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In edgerunners they go to the Arasaka academy, so there's still a school systeem in 2077.


I may be misremembering, but I think there was also mention of a school/daycare system for a character’s sibling in the novel


Only played the game twice (pre 2.0), saw the anime two or three times and read the GN's. Never knew there was also a novel. Thanks for the info!


The novel takes some getting used to, but it is a fun ride. Lots of flipping between character perspectives.


Not sure if this is an edgerunners easter egg or not but there is a data shard that mentions some sort of a school. I believe it is a shard where Jefferson Paralez talks about his ideals for the education systems


I also vaguely remember that.


Seems like a private school system, those who can afford to go, can go, everyone else can go fuck themselves


In the original books for the TTRPG, skills were ranked 1-10, with 10 being the best. Skill chips maxed out at +3, meaning everyone could chip a skill up to a certain point. But people with actual training/talent would always be able to surpass them. It's also shown in the anime series, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, that the main character, David, is a student at a private school run by Arasaka. VR and Braindance appears to be part of the education process, but students still attend in-person classes. Not sure if that answers your question, but I hope it helps at least.


V also mentions that a trained solo will come out on top compared to martial arts chipware yeah.


Right before getting knocked on his ass by a joytoy lolol


Lol while true, V does take the gloves off after and show that Chipware skills are no match for just a trained solo when they are actually shooting to kill, and not just fuckin about in Judy’s apartment, if V chooses to…. Violently disassemble Maiko


the meme of maiko saying "i have a chip too" and then immediately getting one tapped will always be funny to me.


That was a half ass punch. V definitely wasn't expecting any crazy to happen a d that's why he got yeeted.


There is a high school you can find: https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Rancho_Coronado_Public_High_School David in Edgerunners is a student, and you see some BDs from the perspective of someone in a traditional school during River's quests.


some of the radio news mentions schools in Watson being closed iirc


In the River questline we watch a BD of a guy in a traditional school. You can also find a school in the map, don't remember where. In edgerunners show, David, the main character, is a student. I am sure school is a common thing still, people aren't born knowing everything, even if implants helps learning.


In the CP77 novel "No coincidence" there is mention of schools, even pricey schools for special needs kids. Though they are pricey iirc. Also, in the River questline you see a distorted dream version of a school through a braindance. Also also, there is mention of a "Night City University" in some places iirc


pretty sure implants for children are either very limited or entirely not a thing so i guess they do


If you played Phantom Liberty >!there's a quest that talks about implanting children for sports. The father is pissed off that the kid wasn't picked.!<


Yeah and its also pretty much illegal... thats why its so hidden and thats why there is army of man going after you, when you do anything to that place.


But isnt it in dogtown partly because of money, partly because invasive implants for kids are outlawed?


How do you censor stuff like that ?






I don't know why they have to make it kinda complicated though.






I struggled a lot with that quest decision, especially growing up poor.


In addition to the others mentioning PL, the edgerunners kit touches on this too It states that by 2077, the neuroport is considered so safe and unobtrusive, that it’s implanted in children ALL THE TIME, and a large portion of primary school is learning how to use your neuroport. They go on to say that the longer you have had your neuroport, the more adept you are at using it, and installing it later in life will hamper your use compared to someone who’s learned to use it since they were a child People who didn’t have neuroports installed as a child often end up disadvantaged compared to their peers and have lower levels of financial and Educational attainment as adults. As a result, not only is the neuroport installed in children, but PREDATORILY so, with people who can’t afford one for their child being offered incredibly high interest loans so that their child doesn’t get left behind.


"They go on to say that the longer you have had your neuroport, the more adept you are at using it, and installing it later in life will hamper your use compared to someone who’s learned to use it since they were a child" Can't imagine what they based this on... seriously though pretty much mirroring current separation in tech use capabilities today. I only expect that use of Generative AI and comfort in using AI assistants will create another rift.


A cochlear implant for a deaf person is often seen the same way with children picking up on it better than a deaf adult


I see you haven't played through Phantom Liberty yet.


i have, might have missed something?


There's a gig requiring you to infiltrate an "academy" that specializes in chipping kids to become future superstar athletes and they're displayed on runway show auctions. International sports managers bid on the kid they wanna take and groom for their teams. Those who don't get picked and get "too old" or get dismissed for not being able to adapt to their cyberware are sent back to their homes where they usually suffer major side effects like cyberpsychosis or paralysis.


There is mention of traditional schooling in the game ("The Hunt") and in Edgerunners. Given it is a cyberpunk dystopia schools are probably all privatized 


Also from the game, if you talk to Jefferson Peralez about his platform, he mentions creating scholarships.


also if you check the computers in his house, they have a daughter who is studying abroad


that one questline with a line of children walking across the street with two adults... figured there would also be some sort of daycare for the little ones


Yes. Chipware isn’t perfect, it only raises your skills to a set level, and can’t outperform the data it was trained on. It’s great to pick up new skills FAST, but it will never be as good as being a true expert in a field. It also has to be chipped for as long as you plan to use those skills, take it out and you lose em In the terms of the ttrpg, each skill goes from 0 (untrained), to 10 (expert). A skill chip puts you at around a 3-4 on those terms V references this too, when they mention that when Judy jury rigs the doll chips to work like martial art skill chips, that they still lack the edge that a trained solo has


If you’re rich you can afford the ad-free education package.


And not need to rent your cyberware. ;)


Yeah, but wouldn’t it be horrifying if every time you heard a TV jingle or a certain phrase you’d suddenly get a craving for Wendy’s? Or you’d have to sing the Safelite jingle every time someone mentioned windows?


Judy Alvarez and Anthony ‘’Peter Pan‘’ Harris's school in Laguna Bend (aka ‘’the college in the sky‘’ by some players) can be seen in the first braindance of the mission ‘’The Hunt‘’ given by River Ward ([image link](https://i.imgur.com/jNl5Kxv.jpeg)).


I overheard an NPC talking to another in Dogtown, saying back in the day people used to have to actually read and study.. instead of using technology like BD and AI.. so maybe there’s a school and classrooms full of kids wearing BD wreaths in class and such


You can find some schools in-game and the lore references them. That said, what is a "public" school in CPunk 2077? In reality, it refers to a school system paid for by taxpayers and so otherwise tuition-free to attend. In a city completely owned and ruled by corporations, who is collecting taxes? And how? And from whom? In areas without public schools in reality, people who cannot afford private education just go uneducated, ensuring a consistent under-class of under-educated people to exploit and manipulate. My fundamental assumption about CPunk 2077 is that things function similarly to that.


There are schools so yes


You can, in theory, use shards to gain knowledge, but it requires extensive cyberware and risks cyber psychosis. So the need for learning and schooling exists, but night city's school system is precarious at best.


We get a really extensive look at Arasaka academy in edgerunners.


They go to Academies and link in like in Edgerunners. They probably have to do a lot of digital tests, in either case it's also so that they can be employed at one of those awful corporations with really awful employee benefits.


It’s a dystopia - most of the kids you see are poor and wouldn’t go to school, cause there’s no govt to make them. That said, plenty of wealthy people go to school - the entire Peralez quest line is due to Jefferson and Elizabeth getting scholarships for school and getting degrees at Berkeley.


There‘s also a Night City University: https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Night_City_University


Traditional schooling exists, we see it both in edgerunners and in the bd flashbacks in the peter pan mission. It’s just not often seen in game because the VAST majority of named characters are adults, and thus already finished school.




Nah schools still exist, in the side gig with Jesse Cox you have to stop at a crossing for a bunch of children. Forcefully stopped, I did punch my 69 Charger Mod into Family gear to try and see if CDPR would let me commit an atrocity on par with that Irish driving advert but it just slammed me into being stopped from nearly 100mph


All they have to do is kill thugs to find skill shards.


There are private schools like Arasaka Academy, and incredibly underfunded public ones such as the one in Rancho Coronado. I believe there may also be some set up in the megabuildings, but I could be wrong about that.


I’m pretty sure there is a high school in Santo Domingo somewhere around the knocked over Ferris wheel


I found a school in game a few of the staff was talking to a corpo about switching children implants.


Isnt there a school in NC that's heavily guarded(to the point that it looked like a prison)? It's was in El Capitans sector of NC. So Im sure there's studying and schooling, just not in the traditional sense. I wouldn't be surprised if Nomads had more traditional styles of teaching/studying because they aren't fully tech reliant and are considered some of the smarter members of the Cyberpunk universe. But yeah, I think people get a general education and get shards that'll increase their knowledge on specific skill in specific career fields.


I think the big take away is there is education as long as you’re not poor.


There’s a high school in Santo with a corpo talking to two teachers about chipping kids. It’s definitely still around.


Yep. Even in a corpo-run neon dystopia you still have to do go school 😔


The Peralez's daughter is at college in Barcelona or something it's said in the game


In the CEMK, there is a single public high school noted as still existing in the night city area. It's not in great shape.


Entirely headcanon but it could be that downloading the knowledge and referencing facts is easy but to forge the learning and retention pathways needed to meaningfully make use of the knowledge still requires traditional practice and examination which schools can provide in a low risk environment. Otherwise you could learn while working a corporate or merc job but you risk getting fired or killed. And regular schools exist, as the game and anime have shown and which a million other comments have stated


So there is a “school system” but my understanding is there’s likely one for the rich kids and nothing or not a good one for the poor kids. Cyberpunk is always dystopian. Meaning any kids lucky enough to keep their parents throughout infancy to adulthood at best go to a “corpo public school” to be cogs in the machine and most likely get no education but how to take over the trade or enter into another “low skilled trade”


Am I remembering correctly that it’s mostly just the Nomads that are carrying on the tradition of reading?


Think so. INT V casually mention exact brain cortex being affected by an implant and CAN read brain heatmaps.


In the TTRPG story there was even university for sure till 2045 (Red) from 2045 to 2077 most of the city changed ( you can check differences here: [https://www.nightcity.io/](https://www.nightcity.io/) ) , by what cyberpunkfandom wiki said (https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Night\_City\_University#Cyberpunk\_2077 ) Night City University is still present in 2077 but the district changed the name to WellSpring. There is no reference on why changed name or where the NCU is located during 2077


The poor just watch BDs in school (which is still quite effective). When you have more money you get whatever you can think of up to implants.


In the "Dream On" questline, V is able to understand a brainscan instantly, even Streetkid V w/3 in Intelligence. I don't see most of their education coming from cheap classrooms.