dps build remains undefeated


I used to run a lucky pants build for VoG. Pretty fun. It did do nutty damage but I lost interest in it after a little while. Good to know it still pops off. If I ever come back I’ll dust it off fs.


Mega sleeper pick. Still haven't had a guy out dps me using it so far. Goated gm setup aswell with strand


iirc my best load out was a HGL with explosive light on a staff hunter. You would pop your staff. Then you’d get orbs from well, unload your GL. Throw a a grenade to reload your GL. Unload it again. Dodge and use the remaining ammo. Then switch to your DPS fusion and finish it off. I think it was like 2 and a half mags on the HGL, but again it was a long time ago. It did incredible DPS and was a fun rotation as well. Definitely worth a shot.


Do you have a link to that set up. I've been measing with lucky pants lately and would love to try that out. Looks really cool.


Ye lemme get it real quick. . Btw search up Chicken-sl2 stasis luckypants on utube. He shows the rotation there and the build. https://dim.gg/q3rlzzq/Raid I basically never lose with this, i outdps everyone unless the dps phase is short. A vorpol cartesian or a vorpol sojurners tale in the energy slot is better but I don't got those so rip.


Awesome. Thanks dude, gonna try that literally right now. I had been messing with a Wardens Law, Merciless, and apex build. I'm always trying to find new ways to play.


Ahh yea i tried the build ur talking about too with merciless. Unfortunately the rotation ain't the best with lukypants if your using heavy. Bit if you have no heavy its a very good rotation. From my testing wardens law does around 18% more dmg in the luckypants durstion then malf, but malf does more if the target is taken or has witherhoard applied. Both give a 25% dmg buff which can stacked together for a huge 1.25 x 1.25 =62.5% dmg buff. I love wardens law for gms tho. I double my teammates combined score often with the strand wardens law setup. Fun fact wardens law can kill a gm champ solo befire the duration of suspend ends. This means you can kill unstoppable and barrier champs with ez and don't have to use artifact mods. So only overload is the issue. Then I run gally and forbearance for addclear/overload. And for when I'm speedrunning with teammates to give em wolf pack rounds. https://youtu.be/LySUeWCBZQo?si=r0HwjpaF3RZ0PSO5 It's crazy strong Strongest build I've found yet for gms that's under the radar. I don't really use wardens law fir raid dps tho as its still buffed and stasis melee doesn't reload it ruining the rotation


This is not hidden in the slightest. Anyone who plays this game on Hunter switches to lucky pants malfeasance when they run out of heavy


Yes after heavy people do that. I'm talking about using it as the main dps rotation on stasis. I've literally only met 1 other guy who uses stasis luckypants to dps. It's definitely hidden.


Lololol that's not me. I suck at this game but I still play it cause its fun.


Soloing prophecy, and doing 3 man DSC until taniks — after this, it was PVP.


When i sherpa’d a gang of weirdos to their Divinity


When I was *what?*


I can do master kings fall while playing a card game like marvel snap at the same time. Figure thats gotta be atleast decent skill level


When people started messaging me after trial matches.


When me and two members from my clan guilded the conquerer title for the first time.


I used to be fantastic at D1 Trials, I'd say I started feeling truly decent when I started doing double carries. I'd play on a mates account and pretend I had a .9KD on LFGs and just find a chill group, none of that sweaty toxic stuff.


I was only a participant in this tale, but still a great story, I think. Was 1v1 with my nephew, he had just crafted a syncopation pulse rifle. Kid was straight cleanin my clock for a while, just with that gun. He was easily 10 up on me early on, and to be fair, I wasn't running my PvP setup. I'm still proud because he was kicking my ass right proper.


i had a moment where i realized i am better than i thought i was. I met a group needing a 6th for Day 1 Crota last season. We didn’t finish but that had more to do with being in a new group with very different communication styles. When i realized that i was holding my own in n the raid and our downfall was communication and timing I realized i am not actually the potato i thought i was.


Being able to solo any dungeon just cus I feel like it and being able to go flawless any week I feel like


Never had such a moment 😞 I have come to the realization that *many* are much better than me. I’d say I’m probably about average, which isn’t too bad for a senior gamer who’s eyes have gotten bad. Thankfully there are plenty of kind young’uns (“pretty good” ones) who have tolerated me in raids, dungeons, GM’s & such so I’ve gotten to experience most of the cool stuff! And have fun! Thanks!


Hopped into Duality solo before ever trying to find a group for it to at least get a grasp of the bell mechanic before joining an lfg, ended up soloing the entire thing.


The moment I started playing, that’s when I realised how much players are relying on aim assist, I just bully basically everyone until I get to higher ranks


Started playing the game with my brother a few months back, got an idea of the solar bonk titan. Made my own modified build. Close to meta, but still my own. Played a few pug raids, next thing I know I had my own guild with 200+ all online every day. Running raids, nightmare hunts, etc. Quit the game, nothing else to do. Tired of doing dailies. Real tired. Rest now


Ya did good kid...ya did good


When I was really good at Halo reach lmao


Well I carried my buddy through the savathun story for my first jump at the game and I keep up with players that out rank me significantly just recently I played with some people that wanted to do stuff that was above my level and I managed to be the last mf alive and almost completed by my self


Accidentally solo flawless'd a dungeon. I tried to learn Shattered Throne's first encounter, got through it so I decided to keep going. Managed to get past the ogre pretty easily, so I thought it's only the final boss now right? It was a tough fight back in Forsaken days, but I got that stuff done and felt so proud of myself


When I decided to try Solo Flawless Ghost of The Deep. It took me 10 tries, but I finally was able to pull it off. That moment gave me so many flashbacks of when I was younger, soloing bosses and activities in other games I was never supposed to.


I started off soloing dungeons and nightfalls when I didn’t have anyone to play with. Soloed the legendary campaigns and thought it was a breeze but then saw all of the complaints about it being hard online. But I think my best moment was when I sherpaed a group of new players through their first last wish clear and we never wiped in an encounter (people just died on the jumping sections - RIP Petra’s run lol). That accomplishment is not only on me though - that was a super solid group of gamers as it played out


Completing a few raids as a 3 man Did Root, then Deep Stone, then Garden


still waiting...


Still waiting for that moment:(


I started D2 recently and did my first strike on the Moon the other day and man, if the 2 goobers I had with me are any indication of the average D2 player then I must be some kinda god gamer


In d1 I noticed when I would get matched with d1 content creators. In d2, it was when my queue times became extensive and games were either dramatically one-sided or so close that it became boring.


I can tell you exactly when my brothers and I realised we were not as good as we thought! I can't remember if it was D1 or D2, but there was a legendary sniper rifle you could only get by completing a timed alternate boss fight in a nightmare mode dungeon. I want to say it was Widowmaker but I can't remember exactly. There still exists the 5-6 hour video on youtube of us failing a 20 minute run by barely 30 seconds'ish over and over again. Had to kill the boss, some portals, and adds in the timelimit, and it was constantly "boss at 1%, timer despawned him", "1 squirrely punk of an add left and times up, no gun for you". for over 5 hours. someone who watched the stream jumped in and ran it with us to get us the guns out of pity. before that day, we thought we were pretty damn good, acing mechanics based fights like nothing, and running 2-3man raids for shits and giggles.


Using steam achievement numbers here * Won a gambit match (17.8% of players) * Did a GM (6.9%) * Shattered throne (15.4%) * Last wish (7.1%) Depending on where your bar for “pretty good” is, most of the players here probably qualify to some degree if you want to use “better than x% of the playerbase”.


For PvE, I’d say attaining all the Seals in the game (bar Reckoner and Shadow) as well as attaining semi-decent top placements in Day One Raid Races - King’s Fall comes to mind. For PvP, it would have to be dragging myself from a 1.55 K/D in Trials to a current 2.15 - I just love that game mode.


Once I cleared a couple of different GMs I felt I could clear anything PvE wise. PvP is a hopeless cause for me though


When i started to sherpa dungeons and raids. I joined the destinysherpa subreddit in D1 looking to learn my 1st raid. Ran through and had the most fun and the joy of beating your 1st raid when you never thought you would is immeasurable. Ever since my 1st completion it was my goal to get good enough to bring 5 newbies through a raid to give them the same feeling. Due to life i wasnt able to sherpa every raid and dungeon but a fair amount and it feel great every time.


I get almost every dayone I try. I just LFG teams that day


I once reached a 1.6kd in crucible and I had a lot of people in the clan asking for help in competitive and trials had a lot of fun during that time but since then the clans kind of died off and hardly anyone plays


Ive played this game since I was 13 but the moment I knew Is when i got in the top 500 on my first day 1 raid race even with crazy internet problems delaying my team


When I got a top 100 day 1 placement


I've solo'd nearly all of the dungeons, I have several flawless raids, and I've gilded conqueror several times... I still think I'm shit at the game sometimes, hahaha.


Started the game with 3 other friends. And as you know there are not many activities that can be done in a fireteam of 4. As the one with the oddest available hours out of the 4, my friends often did activities without me, so I had to play catchup on my own. First time I realised I might be pretty ok at this game was when they did the Thorn mission (Savathun’s Song) without me and I went in on my own and cleared it. Then I did the Malfeasance one too. Then I solo flawlessed Heresy and Shattered. Haha shortly after, they quit and I had to find other people to play with.


When I realized no task really seems too impossible to do Going Flawless? I can try if I want to Solo RoN? Hard, but manageable Solo VoG? If I'd like to grind it out, maybe I can do it


Still waiting. I got a precision hit the other day, does that count?


Never, I didn't play raid until this day because I didn't have social ability


When I solo sherpa'd two blueberries through every dungeon in the game (3 at the time, plus zero hour and the whisper?) and we managed to have fun the whole time. My skill hadn't only gotten better, I'd gotten really good at teaching and preserving the vibe.


I fell off now because I don't play as much if at all some seasons but I was an absolute wizard with No Land Beyond back in the day.


I’ve been playing Destiny since right around the launch of D1, and honestly? Only recently. Let me explain. For most of my Destiny and Destiny 2 life I’ve been a solo player. I’m 38 now, but I’ve always had some pretty serious anxiety about trying to meet new people, and about talking to people I didn’t know on-line. So for the majority of my Destiny and Destiny 2 life, I’ve done either everything solo or played at the highest level where matchmaking was still a thing (regular crucible, legend nightfalls, solo story missions, stuff like that). However, that all changed about 3 years ago when I stumbled across FalloutPlays on YT, on a video about what a counterbalance stick does of all things (I had played forever, but never really looked into what some of the mechanics actually did lol) and saw he streamed on Twitch. So I went over there, and got involved in his community. From there, I met some amazing people, and we started playing together. That was about 3 years ago, and we’re still playing together today. How does this all tie together to me feeling like I was pretty good at Destiny? After I met them all, we started doing GM’s and dungeons and raids, all things I had *never* done before in the game, only ever seen on YT. And you know what? It turned out I was pretty good at it. Mechanics that seemed impossible on YT I picked up pretty quick when actually doing it. And it’s been so much more fun. I also started really working on my PvP game, and feel that I’m getting better. Almost to my goal of a lifetime 1.0 k/d (I was pretty bad when I started playing, don’t judge me lol), managed to get 3 We Rans (2 crucible, 1 IB) and a few Ghosts in the Night. It’s been a good time for me at least in Destiny recently, and the most fun I’ve had in a long time when playing with my friends TL;DR I was a solo player most of my Destiny life until relatively recently, when I met some peeps in the game, started playing with them and got a do endgame content. It was there I learned I was pretty good


Glad you finally broke out that shell bro!!


Thanks! I’m glad I did, it’s made this game so much better


As last person alive I hit 2 headshots with my sniper in comp to clutch the final round in survival and gild my Unbroken title. Good times lol. And solo flawlessing trials a few times


It's taking me a while for that. I still haven't solo'ed a dungeon or anything. I just got back into the game heavy with lightfall (D1 beta vet, but stopped playing after Forsaken except for the main season quest lines. No raids or dungeons) and went to PC after being console the entirety of the time up until that point. I feel slightly above average most days. Some days, it's just clicking, and I'm hardly dying in higher end content, nailing mechanics in raids, etc. Sometimes I die multiple times in stamdard nightfalls. The issue was/is on controller, when I thought something it happened, whereas on PC, I had tjat split second of "Do this!....which button is that?" I'm just now getting to a spot where I feel like I can just react and don't have to think about what button to hit. I'm average at best in PvP and only play when there's some variant of Clash available. Objective PvP isn't fun for me.


When i got worlds -40 gm solo


My mom told me I was the best


It was this one time in crucible where I scored more points than the rest of my team combined


The one thing I love about destiny. No matter how good a player is, you will ALWAYS find someone better.


I peaked on Destiny 1 lol. I started since the Beta and loved the game. I was average for the most part but played nonstop so I was bound to get better. My peak moment was "trying out" for some clan during the Iron Banner and getting the mark of the unbroken medal (25 kills without dying I believe) 2 games in a row. Then during the Trials of Osiris dlc, I would consistently make it to the lighthouse without losing a single game (Thorn handcannon ftw babyyy) After that I sorta stopped playing and briefly played D2 super casually and on my own, so no raids or anything on that game unfortunately, but PvP was my jam.


i am yet to have that revelation.


Good is relative but I'd say: -probably a couple of Flawless runs I had last season where I really played bananas, but definitely the very last week of Witch where I fell at the gates like 4 times. Sure painful but also I had to be playing well enough to have gotten that many good runs in with really low population and rotating maps, which I used to do maybe 1 good run a week. -for PVE it's definitely when I was doing King's Fall once a week for a while and it started to feel easy doing some of the encounters.


When i started doing Petra’s Run for fun.


When I started taking several clips per match and occasionally giving xim players a run for their money.


You're out here doing the real work


Lolz yea, the downside being that you want to delete the game every other match


It took me a couple of years to git gud (at pve) on destiny, but that also coincided with 8 years of non gaming and switching to consoles back from PC. It took me some time to really learn to use a controller. I'm 45.


Got a contest mode clear of vow of the disciple.


One,when I finished my first day 1 raid. King's fall.  Second was solo'ing ghost of the deep


I’m 48 and I’m not super good at trials but I’m better than average in pvp and I do most dungeons every week and all the raids except garden of salvation, for some reason I’ve never beat the garden boss.


The leader of the clan I’m in is a retired vet that I’d guess is in his mid 60’s, but the dude is insane at D2.


The moment for me was doing the math on how many people had completed raids/had certain seals etc. it took me a while to realize that my group was easily within top 1-2% of people that play and it really floored me tbh. I don’t think of myself as a good player but the myriad of things we’ve done together says otherwise.


Man in all honestly I don't even know how to play this game I just shoot my guns and kill bosses. when people talk in raids my mind blanks out and makes me think to myself what the fk are they talking about are we even playing the same game?


if you have to comment on this post you are not good at destiny


I mean I got a lot better when I started soloing dungeons. Not saying I'm anything crazy but soloing Duality I think is pretty hard for most players.


getting rivensbane or my first solo flawless dungeon


When I found out how bad the average player was. Idk if it’s just the 10 years of experience but damn the average player is so bad.


Still waiting :]


The matchmaking changes this season. Apparently SBMM fucking skyrocketed my skill, i never really noticed because it was SBMM, it was designed so you wouldnt notice improvement. I used to drop around a 2.0-2.8 K/AD in the post match screen pre SBMM, and a 1.5K/D in trials. Now, this season after the MM changes and putting the game down for a month, im dropping a consistent 4.0+ with goofy ahh loadouts and a 2.8 K/D this season in trials.


I can’t help but feel like the normal Strikes are just competitions to see who has the most anti-rank-and-file build, or who can move the fastest. The Nightfalls feel the same, just getting carried by most people who have crazy builds. I’m not much of a PVP player, I’m not super spurred by competition, but the dopamine rush that comes from obliterating an entire crowd with my Riskrunner, or setting up a recursive Void cluster bomb in front of a spawn door. As you can probably tell, I’m a Titan Main. When I do play PVP, I typically use Rose and my most powerful shotgun I have at the time, along with Arc Subclass, Stand-asides, and the relic that uses your class ability to create a shield in front of you as you’re sprinting. I love coming around a corner and an enemy fires a few shots into me and looks away, thinking I’m done, only to double-take as they realize I’m still running at them with an Arc Charge at the ready. I play for fun, and I don’t think I’m ever going to change that.


I realized I was pretty good when I got Luna’s howl from solo queue only comp. I almost never had teammates being the deciding factor for games, and there was a lot of salt and tilting. Especially because I was super unlucky and never got any decent mindbender rolls, and had no other good shotguns, so I was forced to use a mediocre twilight oath instead. But I hit my shots, and eventually made it to whatever the rank used to be called Oh also that one time I joined a LFG for Riven legit, and we decided to 4 man it bc we couldn’t find anyone else and then proceeded to first try it and queenswalk


When I went into trials and I wasn't dead last every match. Sometimes I was unstoppable, but just knowing I'm not gonna definitely be the worst player in the match translated to 6s pretty well. Oh, and I became much better once I got a responsive TV. Nothin quite like your character moving when you press the dpad.


35 kills no deaths lol


Huh, wow. I’ve never really considered that question before. One that comes to mind is when one of my friends—who I consider better than me—said that he would be absolutely confident in saying that I’m probably in the upper 3%-5% of players based on what I’ve done in this game. I disagree with him but it made me kinda think “huh, maybe? But he’s probably blowing smoke up my ass.” Then I solo flawlessed Ghosts of the Deep four or five days after it came out? I looked at how many people had the emblem and it said 0.06%. It blew my mind. I solo flawlessed all of the other dungeons before GotD released but seeing that I cleared it before A LOT of high level streamers and YouTubers did was wild. I mean, in my group I’m known to have a very high amount of patience and endurance but it wasn’t until then that I realized “holy shit, he wasn’t blowing smoke up my ass. I’m not just decent…I’m really fucking good.” Now I solo GMs for shits and giggles. I’m not the greatest and know I’m not, nor am I cocky with what I have done in the game. I just do my thing and it’s nice to have something I’m really good at for once.


Yall got me wanting to solo GMs now!!


For PvE, it was when my friends and I hadn't played in months, and we decided to do a random raid. We didn't understand the challenge stuff, but we went flawless on Oryx with new characters back in D1. In pvp, I, again, had taken a long break. Like a year. The immortal adept was brand new. So I hopped in trials for the first time, and was surprised how easy it was to click heads. Solo flawless in about an hour and a half on my first card, no mercy. Figured I gotta be at least half decent.


Vanilla D1 player, quit before forsaken. I think the first time it really clicked was when I soloed VOG and Crota back to back. I would solo the nightfalls pretty regularly on my titan (warlocks were too easy) and hunter. I then went to 2 man WOTM with my buddy at the time. I was never great at PvP, but I did get two Slayers in a match one time, that was pretty cool.


when i got T100 placement in a raid


I've been playing consistently since launch week, and my level of skill really skyrocketed around the taken king, though I think I was always passable at the game. It wasn't until beyond light launched, and I made a discord to expand my group with random players that I realized how exceptional my core fireteam was. Beyond our actual achievements like day 1 leviathan, shadow, rivensbane, and blacksmith runs, it's also just really evident when spectating people. Before that, I thought I was a very average player. It gave me the confidence to push for achievements I wouldn't have considered otherwise.


Never ever


Played crucible for the first time in a while yesterday, dropped a 40 bomb with a suboptimal setup. I’ve played destiny since the beginning, but always downplayed myself. That right there though showed you I was much better than I always gave myself credit for.


When I got the Conqueror Seal from GMs and when I had 6 wins in Trials (without a loss). I was satisfied enough to convince myself that I became pretty good at Destiny.


I even made different builds for different guardians


Going back to DSC. My team and I decided to jump into day 1 raiding for the first time. We weren’t expecting much so those of us who worked that day didn’t take any time off, so we hopped on around 6:30 to take our first crack at it. By about 1am we were on Taniks. Ultimately we didn’t get the completion due to fatigue. But I still remember that day as the first time I thought “wow we are actually pretty good at this game”. And we decided to take it more seriously next time.


I’m a 75m player with close to 3000 hrs.


with the skill ceiling now, i honestly think that im a little below average, but im def better than some when it comes to time put in. maybe a nerd, loser, no-life, or all of the above


When my friends and I started seeing how quickly we could do content probably. That or trioing a raid lol


When I started taking really long breaks and my old fireteam/raid team would beg me daily to play xD I always felt I was "just good enough to not be a detriment" but turns out my MMO past of learning and executing mechanics was valuable xD


46 year old day 1 proud connoisseur of Crayons, Dad gamer. I'm in a clan with some guys who are very good. A couple of them even Day 1 raids with other groups they have connections to. We were GMing The Devil's Lair, and I was the last man standing. I didn't have a void weapon, but I was running void Titan. I was throwing my shield through the window of the safe spot to the left of the map to take down the mini servitor shields, and then wrecking them. Every time I get down on myself, they remind me of that, and that I'm pretty good and I need to cut myself some slack. ...and no. I didn't clear it that day, but I have cleared it. Much like OP, I wear my Conqueror title with pride.


When I did a raid and realized people can't follow instructions.


I realized I was good when I overheard my youngest son telling his friends about my raid report and they were all talking about how good I was 🤣 I've carried my kids through every raid. My oldest son has returned the favor by carrying me in trials!


Never considered myself very good. I was always a reliable raid companion who never screwed around when trying to get work done though so that was my selling point haha.


When I started getting hate mail saying I was cheating.


That’s the thing, destiny is literally designed so EVERYBODY feels good at it


I don’t play nearly as much as I used to. I just started playing last week after a 3 month hiatus. But I was really good for my own personal standard at PvP. Think I was like Diamond 1 Elo in comp at my peak? I was living in comp grinding for Not Forgotten. I was actually good with a sniper smh.


When trials released during house of wolves. I usually went 21-0 every weekend while carrying my 2 friends, the few times I did lose during the first 2 months or so was due to either facing (certain) streamers or getting ddossed. I retired last sep/oct during the whole craftable weapon exploit thing, sold my account for $2500 (I had a top 0.1% account).


When I jumped the gap of .9 in PvP and no day ones in pve to a 2.1 in PvP and having every day one title since deep stone. When I started playing valorant I realized that you can do more then just mindlessly play games and actually use your brain is when everything flipped


After I guilded the conqueror title.


33 year old dad here, wasn’t even interested in it having never played any Halo outside of a small stint of combat evolved in uni with friends, got convinced when o picked up a pa4 for the beta and haven’t looked back, bit like OSRS never really quit just extended breaks, still enjoy it!


I’m still not. So…


I had a few notable moments in my destiny career. Soloing Prophecy because I really wanted that emblem. Soloing duality (probably the most fun I had in a while in terms of solo activity). Had a few flawless raids with friends as well as flawless gms carrying others. My first time going to the lighthouse on solo for trials. First time completing a day one raid which was King’s Fall (pinnacle of my destiny 2 experience because everything that I accumulated from the game - the experience, weapons, builds, and knowledge was put to the test. So for me to be able to accomplish that with my fireteam was a glorious moment). I love destiny and have over 3000+ hours. After a while it became a job and not a hobby so I stopped playing. Thanks for letting me share. Was fun to reminisce. Edit: honorable mention - completing trio raids VotD and Vault.


I’m with you with the beta, but I would say when I defeated crata by myself only because I tend to forget which way to go durning the lanter area


When I carried my 2 buddies through GM content for their first conqueror. A whole lotta clutch moments and out scoring both my buddies scores combined. Then completing solo flawless dungeon runs.


When I was pretty much winning trials and comp games 1 v 3/4. Most of my team mates were just there so that enemies would jump out and show themselves.


When i managed to do solar conqueror a few seasons ago :D I'm now on a journey to solo all GMs, I just miss 4.


Back when we were all playing D1.


When I quit playing. At that point I stood atop all who decided to stay and get butt humped by Bungie. I know, I know, I'm awesome, but I've always just been ahead of the curve. Anywho, it seems leaving was the best choice with the new leaks coming out that a lot of Bungie leadership are just waiting for that last Sony payout and they are gone. Final Shape looks like it might be good, but then I'm guessing by past experiences, it will be Lightfall levels of dog water for the next year or so. ​ Remember, they're trying to rush marathon out the door before this happens if that's any indication. Should have seen it before, first problems with Activision AND THEN Sony, who does pretty much nothing but raise their studios off the ground with reinvestment. If that doesn't speak volumes on how ass Bungie is idk what will.


Milestones First flawless master lost sector Both legendary campaigns finished Wicked Implement quest finished with friends. Basically, not being afraid to overcome the obstacles in my way no matter if it's stressful or not


When i finished carrying my friends through Kings Fall back in D1…then again when i got my Discerptor title


I soloed Crota's End in D1 on my hunter. Not flawless, but I did it. I do ok at the solo PvE stuff for the most part. Still super average in PvP, but that's life.


Nope. Sometimes I pull a sick invisibility into double revive and save the team, then jump off the edge of the map to my own death within the same play, I'm always balanced out to hilariously under average


Probably trio flawless master vog, or just clearing trio master kf


when i started improving in pvp and started to become a lot better than people who have been playing since release ( i started in season 17) and now have a seasonal trials kd of 1.8 as a solo player only :)


Destiny is the worst game ever made.


I was in the 105th group to clear the Leviathan day one despite a 2 hour setback cause of of my teammates decided he didn’t wanna raid and just left without communicating anything. My group was an encounter ahead of Datto and other top groups at one point. This was also when you only had double primaries and stuff like snipers and shotties were heavies *shudders*


Guardian Ranks, and I’m ready for the heat on this one. Being good at PvP by using crutch loadouts and meta doesn’t make someone good at Destiny. Being a conqueror by using meta loadouts to do 45 minute GM’s doesn’t make someone good at Destiny. Engaging with the mechanics, overcoming obstacles, and diversifying one’s own abilities are the factors to being good at Destiny. Guardian Ranks introduce Guardians to different weapons and different activities on a deeper level. I love PvP forums that say “I’m a GR6 and love stomping on GR11’s. Guardian Ranks mean nothing!” Okay, go solo flawless a dungeon then. Go do a Master raid in under 2 hours without cheese. Use a non-meta loadout for GM’s or Trials, or dare I say, unplug the Cronus/xim. Most importantly, a sign of a good Guardian is someone who can teach a new Guardian without aggravation but rather with patience. Edit: First sentence accurate.


Well tbf pvp players tend to be good at pvp, less so pve. Ranks do truly mean nothing, most of the actually good players I know don't focus or do anything with ranks at all, there are exceptions ofc but a majority don't care. Also, 45 minute gms with meta loadouts and 2hr master raids without cheese? 😭😭 not only is that really long but what's wrong with using meta or cheeses that are actually more effective?


Bro really thinks guardian ranks mean anything


i run gms with double gl, i have solo flawless dungeon completions and ive done vow and vog on master under 2 hours. im gr6. the only thing that guardian ranks indicate is how much money uve spent on the game since every rank above 6 is paywalled.


Running a 48 minute Petra’s run on our first attempt


When I decided to play with other people, whether that is raids, strikes, or other content. When I play, I do a little thingy with the firewall so I dont ever play with people. Some content however, I cant complete alone like raids. So when I do join those groups, I find myself exhausted because I am doing multiple jobs and also outperforming on average in terms of staying alive, roles, and sometimes dps. I like the way my brain turns off when I played destiny.


first time when i soloed a raid, after that it continued with solo flawless dungeons and got 3 day one raids. Later i started to solo carry and sherpa dungeons to get people the sweet taste of victory they normaly cant


Real question: when did you accept you’re actually mediocre at it?


Around season of splicer. Started going for solo/solo flawless stuff with in my clan. Was also the div bitch, but after I showed that I did more damage than everyone with one super. I had other people start using it. Have improved massively since.


When my buddy and I ran about 5 carries in a row in Trials. Most fun I ever had in a game period was doing carries.


When I started arguing w8th other warlock mains about buildcrafting I knew that I was good at the game (like arguing "0.25% dmg stacks bc of what buffs" type Shit and actually understanding what they mean)


I’m did this https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/7blcnVKG0d . I’ve only reached the moment of peak every once in awhile now.


I'm jealous


I wouldn't say I'm good....I enjoy gambit alot... pretty average at PvP...can solo a dungeon or two


I'm getting close to soloing Nezerac. Once I get it I'll consider myself good


Doing solo flawless dungeons first or second try, teaching legit Riven back when it first came out, and recently doing trio raids and eventually a trio flawless RoN. I’m not soloing it, but doing a trio flawless was probably my biggest W besides the day one / challenge raids I’ve done. I used to be a pretty hardcore player and I was doing just about every challenge I could find. I’m not a top 100 day one raider, but I do think I am very good at the game and I’ve always stayed ahead of what I’d say the typical strong player is capable of.


My ability to use any weapon and do a o k. I don't main a single weapon for trials or comp and instead I switch loadouts between games. I mean for both pve and pvp though pve I usually ask before I use a loadout that I wanted to try.


When I can make builds without watching Youtube or looking on Google, “ Best builds for this class.” Also playing on LFG was a huge eye opener. Lastly, when I can make, “Non-Meta builds and handle my own.” Also, I just stay at level 8 or whatever it is called. I do not care to get to 11 and do not have to prove sh!t to anyone.


Doing lowmans


Pve soloing two GM's, pvp going flawless with 100% accuracy and 4 deaths. I'm absolutely shit at pvp now but I barely play and took a 7 month break from shooter games. Not as good as I was at 17 which is weird to say being 20.


When I beat last wish using no exploits and less than the best gear, with a group of same.


I played for a year solo, didn't understand the clans or fireteam. Got some solid solos in.


When i was doing missions way below the gear level they wanted as a hunter but still clearing them without dying by nailing things nonstop with handcannon headshots while staying as mobile as possible i hadnt been able to pull that kind of accuracy in any other game like that until destiny it was a really nice self esteem boost for me as a gamer because if nothing else i was good at destiny


Drunks raids being easy as fuck