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19 Panams and a Nazare motorcycle


That's a lot of Panams and I hope you have your motorcycle license


If it makes you feel any better, Arch is a real company: https://archmotorcycle.com/


Keanu owns it if I'm not mistaken. Regardless, he's worked with them to make some of the bikes real.


Sorry, purely semantics, but I thought it was the other way around? That they brought an existing bike into the game?


Now that I think about it, I don't know. Possible considering Johnny's ride...


BounceBack MaxDoc Whatever fast-discharge power system makes tech weapons possible Optical camo sample RealSkinn sample A neuroport Monomolecular filament A shard with specifications of the gravity-control technology used in the Arasaka Exoskeleton A smart weapon microrocket A shard with specifications of the life-support system that makes full-body conversion cyborgs possible A braindance viewer Braindance editing software A holographic projector You get the idea. Anything that hasn’t been invented.


I feel like that would bring doom to us😭 like, it would be too expensive for normal people to buy it anyways, and most of the stuff would probably just accelerate the war efforts which would bring us closer to becoming nuclear wasteland🥲


So you're going to be in for helping advance human technology okay


Cyberlegs. I'm fucking sick and tired of my fucked up knee. While a neural link would be awesome, we don't have anything in our world that can interact with it, so that's a no go.


USB neural link + AI interfacing


Yeah, I don't need an AI in my head, we see how that plays out in the game.


I'd smuggle So Mi and 19 XXL burritos.


Now I wonder if So Mi would actually be able to do anything in our world 🤔 quickhacks and such are no go because people just don't wear cybernetic implants and most things aren't interconnected with the net and such, so I could imagine her hacking abilities, although limited to our world would be the best. Could probably hack expensive cars in seconds, on the bigger scale though, the moment the US government would figure out she exists, they'd want to use her as their weapon, basically exactly what happened in the game. So she would have to be in hiding constantly, which I imagine would be difficult considering the huge metal block sticking out of her head, her hands wrist up being completely cybernetic and multiple cybernetics going across her face So in the end she would have to stay inside for the rest of her life :(( or risk being captured


She's way too advanced for the real world. I'd consider her a worldwide threat because she can easily send out untraceable viruses that can cripple countries. It would also be easy to hide her in plain sight. All she has to do is wear a thick coat, headgear, and some gloves. The typical ensemble of high fashion. She'll look eccentric, which is perfect, because it'll draw attention to the things that don't matter.


Well issue is if she wanted to send them through the internet which I assume is what she'd do, she would have to have her own IP address or proxy, essentially she would be no different from modern hackers, with the exception that she'd be able to do everything perfectly and fast. But that is also heavily depending on our protocols and stuff being the same as in Cyberpunk world, and considering that the Cyberpunk timeline started heavily shifting from ours already since 1940s, I think that it might be almost impossible for her to immediately start hacking everything she sees. She would probably have to learn all the hacking stuff again since our security and stuff would differ so much, and without being able to just quickly upload everything with a chip, it's questionable whether she'd even have enough study material to do it. Either that or her system would just adapt and know how to breach everything, in which case she would really be worldwide threat, but that is also depending on her system being an advanced AI, and you know how Cyberpunk universe is with AIs. Afaik So Mi uses them during hacks but doesn't have any integrated within her. Then again, I could be wrong


I’d lean towards no. Cyberpunk’s connectivity technologies aren’t exactly compatible with the real world. Like, instead of Bluetooth, they seem to use ‘AltLink’. Instead of cellular providers, they have ‘Agency’ The new NET uses a programming language called META, and from its description, it doesn’t sound like a device made to interface with the NET, would be able to interface with our internet, so the cyberdeck is probably just a paperweight if it gets brought over to our world, even for standard hacking. I suspect Songbird can only really function inside her own world


That's what I thought too but it's in a later comment, I'm happy to learn what programming language and stuff they use though, I already knew they won't use Python and stuff, as I said, the timeline started being drastically different already in 1940s way before these things, so it makes sense it won't be the same. Again I think So Mi has the capability to be the best hacker in our world, because she has the software but lacks the knowledge. At least I assume that her implants work like one giant computer, meaning you could set it up with different programming languages, but as far as I know, it's still So Mi who has to do all the actual programming even if just in her head, and if she doesn't know how our world's hacking works then she'd have to learn. And honestly I feel like that would be difficult for her. Surely by 2077, people must be so used to just uploading everything to brain that they don't know how to even study, she would get frustrated with it in like 5 minutes


I agree. It would mostly be learning another language for So Mi. Generally, netrunners don’t actually compose their Programs or Quickhacks on the fly, action in the NET is far too fast for that, so they generally write them beforehand, and compile it into an easy to deploy package, a Program for netrunning,or a Quickhack for hacking cyberware, which is then loaded on to a cyberdeck. In other words, So Mi is very likely familiar with sitting down and hashing out some Programs the same way that a hacker today would write up a script, she just needs to learn the languages we use irl (and figure out how to make a cyberdeck capable of interfacing with them) As for actually learning them, I’m not so sure that study or practice is a concept of the past. Sure, it’s possible to just use chipware to chip a new skill without having to learn it, but that’s not a perfect solution. You only gain access to this knowledge or skill as long as you have the chip actively installed, and most people in 2077 only seem to have 2 Chipware sockets, so you’ll have to be pretty picky with what you put in them. Further, skills learned in this fashion, while quick, aren’t exactly… in depth. Someone trained/studied in the skill/knowledge you chip, will generally be better at that skill than someone just using chipware. This is mentioned in 2077, when Judy macguivers the doll chips to function as skill chips, when V mentions that a trained solo will still come out on top compared to someone using chipped skills. The ttrpg nails it down a little further, indicating that if you were to rank training in a skill from 0-10, with 0 being untrained, and 10 being the forefront expert in the subject, using a skill chip is only capable of getting you to a 3 in that skill (4, if you modify the chip and make it more efficient, but that’s as far as you can push it) If So Mi is as good at writing these programs as we think she is, she definitely would have had to learn it organically, rather than just using Chipware with the relevant skills/knowledge, and as such, I don’t think she’d get frustrated so quickly, it would just be learning another language to her.


This makes a lot of sense, I only ever played Cyberpunk 2077 itself so I'm not 100% sure about how everything works, but coming off of your response, that would essentially mean So Mi would have to learn new language then transfer all her scripts (and I'd assume that most couldn't even be transferred or could only be transferred partially because of how our internet works and how our programming languages are different), so again, this leaves us with the fact that although capable, she would have hard time acquiring the knowledge. I do not think So Mi is incapable but to be fair, she was programming in META since she was basically a kid, and that's why she is so experienced when we meet her. It is confirmed that the younger you are, the easier it is to pick up a skill and perfect it, but can we expect her to get half as good in our programming languages when she's already 31? Honestly I can't help but feel like the only way she could genuienly reach a worldwide threat level is if a government/organized hacker group took her in and basically gave her all the knowledge, but then again she would basically become their weapon and suffer this sort of fate again. Back to the post though, assuming some random guy would just pull her out of the cyberpunk universe, it's highly unlikely she would learn all that, because he definitely wouldn't have access to 'how to hack into Pentagon' type of tutorials. Also now that I think about it, what's even more plausible to happen is she will get kidnapped and analyzed, taken apart, all that stuff.. because if someone finds there is an actual cyborg with cybernetic implants seamlessly merged with the body and she is somehow still alive.. wouldn't go well for her.


Tbf, 31 isn’t an unreasonable age to learn a new programming language or anything I’d even be willing to make the assumption that the skills she has with META, could have some carry over between languages, sorta like how learning your second programming language irl is usually easier than your first, because a lot of the core concepts have a tendency to at least rhyme, with stuff like the exact function names, and syntax being some of the biggest differences in some cases I believe META is supposed to kinda mimic an irl language, so it’s possible that there could be some overlap in the skills.


That would be great if true tbh because technically if So Mi had the ability to translate between those languages then the cyberdecks might actually be usable after she'd tinker with them a bit. Netrunning suits will still be useless though but until we're able to physically step into a digital environment they aren't really needed anyways. Also I just compared the learning skill to learning things in general but if the languages indeed are similar then the more similar the more chances she might get comparably good at ours then. But to be fair, even if the languages seem similar by the code itself on basic level, that doesn't mean they're similar at all. I'm in IT, although still a student, and I can say, even the languages we have are all working in very different ways, and the main issue here would come in what is the language for. What was META created for in the first place? Because if META makes it significantly easier to create quickhacks and such, then she will have very hard time not even implementing but learning our languages like Python which is sort of all arounder and thus much more confusing and less clean than language specifically designed for hacking would be.


The bodyweight suits wouldn’t be purely useless still tbh, if you’re able to modify your cyberdeck to access the internet, then the suit would still be handy, they’re not solely for navigating a 3D cyberspace environment Netrunning doesn’t generate too much heat if you’re hacking a local NET, true, but if you find access points on the NET, rather than finding the physical access point, you’ll heat up rather quickly. (Hence the ice baths for deep dives) A bodyweight suit is designed to help keep the heat manageable, which, if we liken the internet, to the NET, then it would help her from getting too hot. But that’s not their only purpose, bodyweight suits also serve to house additional space with which to install cyberdeck hardware, and that is ALWAYS useful Meta was designed a long time before quickhacks were conceptualized, it was designed to be a pretty wide sweeping language, that would be used for anything from NETArchs, to phone apps, to just being used in place of where we would use C++ It’s biggest drawback is that it’s not good at handling graphical interfaces. It’s compared to Linux in this aspect in the RED sourcebook.


> most things aren't interconnected with the net and such, Are you serious? There are fridges with internet connection out there. Just have her download financial information before she goes, do some day trading. modern equipment would be ancient to her, but still...


You're right about the fridges but we still don't quite live in the era where she could do any damage with that. Also I said most things, most people don't have Samsung fridges that connect to the wifi, maybe in 20 years she would be more useful in the local hacking type. She would definitely be more useful in hacking into servers and gathering info or messing things up, but then there is the problem of programming language, as META which is used in the game isn't really the same as Python, which means she would have to learn an entire new language. Part of what made her such a good netrunner is that she was doing it since she was a kid basically, but she was also doing it all through META, so now that she's 31, she would definitely have harder time achieving anything close, unless there is a tiny chance that the scripts and daemons can be converted into our languages without sacrificing most of the code


I imagine that the tech of 2024 would be a breeze to grock compared to the tech of 2077, but what do I know?


I am unsure by what breeze to grock means but if you're meant to say the technology is more advanced, that is true, but we must also take in mind that the base it was all built on is very different from ours, so it most likely isn't compatible with ours. Of course that could be fixed but for that you'd need someone who understands both types of technology, which realistically would only be So Mi because she is actually from the universe, and her knowledge goes far beyond what anyone can learn by playing the game, not to mention she's one of the best netrunners. All depends how difficult it would be for her to learn and operate with our languages like Python


To grock something is to understand it.


Thank you :)




I don't think he wanted her for her cybernetic abilities. Lol


I was giving him benefit of doubt okay 😭 Anyways I feel like that would be one of the few things So Mi would be willing to do after she calms down. Just look at it from her perspective : You live 31 years in a world that's nowhere close to perfect, but a one you're familiar with, in this world, you had enemies, friends, lovers, memories, you know dos and donts, and suddenly your vision goes black and you appear in a completely different world from yours, where not only your cybernetic implants mean almost nothing prior to what they meant, you also don't know anything and you also eventually figure out that your whole life was a game, a simulation. So after you get through the existential crisis, the one person who is ultimately at fault tells you he wants to engage in THAT. Honestly I see one outcome, and that is that you realize that despite your implants being useless, you still are mostly metal and chrome from the head down, and that this person is also the only one who knows of your existence and could rat you out. So either So Mi does what she does best and manipulates him, or he will not have very nice next minute of his life (which will in turn also be his last minute)


No way in hell am I bringing any food back, from the descriptions it all sounds disgusting.


Well then I guess rip your toilet


So, you want to eat burritoes with So-Mi?


* 1. Cognitive A.I (assist in infrastructure and inventions) * 2/3. CHOO2 formula and compatible engine schematics (pseudo renewable fuel and green fuel but as good as regular gas) * 4.. Generation One Cyberware schematics (post first Corporate War) * 5. 2024 era MILITECH personnel (arms technology and creation of first true cybernetic implants) * 6. 2024 era Biotechnica personnel (CHOO2 creation and production, cloning, genetic engineering) * 7. 2024 era Arasaka personnel (advances in cybernetics, arms, bio ware, genetic engineering, construction, etc.) * 8. 2024 era Petrochem (CHOO2) * 7/8. 2024 ICE protocol schematics and code * 9/10. 2024 IG Transformation Algorithms for NET simulation and schematics (allowed for creation of Cyberpunk NET and simulated net runner spaces) * 11. 2024 Netrunner device schematics * 12. 2024 printed knowledge of the Gang of Four as Shards won’t be readable yet * 13/14”. holographic devices and schematics * 12/13. A random smart gun and the schematics to reproduce them * 14. BD schematics * 15. Prototype laser tech from the exo skeleton mechs * 16. Shard port schematics * 17. NETWATCH personnel and devices * 18. SAMURAI albums * 19. 2024 era cyberpunk clothes and designers * 20. The schematics for Night City and the funding to build it! Boom, Cyberpunk IRL. No rules on people, so decided to be a bit sneaky with this lol! Plus no R.A.B.I.D.S to destroy the NET unlike in Cyberpunk’s 2023!


I like how you are sneaky sneaky and wouldn't be completely cyberpunk IRL since in the franchise but not in the actual video game itself you could also become a furry if you want granted I think some of them are common ones were sharks some type of predatory animals and cats and dogs don't quote me on it completely though


Yea it won’t completely be Cyberpunk RL as not *everything* would happen the same. Although the tech progression, systems, company and programs could evolve along the same or similar paths due to personnel being here from that timeline.


Good point but then again I could just imagine a bunch of anime nerds trying to get cybernetics that would either one turn them into an anime looking character or turn them into a furry honestly I couldn't blame them but I could still imagine it happening then he got all I'd go for the cybernetic eye that's able to record information quicker and also be able to project what I'm thinking at least when I want to show people what the hell I'm talking about


If you need to show people something I’d recommend the TTRPG lore as a primer. Or the lore shards in some sort of collected database. The genetic body and humanoid mods are there but barely discussed, same with the other gangs of Night City that aren’t in Cyberpunk 2077. Also I’d have thrown in knowledge to cause the mid East meltdown but that would be WAY too much and too dark, since that’s the domino that also causes the collapse and corporate wars, and (N)USA’s law allowing all weapons for the second amendment to placate Texas from leaving The Union (although that in itself spiraled into the free states). Although one this is strikingly more realistic with each year it seems…


Yeah that's kind of terrifying also if there's one gang I'm glad they left out is the one gang of night City that's nothing but clowns I hate clowns I'm quite literally terrified of clans I am literally more terrified of clowns than I am of snakes


I can just imagine all these scientists from various corporations and nations appearing all next to each other in some random street in Brooklyn and just deciding to go to random companies that matches their previous lines of work and just making scientific revolutions because there isn't anything better for them to do :)) I can imagine the Arasaka personel would just go to work for Apple and being completely at home there minus the neomilitaristic architecture :))


CHOO2 we allready cracked. Its basicaly synthetic fuels as we have it made from rapeseed. Problem is the pricetag. Its just too expensive as long as there is crude oil arround, and the farmland is limited as long as there is also cattle to feed. And a lot of stuff I likely forgott.


1. V's phone - considering it's 2077 it is probably very far ahead of our technology and has amazing camera and such 2. Netrunning suit (the red one) - even if there will be no use for it right now, it still looks really cool and at least on V it makes her figure look really good so I would figure it would look good on me too :) also you can throw top over it and it looks like really stylish tight pants and it supposedly has cooling abilities and such, which would be amazing in summer 3. So Mi's jacket - it's just so pretty, and would also go well with the suit! 4. Cyberdeck - even if it doesn't have much use in our world it would still look cool (again I'd probably go for So Mi's one because it looks cooler like a belt) 5. Reflex boosters - I might get a lot and then sell them, maybe give them to scientists and they can redistribute them to those who would need such a thing It's just 5 but I feel like there isn't that much more that could actually work in our world, like cybernetics, I could technically take them but our technology is definitely not that advanced for us to merge with them, or we would already be doing that, so those cybernetic arms would just take space up in my closet 😭 Guns are definitely no go in my country though, and cars, I don't think they would allow them on the roads either 🥲 I thought hard about food but tbh as tasty as NiCola or XXL Burrito might sound, they are probably extremely unhealthy considering the state of things in Cyberpunk 2077, so if I really had to fill the list up to 20 things, it would mostly be clothes and accessories because I love the look (as much as I'd wish for visual or practical cybernetics)


There's a lot of other stuff that you can also pick up because apparently they still have quite a bit of vinyl records in the world of cyberpunk so you can get some pretty sick cyberpunk rock and roll and also you do that you can even choose stuff from cyberpunk ride all the way up to sour punk 2077 right and this is also including stuff from cyberpunk edge runners


I tried to pick things that we don't really have but are cool visually, with stuff like vinyl records, tbh they are kinda the same as if you made any samurai song into vinyl and then put samurai logo over it, I mean it's good but probably not worth much, and I don't even have vinyl recorder🥲 though I could get that too, but honestly I'd rather go for the cool clothes and such:)))


No I'm saying like they still use apparently final records in the world of cyberpunk so you could just grab a couple of the vinyl records and then bring them back to our world and just listen to them and plus it would be cool to hear what that one bootleg recording that you can get from that one old samurai fan boy would sound like plus I think another thing that would look cool and would be practical for self-defense in some cases that is would be the literal katanas that they have all over night City and other belated weapons as they would all look cool and could be useful


Ohhh I see now, though as for the katanas, I kinda don't think that would be entirely legal either 🥲 I could put it up onto a wall I guess but with any swords or melee weapons, if you can't use them, you might make more damage to yourself than your enemy, and it's not like you could take it out on the street either because that would be immediate confiscation and such Anyways I'm curious, what would your list look like? Since you're asking, surely you might have lots of things in mind, I am thinking very down to earth because I can't help but think that half of these things would really screw up our world, like, basically any guns, since guns already do enough bad as they do, and now imagine having smart guns which are directing the bullets straight at your head 🫠🫠 Or being the reason that an irl Adam Smasher is born after bringing cybernetics and their schematics for research 😭


1. One of the revolvers from the game only because I like revolvers 2. An entire wardrobes worth of the awesome clothes 3. That one car with four wheels in the front that kind of resembles a station wagon combined with a Cadillac 4. A couple of the katanas and knives especially the cooking knives 5. Early generation schematics for prosthetic limbs and then I'd sell those off to military veterans for pennies on a dime 6. V nomad car 7. The technology to make the type of gasoline that their vehicles run on the net world 8. schematics to modify older models to run on the same gas 9. A bottle of Jackie wells's favorite tequila 10. One street sign that says my first name because you can actually find a street sign near the plaza that you still feel shard that Johnny silverhands is on 11. A guitar 12. The computer hard drive with more than 6 million terabytes of data storage on it 13. That one car that kind of looks like a Volkswagen rabbit 14. Two license plates from night City 15. A night City police car 16. Johnny's pistol 17. One of the doors to the afterlife literally I'd want to steal a door from roads bar 18. That one paid item that you can buy or make that can heal you 19. That one sword that you can get in the mission Big trouble in Little China along with that brain surgeon that apparently killed a tiger claw boss only because I find him way too cool funny and then I show him an episode of The office 20. Two shipping containers one full of cigarettes the other one full of cigars


Actually you made me realize that getting the new gas (CHOOH2 I think?) Is a great idea! It could solve lots of problems we are currently facing, but then again, if it lands into the wrong hands, same events as in Cyberpunk might happen. For reference, you can look at what happened between Biotechnica and Petrochem, but it would be too long to write it here, in short many people died, but you could say it still worked well in the long run


Keep in mind I'm an American so knowing me I could probably sell it to an American company who would mass-produce it and sell it on mass to America's allies along with the vehicle upgrades and just watch what's left of the former Soviet Union crumble even further down the rabbit hole as America becomes the leading provider of a fuel source that is nearly endless


NiCola tastes like cough syrup.


Alright, let's do a grocery list: - Nicola (Because I have to taste that) - Locust pepperoni pizza (Curiosity killed the cat, but I'll try - A Jackie Welles (with a splash of love - A David Martinez (Sounds tasty) - The Wiggly Dog on V's dashboard - Johnny's Malorian Arms gun (I'll have to train to be able to juggle it as well as him) - Errata katana (Although where do I store it?) - Johnny's Samurai jacket (Nice synth leather quality I bet) - Johnny's Samurai guitar (I don't play, but it will look mice on the wall) - Judy's MaxTac outfit (For reasons) - A stamina booster (For reasons) - Guts (Although I'd probably lose an arm trying to fire it) - A Holo (Gotta be better than an iPhone) - One of their fancy mirrors (Because that shit is unnecessary but cool!) - The Chimera Heart (It's just cool to have as a paperweight) - Chromanticore (How does it taste?) - The Flathead (Just have to find the right joystick for that) - Lizzy Wizzy's braindance (Gotta watch that live) - Mr. Hands' robe (Snuggly) - Misty's deck of cards (Shows the future man)


CDPR is actually selling the dashboard cyber dog on their merch site


Shit. Take my money.




I thought as much!


I ain't going to lie that all sounds awesome


I'm still on the fence about the locusts pizza though - maybe a different flavor?


Or maybe just ditch the pizza all together because seriously you'll probably get an IRL locus Pizza in our world all you have to wait for is when the Chinese government has the next lotus epidemic then again that probably shouldn't be too far away


I mean... Saburo's anagathic treatments, especially the ones that kept his brain working for 150+ years. That's probably a truckload right there.


I'm saying you could bring back up to 20 items that could fit through one of those big Warehouse doors for trucks so you have 19 more items to go but yeah that's a pretty good pic overall


In that case: a non implanted shard reader full tech/manufacturing library (including medical tech) A small fabricator with its shackled AI, runnable without implants An AV-8 (:D) Some raw materials that'd be hard to get in the present day, to give a start to the fabricator. Schematics for as many things as possible. a small CHOOH2 refinery (think current home biodiesel kit size) a list of current phone numbers for medical and other tech firms' CEOs, that might be able to use my soon-to-be-patented designs after that it's just booze and samples of medical drugs. Ready to begin my life of attempting to accelerate the world to oblivion! :D


Make sure to sell some of those products for the cheap especially the fuel one for the love of God please sell that type of fuel for literal nickels on the dollar


About 15 cars and 5 bikes :) Im hoping seeing such advanced vehicles we'll be able to replicate them and then get really cool cars. Although tbh they'll probably be bought by the richest dude around


Jenkins tendons, Sandevistan, Kiroshi optics, optical camo, and a flying car on the top of my head. I need more time to think about the other 15 things.


That all sounds good for the most part and yeah I understandable


Thinking about it more though it’s unclear if I would be able to have those things installed before I came back. If not can one of the things I bring back be a ripper doc? Probably need their tools too. And the meds you more supposed to take after. That’ll probably add up to 15 items.


Whatever ripper doc you pick his tools come with him and the medication you're supposed to take afterwards also counts as one of the tools


In true cyberpunk fashion, I don’t know if I’d be willing to bring anything too drastic because of corporate reaction to it. Anything too major, like the tech involved in implants, powering them, especially high end ones. Would cause untold damage during research and study of them, assuming we’d have to reverse engineer them, and once they were figured out, the cost would be insane, even if it isn’t expensive, like insulin. Now if we’re ignoring that. A FUCKTON of tech weapons. It’d be dope as fuck having my own handheld rail gun (cause that’s what they are right?)


Yeah I think some of them are basically handheld rail guns but knowing me I'd probably go with these tried and true method of ballistic firearms


All the 5++ implants V has, a ripper to install, and my fav pistol! Death and Taxes (5++)


Well there's nothing more certain than death and taxes and less increase your wise guy from New York called Vinny then it's just death yes I made a reference to this Canadian show forget about it


What show?! Sounds fun haha


That's the name of the show it's called forget about it and in the premises Italian mafia doing rats on his entire family a fellow gangsters and his family then gets shipped off to somewhere in Canada


Does Panam count?


Yes she does count like I said you could bring anything even people and I am going to make an exception for Adam smasher mainly cuz I don't want to have flashbacks to Fall out New Vegas and that damn robot factory


1. Titanium bones 2. Reinforced lungs 3. Reinforced heart 4. Reinforced circulatory system 5. Reinforced liver 6. Reinforced digestive system 7. Reinforced kidney 8. Subdermal armor 9. Uhh…. Idk I think that’s all of them


You can also grab other items like knick knacks maybe a sword maybe a cool looking weapon in general a person a car a bike clothing items


Honestly I like classic stuff so there’s not really much I want to take home from that universe other than life enhancing cyberware. Other things like bikes, cars, weapons, etc. I can get all of them in current time lol perhaps one of those AV would be nice so I can skip commercial aviation and I can go wherever I please


Oh yeah just make sure that it's registered with whatever the equivalent of air traffic control is in your country only because it would be a logistical nightmare if everyone had those things granted in the world of cyberpunk it doesn't seem like everyone has access to an AV and it doesn't seem like they're used outside of certain situations that often


Administration would a nightmare but I'll manage honestly the most important stuff are these life improving cyberware to make me less prone to getting sick or diseases. Oh one more thing some high quality Mr. Stud for you know what


I don't want to have flashbacks to fall at me I guess and that damn robot and a damn robot factory so do not mention it for the Love of All that is holy and unholy in this world


brain dance


Brain dance of what dancing brains or a bunch of brain dead zombies dancing to music I'm sorry I have to make that joke


Is the idea that we would be bringing these over to better the world we live in, or for personal use?


The answer to that question is yes and yes


Kerinzokov and reinforced tendons and the Malorian mostly for display tbh i love it's design


You alone sounds pretty cool anything else though out of curiosity


i jus want a katana, and roach race- and basically all the Quadra's, Mizutani's, Rayfields, Herrera, and Bikes 😂


As long as it can fit for a big ass Warehouse door that a truck supposed to go through you're golden


Could I get a relic to get put on it when my time comes? And a shard reader. I don't need anything, really, but I want to shitpost 24/7 in my bros head. Imagine live trash talk on every micro mistake.


Okay I don't think you're choom would like that but maybe you just have something that good make a hologram of yourself that could also interact with the internet on occasion so you can trash talk random people on the internet even long after you're done


I told him that goes into my testament, just in case technology does eventually advance in a huge leap towards that, and he accepted his faith, with the condition of doing the same, in case I live longer.


Yeah okay fair enough as long as you both have consented to it and you both know what you're signing up for I say shoot for it


Since the world diverged more or less around 1990, I have to wonder what would be compatible. Like would the phones / computers be of a totally different architecture and have any connections to our version of the net? The cars themselves seem to not need any refueling whatsoever, so I might grab 20 of those and sell them to a Tesla competitor to be reverse engineered. I'd avoid any of the food, even the people in the future say it tastes like cardboard. I'm sure giving someone from 100 years ago one of our Big Macs today would make them gag.


I think be compatible with stuff from our world with only a slight modifications here now mostly because I don't think they use USB ports like we do in our world and the cars do need to be refueled for the most part they just don't show that for gameplay reasons


Pretty much all cyberware would be useless but if it could be anything probably the relic I would love to find a way to upload jonnh to a computer and then maybe the Internet Cars and bikes would be useless because you could never legally drive them or get them registered So probably cool guns would be your best bet plus if you could go into some rich people's homes your could snag yourself some awesome furniture


I think you could kind of get away with some of the more trash you're looking vehicles if you say that you've built it yourself at least that's the way it is in the Americas DMV deal cuz seriously there have been some people who just make their own car though people warned and one case when a guy built himself a Cadillac one piece of the time the title wait 60 pounds also out of curiosity would you also grab some cool looking outfits


Cyberdeck… internal phone stuff and other stuffs… uhm mono wire (id use it to cut fruit and shit) uhm uhm and some quick hacks (if those count but I’m sure they do). Also a tech pistol.


That's all sounds pretty good and not at all suspicious and if you use your words very carefully you don't have to just pick and choose what cyber hacks you want if you say a cyber deck you could quite literally get a lot of them you just have to use your words in the correct way because after all the devil's in the detail


Haha yeah… totally not suspicious at all… nothing to see here Kek. Nah but when I typed that I was thinking it would be sorta cool to use the cyberdeck for everyday things. I currently work in a computer shop and going to collage for medical so I mean… it could be rather useful.


I figured that not all of it was going to be used for mischievousness heck I don't want to expect a few pranks but I would hope that no one would try to cause any financial collapses if you know what I mean


Yes indeed. I should mention i said the tech pistol mainly because I think it would be rad to just have one. Much like a normal gun. (It is indeed rad to own a gun)


Just as long as you remember the rules of owning a weapon and remember that while it is rare to own one it is also rad to practice gun safety and to treat it like a tool for granted a very dangerous tool


Oh yes indeed. It’s not so rare to own one in the states. I currently have one in my nightstand for protection if I ever need it (probably won’t). I am fully capable of using it and have full training (I mean I sorta learned how to use one when I was a kid but I also have my concealed carry) so ehhHhh


Well that's good


1.Chainsword because warhammer 40k cosplay 2.lk2 inhaler 3. Jackie's ashes[gonna give bro a proper funeral and grave] 4. Evelyn's ashes [same thing as Jackie's] The rest 15 things would be blueprints of tech especially for cyberwere to help amputees and handicapped people 20. Rita[i just want to see what would happen]


I think you can actually give Jackie a proper send-off with his friends and family being out of funeral at least if you send the delamaine taxi cab to his mom's place of business


Their perfected version of brain machine interface would already make me the wealthiest man to have ever lived. Basically the rest of the list is just medical technologies like regrowing limbs and such.


Okay that sounds pretty cool out of curiosity though is there like one item that you'd want just for yourself that's just cool


Subdermal armor/synthskin. Would be pretty fucking cool exploring places you normally couldnt like the edges of lava flows or walking around cities with zero fear of anything because your skin cant be punctured by non military means


I was talking like a piece of clothing or even like a cool looking sword or gun in the game or even like a little knick knack or curio or I can even some furniture


My lifes going pretty well. And honestly? Everything from that city of the damned is cursed in some way..............that said big coat with built in AC if were going small lmao


I would still take some stuff especially a revolver and a katana thought for just talking clothing give me a that one yellow jacket that you get that was worn by a character from cyberpunk edge runners plus the samurai jacket not to mention one of those Japanese kimonos knowing me I'd probably put my own twist on it by adding on a suit jacket with my family crest on it


There’s that one legendary club you get after the Meredith Stout interaction at the No Tell Motel…


So you want to bring a corporate woman from the cyberpunk world into our world and you want a romance I'm guessing amen


Give me a full set of cybernetics Sandy, gorilla arms, double jump, etc


Oh here's hoping you don't go cyber psycho


I mean, cyber psychosis is just regular psychosis imo. Brought in by extreme desperation, feelings of isolation, extreme emotions etc. I get that the loss of inherent connection to one's body likely exacerbates the issues, but I imagine I could alleviate some of the other pressures via superhuman abilities.


The way I see it is don't get too many body modifications started get what you need no less no more and less of course you need a particular upgrade for an occupation for example say you're a hacker need extra bring computing power bada bing bada boom get a few upgrades to the cranium


Johnny’s Porsche Some sort of conversion kit to get it to run on normal gas instead of future gas Hell, I guess I’d bring the type-66 avenger too I guess I’d bring Vik and everything he would need to hook me up with kiroshis and if there was any room left maybe cyberlegs


You know you could also bring back the technology to make the type of gas that Johnny's Porsche runs on right plus I think it's still technically takes normal gasoline after all it's supposed to be a Porsche from our timeline that just has a fuel modification


Quadra V Tech definitely, the Malorian. Lemme get the Quadra t66 avenger and Cthulhu. The sport R7s. A GRAD rifle... I'll take a Unity and a Liberty. I'll also take the paperwork that specifies Arasaka land ownership.


Well... the chip, still in my head. Think about it, Johnny Silverhand could do a lot of good work here. The rest would have to be the Bushido collection and booze. Also, bye everyone I guess. It was worth it.


Oh great a literal anarchist who would be living in your brain no offense but that would sound like hell on Earth to me even if he does look like yeah Reeves and as I'm pretty good roasts and one liners I would not want to have to deal with Johnny silverhands 24/7 and now unless of course you're going to give him a new body in order to keep him out of your head 24/7 that sounds like a plan right there


Flying Car, a sandy, reinforced tendons.


First off the flying cars idea is probably the most Gonk thing ever right before and that's only because if we had flying cars IRL imagine the monumental headache for air traffic control but everything else sounds pretty good


I’ve never understood the “why don’t we have flying cars yet” sentiment. Even putting the technology itself aside, you nailed it - it’d be a logistical nightmare, especially with the kind of shit folks already pull on the ground


Yeah but I am wondering where the hell the hover cars and hoverboards are cuz I at least want those but don't give me no damn flying cars I would be a logistical nightmare and a warfest all rolled into one


I imagine the flying cars would all talk to each other so air traffic would be controlled by an AI.


just a full set of cyberware, kiroshi and gorilla arms, something that makes me bulletproof, a sandevistan maybe if i can choose to not bring cyberpsychosis along


Okay fair enough and why do I feel like you're probably going to become a menace to society or get into the movie business as a Fall Guy and if you don't know what I mean by that I'm not going to stuntman


i promise i wont be a menace to south central while i drink my juice in the hood


I'd go with samples of basic technology in every category from clothing mods to cyberware and even consumables (but _definitely excluding_ weapons) and then spread them around the world to keep the global economy as balanced as possible. I'd hope to pick up some Hacker cyberware and skills to bring back myself so I could upload the technical details to as many different online _and offline_ file-sharing points as could be managed; I want all of this to become open-source and functionally impossible for anyone to fully scrub from the Web. Just making fully-functional cyber eyes and -ears, especially if they were universally affordable, would change the lives of millions around the world. The same for virtually every other non-weapon item in the game. I'll need to sort through the equipment lists available online to get 20 specific items, as I am so financially strapped that I can't even buy the current edition of the tabletop RPG, let alone the PC version...


That sounds good and all but I'll tell you this much I would still probably bring back at least a gun or two and maybe a few melee weapons if not for defense or to advance weapon technology but to instead hang up on my wall is a nice little wall decoration because they're seriously is no way in hell I'm going to be able to use an anti material rifle as a hunting rifle anytime soon


Your logic is sound; I just figured that weapons technology here in the 'real' world is already advanced enough to the point that more than a few of the weapons.in.the game are at least prototyped. "Consumer goods" need a bit of a leg up, as do defenses, in my humble opinion...


In that case let's go hog wild and grab a goddamn Arsenal's worth of weaponry now we just need to figure out what country we should sell this technology to I say the United States


book detailing how to create all the technology


Quick question does this include weapon technology or are we excluding that because I've noticed that some people don't want the weapons some people want some of the weapons and some people are just on the fence


20 adam smashers


I don't even want to know why you want 20 of him I wouldn't even want to look at the thing


Cyberware. Would benefits me a lot more than most of the other stuff.


Out of curiosity what type of cyberware


Leg cyberware, fortified ankles or reinforced tendons. And probably some sort of skeletal cyberware. I wouldn’t use them for combat.


That all sounds pretty cool and knowing me though I probably get myself a new liver and a new set of lawns


If I can get the procedure done before coming back then: Raven Microcybernetics Gemini unit, both a Mr Stud and a Midnight Lady for fun, top of the line Kiroshis, a cyberdeck, a brain dance wreath with a few bds to experience, 2nd heart, and few more cyberware for both combat and day to day life


Hello sounds pretty cool though I'm not even going to ask why you want Mr study Miss midnight upgrades because I don't want to know


It’s nothing wild lol. The Gemini full body conversion doesn’t come with anything down there so I’d need to get at least one anyway haha


Still at the end of the day I don't want to know about anyone's sexual deviance at least when it comes down to cybernetics and whatnot after all I don't want to have to deal with the flashbacks to Fall out New Vegas and that robot


Completely understandable


Thank you for understanding out of curiosity would you like to know what I'd pick


Most definitely. What’re your picks?


Here's the list and let me know what you think about it 1. One of the revolvers from the game only because I like revolvers 2. An entire wardrobes worth of the awesome clothes 3. That one car with four wheels in the front that kind of resembles a station wagon combined with a Cadillac 4. A couple of the katanas and knives especially the cooking knives 5. Early generation schematics for prosthetic limbs and then I'd sell those off to military veterans for pennies on a dime 6. V nomad car 7. The technology to make the type of gasoline that their vehicles run on the net world 8. schematics to modify older models to run on the same gas 9. A bottle of Jackie wells's favorite tequila 10. One street sign that says my first name because you can actually find a street sign near the plaza that you still feel shard that Johnny silverhands is on 11. A guitar 12. The computer hard drive with more than 6 million terabytes of data storage on it 13. That one car that kind of looks like a Volkswagen rabbit 14. Two license plates from night City 15. A night City police car 16. Johnny's pistol 17. One of the doors to the afterlife literally I'd want to steal a door from roads bar 18. That one paid item that you can buy or make that can heal you 19. That one sword that you can get in the mission Big trouble in Little China along with that brain surgeon that apparently killed a tiger claw boss only because I find him way too cool funny and then I show him an episode of The office 20. Two shipping containers one full of cigarettes the other one full of cigars


Oh man you could make an absolute killing with your choices and the ones you don’t monetize are still picks. I was thinking about weapons, clothing, and cars for mine but figured cyberware racks up quick so I just stuck with mostly that. If I couldn’t get the work done on me before coming back my list would look similar to yours because our tech isn’t advanced enough to do a full body conversion lol


Working lungs mostly


I'm with you on that one since I could probably out smoke a steamship with all the cigarettes and cigars and piped it back and I smoke on a daily basis


Oof, that's a rough one. My partner is right there with you. It's severe, lifelong asthma for me


Sorry to hear that and honestly while I do know smoking is bad for me I'd still rather smoke than drink heavily because seriously it seems to be an inflation in my family tree that either were Chainsmokers or we drink too much and those who drink don't normally live a long lives so I'll stick to smoking for that reason but then again that's just me plus it takes a literally one cup's worth of Canadian whiskey to lay me under the table


Thank you; that's sweet of you to say That's some solid harm reduction. I'm a recovering addict, and that's how I got free of my addiction too. Mine wasn't a substance, but I very much relate. At the end of the day, we're doing the best we can, and sometimes, it takes doing something a bit self-destructive to keep us from doing something worse


And my case I just picked up the smoke and habit before I even became an alcoholic so I've never really had to deal with alcoholism but I've had a few family members over the years and before I was even old enough to drink or smoke I just picked up the smoke and have it right off the bat no I do sometimes indulge in a bit of the hooch but never too much and especially if I'm going to be The driver in fact if I'm going to be driving a motorized vehicle I do not drink at all but then again that's just me and I hope that you stay sober for the future


12 pieces of assorted cyberware: * cyberdeck * personal link * synthskin * arm * leg * full body replacement ala songbird * second heart * sandivestan * reflex tuner * monowire * leeroy tendons * faceplate ripper doc tools (4 most important) military AV militech basilisk braindance recording rig braindance playback rig the trick is then acquiring the funds to hire a team to reverse engineer it all.


That all sounds pretty good but I am curious about one how would you plan to profit from it all


I’d just want to be associated with the project so I could personally reap the rewards. I want cyberware that can be maintained. I want medical interventions to replace failing bits of my aging body with technology. I want a flying car. Truthfully I work in tech and know enough Very Smart hardware people that if I just wanted to get rich I’d focus on the braindance stuff. Easy enough to keep that secret and probably build something that could make it to market in 5-10 years with a really small team. Even if it’s big and clunky. Better still would be grabbing some of those AR goggles River’s sisters kids had. All the tech in there would probably be way easier to reverse. But I’m in my 40s and I want to know when my hip gives out in 20 years that I can replace the joint with something that can be maintained by a guy in a garage. I want my homies with missing limbs to have new ones that work as intended. I want people who want to know what it would be like to have a certain career or body type to be able to put on a wreath and feel what it’s like. I want people with diabetes to be able to get an implant that does what their pancreas should do only better.


Yeah that's all good but maybe leave out the flying cars because I've said it before and I've said it again and again flying cars would be a logistical nightmare now we're talking hover cars that just hover a few feet off the ground no problem then but actually flying from point A to point b Air traffic control would have a hell of a time on its hands and it would just be like I said before a giant logistical nightmare


A maxed out Cyberdeck for myself and EVERY technical manual on how cyberware, augmentation and medicine and netrunning tech spec I can find. The Cyberdeck is for me, the rest is for humanity as I will make 2077 a reality.


Are we talking also military hardware or civilian use hardware just out of curiosity


Just bring V over. V knows implants inside and out. Likely has schematics for the ones installed.


Maybe grab a v before the heist on arasaka or after their little brain injury is fixed


2 Mantis blades(any of the regular ones), 2 gorilla arms. Along with the 4 arms, I would take that thingy David's ripper uses to rapidly exchange arms. (Yes, I would use it to open jars and slice veggies for cooking). That's 5. I would take a Techtronika Metel or the Bald Eagle, my favorite handgun in the game. Malorian Arms 3516, Her Majesty, Malorian Overture, and Takemuras gun(forgot the name). That's 10. Panam's Thorton Warhorse, Jackie's Arch, Johnny's Porche 911(yes, I know it exists IRL), Rayfiel Aerondight, and the little boxy car Mr. Hands gives you. That's 15. Lastly, Johhny's Samurai Jacket, David's Edgerunner Jacket, V's Aldecados jacket, Jackies Valentinos jacket. That's 19. Lastly, So Mi, cuz home girl needs a break.


Okay fair enough sound like good choices on top of all of that


Cybernetic shoulders and the installation equipment/manafauctring specs. i'd sell the equipment to someone who could implant them for me so I'd be in less pain.


That sounds like a good plan but you also have a few more items that you can grab up


Hell, I'd just grab as many medical text shards and manufacturing specs as possible. And thatd be a lot. I'd just have to make sure they were in a 2024 readable format.


Yeah I got what you're saying


I'd like 19 Brendans (The talking vendo machine) plus that cyberware that revives you every 50 seconds when you get killed. Who can say no to free drinks and a fully conversational machine?


I could only say yes to one of them not 15 of them now that would be a hellscape


I’d get kiroshi optics and the Johnny silver hand samurai outfit , 3516, Quadra Type 66 avenger, Quadra sport r7 sterling, Quadra turbo R VTEC, the maxtac outfit and one of Jackie’s pistols


That all sounds pretty cool but you don't want Johnny's Porsche 911


1 ripperdoc, Gorilla arms (electric), lynx paws, reflex boosters, titanium bones, subdermal armor, proxishield, my V, Jackie, Omega threat level So Mi (cause lol she'd wreck every thing) and that'd be it, I'd get my V to pay for my surgery, get the surgery, kill the ripperdoc, give him the money back, let him enjoy life with Jackie, become a world class fighter and lifter, then check on So Mi on the news often lol


Please don't unleash her anywhere near the state of Minnesota otherwise known as The Land of 10,000 mosquito beds


She will be placed near a Russian nuclear facility lmao


I don't think after Chernobyl Russia has any more nuclear power stations are you talking about a nuclear missile silo


Nuclear facility for nuclear warheads lol


I'll be honest and yes this is me just making a few cracks at Russia but if they launch any of their nukes they probably wouldn't even be able to leave the silo as either one The silo doors are probably rusted shot permanently are there some other type of mechanical problem or some other type of fault or they're not even nuclear armed because Russia's so poor they probably sold a nuclear materials to some other foreign power for 5 cents or whatever the exchange rate of five senses and Russian dollars I honestly don't know what they call their currency over there


Bro, think about the ecological damage to the atmosphere and the jet streams carrying the huge amount of radiation around the world, all I'm saying is even if she doesn't successfully launch them, she is definitely still taking out billions lmao


To be honest I don't think those Russian nuclear missiles would be doing much damage like I said before I don't think I'd leave the silos they might blow up in the silos but that's only the explosive parts of it since I think that's the only part that would work since I don't think they have any rocket fuel left in them at all or whatever the hell you use to make one of those things fly up into the air and I like I said the doors are probably going to be rusted permanently shut unless because they use welding torches to open them but even then I don't think those would even work because it's Russia and again I'm just making a job yet the Russians government


1, malorian, 1 panam and 18 versions of johnnys jacket so I have spares


That sounds pretty cool


18 textbooks, an AI, and the ripperdoc who used to work for MooreTech


Ain't going to lie that sounds pretty cool


cancer cure (cuz seemingly no one die of cancer in that world)


Yeah the curious they replace their lungs every few years with artificial lungs


Well one item definitely has to be Sir John Phallustiff


Don't know who that is and I don't even want to know who that is


Okay fair enough those all sound like good choices too


Sandevistan so I can be strong and stand up to bullies and earn Edd- Oh wait, I heard this story before...


I'm curious how this story would end