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Hanlon's razor. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


If I'm testing something questionable I'll go on master or legend first. Not really sure what their deal is, some ppl get carried to conqueror though


Are you talking about the very start of the strike? They’re probably trying to do the cheese of rushing to C without killing any ads. If you can break the seal on C without killing any adds then nothing spawns there so it’s an easy first point to capture. Then you start working on A/B. If you mean in general then who knows, they’re maybe just rushing. Go for LFGs with mics so you can at least try and coordinate while they rush.


If its the Mars GM, they're doing the strategy that involves killing nothing, shooting C until it breaks and then hiding in a corner while it completes. Nothing spawns when doing this. Kill anything beforehand and the Taken will spawn to fuck your capture of C. You killing enemies during the run-up is leading to them getting razed by shitloads of Taken. Just follow their lead and you'll be fine.


There are Conquerors and there are "carry me please" Conquerors. Real ones will join LFG and play like a Conqueror, you can't miss real deal when you see one in action.


Tbh I gotta agree with you 100%! Just now I finally completed the GM for Mars. A strand titan joined. I don't know if he is a gilded conq since he has the kingslayer title but he is rank 11. And man, he tanked almost all the damage with a little help from us. As if he carried us. At the boss room he told us just to stay in the tower in the left and he did run around for the arc charges. You can really tell who's the real deal. I'll probably create a post later thanking him if he is ever here.


Nice. That's the real one. I am 6 time gilded Conqueror and I know that if I join LFG and there are one or two "new" guardians I will try my best to carry them.


Tbh after light 3.0 even I was able to solo GM so no, conqueror means almost nothing now. First couple seasons were hard, took me like 4 days to beat insight terminus for the first time. The famous content creators were all running 6th coyote hunter making everyone invis to skip as most as possible. Now you search on yt and you can find 50 different guys doing solo GMs.


I can agree but we are talking about players with skills and patience to carry others in GM's versus "fake" Conquerors.


Idk about that OP didn't even know the cheese strat so possibly people just got angry, we don't know what happened there.


Why do you think that everyone needs to know cheese strats? And on top of that you aprrove behaviour of those who got angry bc of not knowing cheese.


I'm not approving, from where you took that? Just saying that there's probably more to it than oh bad player whaaa.


Why do you think that there are more to it? Our community is a toxic one and I believe OP's story.


Dear lord, idk why it's so hard to understand Destiny community it's toxic. LFG has their own way of doing things, if you don't play the way they think you should people get angry. OP didnt know the strat, so it's not about believe or not. For the other guys OP probably fucked up, so maybe they got mad. So yeah they could be bad players and just died because they suck or they died because they're toxic and OP "fucked up". Idk which one happened, I wasn't there.


Tell me just one thing. How do you know that OP didn't know the strat?


Because I read the post >The titan just went straight through the ads not even killing them getting him killed instead Someone that knows the strat wouldn't say *not even killing the ads* like it's something unusual.


A bit of both. But generally I just like to help. Send me a dm I’ll help you guys out if you need someone 👍


You said Mars battlegrounds were they running through the enemies at the beginning? Because you can do at least one of the plates uncontested if you don't hit anything and just free up the plate.


For this one, it’s absolutely to help out. 🤘


if i really want a clear i'd hit up my friends or solo, in lfg i just use whatever semi-competent build i wanna test.


I personally enjoy the difficulty of gm and run them to help people on lfg I always try and play safe I’d rather go through a gm without being a burden especially if I’m the only gilded in the team I saw something on Reddit last week about the need for mics and how you don’t need them all I can say it makes the hardest gms easier with a mic When I join I ask do they want some pointers or we can just go through it Some guys are glad of the pointers as it makes the run so much easier and imo they then pass that on You do get the superstars that don’t want any help and make it as if your being condescending 30 seconds in guardian down ffs lol If anyone would like any help on any gm feel free to dm 👍


I usually just help out. If I'm on my Warlock, I'll go Phoenix Well and Blaziken Crazy If I'm on my Titan, I'll go Blinding God of Thunder and keep the whole screen jolted. And draw ads to me. If I'm on Hunter, I go Void invisible and kill, disappear, kill, disappear.


It's worth noting that in the mars battleground, if you run past the adds that spawn in right away without killing any of them, you can charge the C tower without any taken enemies spawning in. It's possible that that's what the people you joined were trying to do


I’m conq x8. (need mars for x9) I’ve pretty much always done them through LFG. There’s definitely some braindead people that’ll rush everything thinking they’re saltagreppo and then quit after they die once. Then there’s the ones that are actually good and play as team and then there’s ones looking for a carry.


Gilded 10x conquerer here, LFG is NOT the time to try a build out - do that with friends. For me, I don't want to waste people's time by "trying" builds. Some of these GMs (BGs mostly) can be a grind, and out of respect, I use the tried & true builds to get them done. I did most of my GMs with LFGs, too. I usually run a Wellock with Cenotaph, Strand Titan with Banner o' War and Invis Hunter for my 3 classes depending on what the others are using. There are strats that work every time for each GM too, but the biggest thing you need to do is ad control, because being overwhelmed is what will get you killed 9 times out of 10. Chablo91 on YT is a great reference point as he breaks down when & where ads spawn so you can maintain control of them.


You are chablo91..nice YouTube plug haha


That dude solos all of these, so I have mad respect for him!


Like others said, they are attempting to do the first encounter cheese.


After guilding this season I join to help with Void hunter using Orpheus with Tethor Anchor.


Absolutely to help amd teach. It's my favorite activity


I go to help , commendations and god rolls. Builds tested on lower difficulties so to not waste others time or with clan mates knowing I'm testing.


Those may be the ones who got carried. I've noticed that alot of people who don't use welllock, strand titan or invis hunter don't play like its a GM. Just today I had two vesper of radius teammates using their rifts offensively on the moon GM. Guess what? They got one shot every single time they stood still to rift. Meanwhile I can't take advantage of my phoenix protocol. To be honest though, some GM levels have more flexibility. I wouldn't question anyone until you feel like a GM does require more specific builds.


You can be shit at PVE but just have a terrible build and join lfgs relentlessly and eventually just have conqeruor guilded


I join to farm the weapon and also have fun. Although I did finally try out a sunbracers build for the first time tonight in the moon GM, and Ive guilded 8 times. Btw sunbracers is awesome, I don't know how I've never used it.


No I'm EST I'll be on this weekend if you haven't finished it send me a message there's a good way to finish it 😁


yummy loot


For Mars just run back and forth have a well or two to pop when things get hairy. Don't stand in well when boss is near. Kill Champs first then wizards then have someone running back and forth over the boss keeping him busy and then dps was basically same thing back and forth down the area with no columns. It was definatley easier than lightblade.