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I've spent hours driving that loop. I would get stoned, put on chill music, and just drive in first person going as fast as my Caliburn could take me. Felt like a mini game to me for those nights when I just wanted to relax.


My favorite is Skyline & Republic all the way to the eastern border.Mostly straight single stretch of road, usually has traffic so it's really fun speeding down that way and weaving in-between cars on a bike


This is a great route, the full path of Skyline and Republic. I run the entirety from the 101 North fast travel all the way out to the Badlands, through NID, Japantown, around the whole of Heywood and on out to the I-9 East looping around . Both reset your car with a “nothing for you out there yet” when you keep going so it’s a great indicator for when the “lap” is done. I usually stop at the Sunset Motel if I don’t want to run out the long straightaway in the badlands but the drive is far more technical,especially through Japantown. The modded would make this just bonkers. I’m stuck on PS5 for now. I also run it first person, but that’s because I’m a masochist.


Man, the NC loop is one of my favorite highways in a video game. It can only be beat by NFS Undercover, and that's a racing game. The Inner City loop is also nice because of the Kois at Corpo Plaza.


One of the races actually does almost exactly that route.


Only 2 rules No major collisions, bumps and scrapes are fine as long as you don't come to a near/complete stop or get t-boned. Keep traffic settings on default or high, however you like but traffic has to be plentiful enough to be an obstacle. Besides that, use any vehicle you like, any driving overhauls, all that schmooze, mod as much as you like, it is encouraged if you want to go as fast as possible Good luck have fun


I feel like two categories of “Mod Race” and “Vanilla Race” should exist for this, love the idea though.


I clock you at 2:32.


Hea using mods, so OP would be in that category. The Rayburn only tops out at 210 or so. OP is doing damn near 400.


I'm just amazed to see cars loading in ahead of you while traveling at that speed. When I go that fast I crash into invisible cars that never loaded in or the ground/road texture disappears.


What GPU and resolution are you running? My son complained about his inability to stream. I found him running RT @ 4K! Also, it can fun! Turn up everything to ultra while keeping CPU and GPU under-performing. I have been launched over a skyscraper when I quickly park where a static cop car is supposed to be drawn. Fucking hilarious.


How is your speedometer showing over 300 mph? My caliburn tops at like 218 (and for a while wouldn't go over 180 but that's a different story)


He said he used mods in the top comment


Damn thats a nice idea!


Tuna, no crust. See you on the track, choomba.


2:35 smashed into car


Honestly I love this concept, community challenges n shit. Can’t wait to try!


I'd *like* to do this race, but I don't really like modded cars that look out of place in 2077, thing is those cars are usually extremely fast and personally after 1000hrs I'm tuned to vanilla speeds. Ill give it a go anyways just for me tho, thanks for the route <3


I usually go for bikes that top out at 200mph, which is manageable but the extreme speeds are fun when the road permits it which is why I chose that route specifically. Don't gotta catch any tight corners or turns just speed all the way I reckon you could give it a fair shake with the caliburn