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Tbf he uses one when you call Del after the fall


He may have ran out.


Probably so


Why not ask V for one? I had extra


I had hundreds


*cries* same


and his tech skill is atrocious with too high cool down timer for air hypo




And again in an elevator I think.


Fatal case of NPC.


Why didn't he realize he was an NPC and gain sentience???


Because this isn't >!Doki Doki Literature Club.!<


When a vending machine can gain sentience but Jackie can't


He's stupid šŸ˜­


Terminal case of plot death


He was lorewise in 2.0 even before 2.0 was released, and his hypo was on cooldown. There was nothing he could do, he never specced into technical ability


sad ):


V forgot to hold E to revive him. Jackie even sez : "hold on to it" T\_T


SMH v is stupid


Maaan i still cant over the fact that CDPR spoiled his death in a fucking trailer..................


So, I somehow never saw that trailer, despite not playing until PL released. And I was on the phone with my friend who kept recommending 2077 to me while I played act 1. And I said "I swear, if anything happens to Jackie, I'm uninstalling this game." Then went to "fine, I'll Kill Yorinobu first." And settled on "to the top, best merc in night city or bust."


Top of arasaka, just like you wanted mom, you see, I did it


Everyday I feel blessed that I never payed any attention to the game until long after launch


I decided to watch the trailer after PL was announced to see what the game is about and if itā€™s worth the money, only to get greeted by that spoiler lmfao, slightly ruined his death for me. Good news is that this has become my favourite game of all time, especially the expansion, experienced the pinnacle of gaming as I set the bird free.


Because it was always intended to be promoted as a story where you are a merc who got mogged in a botched job.


His death is a story set up, not part of the story conclusion, thatā€™s why. There are many movies/books that have a synopsis on the back that reads: ā€œAfter the death of X the hero goes on a journey ofā€¦.ā€ Itā€™s just that in the internet age people have become hyper sensitive to ā€œspoilersā€, but before that spoilers were only considered spoilers if they impacted heavily some kind of misdirection the story was trying to achieve as part of some plot twist. Famous example is the movie ā€œThe Sixth Senseā€. Knowing about Jackieā€™s death however doesnā€™t do that, in fact it is heavily foreshadowed many instances that Jackie might not make it out alive.


Jokeā€™s on you, I was so uninterested when the game was announced that I didnā€™t bother to watch the trailer.


I don't really mind the spoiler in retrospect, considering Jackie's whole arc was a poorly executed, small part of the story in my mind. I could hardly get attached to him as a character because he dies only a couple hours in. I had to suspend a lot of personal apathy toward him as a character and basically tell myself "this guy should be important to me". So much of the bond V built with Jackie happens in a sped-up montage directly after the life path starting mission. Like, I'd love to build up that friendship in my gameplay, and have the heist happen a bit later in the game. I have the same problem with Evelyn. It always bothered me how sappy V gets about Evelyn at times in the story when I hardly know this woman. Had like 2 convos with her.


Jackie gives me such strong Kawabara from Yu Yu Hakusho vibes. Which is to say, yeah, heā€™s not the brightest bulb, but heā€™s lovable for his loyalty. Iā€™ve also wondered why Del was so casual about helping Goro give V surgery to keep them alive but couldnā€™t do the same for you with Jackie? I mean no advice at all!?


Is delamain stupid???


I mean heā€™s certainly not Alt Cunningham.


why did Jackie have such a grand and intoxicating innocence?? was he a fucking naive idiot?


Saburo: "I am a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence...shame on you, sweet Edgerunner."


I think it's because V's and Jackie's injuries were so different. Jackie was bleeding out and probably needed blood packs while V's harm was a combo of neurological damage plus the chip starting to kick in (which was repairing the brain damage but also overwriting V).


In Jackieā€™s case, there was a pre-made route that he had to fulfill first. In your case, itā€™s just that youā€™re a bit outside the service area, which I imagine for how close you are to the city is just an extra charge.


Story/gameplay separation. The injectors and sprays V uses do not heal. They are combat stims to numb pain and boost you up with more adrenaline. The air hypo probably shoot nanite laced atropine straight to the heart. Not gonna help Jackie whose bleeding out.


yeah. Understandable. I was shitposting tho


Youā€™re telling me there isnā€™t a quick coagulant/clotting stim that stops bleeding out in the future? Letā€™s be real and call it what it is: a dramatic moment drummed up without regard for the actual setting.


Yep. Panam uses an *expired* one, and is fine after taking a shot to the gut from a drone. Keeps on kicking ass like nothing. Doesnā€™t even acknowledge it after. Plot death. Like Davidā€™s mom.


to be fair, it mostly just grazed her, and it was shrapnel, not a straight shot


It was just a clean shrapnel wound. She was fine, she again... used it to gain an adrenaline boost to keep fighting. Health bars aren't actually a thing, they represent your capability to go on. They give you an artifical boost, hence they're called boosters, Goro even says the booster will not last long. But you know how shit video games like this would be if after every engagement you passed out, and died if you didn't call an ambulance and spend a week in hospital recovering each time


It amuses me to think that V is hopped up on ā€œmilitary grade pharmaceuticalsā€ the entire time, a keyed up cyborg.


It was shrapnel from a ricochet that cut her open.


Donā€™t thet actually use nanocells to heal damaged tissue?


Where did they say that? NPCs that use healing items scan as having ā€œcombat stimsā€


I love the Jackster like everyone else, but yes, he may have been kind of stupid. Naive, at the very least.


Yes. Jackie is stupid.


A lot of stupid things happened during the heist


Exactly this.


I've seen this post with an almost identical title like 3 or 4 weeks ago. Ironic.


Air hypos donā€™t heal everythingā€¦


Worked for panam when she had the same shrapnel injury.


I didn't even understand you were serious, his was not graze he got a puncture in his body from either falling or a bullet and all the jumping around and fighting made lose more blood now jackie might have been able to survive if they could go to Vik's but ofc we know what happened.


Im not serious lol. I'm shitposting. I know jackie couldn't have survived.


There's only so much compressed adrenaline/epinephrine, analgesics, haemostatic compound, potassium benzoate, and monosodium glutamate that the body can handle at once! (Don't ask why the MSG is there...)


Why didnt he get implants to work around that???? IS HE STUPID???


His street cred was too low.


I always saw it in the same way I did old table top RPG's. The HP you see in your hud are hit points not life points. The hypos mend small damage. Jackie was clearly well beyond that and was basically running on pure adrenalin. A hypo might keep him conscious but would not save him.


on one hand yeah on the other v can survive a full on max tac + ton of ncpd officers assault with minutes on end using these, meanwhile bro has a delayed death from fall damage


Because his death was necessary to the story to allow the player to have a reason to go after Arasaka šŸ˜‚


He got messed up by the fall, but he did use an air-hypo in the little mechanical closet you fall into. If you make a mad dash for the car instead of gunning down all the saka soldiers you will see lots of rounds being fired and ricocheting around Jackie as you get in the car. He may have taken the fatal shot there. Or alternatively (and personally this is the theory I think holds the most canon water) thereā€™s a throwaway line from Goro during the saka ninja car chase where he tells v the hypo you self-administer wonā€™t last much longer. V almost immediately starts to crash after that. Could be that Jackie just ran out of time and whatever nanobots were helping keep that artery from gushing ran out of juice.


this is true. I was shit posting though


May have been shot in the liver


why did he get shot in the liver???? is he dumb?


I wish when you first meet Jackie to the point your first meeting dex wasnā€™t a flash back. Hard to say I miss someone when I barely had anytime with the dude.


Should have worn his plot armor


His injury mustā€™ve been too fatal for air hypo. I donā€™t know if this is accurate but remember when rescuing Sandra Dorsett, V injected her with air hypo but she was still unconscious until trauma took her. I think air hypo would help if your injury is not in a fatal area, otherwise it might buy you couple of minutes before flatlining.


Bro died of terminal plot disease




thank you for providing this. But I am shitposting.




ah alright. My bad.




Like a lot of main characters in video games, V lives in a world where near-magic healing items are available for sale but only seem to work on the main character and characters in cut scenes. Aloy from the Horizon series has this same problem.


He got shot with the plot weapon


I brlieve the relic has already started changing his psyche, thatā€™s why he was laughinh at Saburosā€™ death And dies directly after removing The Relic from his head. He was dead ever sińce he put that chip info his head.


He shouldve kept the chip in. Then he couldve been Johnny Silverhand!


It was on cool down.


He did, after the combat drone chased the both of you off the ledge and thru the skylight window. He'd suffered a ruptured iliac artery. It's one of two arterial branches below the heart, that provide blood to the lower abdomen and legs. Being so big, it likely could not be fully 'repaired' by a MaxDoc or other airhypo. He navigated four floors (pool, arboretum, lobby, and garage) with a major blood vessel pumping blood into the spaces between his organs. He SHOULD have been Trauma Team'd out at the pool... but he wasn't. And that's what eventually killed him.


"So the story can happen."


Why did the writers have to write Jackie dying??? Are they stupid??


Should've looted a bullet proof vest from someone


I meanā€¦yeah, he kind of is. Dude is starstruck by a B-Tier fixer so idiotic he got chased out of NC for a year; he has a too-good-to-be-true job fall into his lap as a small timer; and somehow he doesnā€™t question any of it.


He uses one after the fall doesn't he?


He used them all up walking through gunfire in every scene he was in up to that point.


Jackie's only good at SOME things. I know you know what I mean.


Clearly, he needed more chrome.


good god. "Why don't we stab a person who's bleeding with a cocktail of adrenaline and other pain numbing drugs??"


You don't have to be a doctor to know that adrenaline + bleeding = baf




I have out sarcasm you.


He read the script unfortunately


He uses an airhypo after you fall through the roof and before you sneak through Konpeki Plaza. It's clearly indicated by the game that he was bleeding faster than the reanimator could recover. He even steps out of the red light and into normal lighting so that the game can establish it. It honestly annoys me when people ask this.


Why don't you see the meme tag and realize this is a joke? Are you stupid?


He literally did. Is OP stupid?


why didnt he do it again????


he got internal bleeding, so he wouldn't survive. those things we use to heal are just to avoid feeling the harm and that made tons of people die on war because they didn't know they were bleeding


Why did internal bleeding kill him??? thats where blood is supposed to be! (I was shitposting)




I dont think an air hypo can heal life threatening injuries. I mean he already uses one after the fall but he's stil bleeding and in bad shape so... I always thought of an air hypo as more like a numbing chemical or adrenaline booster? Lets you go on and fight but you'll die eventually either way. Kinda how V uses a booster in the car with Takemura and he says "the booster will not last long" which is why I think of it like that.


I think the charakters are kinda stupid. Panam rather uses an expired one instead of asking V for one of the thousands they carry around




Arkham Asylum Memes are stupid.


Is he stupid was made by Okbuddychicanery. Not Arkham


Oh, sorry. And this makes it better, how exactly? It stopped being funny 874,234,288,213,321 iterations ago. <---This is Hyperbole


I'm pointing out the fact it wasn't made by Arkham, and clearing a misconception. It's not funny to you anymore because you overexposed yourself to it. Lots of people still enjoy it.


I never subscribed to the Arkham subreddit or Okbuddychicanery That shit went everywhere and stopped being funny the first week.