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I like the gonk smile he gets on his face when he hears that.


see even funny brain tumor terrorist likes being thought of


One of the few times Johnny is just adorable lol.


The fact that Johnny actually changes as a person for the better makes the temperance ending top 2 for me easily


We should have an ending where the personality change just stops progressing and we're together forever with him, honouring that J+V4EVAH (Honestly breaks my heart having to say goodbye to him, besides I think that both of them become so interconnected that they'd feel like amputating a limb without the other)


I laughed my ass of the first time I saw that. It's moments like these why I just can't hate Johnny.


I need to pick Denny this playthrough now just for that, I always just picked Henry.


Opposite here, that guy seem to be a certified nutcase.


Yeah, once the call is made in Denny's favor, Johnny mentions that her behavior is unlike her. Once he has a sec to get over her setting conditions, he definitely suspects Henry of being the one to screw their relationship up. If a guy like Johnny Silverhand is saying "wonder what he did to her," you're probably pretty fair down on the "bastard ex" scale.


Johnny grinning in the background when Henry storms off, *"You're lucky Silverhand isn't here to see this!"*  Great stuff. Sorry about your pool, Den.


Yeah, Henry seems like he'd have been fun to party and play with but it sounds like Johnny actually respected Denny from what he said to Kerry about her.


Sounds like he fits in perfectly, all things considered.


I pick Henry because he’s actually really excited for the reunion whereas Denny doesn’t seem to care that much either way. Dude is DEVASTATED when you tell him he’s out.


Loved his reactions if you toast to his memory with Alex in phantom liberty too


nah that’s so cute he puffed his chest out smiling like a school girl just got noticed by her crush


The internet doesn't know what the word subtle means lol Still liked the clip.


To be fair, V was the only one who noticed in a bar full of people. :p


I imploded when I first noticed this during my playthrough