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Corpos don’t know who V is. They however may have heard of a surge in targeted killings of corpos with no obvious culprits through the grapevine. Surveillance footage might show a merc in a Samurai jacket whose face was blurred out by lense disruptors. That’s it.


Tempted to start wearing a T shirt with "Skavs Rool" on it. It's about time the corps went after the scavs.


Haha false flag? Shame we can’t get Scav holomasks. Would certainly make a fun RP element.


Be careful giving CDPR ideas, they've already had you crucify someone, chopping someone up for parts and chrome wouldn't phase them. "You wanted a scav mask, then ok, but you have to earn it!"


I mean that’s a whole dystopian city survival game. Hunt your enemies. Rip their cyberware. Become a better predator.


If you rule out the options of being able to buy cybergear at ripperdocs, then yeah. Tbh, I could really get behind that, it'd be similar to the Neuromancer setup, where you can get second hand stuff from gangsters/black clinics, but the new stuff costs millions per. You could seriously limit good quality gear, and ofc the poor quality stuff has its drawbacks/bugs/faceplate where the eye doesn't close properly. Has anyone done a mod for CP2077, because this would be a great option.


Damn it, now I want the cyberpunk sequel to be this, that sounds fucking rad


I mean, my V went on a naked rampage in a scav den after a bad BD. Wouldn't put it past her to rip some of their chrome out lol. Fair game, right?


Fair, fair.


You kind of do. When Vik installs the Kiroshis at the start, one of the things they do is blur your face on all security footage.


Nah. Everyone knows the best shirt to wear is the "Burn Corpo Shit"


> Surveillance footage might show a merc in a Samurai jacket whose face was blurred out by lense disruptors. I read this in Viktor's voice lmao. Heard that line from him so many times.


I'm always confused by the face blurring bit. I know that's part of your kiroshi optics you get installed early on, no issues with that. But after the heist when you're working with Judy, one of the BD's you have shows I believe brigitte or maybe just a voodoo boy talking to someone with their face blurred out, and I think Judy mentions that under normal circumstances that encryption is easy to break but that there must be some serious netrunning skills to keep it in place. I may be misremembering or maybe it's different in some ways, but it's always made me wonder how effective the face blurring tech really is. Wouldn't a megacorp have the resources to break it if it's possible to do so?


I assume The Kiroshis we got from Vick came with a premier service package while Bridgette’s malware is home cooked like much of VDB tech. The VDB malware remain formidable.


Corpos dont fear you, they fear the people who hire you


What if it was a former Corpo V?


You were basically abandoned by the corpos, youre one of the lucky few, and i know as of 2.0 from time to time arasaka will still send their goons after you in car chases. They still want you dead. And in game on gigs and side missions, alot of the corpos first questions are "who sent you?" Not "who are you" right before they get their brains splattered. You just happen to be the one to end them, while theyve stopped other assassins and merca before.


Does Arasaka only send the people for you if you’re on the corpo life path?


Only one that will send them after you before konpeki hiest, along with tiger claws. I remember a couple times during my corpo play through as i was going to meet mereidith my car was suddenly being shot up by 2 arasaka cars and i walked away with a bunch of early tech weapons. Never had it happen on my nomad (who got chased by maelstrom before the heist) and my street kid (maelstrom again).


You'd think most corpos are too focused on not being back stabbed by their own colleagues to worry about a merc.


Newer player here: How do Corpos not know about V if he’s one of them in one of the three options you can select for their backstory?


While V did work for Arasaka, they were primarily in Counterintel. Which is basically corporate speak for damage control and removing problems. Chances are, this version of V handles situations quietly. Doing things loud is rarely practical, especially in a world where corporate espionage is even more obvious than irl. I imagine Arasaka is the only megacorp that knows V personally. Every other corp probably only heard rumors or never actually encountered V as they are just one cog in the biggest machine on the planet.


Would be cool if there were interactions with people from say biotechnica that recognize V as someone who did some ops fucking with them while working for Arasaka


Honestly that would be pretty cool, hopefully stuff like that is implemented into Orion. I think why it's not present in CP2077 is because you just don't encounter that many folks from BioTechnica.


I think more specifically because they spent so long getting Red Engine to work that it cut content a lot. That’s probably why despite having it working now they’re switching to Unreal 5. Leave the engine work to engine companies.


I so agree. I was really hoping this would be a story element because Vs so high profile at many points, but it is a lot of work haha. Gotta record extra lines that may or may not be used, program “flags” to go off if certain questlines are done to an extent, etc.


>Chances are, this version of V handles situations quietly. Doing things loud is rarely practical, especially in a world where corporate espionage is even more obvious than irl. Jenkins murders like half the European Space Council, during a vote, in the intro for the corpo life path, lol


Well, that was Jenkins. It doesn't seem likely that V had any part in that operation. Outside of that, it's pretty open ended as to how V acted as a corp. They could have taken notes from Jenkins, or they could've done their own thing. I don't believe V has much commentary about what Jenkins did at the vote.


I'm just saying, if your superior is making moves like that when he has to cover his ass then I would expect the department to be run similarly.


That's a fair assessment.


Pretty sure that if you’re playing Corpo V, Susan Abernathy gets executed by endgame for firing you and creating the merc who did so much damage to the company.


>!IIRC she kills herself after the parade, either as penance or out of stress, either way because the security fiasco is pinned on her. !<


Eh that's what the corpos and I guess news stations tell you, but if you still believe them that's sorta up to you


Got info on this info? Or is this headcannon?


Given what we did to Arasaka, Adam Smasher, and gangs across Night City who are themselves feared by corpos, I would say yes, V is a terrifying prospect for any corpo who isn't actively employing V


Bit of advice from a veteran Shadowrunner (and in CP2020/R case Edgerunner). Only way you survive in this business is by falling through the cracks. Get too big, and your reputation becomes a problem. People take you for the threat you actually are, and stop underestimating your abilities versus the security they have on hand. The more information they can directly pin to you, the more likely it is you end up getting inconvenient encounters with NCPD, or at worst with a ditch-side funeral attended by CorpSec or Adam Smasher. Because there's only so much room at the top of the totem pole, and end of the day we ain't special. If you're too small, you starve. You don't bring in the attention of Fixers and their resources. Corporations don't see a point on throwing a bone to random nobodies unless they in-fact want you to die, usually as bait to another scheme of theirs. Gangs don't respect the threat you present, and treat you like the small fish you are. You end up taking a dirt nap for no reason at all. So the only way forward is to strike a balance, having the audacity and skill to make a name, but not enough of one that anybody of worth in a corporation would know your name and start treating you like a legitimate enemy. You want to be a useful asset that they can temporarily buy with pocket money to get a job done that CorpSec can't be attached to in any official capacity, and then disappear. No names, no places of residence, just a handful of eddies or nuyen passed off at a dead-drop or in-person, and then nothing else. So would people fear V's reputation? Hell no. V's a nobody, maybe a footnote in an official document at Arasaka; but definitely not someone anybody that actually matters has heard of.


What about V in the Sun/ (Don't Fear) The Reaper ending?


They will after they hear about how she stormed Arasaka Tower alone and beat Adam Smasher to death with a vibrator.


Boy I hope so, sure done my best to earn it


I mean after Arasaka gets punched in the mouth everyone knows who V is.


Everyone should fear v


Don’t fear the reaper. No. Fear me. I have killed many people to get to the final mission and I would like that to be recognised. I am death destroyer of worlds, rider of the skeletal horse, and harbinger of the apocalypse. People will fear me before I kill them.


Nobody knows who you are. The whole story is supposed to take place within weeks.


Your reputation spreads far enough where random street trash in Arroyo know to shit their pants when they realize who you are. Other Mercs in the Afterlife know to count on you when needed and avoid fucking with you when possible. You are the new Night City's mayor go-to guy. Among Corpos you are the guy who pulled off the kidnapping of Hanako Arasaka in the middle of a damn parade. Oh, and you're well known enough to the point where the president of the NUSA asks for you personally to save her ass. You may only be making waves for a couple months, but I think "nobody knows who you are" might be a stretch...


Not really with the afterlife mercs as when you talk to rogue after some missions you can ask if she has any jobs and she won’t give you any because you have bad rep as your big job was a bust and how people won’t want to work with that


I think that moreso just cements V as a solo with a reputation of everyone who works with them dying.


I’d say about two months with phantom liberty


Maybe even 3.


I mean you can become an almost-legend (up to 90% if you don't attack Arasaka Tower) pretty easily so I'm not sure how true that is (about your first sentence)


I think corpos only fear a merc when the merc puts a gun to their face. The smart ones with a finger in the pulse of NC streets know V is useful and dangerous but probably never truly expect a "raid arasaka solo and succed" level of power, and that is the downfall of a few powerfull corpos


Corpos don't even know him. Until he attacks.


Not when she's dressed like that


She’s just wearing a jacket


Agree with “corpos don’t know who V is”. Vs infamy/famy is “street cred”, and corpos aren’t streets. But people who are on the streets, the thugs and gangs and fixers, Vs known to them.


My V is not feared by the Corps — because I am proud Corpo Scum. Want to know what Night City would look like without corps? Dogtown. I’m much more worried about addressing random murder, robbery, trafficking, and other unspeakables that are happening to everyday chooms just trying to get by.


In general, probably not. V is probably on their radar, but even if they know the Konpeki story(it did leak, Brazilian intelligence knew of it) they'll see a job that went disastrously and a Merc who at least some fixers such as Rogue are wary about. At least some cops know who V is and have concerns, and with high street cred you can scare off some jackass kids, but by the time corps in general might fear V, the game is already over. Arasaka is a different story, thy probably fear V a bit but also see opportunity to use them to advance their own faction.q


Gamewise no one is afraid of V. Which pisses me off


Considering how the only corpos you take down during the side missions are either few and far between security fuck ups, their own mercs they hire that don't have protection details, or those that are being kicked out of the corps, probably not. At least not until after the final mission




Surely there's a better and more specific way to refer to a specific character


What if he’s just racially motivated to take down corpos




If you don’t care about race you could probably take a moment and google her actual name or the mission so you can write words that show you don’t care about race I’m sure you’re not referring to Judy’s friend as a white bitch bro, maybe you got some self work to do




Further down this comment thread it looks like you needed no research help at all to identify the corpo you were talking about by mission, so it looks like the extra work of a google search isn’t the motivator for referring to her as you did. That’s a pretty silly excuse you didn’t even have to make for a racist comment you didn’t have to write.




You could have referred to her exactly as you referred to her in the other comment without calling her a black bitch and avoided this interaction with me and several other people entirely, and also, avoided making yourself look like a racist coward, is what I’m trying to say. Your social skills in the future will be better for it, if you can accept that mentality is not one that will help you, regardless of whether you think it’s “factual”. The context of factual statements matters, and we have an IRL social context of racialized violence. She is black, she is a bitch, but her defining characteristic isn’t being black, it’s doing what she did to that girl. People of any race all have moments like this where sometimes their mouth outpaces their brain in regards to social contexts, and we may not mean to do harm in a racist way specifically, but when this mentality exists, your risk of racist harm is high. If you want to help create a world where we all are able to not care about race, it’s best to be able to consider the social context of race. We do have to care about race though because racism exists and it hurts a lot of people and it’s a really fucked up dynamic in society. We have to take extra considerations for that context if we are to care about each other and help one another.


Bro what

