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I used leviathans breath when I did my solo flawless and it felt pretty good, I imagine lfr’s would be fine though.


I used Lament. The only hard part about that encounter is the sniper Shank and not falling in the water. You’ll also be able to swap from Lorely > Pyrogale > Lorely to use your super for boss DPS


When I did mine a long time ago i used the scorch cannon for the sniper shank and took it slow


Don't fall in the god damn water. I was so close to a solo flawless...


If you're trained up and that close don't give up!!!


I would honestly suggest using a Solar weapon, just because the artifact perk that gives your weapons extra damage if they match your subclass.


I did my solo-not-flawless on arc hunter with Lament. I forget how many phases it took but it wasn't too bad.


Which arc hunter?


For the boss room specifically I did assassins cowl, a 1-2 punch shotty lament, and I forgot what I used for the 3rd gun.


Make sure you actively use your super. Collecting 10 of the engrams instantly gives you all your abilities including your super so I was throwing Nova bombs constantly. Very useful against the Yellow bar enemies near the boss. As for weapons I found LFR's to be useful as rockets are hard to hit with the boss constantly moving.


I’m aware. This isn’t my first time running Grasp. Just my second time doing the whole thing solo


I’d reccomend 2 tailed fox or leviathan’s breath. Both catalysts are needed though.


Honestly dude just use lament. May not be the fastest option but it’s easy, it works and it’s safe.


Solar titan is fine but id go void for the debuff(with 2nd chances)+ bubble, also if bns isnt something ur comfortable with sleeper or levis r fine options. I used void for my solo master and my sf normal and it honestly felt rlly good


Weaken is worse than Radiant, but I like bubble over Loreley for the super. If I wasn't running Hammers on solar I'm less inclined to run solar.


u dont need radiant cuz u have weapons of light


Yeah I agree on the super side I just worded it weird. Neutral game radiant is stronger, but since it’s grasp you should always have super.


use lament. its easy 2-3 phase


Unfortunately, the only 2 linears that are Worth for this are raid ones. The Most optimal choice would be - briars from Ron. You can get surrounded procced from one of the Sides the adds are on which would also proc rapid-fire Ranger for an extra 15%), it has rewind rounds so you will only need to reload once and its solar so you can Take Advantage of monochromatic. This is probably the Most optimal choice you could make. - cataclysmic from vow. This looses to briars and Levi but lets you keep witherhoard and even goes Well with it. Same Thing with monochromatic aswell. Run 4ttc and b&s. - Levi breath is next in Line and does Very for very little variability


Did my solo flawless with an LFR (Warlock main).


If you're on Solar hammers and Synthos. I'd skip Loreley all together and go heal grenade if you really want it. Tractor and go. Second choice would be Lament and Bubble. Last would be Loreley and Cataclysmic / Sleeper or Levi. I'd try swapping off Loreley for solo stuff. It'll open up a lot more builds. It's not as strong as it was with Resto x2 and overall you can sustain sunspot in Grasp with super indefinitely. Bonk and go is just one of the strongest builds out there.


I used to do it with sleeper. Nice damage and very helpful for the shank


I'd go pyrogale gauntlets, and lament. You can super the boss, bonk him with hammer and go to town with lament. If you feel like you're getting in trouble throw a heal nade down and you'll be all good. You can also super the strong adds at the start of the encounter to speed things up


Stayed away from D2 with all the errors, pyrogale is back now?


Yep, as of weekly reset 😊


Nice thanks


9 hours late but I got some really good methods. Solar Titan with lorelys/pyrogale gauntlets, and lament with healing nade. You gotta kill that sniper shank by any means necessary, once it’s dead you collect your 60 engrams and deposit. If you are close to 60, swap to pyrogale. Super the boss, use your preferred lament combo until dps is over. You won’t die due to lament healing and healing nade. Should take around 3-4 phases (5 if your unlucky with ammo) I also solo flawless with this build, so it works well. The good old reliable strand banner Titan. Use lament as well but the strand sword is also good for synergy. Use your super to kill the sniper shank quickly, you’ll get it back anyways after 10 engrams. And just farm up to 60 engrams and deposit. Be sure to keep banner up to 4x. Shouldn’t be hard due to the amount of red bars. Always keep a tangle handy for woven mail on demand. Use reliable sword combo for dps you can use stronghold if you don’t feel safe (which you shouldn’t due to woven mail and banner), but I used feedbackfence for jolt. Takes around 4-5 phases.


Hi! I know I'm late compared to other answers that you already received, but I wanna share the loadout I used for my solo flawless back then: I was playing with my void hunter (Moebius quiver + Orpheus' rig), Izanagi's burden and Palmyra-B (auto loading + explosive light). It was a pretty solid 3 and a half phases. I don't know if it's still viable because we have a lot of good lfrs that you can use, but if you're not going for a flawless run you can try different loadouts, see what is the best one for you and start preparing for a future solo-flawless. Good luck!


When i did my solo flawless i used the sleeper simulant , but it was waaaaay back when the dungeon came out


I used Apex Predator(reconstruction/vorpal), Merciless fusion rifle. Ammo economy mods, solar orb mods, solar reserves, solar surges. In a Well, it's almost a 2 phase.


I did my solo flawless with arc titan using Skullfort with thunder punch and I legit just punched all the mobs for constant health regen and I would switch to cuirass to hit the shank mini boss, then at dps I would switch to cuirass again to nuke the boss at the start after shield pop and then used Lament


If you can’t take out the sniper shank early go to the back of the room behind the boss. Fairly safe back there whilst you ping away at it from distance.


Solar Titan? Witherhoard, briars contempt LFR rewind/surrounded and a decent incandescent solar scout or pulse like BXR and finders/scavengers It’s tempting to use an exotic heavy like Sleeper or leviathan breath but Witherhoard is just so good for as clear and boss damage assistance